How can I match only integers in Perl? - regex

So I have an array that goes like this:
my #nums = (1,2,12,24,48,120,360);
I want to check if there is an element that is not an integer inside that array without using loop. It goes like this:
die "Numbers are not in correct format.";
#Do something
Basically, the format should not be like this (Empty string is acceptable):
More examples:
1,2,3,A3 = Unacceptable
1,2,###,2 = unacceptable
1,2,3A,4 = Unacceptable
1, ,3,4=Acceptable
1,2,3,360 = acceptable
I know that there is another way by using look like a number. But I can't use that for some reason (outside of my control/setup reasons). That's why I used the regex method.
My question is, even though the numbers are in not correct format (A60 for example), the condition always return False. Basically, it ignores the incorrect format.

You say in the comments that you don't want to use modules because you can't install them, but there are many core modules that should come with Perl (although some systems screw this up).
zdim's answer in the comments is to look for anything that is not 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. That's the negated character class [^0-9]. A grep in scalar context returns the number of items that match:
my $found_non_ints = grep { /[^0-9]/ } #items;
Instead of that, I'd go back to the non-negated character class and match string that only has zero or more digits. To do this, anchor the pattern to the absolute start and end of the string:
my $found_non_ints = grep { ! /\A[0-9]*\z/ } #items;
But, this doesn't really match integers. It matches positive whole numbers (and zero). If you want to match negative numbers as well, allow an optional - at the start of the string:
my $found_non_ints = grep { ! /\A-?[0-9]*\z/ } #items;
That - would be a problem in the negated character class.
Also, you don't want the $ anchor here: that allows a possible newline to match at the end, and that's a non-digit (the \Z is the same for the end of the string). Also, the meaning of $ can change based on the setting of the /m flag, which might be set with default regex flags.
Here's a short program with your sample data. Note that you need to decide how to split up the list; does whitespace matter? I decided to remove whitespace around the comma:
use v5.10;
while( <DATA> ) {
my $found_non_ints = grep { ! /\A[0-9]*\z/ } split /\s*,\s*/;
say "$_ => Found $found_non_ints non-ints";
1, ,3,4

The solution proposed in the question gets close, except that the logic got reversed and there is an error in a regex pattern. One way for it:
if ( grep { /[^0-9] | ^$/x } #nums ) { say 'not all integers' }
Regex explanation
[] is a character class: it matches any one of the characters listed inside (so [abc] matches either of a, b, or c) -- but when it starts with a ^ it matches any character not listed; so [^abc] matches any char not being either of a, b, or c. The pattern 0-9 inside a character class specifies all digits in that range (and we can also use a-z and A-Z)
So [^0-9] matches any character that is not a digit
Then that is or-ed by | with a ^$: ^ matches beginning of the string and $ is for the end of it. So ^$ match a string without anything -- an empty string! We need to account for that as [^0-9] doesn't while an array element can be an empty string. (It can also be a undef but from my understanding that is not possible with actual data, and a regex on undef would draw a warning.)
Note that $ allows for a newline as well, and that ^ and $ may change their meaning if /m modifier is in use, matching on linefeeds inside a string. However, in all these cases we'd be matching a non-digit, which is precisely the point here
/x modifier makes it disregard literal spaces inside so we can space things out for easier reading. (It also allows for newlines and comments with #, so complex patterns can be organized and documented very nicely)
So that's all -- the regex tries to match anything that shouldn't be in an integer (assumed to be strictly positive in OP's data).
If it matches any such, in any one of the array elements, then grep returns a list which isn't empty (but has at least one element) and that is "true" under if. So we caught a non-integer and we go into if's block to deal with that.
A little aside: we can also declare and populate an array right inside the if condition, to catch all those non-integers:
if ( my #non_ints = grep { /[^0-9] | ^$/x } #nums ) {
say 'Non-integers: ', join ' ', map { "|$_|" } #non_ints;
This also reads more nicely, telling by the array name what we're after in that complicated condition: "non_ints." I put || around each item in print to be able to see an empty string.†
Now, when you put an exclamation mark in front of that regex, it reverses the true/false return from the regex and our code goes haywire. So drop that !.
