Powerbi refresh issue - powerbi

When I refresh the powerbi report in powerbi service, I end up getting an empty table.
When I refresh it in powerbi desktop, I don't have any issues refreshing. In the online environment, powerbi service, I get the report initially on first upload. When I refresh the dataset and the report I end up getting the empty table shown or a summarized version.
First I thought this would be a datatype issue, so I changed the week of year to the start date of that week, but that also didn't work. I tried both a date table of my own and an external one, both gave me the same issue.
Any suggestions on what I can try to make this work? Perhaps a different way to display weeks in powerbi? Thanks in advance.
failed refresh 1
failed refresh 2
how it should be

I have found the solution.
When I extracted the data to powerbi I then transformed the date from date/time to date in powerbi. This seemed to have caused the refresh to mess up.
Once I deleted the transformation and then changed my separate date table to date/time aswell, I reuploaded the report and it no longer showed a bad refresh.


Append Query Error during Service Refresh

Hello I am working on a dashboard that needs to combine 2 tables: sales table, sales order table. Two two tables come from different sources: sales table from SAP BW and sales order table through a dataflow. Both tables have a number of applied steps that delete, reformat and rename the columns. I then want to append the Sales Order Table to the Sales table. In the desktop version everything works even if I hit "refresh all" in the Power Query Editor. When I publish the report to the service and refresh, I am getting an error saying: The key didn't match any rows in the table
Full Error Message:
After troubleshooting for the last couple of days I'm pretty sure that the issue has to do with my column names being renamed. However its strange that the append would work in desktop but not in service.
My main questions are:
Can you append tables after multiple applied transformation steps?
Can the tables both refresh daily or does one or the other have to be static?
Does the order of the table queries in query editor effect the order in which tables are loaded or does everything load all at once? Can this order affect my append query?
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated. I am 99% of the way to launching this new report but this refresh issue is driving me crazy.
You can append tables after multiple applied transformation steps
Both tables can refresh daily
The order of the table queries in query editor doesn't matter. Power BI will determine the order in which they are loaded. E.g. if you want to append a table to another table, that other table is loaded first.
Thanks for answering those questions Peter. I concluded that the issue had something to do with appending a dataflow. I switched to a new data source from SAP BW and its working now. What's interesting is that the dataflow is still being imported and refreshed daily so the issue had to do with just the append.

Power bi scheduled refresh fails with error but manual refresh successfully completed

Please help me in resolving the issue.
There are 6 reports in my workspace connecting to same database but only one report is facing the issue when it's dataset is refreshed. It's scheduled refresh fails with errorĀ 
Column '....' in table '....' contains a duplicate value '.....' and this is not allowed for columns on the one side of a many-to-one relationship or for columns that are used as the primary key of a table. Table: ......
But when refreshed manually after an hour or so it's successful.
There was no issue initially but I can see the report fails daily in past one month.
My analysis
There are no duplicates in the column mentioned in the error message as we are using "distinct" in transform data. I have checked the data as well and i could see no duplicates.
I am not using incremental refresh
Gateway connection is working fine as the rest of the reports are being successfully refreshed and the status also shows as successful.
4.there are no changes being made to the database during the interval of scheduled and manual refresh.
I want to know what would cause this issue.

Calculation Groups not refreshed in Power BI Service

I have a report using a calculation group for currency conversion, which works fine in PBI desktop. When published to the service, none of the visuals will render and they show the following error:
The query referenced Calculation Group Table 'CurrencyConversion'
which does not hold any data because it needs to be recalculated or
I have refreshed the dataset a couple of times, but there's no change. How do I fix this?
This seems to have healed itself overnight. The dataset is currently not scheduled for a refresh, so I would still like to know how it sorted itself out. I can't have an outage when we deploy this to production.

Missing Column in Power BI Service

I have been requested to add another column in a dataflow in Power BI and have done so and refreshed the dataset which uses the dataflow. The field is not appearing in the list of fields in Power BI for some reason. I have tried downloading the dataset on my desktop and cleared the cache and did not work. I opened Power Query (Transform data) and the column exists. I've tried to refresh preview and Close and Load but still not showing. I have 3 columns in that table in Power Query but only 2 are shown in the list of Fileds in Power BI.
Please can you help?
Power BI Filed List
Power Query
I was able to sort this out by right clicking the table and selecting Refresh data
check whether the data source path is correct or not in PBI desktop [path is from your local machine or not]
P.S: If this answer helps, please take a moment to check the tick mark and upvote this answer.

How to deal with the datasource when there is no data in POWER BI

I am getting the data, transform and display in a powerbi report. However some days, there is no data at all and this is creating a problem during a transformation step. Since PowerBI stops retrying after some time. The next, my reports doesn't work. I am not an expert on PowerBI and I am looking for any ideas
I would go to your datasource... say it's a database... then I'd make all the fields that are causing you grief to be NOT NULL. Then your Power BI report will never have to figure out what to do when it encounters a NULL field.