A celery task called twice modifying one object - django

I'm experimenting with celery to understand how it works. I've written a simple worker, which modifies an array:
from .celery import app
import time
arr = []
status = 'waiting'
def push_back(val):
global arr
if status == 'busy':
return 'try later'
status = 'busy'
status = 'waiting'
return arr
And here is my client:
from proj.tasks import push_back
from sys import argv
res = push_back.delay(int(argv[1]))
data = res.get()
I call the client twice, one immediately after the other with different arguments.
E.g. my call is:
python3 update_object.py 3 &
python3 update_object.py 5
The responses are [3] and [5], respectively.
I have another task for checking the state of the array, which returns [3], so only the first call has made any effect.
Could somebody explain what exactly is going on during such a call?
Why is the status not checked?
Why does the second call modify the array?
My ultimate goal is to implement Django API and an AI server being a celery worker. Besides predictions, I also want to load different models (modify the state) using remote calls from Django. I want to disable the task execution if it has been called by another user. Is celery a good choice for that? What are your recommendations?


Mock async_task of Django-q

I'm using django-q and I'm currently working on adding tests using mock for my existing tasks. I could easily create tests for each task without depending on django-q but one of my task is calling another async_task. Here's an example:
import requests
from django_q.tasks import async_task
response = requests.get(url)
# process response here
if condition:
response = requests.get(another_url)
And here's how I test them:
import requests
from .tasks import task_a
from .mock_responses import task_a_response
#mock.patch.object(requests, "get")
def test_async_task(self, mock_async_task, mock_task_a):
mock_task_a.return_value.status_code = 200
mock_task_a.return_value.json.return_value = task_a_response
mock_async_task.return_value = "12345"
# execute the task
I know for a fact that async_task returns the task ID, hence the line, mock_async_task.return_value = "12345". However, after running the test, mock_async_task returns False and the task is being added into the queue (I could see a bunch of 01:42:59 [Q] INFO Enqueued 1 from the server) which is what I'm trying to avoid. Is there any way to accomplish this?
In order to prevent the task from being added to the queue, you need to change the configuration sync to True when the tests are running. You can find more info about the configurations here

Not able to execute a task in Background using apscheduler

I used Blockingscheduler before, but I am facing problem using Backgroundscheduler.
Need to run a scheduler task after returning a value, but the scheduled task is never executed.
from datetime import datetime
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
def my_job(text):
def job1():
now = datetime.datetime.now()
sched = BackgroundScheduler()
sched.add_job(my_job, 'date', run_date=now +
datetime.timedelta(seconds = 20), args=['text'])
def fun1():
return "hello"
print fun1()
I am getting only output as "hello" and the code is exiting. Expected output is "hello" and "text" which should be executed once after 20seconds. Please let me know what I messed up!!
You may find this FAQ entry enlightening.
To summarize, a Python script will exit once it reaches to the end, unless non-daemonic threads are active. The scheduler thread is daemonic by default.
Furthermore, it is bad practice to create a new scheduler in a function and not save the instance in a global variable which could be used to schedule further jobs or to shut down the scheduler. The way your code works now is that it will keep creating new schedulers without shutting down the previous ones.

Does celery task id change after redistribution

I have a Django model which has a column called celery_task_id. I am using RabbitMQ as the broker. There's a celery function called test_celery which takes a model object as parameter. Now I have the following lines of code which creates a celery task.
def create_celery_task():
celery_task_id = test_celery.apply_async((model_obj,), eta='Future Datetime Object')
model_obj.celery_task_id = celery_task_id
Now inside the celery function I am verifying if the task id is same as of the one stored in the DB or not.
def test_celery(model_obj):
if model_obj.celery_task_id == test_celery.request.id:
## Do something
My problem is there are a lot of cases where I can see the task being received and succeeding in the log but not executing the code inside of if condition.
Is it possible that celery task id changes after redistribution. Or are there any other reasons.
One of the recommendations is not to pass Database/ORM objects into the Celery tasks because the may contain stale data. Try to rewrite the task as:
def test_celery(model_obj_id):
model_obj = YourModel.objects.get(id=model_obj_id)
if model_obj:
if model_obj.celery_task_id == test_celery.request.id:
## Do something

Send a success signal when the group of tasks in celery is finished

So I have a basic configuration django 1.6 + celery 3.1. Say I have an example task:
def add(x, y):
return {'result':x + y}
And a function that groups and returns job id
def nested_add(x,y):
grouped_task = group(add.s(x,y) for i in range(0,2))
job = result_array.apply_async()
return job.id
Now I want to perform some action when that group of tasks is finished but if I put the the app.task decorator to nested_add and try to catch the task_success then it wouldn't work properly. Any tips of what I should use?
There are actually several options. The most simplest is to use chord. Chord will wail until all sub-tasks are finished with some result and then return the overall result back. More could be found http://ask.github.io/celery/userguide/tasksets.html. Another simple approach is to leverage AsyncResult API collect() method. More could be found here: http://celery.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/celery.result.html.
Don't forget to configure your result backend. more could be found http://celery.readthedocs.org/en/latest/getting-started/first-steps-with-celery.html#keeping-results. If you are using RabbitMQ as a brocker then configure it as a result backend too.

how to make flask pass a generator to task such as celery

I have a bunch of code that I have working in flask correctly, but these requests can take over 30 minutes to finish. I am using chained generators to use my existing code with yields to return to the browser.
Since these tasks take 30 minutes or more to complete, I want to offload these tasks but at am a loss. I have not succesfully gotten celery/rabbitmq/redis or any other combination to work correctly and am looking for how I can accomplish this so my page returns right away and I can check if the task is complete in the background.
Here is example code that works for now but takes 4 seconds of processing for the page to return.
I am looking for advice on how to get around this problem, can celery/redis or rabbitmq deal with generators like this? should I be looking at a different solution?
import time
import flask
from itertools import chain
class TestClass(object):
def __init__(self):
def first_generator(self):
b = self.a + 2
yield str(self.a) + '\n'
yield str(b) + '\n'
def second_generator(self):
yield '5\n'
def third_generator(self):
yield '6\n'
def application(self):
return chain(tc.first_generator(),
tc = TestClass()
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def process():
return flask.Response(tc.application(), mimetype='text/plain')
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host="", port=5000, debug=True)
Firstly, it's not clear what it would even mean to "pass a generator to Celery". The whole point of Celery is that is not directly linked to your app: it's a completely separate thing, maybe even running on a separate machine, to which you would pass some fixed data. You can of course pass the initial parameters and get Celery itself to call the functions that create the generators for processing, but you can't drip-feed data to Celery.
Secondly, this is not at all an appropriate use for Celery in any case. Celery is for offline processing. You can't get it to return stuff to a waiting request. The only thing you could do would be to get it to save the results somewhere accessible by Flask, and then get your template to fire an Ajax request to get those results when they are available.