The other error is in escaping the ^ by having \^. This would match a literal ^ character, robbing ^ of its special meaning as a pattern in regex, explained above. So drop that \.
One other way is in using an extremely useful List::Util library, which is "core" (so it is normally installed with Perl, even though that can get messed up).
Among a number of essential functions it gives us any, and with it we have
use List::Util qw(any);
if ( any { /[^0-9]|^$/ } #nums ) { say 'not all integers' }
I like any firstly because the name of the function includes at least a part of the needed logic, making code that much clearer and easier to comprehend: is there any element of #nums for which the code in the block is true? So any element which contains a non-digit? Precisely what is needed here.
Then, another advantage is that any will quit as soon as it finds one match, while grep continues through the whole list. But this efficiency advantage shows only on very large arrays or a lot of repeated checks. Also, on the other hand sometimes we want to count all instances.
I'd also like to point out some of any's siblings: none and notall. These names themselves also capture a good deal of logic, making otherwise possibly convoluted code that much clearer. Browse through this library to get accustomed to what is in there.
† A program with your test data
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
while (<DATA>) {
my #nums = split /\s*,\s*/;
say "Data: #nums";
if ( my #non_ints = grep { /[^0-9] | ^$/x } #nums ) {
say 'Non-ints: ', join ' ', map { "|$_|" } #non_ints;
say '---';
1, ,3,4


Regular Expressions: querystring parameters matching

I'm trying to learn something about regular expressions.
Here is what I'm going to match:
My expression should "grabs" abc123 and def456.
And now just an example about what I'm not going to match ("question mark" is missing):
Well, I built the following expression:
But that doesn't work.
Could you help me to understand what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Ok, I made other tests.
I'm trying to fix the previous version with something like this:
Let me explain my idea:
Must start with /parent/child:
Following group is optional
(?: ... )?
The previous optional group must starts with ? or /?
Optional parameters (I grab values if specified parameters are part of querystring)
End of line
Any advice?
My solution must be based just on regular expressions.
Just for example, I previously wrote the following one:
And that works pretty nice.
But it matches the following input too:
How could I modify the expression in order to not match the previous string?
You didn't specify a language so I'll just usre Perl. So basically instead of matching everything, I just matched exactly what I thought you needed. Correct me if I am wrong please.
while ($subject =~ m/(?<==)\w+?(?=&|\W|$)/g) {
# matched text = $&
(?<= # Assert that the regex below can be matched, with the match ending at this position (positive lookbehind)
= # Match the character “=” literally
\\w # Match a single character that is a “word character” (letters, digits, and underscores)
+? # Between one and unlimited times, as few times as possible, expanding as needed (lazy)
(?= # Assert that the regex below can be matched, starting at this position (positive lookahead)
# Match either the regular expression below (attempting the next alternative only if this one fails)
& # Match the character “&” literally
| # Or match regular expression number 2 below (attempting the next alternative only if this one fails)
\\W # Match a single character that is a “non-word character”
| # Or match regular expression number 3 below (the entire group fails if this one fails to match)
\$ # Assert position at the end of the string (or before the line break at the end of the string, if any)
This regex will work as long as you know what your parameter names are going to be and you're sure that they won't change.
Whilst regex is not the best solution for this (the above code examples will be far more efficient, as string functions are way faster than regexes) this will work if you need a regex solution with up to 3 parameters. Out of interest, why must the solution use only regex?
In any case, this regex will match the following strings:
It will now only match those containing query string parameters, and put them into capture groups for you.
What language are you using to process your matches?
If you are using preg_match with PHP, you can get the whole match as well as capture groups in an array with
preg_match($regex, $string, $matches);
Then you can access the whole match with $matches[0] and the rest with $matches[1], $matches[2], etc.
