Why is my %DO %UNTIL loop implemented even though the loop not satisfied the conditions in SAS MACRO PROGRAM? - sas

I wrote the following SAS macro program code.
The purpose of the code is to repeat PROCREG while the condition(&maxVIFval > 1000) is satisfied.
However the %DO %WHILE loop is executed continually even though &maxVIFval has a value of 1000 or less.
I wonder what the reason is.
I'm looking for help..
Forgive my poor English.
%MACRO RegRepeat ;
%global maxVIFvar ; /* maxVIFvar: global symbol table */
%global maxVIFval ; /* maxVIFval: global symbol table */
%global j ; /* j : global symbol table */
%let maxVIFval = 10000 ;
%let j = 1 ;
%do %WHILE( &maxVIFval > 1000 ) ;
/* Regression procedure below */
TITLE "MAX VIF: &maxVIFval / Repeated Number: &j" ;
WEIGHT wt_pft_pool ;
MODEL HE_fev1_new = SEX_new AGE OBE INCM_LH DJ4_dg_new sm1_former sm1_current at_risk_occp
&airPollution / lackfit ADJRSQ VIF ;
ods output ParameterEstimates = PE ;
/* SQL procedure below */
SELECT Variable, max(VarianceInflation) AS maxVIF
HAVING VarianceInflation = MAX(VarianceInflation) ;
/* DATA Step below */
CALL SYMPUT("maxVIFval", maxVIF);
%let airPollution = %sysfunc(tranwrd(&airPollution, &maxVIFvar, )) ;
%let j = %eval(&j+1) ;
%PUT MAX VIF: &maxVIFval / Repeated Number: &j ;
%end ;
These are sentences from the log window.
MPRINT(REGREPEAT): TITLE "MAX VIF: 10000 / Repeated Number: 1" ;
MPRINT(REGREPEAT): TITLE "MAX VIF: 1588.907368 / Repeated Number: 2" ;
MPRINT(REGREPEAT): TITLE "MAX VIF: 1297.8441436 / Repeated Number: 3" ;
MPRINT(REGREPEAT): TITLE "MAX VIF: 696.59402283 / Repeated Number: 4" ;
MPRINT(REGREPEAT): TITLE "MAX VIF: 569.83744288 / Repeated Number: 5" ;
Please let me know if you need any additional information.
Thank you for your kindness.

To fix this issue, use %sysevalf(&maxVIFval > 1000) to instead of &maxVIFval > 1000.
When SAS compares two numbers in macro, it has different rules when numbers contain decimal point or not. When there is a decimal point, SAS treats numbers in macro as characters:
%if 696.59402283>1000 %then %do;
%put 0;
%else %do;
%put 1;
SAS compares characters char by char from left to right when comparing characters, "6" is larger than "1" in ascii code sequence, so we have 696.59402283>1000.
When there are no decimal points, SAS treats numbers in macro as numbers:
%if 696>1000 %then %do;
%put 0;
%else %do;
%put 1;
The comparsion is based on mathmatical rules.
I sugguest you always use %sysevalf() function if you want to do number comparsion in macro, unless you are 100% sure there are no decimal points.


sas macro : how to make multiful column using macro?

I'm SAS user.
I want to assign year columns using date values.
for example, here is my code, below.
I want to make Y_2010, Y_2011, Y_2012 , Y_2013, Y_2014 in work.total data set.
but there is only Y_2014 as a result.
How can I change the code as I can get right result which I intended first?
options mcompilenote = all;
%let a = Y_ ;
%macro B(YMIN, YMAX) ;
%do i = &YMIN %to &YMAX ;
IF YEAR(HIREDATE) = &i THEN &a&i = 1 ;
ELSE &a&i = 0 ;
%B (2010, 2014) ;
Because you are repeatedly re-creating the output dataset only the final version is available. To fix the macro move the %DO loop inside the DATA step so that you are generating all of the variables in a single data step.
%macro B(YMIN, YMAX) ;
%do i = &YMIN %to &YMAX ;
IF YEAR(HIREDATE) = &i THEN &a&i = 1 ;
ELSE &a&i = 0 ;
But there is no need to a macro for this. Just use normal SAS statements. For example you could use an ARRAY statement to define the variables and then loop over the array and set the values. Note that the result of a boolean expression in SAS is 0 when false and 1 when true so you can eliminate the IF/THEN/ELSE statement and just use an assignment statement.
array &a &a&ymin - &a&ymax;
do i=&ymin to &ymax ;
&a[i-&ymin+1] = (year(hiredata)=i);
drop i;

