gcloud run deploy promote 100% traffic - google-cloud-platform

I'm deploying my app in the following way:
gcloud run deploy ${{ secrets.SERVICE_NAME }} \
--source $(pwd) \
--region us-central1 \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--platform managed
And it works fine.
However, I manually changed my service to serve the traffic 100%; now, every time that I deploy, the latest deployment doesn't get promoted, and it still keeps serving the old one.
To revert this behavior, what do I do, pass a flag or something else?

Yes, try setting this:
gcloud run services update-traffic SERVICE --to-latest
Take a look at Send all traffic to the latest revision


Deploy Interactive Docker image on AWS

I am currently facing issues with deploying my Docker image on AWS. I managed to push my image into a Elastic Container Registry repository. I created an Elastic Container Service Cluster with a Task. Everything seems fine so far.
It does not start as I expect. I noticed that locally my Docker image must be executed with the "-it" argument (interactive shell).
Can you tell me how to enable such "-it" parameter?
you can set 'initProcessEnabled' to true parameter in container definition. This will allow us to access the running container
Following doc might help :
Once this parameter is set to true you can access running container using below cli command.
aws ecs execute-command --cluster *cluster-name* \
--region *aws-region*
--task *task-id* \
--container *container-name* \
--interactive \
--command "/bin/sh"

Can I use amazon ecr credential helper inside a docker container if its installed on my EC2 VM?

I've installed the credential helper GitHub on our ec2 instance and got it working for my account. What I want to do is to use it during my GitLab CI/CD pipeline, where my gitlab-runner is actually running inside a docker container, and spawns new containers for the build, test & deploy phases. This is what our test phase looks like now:
image: docker:stable
stage: test
- test
- echo "Starting tests for CI_COMMIT_SHA=$CI_COMMIT_SHA"
- docker run --rm mikesir87/aws-cli aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $IMAGE_URL
- docker run --rm $IMAGE_URL:$CI_COMMIT_SHA npm test
This works fine, but what I'd like to see if I could get working is the following:
image: docker:stable
stage: test
- test
- npm test
When I try the 2nd option it I get the no basic auth credentials. So I'm wondering if there is a way to get the credential helper to map to the docker container without having to have the credential helper installed on the image itself.
Configure your runner to use the credential helper with DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG environment variable. A convenient way to do this is to bake it all into your image.
So, your gitlab-runner image should include the the docker-credential-ecr-login binary (or you should mount it in from the host).
FROM gitlab/gitlab-runner:v14.3.2
COPY bin/docker-credential-ecr-login /usr/local/bin/docker-credential-ecr-login
Then when you call gitlab-runner register pass in the DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG environment variable using --env flag as follows:
AUTH_ENV="DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG={ \"credsStore\": \"ecr-login\" }"
gitlab-runner register \
--non-interactive \
--env "${AUTH_ENV}" \
--env "AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG=true" \
You can also set this equivalently in the config.toml, instance CI/CD variables, or anywhere CI/CD variables are set (group, project, yaml, trigger, etc).
As long as your EC2 instance (or ECS task role if running the gitlab-runner as an ECS task) has permission to pull the image, your jobs will be able to pull down images from ECR declared in image: sections.
However this will NOT necessarily let you automatically pull images using docker-in-docker (e.g. invoking docker pull within the script: section of a job). This can be configured (as it seems you already have working), but may require additional setup, depending on your runner and IAM configuration.

GCloud Cloud Run Deploy "Error: ERROR: (gcloud.run.deploy) unrecognized arguments" from within Gitlab-Ci Runner Container?