If you want to add additional parameters you'll also need to add them in the regex too, and add additional parts to get your data. For example, if you had
The regex will become
This will become a bit more tedious to maintain as you add more parameters, though.
You can optionally include ^ $ at the start and end if the multi-line flag is enabled. If you also need to match the whole lines without query strings, wrap this whole regex in a non-capture group (including ^ $) and add
to the end.
You're not escaping the /s in your regex for starters and using {1} for a single repetition of something is unnecessary; you only use those when you want more than one repetition or a range of repetitions.
And part of what you're trying to do is simply not a good use of a regex. I'll show you an easier way to deal with that: you want to use something like split and put the information into a hash that you can check the contents of later. Because you didn't specify a language, I'm just going to use Perl for my example, but every language I know with regexes also has easy access to hashes and something like split, so this should be easy enough to port:
# I picked an example to show how this works.
my $route = '/parent/child/?first=123&second=345&third=678';
my %params; # I'm going to put those URL parameters in this hash.
# Perl has a way to let me avoid escaping the /s, but I wanted an example that
# works in other languages too.
if ($route =~ m/\/parent\/child\/\?(.*)/) { # Use the regex for this part
print "Matched route.\n";
# But NOT for this part.
my $query = $1; # $1 is a Perl thing. It contains what (.*) matched above.
my #items = split '&', $query; # Each item is something like param=123
foreach my $item (#items) {
my ($param, $value) = split '=', $item;
$params{$param} = $value; # Put the parameters in a hash for easy access.
print "$param set to $value \n";
# Now you can check the parameter values and do whatever you need to with them.
# And you can add new parameters whenever you want, etc.
if ($params{'first'} eq '123') {
# Do whatever
My solution:
/(?:\w+/)* match /parent/child/ or /parent/
(?:\w+)?\?(?:\w+=\w+(?:&\w+=\w+)*)? match child?firstparam=abc123 or ?firstparam=abc123 or ?
\w+ match text like child
..|) match nothing(empty)
If you need only query string, pattern would reduce such as:
If you want to get every parameter from query string, this is a Ruby sample:
re = /\/(?:\w+\/)*(?:\w+)?\?(\w+=\w+(?:&\w+=\w+)*)/
s = '/parent/child?secondparam=def456&firstparam=abc123&thirdparam=ghi789'
if m = s.match(re)
query_str = m[1] # now, you can 100% trust this string
query_str.scan(/(\w+)=(\w+)/) do |param,value| #grab parameter
printf("%s, %s\n", param, value)
secondparam, def456
firstparam, abc123
thirdparam, ghi789
This script will help you.
First, i check, is there any symbol like ?.
Then, i kill first part of line (left from ?).
Next, i split line by &, where each value splitted by =.
my $r = q"/parent/child
for my $string(split /\n/, $r){
if (index($string,'?')!=-1){
substr($string, 0, index($string,'?')+1,"");
#say "string = ".$string;
if (index($string,'=')!=-1){
my #params = map{$_ = [split /=/, $_];}split/\&/, $string;
say "$_->[0] === $_->[1]" for (#params);
say "######next########";
#print "there is no params!"
#say "there is no params!";

Regular expression matching any subset of a given set?

Is it possible to write a regular expression which will match any subset of a given set of characters a1 ... an ?
I.e. it should match any string where any of these characters appears at most once, there are no other characters and the relative order of the characters doesn't matter.
Some approaches that arise at once:
1. [a1,...,an]* or (a1|a2|...|an)*- this allows multiple presence of characters
2. (a1?a2? - no multiple presence, but relative order is important - this matches any subsequence but not subset.
3. ($|a1|...|an|a1a2|a2a1|...||...|an...a1), i.e. write all possible subsequences (just hardcode all matching strings :)) of course, not acceptable.