macro seems stuck in infinite loop, don't know how to debug

I'm trying to define a macro function that returns unique list items from a space separated list. This macro itself uses other macros that I tested and seem to work fine by themselves (see examples below), it's all very simple code.
However for some reason the code runs indefinitely and I don't know how to debug it properly. I usually debug using %put statements but they don't print here as there's no error and I stop the code manually.
Here is the main macro, followed by my other convenience macros that I use, you can execute the whole batch to load the macros and then check out given examples.
* Return only unique items from list, ;
* in order of first appearance ;
%put %list_unique(); ** (nothing)
%put %list_unique(a); ** a
%put %list_unique(a a); ** doesn't work (should be a)
%put %list_unique(a b); ** doesn't work (should be a b)
%macro list_unique(data);
%local out curr_item;
%do i=1 %to %list_length(&data);
%let curr_item = %extract(&data,&i);
%if not %list_in(&curr_item,&out) %then %let out = &out &curr_item;
* Length of space separated list ;
%put %list_length(); ** 0
%put %list_length(item1 item2 item3); ** 3
%macro list_length(data);
%sysfunc(countw(&data,%str( )))
* check if item is in list ;
%put %list_in(,a); ** 0
%put %list_in(a,); ** 0
%put %list_in(a,a); ** 1
%put %list_in(a,a a); ** 1
%put %list_in(b,a b c d); ** 1
%put %list_in(e,a b c d); ** 0
%macro list_in
(item /* item to search in list */
,list /* space separated list to quote */
/* exception when list has null length */
%if not %length(&list) %then 0%return;
/* general case */
%do i=1 %to %list_length(&list);
%if %extract_pos(&list,&i) = &item %then 1%return;
* Extracts subset of values from space separated list ;
%put %extract_pos(,1); ** (nothing)
%put %extract_pos(a b c d,); ** (nothing)
%put %extract_pos(a b c d,1); ** a
%put %extract_pos(a b c d,2 1:3 1); ** b a b c a
%macro extract_pos
%local i j token output new_ind;
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&ind,%str( )));
%let token = %scan(&ind,&i,%str( ));
%if %index(&token,:) %then %do; /* if token with ':' */
%do j=%scan(&token,1,:) %to %scan(&token,2,:);
%let output = &output %scan(&data,&j,%str( ));
%else %do; /* if simple token */
%let output = &output %scan(&data,&token,%str( ));
You cannot protect macros you call from modifying your macro variables, but if the macros are designed properly they will NOT. Unless you are INTENDING to modify any existing macro variable you need to define your macro variables as local. One or more of your macros were using the macro variable I without defining it as local. So if there already existed a macro variable named I then the macro modified the existing variable's value.
Also one of your macros was calling %extract() instead of %extract_pos().
I also simplified your %list_in() macro to just be a call to an existing SAS function, like your %list_length() macro.
%macro list_unique
Return only unique items from list
(data /* Space delimited list of items */
%local i curr_item out ;
%do i=1 %to %list_length(&data);
%let curr_item = %extract_pos(&data,&i);
%if not %list_in(&curr_item,&out) %then %let out=&out &curr_item;
%mend list_unique;
%macro list_length(data);
%sysfunc(countw(&data,%str( )))
%mend list_length;
%macro list_in
Check if item is in list
(item /* item to find in list */
,list /* space separated list to search */
%sysevalf(%sysfunc(indexw(&list,&item,%str( ))),boolean)
%mend list_in;
%macro extract_pos
Extracts subset of values from space separated list
(data /* Space delimited list of values */
,ind /* Space delimited list of positions or position ranges */
%local i j token output;
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&ind,%str( )));
%let token = %scan(&ind,&i,%str( ));
%do j=%scan(&token,1,:) %to %scan(&token,-1,:);
/* Token is single position or range in format start:end */
%let output = &output %scan(&data,&j,%str( ));
%mend extract_pos;
831 %put %list_unique(); %** (nothing);
832 %put %list_unique(a); %** a ;
833 %put %list_unique(a a); %** doesnot work (should be a);
834 %put %list_unique(a b); %** doesnot work (should be a b);
a b
Enable Macro Debugging by adding this line to the beginning of your code, which will resolve the macro code and variables:
Options macrogen symbolgen mlogic mprint mfile;
Run your code and check your log for details,
When done Disable Macro Debugging by replacing the options in step 1 with the options below:
Options nomacrogen NoSymbolgen nomlogic nomprint nomfile;
For more details you can check the SAS Debugging documentation
Variable I is shared down in nameSpace. An easy fix is to use different looping variable in each macro.
Found some documentation on SAS logic of sharing. SAS Blogs

