ServiceM8 webhooks being deleted - postman

Whenever a webhook subscription is created for ServiceM8 the previous one is deleted - meaning you can only ever have 1 webhook running at a time.
This happens
When creating a scenario in Integromat) using the pre-built trigger modules (which create a webhook automatically).
When creating a webhook via the ServiceM8 API in
When creating custom webhooks in Zapier.
If you run an API GET request in the ServiceM8 module to the ‘webhook_subscriptions’ endpoint then it only ever returns 1 result. (Which is always the last webhook you created in
If you then create another webhook in another application (such as Postman) then run a GET request to the ‘webhook_subscriptions’ endpoint, it will only ever return 1 result (the last webhook created in Postman)
Neither application is able to see webhooks created in the other application (even though the GET request should return a list of ALL ‘webhook_subscrptions’
Both of these webhooks will actually now work if you point a separate scenario to each of them in
But if you create a new webhook in either application, then the old webhook that you had created in that application will stop working.
The only place that you can create and use multiple webhooks from seems to be Zapier.
But even then, it only works if you create the webhooks via the pre-built trigger modules.
If you create any custom webhooks, the same thing happens.
I have tried contacting ServiceM8 support, and their response was;
I understand you came across an issue with our API. I'm afraid we cant provide solutions for the issue here. All information regarding our API is available online through our developer portal you should be able to find any information you need there -
You might also be able to find the solutions to your issue on our developer forum ( ), or on StackOverflow ( )
If the solution is not there we recommend that you post the problem in the discussion board on either stack overflow or on our forum the developer community is usually very active and will respond it.


Stuck on complying with domain verification requirements

Recently I have been trying to re-boot my app. This includes adding google play services to my app.
I setup a google cloud platform account and then linked it with the developer console for my app.
Next I setup the OAuth consent screen. After completing everything it asked me to verify my website and domain; I completed this step with the google search API.
Despite all of these efforts I still got the error, Pending developer action.
Here is my verified domain (blurred out for obvious reasons):
After observing the documentation a little bit more, it tells me that I must continue/reply to the email thread with their Trust and Safety team, but I have not received any emails from them with my developer email -
Thanks in advance
I have actually found the solution to this problem, and I think I can safely say that this is due to human error every single time.
When linking your google play app in the developer console to google cloud it might automatically create one for you, but if you reload the page it will make a second one. You have to make sure you select the right google cloud app to link because it might not properly connect if you use the wrong one.
Once you have done this you need to create a website or link a website that has been verified (you can verify it yourself) with google. You should then be able to setup your app easily! Not every step will be instant you might sometimes have to wait a day or two for it to work.

Update an existing deployment using deployment manager update API

I use Java APIs for the CRUD operations of the google cloud deployment manager API. I can create, preview, delete deployments OK.
But when I try to update an existing deployment that's in preview mode, the API returns the below error.
Deployment in preview must not have a target with UPDATE
The same inputs works OK for create and preview. So, I'm sure that the inputs are OK.
I looked up for others who have reported this issue.
Here is one such report but no solution.
Does anyone know if there's a git hub repo for google cloud deployment manager where we can report this issue?
As mentioned in the answer here, is a known issue and you can still use the workaround suggested.
I have created an issue tracker for this error message. So, you can add your comments there and follow up for upcoming updates.

Consume webservice Workflow Foundation 4.5

My solution has 2 projects. One is a workflow service and the other is a webservice. I want to know if I can make the workflow consume the webservice without having to create a custom code activity...
Basically the webservice is a call-and-forget kind of thing... I tried the "send" activity but i couldnt manage to get it working...
i also downloaded the code samples from MSDN but couldnt find a match for my case...
As long as your webservice is a WCF compatible service you can do an add service reference and the required custom activities will be generated. And if that works you can also configure a standard Send and ReceiveReply to do the same thing. If you are using an ASMX/WSE style web service this usually works but takes a bit more doing to get the message contract right.

How to use NowJS to provide notifications to user in django framework

I have built a website in django framework. It has a lot of features such as blog, discussion forum, basically there are lots of ways users can interact. I have built a basic notification framework where a user gets notified when somebody comments on their blog, or answers their question in the forum.
Since the notifications are stored in db, new notifications are displayed only when a page refresh is done. I would like to make it real time using some push server using something like long polling technique.
I have come across NowJS which seems to be pretty handy for this, but in all the examples that are given I could not see any example where there was any interaction with the database. In all the cases there was some information sent by one client and it was displayed to one or more clients.
What I actually want to do is to call a function using NowJS, and make it go to sleep until a new notification is added in the database. When a new notifications comes in the server responds back with the notification and a new request is done immediately.
I can figure out all other parts except how to access the database from Node server that is used by NowJS. Any help or guidance is appreciated.
Have your node.js server make an http call to the Django server via something like a REST api to get info back
Google for a database connector for node.js - I found enough evidence for a MySQL one, and rumours of a PostgreSQL one. Note this won't get you access to the Django DB API, so you'll have to work out all your related queries and craft your SQL by hand (make sure Bobby Tables doesn't bother you:
Re-implement the NowJS protocol so that you can write a django server for it, keeping the same JS client code on the clients... but then you may as wel.....
...use django-socketio

Is it possible to add a reference to a web application in the free express version of VS for WP7?

Hi my question is this: I want to add a push notification to my WP7 application, and have read the A Really Long Post About the Windows Phone 7 Push Notification System explination. Now this is pretty to-the-point stuff, except for this little part, where the line
var svc = new NotificationService.NotificationServiceClient();
is added. I think that this is just a reference to the web application of the developer. Is that correct, is this indeed a reference to the web application? And if so, how to implement that in the VS express for WP7, if indeed possible
I have already created a web application, but this is in the VS Web Development Express IDE, and working in the VS Express for WP7 IDE, want to add a reference to this web application.
Thanks in advance!
It looks like in the blog post the code you listed is intended to be called from an application other than the one on the phone. There are other ways of sending a tile update from within the phone.
Clarification after comments...
In the majority of cases, sending notifications to the device is handled by server-side or desktop application code and not from the device itself. If you have a service which is sending out notifications to the devices with the app installed, then you should ideally follow the patterns laid out by MS themselves. In short, the steps are as follows.
1) The phone app registers itself with the MPNS (Microsft Push Notification Service) servers.
2) The phone app receives a unique URL to which notifications are sent.
3) The phone app sends this url to your service by whatever means are best for the app (usually a call to a WCF service) *
4) Your service calls the MPNS service to send the notification to the phone
5) The phone app receives the message and acts upon it as appropriate.
The bit you are probably thinking about is the highlighted step (3). This is usually the only call out to an external source that you need to code manually in the notification scenario (registering with MPNS is handled by internal classes).
Given that this is the bit that you need to put most thought into, and that your question is about adding a reference to a web application there may be a bit of confusion here. The two ways I have seen this data get passed around are
1) Call a WCF service (which may b hosted in a web application, and can be added with "Add Service Reference in VS), or
2) Posting data directly to a web page that deals with the posted data and stores it for later us.
In either case, you won't need to "add a reference" to a web app. 1) means adding a service reference in VS, which I believe you can do in the free dev environment, and 2) involves hand crafting an HttpWebRequest to post the data.