I also have a guess that it may be theoretically impossible, because during parsing the string we will need to remember which character we have already met before, and as far as I know regular expressions can check out only right-linear languages.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
This doesn't really qualify for the language-agnostic tag, but...
see a demo on
The first time an element is matched, it gets "checked off" by the capturing group following it. Because the group has now participated in the match, a negative lookahead for its corresponding backreference (e.g., (?!\1)) will never match again, even though the group only captured an empty string. This is an undocumented feature that is nevertheless supported in many flavors, including Java, .NET, Perl, Python, and Ruby.
This solution also requires support for forward references (i.e., a reference to a given capturing group (\1) appearing in the regex before the group itself). This seems to be a little less widely supported than the empty-groups gimmick.
Can't think how to do it with a single regex, but this is one way to do it with n regexes: (I will usr 1 2 ... m n etc for your as)
If all the above match, your string is a strict subset of
How this works: each line requires the string to consist exactly of:
any number of charactersm drawn fromthe set, except a particular one
perhaps a particular one
any number of charactersm drawn fromthe set, except a particular one
If this passes when every element in turn is considered as a particular one, we know:
there is nothing else in the string except the allowed elements
there is at most one of each of the allowed elements
as required.
for completeness I should say that I would only do this if I was under orders to "use regex"; if not, I'd track which allowed elements have been seen, and iterate over the characters of the string doing the obvious thing.
Not sure you can get an extended regex to do that, but it's pretty easy to do with a simple traversal of your string.
You use a hash (or an array, or whatever) to store if any of your allowed characters has already been seen or not in the string. Then you simply iterate over the elements of your string. If you encounter an element not in your allowed set, you bail out. If it's allowed, but you've already seen it, you bail out too.
In pseudo-code:
foreach char a in {a1, ..., an}
hit[a1] = false
foreach char c in string
if c not in {a1, ..., an} => fail
if hit[c] => fail
hit[c] = true
Similar to Alan Moore's, using only \1, and doesn't refer to a capturing group before it has been seen:
my $re = qr/^(?:([abc])(?!.*\1))*$/;
foreach (qw(ba pabc abac a cc cba abcd abbbbc), '') {
print "'$_' ", ($_ =~ $re) ? "matches" : "does not match", " \$re \n";
We match any number of blocks (the outer (?:)), where each block must consist of "precisely one character from our preferred set, which is not followed by a string containing that character".
If the string might contain newlines or other funny stuff, it might be necessary to play with some flags to make ^, $ and . behave as intended, but this all depends on the particular RE flavor.
Just for sillyness, one can use a positive look-ahead assertion to effectively AND two regexps, so we can test for any permutation of abc by asserting that the above matches, followed by an ordinary check for 'is N characters long and consists of these characters':
my $re2 = qr/^(?=$re)[abc]{3}$/;
foreach (qw(ba pabc abac a cc abcd abbbbc abc acb bac bca cab cba), '') {
print "'$_' ", ($_ =~ $re2) ? "matches" : "does not match", " \$re2 \n";

Regex to check fix length field with packed space

Say I have a text file to parse, which contains some fixed length content:
123jackysee 45678887
456charliewong 32145644
<3><------16------><--8---> # Not part of the data.
The first three characters is ID, then 16 characters user name, then 8 digit phone number.
I would like to write a regular expression to match and verify the input for each line, the one I come up with:
(\d{3})([A-Za-z ]{16})(\d{8})
The user name should contains 8-16 characters. But ([A-Za-z ]{16}) would also match null value or space. I think of ([A-Za-z]{8,16} {0,8}) but it would detect more than 16 characters. Any suggestions?
No, no, no, no! :-)
Why do people insist on trying to pack so much functionality into a single RE or SQL statement?
My suggestion, do something like:
Ensure the length is 27.
Extract the three components into separate strings (0-2, 3-18, 19-26).
Check that the first matches "\d{3}".