Iterate through vector and convert elements to unquoted variable names

The following macro makes an inner join between two tables containing one column from each table in addition to the joining column :
%macro ij(x=,y=,to=".default",xc=,yc=,by=);
%if &to = ".default" %then %let to = &from;
SELECT t1.&xc, t2.&yc, t1.&by
FROM &x t1 INNER JOIN &y t2
ON t1.&by = t2.&by;
I want to find a way to use several columns in &xc, &yc and &by.
As I don't think I can use vectors of variables.
My idea is to pass parameters as vectors of strings instead of simple variables, for example xc = {"col1" "col2"} and loop through them
using %let some_var= %sysfunc(dequote(&some_string)); to convert them back to variables.
Applied on xc only it would become something like:
%macro ij(x=,y=,to=".default",xc=,yc=,by=);
%if &to = ".default" %then %let to = &from;
%do i = 1 %to %NCOL(&xc)
%let xci = %sysfunc(dequote(&xc[1]));
t2.&yc, t1.&by
FROM &x t1 INNER JOIN &y t2
ON t1.&by = t2.&by;
But this loop fails. How could I make it work ?
Note: this is a simplified example, my ultimate ambition is to build join macros that would be as little verbose as possible and integrate data quality checks.
Really this would be much easier to code use SAS dataset options instead of building complicated macro logic.
proc sql ;
create table want2 as
select *
from sashelp.class(keep=name age)
natural inner join sashelp.class(keep=name height weight)
I would suggest learning how to use data step code instead of SQL code. For most normal data manipulations it is clearer and simpler. Say you wanted to combine IN1 and IN2 on the variable ID and keep the variable A and B from IN1 and the variable X and Y from the IN2.
data out ;
merge in1 in2 ;
by id ;
keep id a b x y ;
Second I would resist the urge to generate too complex a web of macro code. It will make the programs harder to understand for the next programmer. Including yourself two weeks later. Your particular example does not look like something that is worth coding as a macro. You are not really typing less information, just using a few commas in place of where your SQL code would have had keywords like FROM or JOIN.
Now to answer your actual question. To pass in a list of values to macro use a delimited list. When at all possible use space as the delimiter, but especially avoid using comma as the delimiter. This will be easier to type, easier to pass into the macro and easier to use since it matches the SAS language as you can see in the data step above. If you really need to generate code like SQL syntax that uses commas then have the macro code generate them where needed.
%macro ij
(x= /* First dataset name */
,y= /* Second dataset name */
,by= /* BY variable list */
,to= /* Output dataset name. If empty use data step to generate DATAn work name */
,xc= /* Variable list from first dataset */
,yc= /* Variable list from second dataset */
%if not %length(&to) %then %do;
* Let SAS generate a name for new dataset ;
data ; run;
%let to=&syslast ;
proc delete data=&to; run;
%if not %length(&xc) %then %let xc=*;
%if not %length(&yc) %then %let yx=*;
%local i sep ;
proc sql ;
create table &to as
%let sep= ;
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&by)) ;
%let sep=,;
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&xc)) ;
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&yc)) ;
from &x T1 inner join &y T2 on
%let sep= ;
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&by)) ;
%let sep=,;
%mend ij ;
Try it:
options mprint;
%ij(x=sashelp.class,y=sashelp.class,by=name,to=want,xc=age,yc=height weight);
MPRINT(IJ): proc sql ;
MPRINT(IJ): create table want as select T1.name ,T1.age ,T2.height ,T2.weight from sashelp.class
