How to Marshal a System.IO.Stream to C++ - casting

I am looking for a solution to pass a System.IO.Stream back and forth between a C# service and a C++ client, for this I want to use C++/CLI.
I already tried casting to a System.String, but I believe that is not the best way to do this.


Convert gRPC channel from C++ to Java

I have a library, that already uses a C++ version of gRPC, and I need to implement a Java wrapper.
Thus, I need to use Java Native Interface (JNI) to convert std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> to gRPC-Java Channel.
More specifically, I need to implement the following Java function:
public native ManagedChannel CreateChannel(String address);
that references this existing C++ function:
std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> CreateChannel(std::string address);
Is it possible to do this?
Possible? Yes. Easy? No.
The Channel/ManagedChannel API mainly has the newCall() method. Implementing that method would be annoying as you'd need to map MethodDescriptor and CallOptions to the C++ equivalents. But the bigger problem is it returns a ClientCall which would take more work to implement.
C++ uses a different API for flow control than Java, so you'd have to map those. The C++ callback API would be ideal in this situation, but it not currently available (time of writing: 2019 Q4). So that would mean creating threads and using the async API.
Very probably not. The Java implementation was not specifically designed to be interoperable with the C++ implementation, so it has its own pure Java ManagedChannel implementation.

how to port VB code in C++

I want to use VB.NET code in win32 (C++) (I dont want to convert my code). I have heard about wrapping VB code in COM but i don't know how to do it. Also, I am not aware if there is an alternative (or any better) way of porting the code.
Any help is appereciated.
Update: I created a class library in vb and saved it as a dll after setting the comvisible attribute to true, then imported it in my c++ project and accessed the interfaces via COM
*thank you everone for helping me out !!!!!!! *
You cannot call .NET code directly from a native C++ application, so there is some work involved.
Of course, your question leaves us guessing at why you're wanting to do this, but unless you are still going to be using the library from a .NET application, I would be a strong advocate in favor of porting it (like your title suggests) to C++.
But if you don't want to do this, you have a couple of other options:
Write a wrapper around the VB.NET code using C++/CLI. This would probably be the simpler solution, especially if you're reasonably familiar with both the VB.NET and C++ languages.
Expose the VB.NET methods you need as COM functions, using the <ComVisible(true)> attribute. This is going to be a bit trickier to get going, especially if you're uncomfortable or unfamiliar with COM programming in C++. It's too much to explain in a Stack Overflow answer; investigate purchasing a good book on COM programming. And although you're using VB.NET, the steps are basically the same for C#, for which you'll have much better luck finding examples.
You can't directly port VB into C++, but if you are looking to just switch to a more powerful language and still use the GUI libraries, you can check out C#. It uses very similar code, and a quick google search provided me this program: C# converter. If you really need C++, you could probably then convert the C# code to C++, but there really wouldn't be a need to since C# is VERY close to C++. Just googling that I found this: C++ converter.
I hope this will help you.

Calling C++ RPC services with the GWT

what is the best way to implement C++ functionality in Java?
Currently I call a RPC service which, throw JNI calls the C++ function and returns the result to the client. Since this methode produces a big overhead, I wanted to know if somebody had a simimlar problem and how he solved it?
Use JNA or JNI
I suppose you are using GWT on client side. You can use JSON to call C++ services..

Android C++ Gesture Code

Is it possible to get gesture code to work with Android and C++? If so, how can it be done?
The easiest way by far would be to pass the information from your MotionEvent and/or GestureDetector to your native code via the JNI. Exactly how you do this is up to you, but the basic principle is no different than that of any other communication between native and Java code.
If you are asking if you can acquire MotionEvents without going via the JNI, if it's even possible, it's far more hassle than it's worth. You could (and probably should) use a tool like SWIG to avoid the pain of writing JNI wrapper code manually.

Advice on whether to use native C++ DLL or not: PINVOKE & Marshaling?

What's the best way to do this....?
I have some Native C++ code that uses a lot of Win32 calls together with byte buffers (allocated using HeapAlloc). I'd like to extend the code and make a C# GUI...and maybe later use a basic Win32 GUI (for use where there is no .Net and limited MFC support).
(A) I could just re-write the code in C# and use multiple PINVOKEs....but even with the PINVOKES in a separate class, the code looks messy with all the marshaling. I'm also re-writing a lot of code.
(B) I could create a native C++ DLL and use PINVOKE to marshal in the native data structures. I'm assuming I can include the native C++ DLL/LIB in a project using C#?
(C) Create a mixed mode DLL (Native C++ class plus managed ref class). I'm assuming that this would make it easier to use the managed ref class in C#......but is this the case? Will the managed class handle all the marshaling? Can I use this mixed mode DLL on a platform with no .Net (i.e. still access the native C++ unmanaged component) or do I limit myself to .Net only platforms.
One thing that bothers me about each of these options is all the marshalling. Is it better to create a managed data structure (array, string etc.) and pass that to the native C++ class, or, the other way around?
Any ideas on what would be considered best practice...?
I know I can re-write the native C++ code from scratch, but it means duplicating the code and prevents me from easily reusing any code updates with any Win32 application. What concerns me most is the best way to marshal the various data between the managed and unmanaged world. To me, a mixed mode DLL looks like the most flxible option, but I'd like to get a different perspective on the potential pitfalls.
Why not just use .NET directly? It seems to me like your problem arises from the fact that you are dependent on the original native library, but you don't mention that it can't simply be re-done in .NET.
As for .NET-native interop, PInvoke is messy, but it does work. I'd go with that if you can't change the original DLL into .NET.
Option C gives you the least work if the marshaling turns out to be simple and easy for the framework to handle (is everything blittable?). It also gives you a place to hook in your own marshaling. I wrote something about this ages ago marshaling between date types etc but I think today I would write a marshal_as<> overload between your managed and native types. It would be the most elegant solution and also the least code.
Update: found my old article - it was for PInvoke.