Check that the second matches "[A-Za-z]{8,} *".
Check that the third matches "\d{8}".
If you want the entire check to fit on one line of source code, put it in a function, isValidLine(), and call it.
Even something like this would do the trick:
def isValidLine(s):
if s.len() != 27 return false
return s.match("^\d{3}[A-za-z]{8,} *\d{8}$"):
Don't be fooled into thinking that's clean Python code, it's actually PaxLang, my own proprietary pseudo-code. Hopefully, it's clear enough, the first line checks to see that the length is 27, the second that it matches the given RE.
The middle field is automatically 16 characters total due to the first line and the fact that the other two fields are fixed-length in the RE. The RE also ensures that it's eight or more alphas followed by the right number of spaces.
To do this sort of thing with a single RE would be some monstrosity like:
^\d{3}(([A-za-z]{8} {8})
|([A-za-z]{9} {7})
|([A-za-z]{10} {6})
|([A-za-z]{11} {5})
|([A-za-z]{12} )
|([A-za-z]{13} )
|([A-za-z]{14} )
|([A-za-z]{15} )
You could do it by ensuring it passes two separate REs:
^\d{3}[A-za-z]{8,} *\d{8}$
but, since that last one is simply a length check, it's no different to the isValidLine() above.
I would use the regex you suggested with a small addition:
(\d{3})([A-Za-z]{3,16} {0,13})(\d{8})
which will match things that have a non-whitespace username but still allow space padding. The only addition is that you would then have to check the length of each input to verify the correct number of characters.
Hmm... Depending on the exact version of Regex you're running, consider:
Note 100% sure this will work, and I've used the whitespace escape char instead of an actual space - I get nervous with just the space character myself, but you may want to be more restrictive.
See if it works. I'm only intermediate with RegEx myself, so I might be in error.
Check out the named groups syntax for your version of RegEx a) exists and b) matches the standard I've used above.
Just to expand what I'm trying to do (sorry to make your eyes bleed, Pax!) for those without a lot of RegEx experience:
This will try to match a named capture group - 'id' - that is three digits in length. Most versions of RegEx let you use named capture groups to extract the values you matched against. This lets you do validation and data capture at the same time. Different versions of RegEx have slightly different syntaxes for this - check out for more detail regarding your particular implementation.
The ?= is a lookahead operator. This looks ahead for the next sixteen characters, and will return true if they are all letters or whitespace characters AND are followed by a digit. The lookahead operator is zero length, so it doesn't actually return anything. Your RegEx string keeps going from the point the Lookahead started. Check out for more detail on lookahead.
If the lookahead passes, then we keep counting from the fourth character in. We want to find eight-to-sixteen characters, followed by zero or more whitespaces. The 'or more' is actually safe, as we've already made sure in the lookahead that there can't be more than sixteen characters in total before the next digit.
This should check the eight-digit phone number.
I'm a bit nervous that this won't exactly work - your version of RegEx may not support the named group syntax or the lookahead syntax that I'm used to.
I'm also a bit nervous that this Regex will successfully match an empty string. Different versions of Regex handle empty strings differently.
You may also want to consider anchoring this Regex between a ^ and $ to ensure you're matching against the whole line, and not just part of a bigger line.
Assuming you mean perl regex and if you allow '_' in the username:
perl -ne 'exit 1 unless /(\d{3})(\w{8,16})\s+(\d{8})/ && length == 28'
#OP,not every problem needs a regex. your problem is pretty simple to check. depending on what language you are using, they would have some sort of built in string functions. use them.
the following minimal example is done in Python.
