Communication between tasks in AWS ECS Fargate - amazon-web-services

I have three docker containers all running in their own Tasks (3 tasks), and each task running in a separate Fargate service (3 services) on ECS Fargate. I have all the services behind an application load balancer (ALB) with path based routing setup. Below is how the path based routing works: forwards traffic to service_one_target_group forwards traffic to service_two_target_group forwards traffic to service_three_target_group
One thing to note. app_one & app_two are Node JS apps and app_three is a middleware, GraphQL server used to connect to a database.
I need the the services for app_one & app_two to be able to discover the app_three service.
I know Service Discovery is an option but I am unsure how to implement the Service Discovery in a scenario with path based routing. Any advice would be helpful.


how to deploy backend and frontend app in ecs?

I have dockersied our webapp into two different docker files, such as:
Both docker apps have their own .env files , i have to defined deployed server Ip address to connect them.
In frontend-env : configure backend ip
but deploying in ECS service, each container will be different ip ,how to solve this issue scale out and still connect the service each other.
so far :
Create spreate ecs cluster for both frontend and backend, with ALB.
Give the ALB in env files to connect them or hit the api.
any other solutions for this deployment?
You should be using Service Discovery to achieve this. You can read the announcement blog here. In a nutshell the way it works is that if you have two ECS services frontend and backend you want to expose frontend with an ALB for public access but enabling service discovery you will be able to have all tasks that belong to frontend to be able to connect to the tasks that belong to backend by calling backend.<domain> (where is the SD namespace you defined). When you do so ECS Service Discovery will resolve backend.<domain> to the private IP addresses of the tasks in backend thus eliminating the need for a load balancer in front of it.
If you want a practical example of how this works you can investigate this basic demo app:

Fargate - How do I make an API call to another container within the same task definition

When developing locally, I run docker-compose, where I have two services Service1 and Service2. Service2 depends on Service1. When I deploy them to ECS, I create them within one task definition and provide JSON array of container definitions to spin them up.
When I run them locally, within docker-compose, from Service2 I can call http://Service1:8080/v1/graphql (since they're in docker-compose together I can call it by the service name) ... however, when I deploy to ECS and I make that same API call, I get a 404.
Based on this: Docker links with awsvpc network mode I've also tried http://localhost:8080/v1/graphql ... I'd appreciate any help!
I'd try service discovery as mentioned here:
Amazon ECS now includes integrated service discovery. This makes it possible for an ECS service to automatically register itself with a predictable and friendly DNS name in Amazon Route 53. As your services scale up or down in response to load or container health, the Route 53 hosted zone is kept up to date, allowing other services to lookup where they need to make connections based on the state of each service.
See an example here.

Send POST request from one service to another in Amazon ECS

I have a Node-Express website running on a microservices based architecture. I deployed the microservices on Amazon ECS cluster with one EC2 instance. The microservices sit behind an Application Load Balancer that routes external traffic correctly to the services. This system is working as expected except for one problem: I need to make a POST request from one service to the other. I am trying to use axios for this but I don't know what url to post to in axios. When testing locally, I just used'http://localhost:3000/service2',...) inside service 1 but how should I do it here?
So There are various ways.
1. Use Application Load Balancer behind the service
In this method, you put your micro services behind the load balancer(s) and to send request, you give load balancer URL. You can have path based routing for same load balancer or you can use multiple load balancers.
2. Use Service Discovery
In this method, you let your requester discover it. Now Service discovery can be done in various way like using ALB or Route 53 or ECS or Key Value Store or Configuration Management or Third Party Software such as Consul

Service discovery on aws ECS with Application Load Balancer

I would like to ask you if you have an microservice architecture (based on Spring Boot) involving Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) with Application Load Balancer(ALB), service discovery is performed automatically by the platform, or do you need a special mechanism (such as Eureka or Consul)?
From the documentation (ECS and ALB) is not clear you have this feature provided.
I have talked this with the Amazon support team and they respond the following:
"...using Service Discovery on AWS ECS[..] just with ALBs.
So, there could be three options here:
1) Using ALB/ELB as service endpoints (Target groups for ALBs, separate ELBs if using ELBs)
2) Using Route53 and DNS for Service Discovery
3) Using a 3rd Party product like in combination with Nginx.
Let me speak about each of these options.
Using ALBs/ELBs
For this option the idea is to use the ELBs or ALB Target groups in front of each service.
We define an Amazon CloudWatch Events filter which listens to all ECS service creation messages from AWS CloudTrail and triggers an Amazon Lambda function.
This function identifies which Elastic Load Balancing load balancer (or an ALB Target group) is used by the new service and inserts a DNS resource record (CNAME) pointing to it, using Amazon Route 53.
The Lambda function also handles service deletion to make sure that the DNS records reflect the current state of applications running in your cluster.
The down side here is that it can incur higher costs if you are using ELBs - as you need an ELB for each service. And it might not be the simplest solution out there.
If you wish to read more on this you can do so here[1]
Using Route53
This approach involves the use of Route53 and running a simple agent[2] on your ECS container instances.
As your containers stop/start the agent will update the Route53 DNS records. It creates a SRV record. Likewise it will delete said records once the container is stopped.
Another part of this method is a Lambda function that performs health checks on ECS container instances - and removes them from R53 in case of a failure.
You can read up more on this method, on our blog post here[3].
Using a 3rd Party tool like Using tools like on ECS, will work - but is not supported by AWS. So you are free to use it, but we - unfortunately - do not offer support for it.
So, in conclusion - there are a few ways of implementing service discovery on AWS ECS - the two ways I showed here that use AWS resources, and of course the way of using 3rd party applications.
you dont have an out-of-the-box solution in AWS, although it is possible with some effort as described in
You may also install Zuul + Ribbon + Eureka or Nginx + Consul and use ALB to distribute traffic among Zuul or Nginx

Eureka with AWS ECS

We are using Eureka with AWS ECS service that can scale docker containers.
In ECS if you leave out the host port, or specify it as being '0', in your task definition, then the port will be chosen automatically and reported back to the service. After the task is running, describing it should show what port(s) it bound to.
How does Eureka can resolve what port to use if we have several EC2 instance. For example Service A from EC2-A try to call Service B from EC2-B. So Eureka can resolve hostname , but cannot identify exposed port
Hi #Aleksandr Filichkin,
I don't think Application Load Balancer and service registry does the same.
The main difference traffic flows over the (application) load balancer whereas the service registry just gives you a healthy endpoint that your client directly can address (so the network traffic does not flow over the service registry).
Cheap is a very relative term, maybe it's cheap for some, maybe it's an unnecessary overhead for others.
The issue was resolved
Currently ECS agent knows about running port.
But I don't recommend to use Eureka with ECS, because Application Load Balancer does the same. It works as service registry and discovery. You don't need to run addition service(Eureka), ALB is cheap.
There is another solution.
You can create an application loadbalancer and a target group, in which the docker containers can be launched.
Every docker container has set their hostname to the hostname of the loadbalancer. If you need a pretty url, then you can utilize Route53 for DNS-Routing.
It looks like this:
Service Discovery with Loadbalancer-Hostname
Request Flow
If you have two containers of the same task on different hosts, both will communicate the same loadbalancer hostname to eureka.
With this solution you can use eureka with docker on AWS ECS without loosing the advantages and flexibility of dynamic port mapping.