T1 inner join sashelp.class T2 on T1.name=T2.name ;
NOTE: Table WORK.WANT created, with 19 rows and 4 columns.
MPRINT(IJ): quit;
Instead of vectors, think simple lists.
Pass your variable lists as unquoted, space separated list of values. The values are SAS variable names that can be scanned out as tokens.
%macro ij (x=, ...);
%local i token;
%let i = 1;
%do %while (%length(%scan(&X,&i)));
%let token = %scan(&X,&i);
&token.,/* emit the token as source code */
%let i = %eval(&i+1);
%ij ( x = one two three, ... )
Be sure to localize all your macro variables to prevent unwanted side effects outside the macro.
For consistency I try to use i/o related macro parameters that mimic SAS Procs -- data=, out=, file=, ...
Some would say named arguments are verbose!
If your 'proto-code' expects the xci symbol to be some sort of serially numbered variable, it is not. You would have to use %local xc&i; %let xc&i= for assignment, and &&xc&i for resolution. Also, your original code references &from which is not passed.
Building is fun. I would also recommend surveying past conference papers and SAS literature for similar works that may already meet your goal.
You could start with a space-separated list of column names and avoid looping entirely:
/*Define list of columns*/
%let COLS = A B C;
%put COLS = &COLS;
/*Add table alias prefix*/
%let REGEX = %sysfunc(prxparse(s/(\S+)/t1.$1/));
%let COLS = %sysfunc(prxchange(&REGEX,-1,&COLS));
%put COLS = &COLS;
%syscall prxfree(REGEX);
/*Condense multiple spaces to a single space*/
%let COLS = %sysfunc(compbl(&COLS));
%put COLS = &COLS;
/*Replace spaces with commas*/
%let COLS = %sysfunc(translate(&COLS,%str(,),%str( )));
%put COLS = &COLS;
In the end as #Tom noted, SAS dataset options are more convenient, and using them one doesn't need to loop over variables.
Here is the macro I came with :
*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
* JOIN ;
* Performs any join (defaults to inner join). ;
* By default left table is overwritten (convenient for successive left joins) ;
* Performs a natural join so columns should be renamed accordingly through 'rename' parameters ;
%macro join
(data1= /* left table */
,data2= /* right table */
,keep1= /* columns to keep (default: keep all), don't use with drop */
,drop1= /* columns to drop (default: none), don't use with keep */
,rename1= /* rename statement, such as 'old1 = new1 old2 = new2 */
,j=ij /* join type, either ij lj or rj */
,out= /* created table, by default data1 (left table is overwritten)*/
%if not %length(&out) %then %let out = &data1;
%if %length(&keep1) %then %let keep1 = keep=&keep1;
%if %length(&keep2) %then %let keep2 = keep=&keep2;
%if %length(&drop1) %then %let drop1 = drop=&drop1;
%if %length(&drop2) %then %let drop2 = drop=&drop2;
%if %length(&rename1) %then %let rename1 = rename=(&rename1);
%if %length(&rename2) %then %let rename2 = rename=(&rename2);
%let kdr1 =;
%let kdr2 =;
%if (%length(&keep1) | %length(&drop1) | %length(&rename1)) %then %let kdr1 = (&keep1&drop1 &rename1);
%if (%length(&keep2) | %length(&drop2) | %length(&rename2)) %then %let kdr2 = (&keep2&drop2 &rename2);
%if &j=lj %then %let j = LEFT JOIN;
%if &j=ij %then %let j = INNER JOIN;
%if &j=rj %then %let j = RIGHT JOIN;
proc sql;
create table &out as select *
from &data1&kdr1 t1 natural &j &data2&kdr2 t2;
Reproducible Examples:
data temp1;
input letter $ number1 $;
a 1
a 2
a 3
b 4
c 8
data temp2;
input letter $ letter2 $ number2 $;
a c 666
b d 0
* left join on common columns into new table temp3;
* inner join by default, overwriting temp 1, after renaming to join on another column;
%join(data1=temp1,data2=temp2,drop2=letter,rename2= letter2=letter)