import sys
for line in open("file"):
# check first 3 char for digit
if not line[0:3].isdigit(): sys.exit()
# check length of username.
if len(line[3:18]) <8 or len(line[3:18]) > 16: sys.exit()
# check phone number length and whether they are digits.
if len(line[19:26]) == 8 and not line[19:26].isdigit(): sys.exit()
print line
I also don't think you should try to pack all the functionality into a single regex. Here is one way to do it:
use strict;
use warnings;
while ( <DATA> ) {
last unless /\S/;
my #fields = split;
if (
( my ($id, $name) = $fields[0] =~ /^([0-9]{3})([A-Za-z]{8,16})$/ )
and ( my ($phone) = $fields[1] =~ /^([0-9]{8})$/ )
) {
print "ID=$id\nNAME=$name\nPHONE=$phone\n";
else {
warn "Invalid line: $_\n";
123jackysee 45678887
456charliewong 32145644
678sdjkfhsdjhksadkjfhsdjjh 12345678
And here is another way:
use strict;
use warnings;
while ( <DATA> ) {
last unless /\S/;
my ($id, $name, $phone) = unpack 'A3A16A8';
if ( is_valid_id($id)
and is_valid_name($name)
and is_valid_phone($phone)
) {
print "ID=$id\nNAME=$name\nPHONE=$phone\n";
else {
warn "Invalid line: $_\n";
sub is_valid_id { ($_[0]) = ($_[0] =~ /^([0-9]{3})$/) }
sub is_valid_name { ($_[0]) = ($_[0] =~ /^([A-Za-z]{8,16})\s*$/) }
sub is_valid_phone { ($_[0]) = ($_[0] =~ /^([0-9]{8})$/) }
123jackysee 45678887
456charliewong 32145644
678sdjkfhsdjhksadkjfhsdjjh 12345678
use strict;
use warnings;
my %validators = (
id => make_validator( qr/^([0-9]{3})$/ ),
name => make_validator( qr/^([A-Za-z]{8,16})\s*$/ ),
phone => make_validator( qr/^([0-9]{8})$/ ),
while ( <DATA> ) {
last unless /\S/;
my %fields;
#fields{qw(id name phone)} = unpack 'A3A16A8';
for my $field ( keys %fields ) {
unless ( $validators{$field}->($fields{$field}) ) {
warn "Invalid line: $_\n";
next INPUT;
print "$_ : $fields{$_}\n" for qw(id name phone);
sub make_validator {
my ($re) = #_;
return sub { ($_[0]) = ($_[0] =~ $re) };
123jackysee 45678887
456charliewong 32145644
678sdjkfhsdjhksadkjfhsdjjh 12345678
You can use lookahead: ^(\d{3})((?=[a-zA-Z]{8,})([a-zA-Z ]{16}))(\d{8})$
123jackysee 45678887 Match
456charliewong 32145644 Match
789jop 12345678 No Match - username too short
999abcdefghijabcde12345678 No Match - username 'column' is less that 16 characters
999abcdefghijabcdef12345678 Match
999abcdefghijabcdefg12345678 No Match - username column more that 16 characters

Is there a way, using regular expressions, to match a pattern for text outside of quotes?

As stated in the title, is there a way, using regular expressions, to match a text pattern for text that appears outside of quotes. Ideally, given the following examples, I would want to be able to match the comma that is outside of the quotes, but not the one in the quotes.
This is some text, followed by "text, in quotes!"
This is some text, followed by "text, in quotes" with more "text, in quotes!"
Additionally, it would be nice if the expression would respect nested quotes as in the following example. However, if this is technically not feasible with regular expressions then it wold simply be nice to know if that is the case.
The programmer looked up from his desk, "This can't be good," he exclaimed, "the system is saying 'File not found!'"
I have found some expressions for matching something that would be in the quotes, but nothing quite for something outside of the quotes.
Easiest is matching both commas and quoted strings, and then filtering out the quoted strings.
If you really can't have the quotes matching, you could do something like this:
This could become slow, because for each comma, it has to look at the remaining characters and count the number of quotes. \Z matches the end of the string. Similar to $, but will never match line ends.
If you don't mind an extra capture group, it could be done like this instead:
This will only scan the string once. It counts the quotes from the beginning of the string instead. \G will match the position where last match ended.