This is a strange one.
A Google Cloud Run deployment run from gcloud commandline on my OSx Mac works — while the identical command run from the identical gcloud version, using a Service Account user within our Alpine based Ci/Cd Gitlab runner container / executor crashes and complains about un-recognized arguments.
With the arguments copied and pasted why is the gcloud (within Alpine gitlab runner / executor container) failing due to not recognizing the arguments where my local install works fine?
As background:
We run Ci/Cd within a Gitlab Ci Runner where the docker executor that deploys our final container previously needed to use Kubectl to push that container to a GCP Managed K8s Cluster — which was expensive. So we moved the production container to Cloud Run — and it was cheaper.
Now I am working on resetting our Ci/CD deployments and ran into the above issue while attempting to deploy a container from within our GitLab Ci pipeline.
The gcloud command that works looks like this (on my local Mac)
gcloud run deploy site-production \
--platform=managed \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--image=us.gcr.io/some-site-333333/site:master \
That same (EXACT) command on the GitLab runner gets me:
ERROR: (gcloud.run.deploy) unrecognized arguments:
To search the help text of gcloud commands, run:
gcloud help -- SEARCH_TERMS
Seems super weird — and I was pretty sure I must have had a typo or something — but the command itself was copied (and modified) from Google's own Cloud Run docs.
If I am missing something dumb let me know — until then my plan is to start shaving off optional flags to try to see which one of those parameters it's complaining about. Ideas are appreciated!
Try to make a one liner command like:
gcloud run deploy site-production --platform=managed --allow-unauthenticated --image=us.gcr.io/some-site-333333/site:master --region=us-east1

How can I install aws cli, from WITHIN the ECS task?

How can I install aws cli, from WITHIN the ECS task ?
I'm using a docker container to run the logstash application (it is part of the elastic family).
The docker image name is "docker.elastic.co/logstash/logstash:7.10.2"
This logstash application needs to write to S3, thus it needs AWS CLI installed.
If aws is not installed, it crashes.
# STEP 1 #
To avoid crashing, when I used this application only as a docker, I ran it in a way that I caused the 'logstash start' to be delayed, after docker container was started.
I did this by adding "sleep" command to an external docker-entrypoint file, before it starts the logstash.
This is how it looks in the docker-entrypoint file:
sleep 120
if [[ -z $1 ]] || [[ ${1:0:1} == '-' ]] ; then
exec logstash "$#"
exec "$#"
# STEP 2 #
run the docker with "--entrypoint" flag so it will use my entrypoint file
docker run \
-d \
--name my_logstash \
-v /home/centos/DevOps/psifas_logstash_docker-entrypoint:/usr/local/bin/psifas_logstash_docker-entrypoint \
-v /home/centos/DevOps/logstash.conf:/usr/share/logstash/pipeline/logstash.conf \
-v /home/centos/DevOps/logstash.yml:/usr/share/logstash/config/logstash.yml \
--entrypoint /usr/local/bin/psifas_logstash_docker-entrypoint \
# STEP 3 #
install aws cli and configure aws cli from the server hosting the docker:
docker exec -it -u root <DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID> yum install awscli -y
docker exec -it <DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID> aws configure set aws_access_key_id <MY_aws_access_key_id>
docker exec -it <DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID> aws configure set aws_secret_access_key <MY_aws_secret_access_key>
docker exec -it <DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID> aws configure set region <MY_region>
This worked for me,
Now I want to "translate" this flow into an AWS ECS task.
in ECS I will use parameters instead of running the above 3 "aws configure" commands.
How can I do my 3rd step, installing aws cli, from WITHIN the ECS task ? (meaning not to run it on the EC2 server hosting the ECS cluster)
When I was working on the docker I also thought of these options to use the aws cli:
find an official elastic docker image containing both logstash and aws cli. <-- I did not find one.
create such an image by myself and use. <-- I prefer not , because I want to avoid the maintenance of creating new custom images when needed (e.g when new version of logstash image is available).
Eventually I choose the 3 steps above, but I'm open to suggestion.
Also, My tests showed that running 2 containers within the same ECS task:
and then the logstash container will use the aws cli container
(image "amazon/aws-cli") is not working.
Your option #2, create the image yourself, is really the best way to do this. Anything else is going to be a "hack". Also, you shouldn't be running aws configure for an image running in ECS, you should be assigning a IAM role to the task, and the AWS CLI will pick that up and use it.
Mark B, your answer helped me to solve this. Thanks!
writing here the solution in case it will help somebody else.
There is no need to install AWS CLI, in the logstash docker container running inside the ECS task.
Inside the logstash container (from image "docker.elastic.co/logstash/logstash:7.10.2") there is AWS SDK to connect to the S3.
The only thing required is to allow the ECS Task execution role, access to S3.
(I attached AmazonS3FullAccess policy)