Controlling program flow - sas

Below is the code to execute a set of data-steps based on the value of the increment variable "i". Since I have assigned the value of i to 1 (numeric and not character value). Ideally the first data-step block need to execute, but in the below case the second data-step block is executing.
%put &i. ; prints 1 in to the log window.
%macro DSN;
%let i = 1 ;
data new_DSN;
%if i = 1 %then %do;
data Dummy ;
data DUMMY_ ;
set DUMMY new_DSN ;
%else %if i ^= 1 %then %do ;
data DUMMY_ ;
set DUMMY_ new_DSN ;
%mend DSN;
Your IF statement is not calling &I macro variable, but simply comparing string I to 1. This also explains why your second loop running because technically speaking string "I" is not equal to "1". You just need to put ampersand in front of I in both %IF statements. I also put two %PUT statements to easier see where code is running. See below:
%macro DSN;
%let i = 1 ;
data new_DSN;
%if &i = 1 %then %do;
%PUT First Loop Run;
data Dummy ;
data DUMMY_ ;
set DUMMY new_DSN ;
%else %if &i ^= 1 %then %do ;
%PUT Second Loop Run;
data DUMMY_ ;
set DUMMY_ new_DSN ;
%mend DSN;


I've been reading up on how to DROP variables from my dataset that have null values in every observation - it seems the best way to do this is using the %DROPMISS macro function - however I'm getting an error msg - below is the code I'm trying and the error msg
%DROPMISS (DSIN=dataset1, DSOUT=dataset2);
4665 %DROPMISS (DSIN=dataset1, DSOUT=dataset2);
WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro DROPMISS not resolved.
ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order.
You need to define the dropmiss macro before you use it.
You can find it here in the appendix (page3)
Or better formatted here:
options nomprint noSYMBOLGEN MLOGIC;
%macro DROPMISS( DSNIN /* name of input SAS dataset
, DSNOUT /* name of output SAS dataset
, NODROP= /* [optional] variables to be omitted from dropping even if
they have only missing values */
) ;
/* PURPOSE: To find both Character and Numeric the variables that have only
missing values and drop them if
* they are not in &NONDROP
* NOTE: if there are no variables in the dataset, produce no variables
processing code
* %DROPMISS( DSNIN, DSNOUT, NOdrop=_character_ )
%local I ;
%if "&DSNIN" = "&DSNOUT"
%then %do ;
%put /------------------------------------------------\ ;
%put | ERROR from DROPMISS: | ;
%put | Input Dataset has same name as Output Dataset. | ;
%put | Execution terminating forthwith. | ;
%put \------------------------------------------------/ ;
%goto L9999 ;
%end ;
/* begin executable code
/* Create dataset of variable names that have only missing values
/* exclude from the computation all names in &NODROP
