Integrate CPPUTest in Keil - unit-testing

I am a fresher in CPPUTest and I already have a project ready in Keil. Now, I need to test the project in Keil using CPPUTest. Can anyone help me on how to integrate and use CPPUTest on Keil in Windows for already existing project.
As I have mentioned I already have a project and I just need instructions on how to integrate CPPUTest in Keil on Windows.
Thanks and Regards,
K.Kanthi Deep.


How can you add a macos framework as a dependency of a C++ library in Bazel

I'm working on getting a Qt application building using Bazel on macos in preparation to getting it running cross platform on Mac and Windows.
I started with the linux example of this from github ( and that mostly worked except that the Bazel couldn't link the frameworks from Qt as "cc_library"s. Unfortunately, after changing these to "objc_framework"s both the cc_library and qt_cc_library rules complain that objc_framework types are unexpected:
"objc_framework rule '#qt//:qt_widgets' is misplaced here (expected cc_library, objc_library, cc_proto_library or cc_import)"
From reading around, I understand that you can have a library depend on a framework (and you'd have to in order to build anything using frameworks) so the question is how can I tell Bazel to do it?
Note: I am using the latest bazelbuild/apple_rules extensions in my workspace setup.

Getting started with unit testing for c++ in eclipse on Ubuntu

I've recently switched to an Ubuntu os where I'm working on an important c++ project. I am using eclipse as an IDE and I was wandering what is the best way to do unit testing considering I've never done any unit testing.
Links for tutorials would be most appreciated.
I used google test for unit testing my project which is C++ based. It is easy to set up and use. Please check the below link.

How to execute an arbitrary prebuilt binary on iOS Simulator?

I have a prebuilt binary which was not built with xcode, therefore I don't have any .app or xctest or any other Xcode related build artifacts.
I'd like to run it however on the iOS Simulator. How can I do that?
I've already checked this and this. Didn't help.
Some more background to understand the question:
I am building one of the Boost C++ libraries for iOS and I want to execute it's own unit tests. Boost has a completely different build system (Bjam) and I customised it to use the proper iOS toolchain and clang link/compiler flags.
I can't create an Xcode project for the whole Boost library, I already have a binary file (the unit test), which I just want to execute on the iOS Simulator.
(I could do the same task with Android really easily.)
After doing more research I've found the answer.
The answer in short is this: It is not possible to do that.
But I can have nasty and awful workarounds.
Here is what I did for a workaround in case of the boost log tests:
I've already had an Xcode project which was capable of executing some tests on iOS Simulator. So I hacked into the Xcode project all the source files of the boost log tests. This way recompiling them. Still, I don't know what could be the solution if the source files would not be available.

How to get intellisense for C++ in eclipse while developing for android?

I am developing for android using eclipse and android's plug-in for eclipse. I am getting proper intellisense for Java code. The application I am developing consists of both Java and C++ code. How can I get intellisense for C++ in this environment.
Try downloading the C Developement Tools for eclipse (CDT). The update site can be found here. This module provides syntax higlighting and code completion for C/C++ and works fine for me.
EDIT: Sorry, the above link is dependent on my eclipse version. Here you can find CDT distributions for all other eclipse versions.

Using C++ with Eclipse

I'm figuring out that there's two ways of writing C++ in Eclipse: either download the Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers or download the regular Eclipse for java and add the CDT plugin. What is the difference between these two? (Note that I'm already exstensively using Eclipse for Java) Thank you
The C++ tools end up the same so depends if you use Eclipse for other things.
If for other things then I would start with the more complex setup e.g. if you do Java J2EE I would download the Eclipse J2EE then add the C++ tools
If just C++ start with the Eclipse C++
I also found using the Yoxos/Eclipse Source packaging easier to download extra packages. (unless you need the absolute latest patch)
Sorry I did not read the question fully I have given the general answer. However as you have eclipse working and setup already and if you are happy then just download the C++ plugins. Note I have a separate workspace for java and C++ helps as you will want different perpecives etc and also cuts down on the projects in the explore rs/
Or use EasyEclipse for C/C++ and get a few other useful tools pre-integrated too.