AWS ECS - Ways to deploy containers

The use case is like - developer makes some code changes and the below things happen automatically -
build runs, application artifact created, docker image generated with the artifact, image pushed to Docker registry, AWS ECS tasks and ECS services updated.
I want to know what are the ways to achieve the above automation of update of AWS ECS services. Till now I have implemented AWS ECS update from Jenkins build using -
1>run post build AWS CLi scripts from Jenkins to update ECS
2>post build action or pipeline step to invoke AWS Lambda function. I have created one Lambda function in Java to implement that.
Please let me the other ways we can achieve the above. Thanks.
I'm continuously deploying Docker containers from CircleCI to AWS ECS.
The outline of the deployment flow is as follows:
Build and tag a new Docker image
Login to AWS ECR and push the image
Update task definitions and services of ECS with ecs-deploy
ecs-deploy is a useful script that updates Docker images in ECS.
You could use a shell script that calls aws cli commands to create cloudformation stacks or directly call the create commands in the aws cli for the ECR repository, Task Definition, Events rule and target(for scheduling).
then you just call this script on your terminal using this command: ./setup.sh and it should execute all your commands at once.
aws ecr create-repository \
--repository-name tasks-${TASK_NAME}-${TASK_ENV} \
or if you want to set up your resources via cloudformation templates, you can launch them using this command as long as the template exists at file://name.yml:
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name stack-name \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--template-body file://name.yml \
ParameterKey=ParamName,ParameterValue=${PARAM_NAME} \
Take a look at Codefresh - https://docs.codefresh.io/docs/amazon-ecs
You can build your pipeline
Build Step
Push to Registry
Deply to ECS
That easy
While there are a ton of CI/CD tools out there, since I am early in my rollout, I decided to write a small script instead of having CI/CD pipelines do it.
Here is a one-click deploy script I wrote using the ecs-deploy script as a dependency to achieve a rolling deploy of a docker image to ECS.
You can run this locally from your dev or build/deployment box or use Jenkins or some local build tool.
# automatically login to AWS
eval $(aws ecr get-login)
# build local docker image and push repo to AWS
docker build -t <yourlocaldockerimagetag> .
docker tag <yourlocaldockerimagetag>:latest <yourECSRepoURL>:latest
docker -D -l debug push <yourECSRepoURL>:latest
# deploy to ECS
ecs-deploy/ecs-deploy -m 50 -k <access-key> -s <secret-key> -r <aws-region> -c <cluster-name> -n <service-name> -i <yourECSRepoURL>:latest
cluster-name: Your cluster name in ECS
service-name: Your service name that you had created in ECS
yourECSRepoURL: ECS Repository URL
yourlocaldockerimagetag: Any local image tag name
access-key: your AWS access key for deployments
secret-key: your AWS secret key
Make sure you install ecs-deploy before this script.
The -m 50 tells it that it can deploy even if the number of nodes drops to 50%. Ideally you would have an extra node to do deployments, but if you can't afford that setting this would ensure that deployments continue to happen.
If you are also using an ELB (load balancer), then the default deregistration delay for target groups is 5 minutes which is a bit excessive. The deregistration delay is the time to wait for existing requests to complete BEFORE ECS sends a SIGTERM or SIGINT to your docker container. You should lower this by going to the Target Groups in EC2 dashboard and click the Edit Attributes to edit it. Otherwise your deployments may take forever.
I think nobody has mentioned CodePipeline from AWS, it really integrates easilly with many AWS Services including ECS and CodeCommit:
Push commit to CodeCommit Repo, triggering the pipeline execution.
(Optional) Configure a Manual Approval step that needs you to take an action before Build.
Run a CodeBuild Project that builds your Dockerfile and push the image to an ECR Repo.
Run a "Deploy" step that deploys to a specific ECS Service. It updates the services with a new Task Definition that points to the new ECR Image.
I have used this flow with BitBucket also, just configure a BitBucket pipeline that pushes all new code to a CodeCommit Repo as a previous step.
Exactly as #minamiyojo and #astav answers, we ended up glueing ecs-deploy with a template engine to power up our CD pipeline with some reusable component, we just open-sourced as well:
Please refer to Motivation section in README, hope this would help your scenario too.