The last pattern could need an example.
Input String: 'This is, some text, followed by "text, in quotes!" and more ,-as'
1. ['This is', ',']
2. [' some text', ',']
3. [' and followed by "text, in quotes!" and more ', ',']
It matches the string leading up to the comma, as well as the comma.
This can be done with modern regexes due to the massive number of hacks to regex engines that exist, but let me be the one to post the "Don't Do This With Regular Expressions" answer.
This is not a job for regular expressions. This is a job for a full-blown parser. As an example of something you can't do with (classical) regular expressions, consider this:
No (classical) regex can determine if those parenthesis are matched properly, but doing so without a regex is trivial:
/* C code */
char string[] = "()(())(()())";
int parens = 0;
for(char *tmp = string; tmp; tmp++)
if(*tmp == '(') parens++;
if(*tmp == ')') parens--;
if(parens > 0)
printf("%s too many open parenthesis.\n", parens);
else if(parens < 0)
printf("%s too many closing parenthesis.\n", -parens);
printf("Parenthesis match!\n");
# Perl code
my $string = "()(())(()())";
my $parens = 0;
for(split(//, $string)) {
$parens++ if $_ eq "(";
$parens-- if $_ eq ")";
die "Too many open parenthesis.\n" if $parens > 0;
die "Too many closing parenthesis.\n" if $parens < 0;
print "Parenthesis match!";
See how simple it was to write some non-regex code to do the job for you?
EDIT: Okay, back from seeing Adventureland. :) Try this (written in Perl, commented to help you understand what I'm doing if you don't know Perl):
# split $string into a list, split on the double quote character
my #temp = split(/"/, $string);
# iterate through a list of the number of elements in our list
for(0 .. $#temp) {
# skip odd-numbered elements - only process $list[0], $list[2], etc.
# the reason is that, if we split on "s, every other element is a string
next if $_ & 1;
if($temp[$_] =~ /regex/) {
# do stuff
Another way to do it:
my $bool = 0;
my $str;
my $match;
# loop through the characters of a string
for(split(//, $string)) {
if($_ eq '"') {
$bool = !$bool;
if($bool) {
# regex time!
$match += $str =~ /regex/;
$str = "";
if(!$bool) {
# add the current character to our test string
$str .= $_;
# get trailing string match
$match += $str =~ /regex/;
(I give two because, in another language, one solution may be easier to implement than the other, not just because There's More Than One Way To Do It™.)
Of course, as your problems grow in complexity, there will arise certain benefits of constructing a full-blown parser, but that's a different horse. For now, this will suffice.
As mentioned before, regexp cannot match any nested pattern, since it is not a Context-free language.
So if you have any nested quotes, you are not going to solve this with a regex.
(Except with the "balancing group" feature of a .Net regex engine - as mentioned by Daniel L in the comments - , but I am not making any assumption of the regex flavor here)
Except if you add further specification, like a quote within a quote must be escaped.
In that case, the following:
text before string "string with \escape quote \" still
within quote" text outside quote "within quote \" still inside" outside "
inside" final outside text
would be matched successfully with:
group1: text preceding a quoted text
group2: text within double quotes, even if \" are present in it.
Here is an expression that gets the match, but it isn't perfect, as the first match it gets is the whole string, removing the final ".
I have been using my Free RegEx tester to see what works.
Test Results
Group Match Collection # 1
Match # 1
Value: This is some text, followed by "text, in quotes!
Captures: 1
Match # 2
Value: ,
Captures: 1
You should better build yourself a simple parser (pseudo-code):
quoted := False
FOR char IN string DO
IF char = '"'
quoted := !quoted
IF char = "," AND !quoted
// not quoted comma found
This really depends on if you allow nested quotes or not.
In theory, with nested quotes you cannot do this (regular languages can't count)
In practice, you might manage if you can constrain the depth. It will get increasingly ugly as you add complexity. This is often how people get into grief with regular expressions (trying to match something that isn't actually regular in general).