proc contents data=&DSNIN( drop=&NODROP ) memtype=data noprint out=_cntnts_( keep=
name type ) ; run ;
%let N_CHAR = 0 ;
%let N_NUM = 0 ;
data _null_ ;
set _cntnts_ end=lastobs nobs=nobs ;
if nobs = 0 then stop ;
n_char + ( type = 2 ) ;
n_num + ( type = 1 ) ;
/* create macro vars containing final # of char, numeric variables */
if lastobs
then do ;
call symput( 'N_CHAR', left( put( n_char, 5. ))) ;
call symput( 'N_NUM' , left( put( n_num , 5. ))) ;
end ;
run ;
/* if there are no variables in dataset, stop further processing
%if %eval( &N_NUM + &N_CHAR ) = 0
%then %do ;
%put /----------------------------------\ ;
%put | ERROR from DROPMISS: | ;
%put | No variables in dataset. | ;
%put | Execution terminating forthwith. | ;
%put \----------------------------------/ ;
%goto L9999 ;
%end ;
/* put global macro names into global symbol table for later retrieval
%LET NUM0 =0;
%LET CHAR0 = 0;
%IF &N_NUM >0 %THEN %DO;
%do I = 1 %to &N_NUM ;
%global NUM&I ;
%end ;
%if &N_CHAR > 0 %THEN %DO;
%do I = 1 %to &N_CHAR ;
%global CHAR&I ;
%end ;
/* create macro vars containing variable names
/* efficiency note: could compute n_char, n_num here, but must declare macro names
to be
global b4 stuffing them
proc sql noprint ;
%if &N_CHAR > 0 %then %str( select name into :CHAR1 - :CHAR&N_CHAR from
_cntnts_ where type = 2 ; ) ;
%if &N_NUM > 0 %then %str( select name into :NUM1 - :NUM&N_NUM from
_cntnts_ where type = 1 ; ) ;
quit ;
/* Determine the variables that are missing
%IF &N_CHAR > 1 %THEN %DO;
%let N_CHAR_1 = %EVAL(&N_CHAR - 1);
Proc sql ;
select %do I= 1 %to &N_NUM; max (&&NUM&I) , %end; %IF &N_CHAR > 1 %THEN %DO;
%do I= 1 %to &N_CHAR_1; max(&&CHAR&I), %END; %end; MAX(&&CHAR&N_CHAR)
%do I= 1 %to &N_NUM; :NUMMAX&I , %END; %IF &N_CHAR > 1 %THEN %DO;
from &DSNIN;
/* initialize DROP_NUM, DROP_CHAR global macro vars
%let DROP_NUM = ;
%let DROP_CHAR = ;
%if &N_NUM > 0 %THEN %DO;
%do I = 1 %to &N_NUM ;
%let DROP_NUM = &DROP_NUM %qtrim( &&NUM&I ) ;
%end ;
%IF &N_CHAR > 0 %THEN %DO;
%do I = 1 %to &N_CHAR ;
%IF "%qtrim(&&CHARMAX&I)" eq "" %THEN %DO;
%let DROP_CHAR = &DROP_CHAR %qtrim( &&CHAR&I ) ;
%end ;
/* Create output dataset
data &DSNOUT ;
%if &DROP_CHAR ^= %then %str(DROP &DROP_CHAR ; ) ; /* drop char variables
have only missing values */
%if &DROP_NUM ^= %then %str(DROP &DROP_NUM ; ) ; /* drop num variables
have only missing values */
set &DSNIN ;
%if &DROP_CHAR ^= or &DROP_NUM ^= %then %do;
%put /----------------------------------\ ;
%put | Variables dropped are &DROP_CHAR &DROP_NUM | ;
%put \----------------------------------/ ;
%if &DROP_CHAR = and &DROP_NUM = %then %do;
%put /----------------------------------\ ;
%put | No variables are dropped |;
%put \----------------------------------/ ;
run ;
%mend DROPMISS ;