Note that some "regex" libraries/languages have added non-regular features.
If this sort of thing gets complicated enough, you'll really have to write/generate a parser for it.
You need more in your description. Do you want any set of possible quoted strings and non-quoted strings like this ...
Lorem ipsum "dolor sit" amet, "consectetur adipiscing" elit.
... or simply the pattern you asked for? This is pretty close I think ...
It does capture the "'s however.
Maybe you could do it in two steps?
First you replace the quoted text:
and then you extract what you want from the remaining string
Regexes may not be able to count, but they can determine whether there's an odd or even number of something. After finding a comma, the lookahead asserts that, if there are any quotation marks ahead, there's an even number of them, meaning the comma is not inside a set of quotes.
This can be tweaked to handle escaped quotes if needed, though the original question didn't mention that. Also, if your regex flavor supports them, I would add atomic groups or possessive quantifiers to keep backtracking in check.

Checking version number validity with Perl

I'm struggling with checking the validity of version numbers in Perl. Correct version number is like this:
Starts with either v or ver,
After that a number, if it is 0, then no other numbers are allowed in this part (e.g. 10, 3993 and 0 are ok, 01 is not),
After that a full stop, a number, full stop, number, full stop and number.
I.e. a valid version number could look something like v0.123.45.678 or ver18.493.039.1.
I came up with the following regexp:
if ($ver_string !~ m/^v(er)?(0{1}\.)|([1-9]+\d*\.)\d+\.\d+\.\d+/)
#print error
But this does not work, because a version number like verer01.34.56.78 gets accepted. I can't understand this, I know Perl tends to be greedy, but shouldn't ^v(er)? make sure that there can be a max of one "er"? And why doesn't 0{1}. match only "0.", instead of accepting "01." as well?
This regex actually catched the "rere" thing: m/^v(er)?[0-9.]+/ but I can't see where I allow it in my attempt.
Your problem is that the or - | - you are using is splitting the whole pattern in two. A | will scope to brackets or the end of an expression rather than just on the two neighbouring items.
You need to put some extra brackets two show which part of the expression you want or-ed. So a first step to fixing your pattern would be:
You also want to put a $ at the end to ensure there are no spurious characters at the end of the version number.
Also, putting {1} is unnecessary is it means the previous item exactly once which is the default. However you could use {3} at the end of your pattern as you want three dot-digit groups at the end.
Similarly, you don't need the + after the [1-9] as other digits will be grabbed by the \d*.
And we can also remove the unnessary brackets.
So you can simplify your patten to the following:
You could do it with a single regexp, or you could do it in 2 steps, the second step being to check that the first number doesn't start with a 0.
BTW, I tend to use [0-9] instead of \d for numbers, there are lots of characters that are classified as numbers in the Unicode standard (and thus in Perl) that you may not want to deal with.
Here is a sample code, the version_ok sub is where everything happens.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 7;
while( <DATA>)
{ chomp;
my( $version, $expected)= split /\s*=>\s*/;
is( version_ok( $version), $expected, $version);
sub version_ok
{ my( $version)=#_;
if( $version=~ m{^v(?:er)? # starts with v or ver
([0-9]+) # the first number
(?:\.[0-9]+){3} # 3 times dot number
$}x) # end
{ if( $1 =~ m{^0[0-9]})
{ return 0; } # no good: first number starts with 0
{ return 1; }
{ return 0; }
v0.123.45.678 => 1
ver18.493.039.1 => 1
verer01.34.56.78 => 0
v01.5.5.5 => 0
ver101.5.5.5 => 1
ver101.5.5. => 0
ver101.5.5 => 0
The regex may work for your test cases, but the CPAN module Perl::Version would seem like the best option, with two caveats:
haven't tried it myself
seems like the latest module release was in 2007 - kind of makes it a recursive problem