Take user input to complete missing values - sas

I need some sort of guidance on what would be the best way of accomplishing such kind of task in SAS EG environment (on a 9.4 server). Let's say I have table named ITEM_EVALUATION like in the following example. The missing evaluations (rows: 4,5 and 6) should be filled in by the user. Although there may be better solutions, I would prefer if SAS iterated over the missing rows, give the user the row information (item) and take the input (evaluation) then update the table by that input.
Since this task is going to be a part of another sas eg project (egp), I need to do it within this project, so please advise...

Make sure your dataset occurs in your project. (Drag it to a flow, for instance.)
Ask your user to double click any empty cell in the table and accept to go to edit mode.
If the empty cells are rare, the user can enter a filter missing(ITEM) or missing(EVALUATION) on top of the data to find them.
If that is too complex for your user, Enterprise Guide is not the tool for this person.


Kibana: can I store "Time" as a variable and run a consecutive search?

I want to automate a few search in one, here are the steps:
Search in Kibana for this ID:"b2c729b5-6440-4829-8562-abd81991e2a0" which will return me a bunch of logs. Of these logs I need to take the first and the last timestamp:
I now would like to store these two data FROM: September 3rd 2019, 21:28:22.155, TO: September 3rd 2019, 21:28:23.524 in 2 variables
Run a second search in Kibana for the word "fail" in between these two variable of time
How to automate the whole process without need of copy/paste and running a second query?
SHORT STORY LONG: I work in a company that produce a software for autonomous vehicles.
SCENARIO: A booking is rejected and we need to understand why.
WHERE IS THE PROBLE: I need to monitor just a few seconds of logs on 3 different machines. Each log is completely separated, there is no relation between the logs so I cannot write a query in discover, I need to run 3 separated queries.
A booking was rejected, so I open Chrome and I search on "elk-prod.myhost.com" for the BookingID:"b2c729b5-6440-4829-8562-abd81991e2a0" and I have a dozen of logs returned during a range of 2 seconds (FROM: September 3rd 2019, 21:28:22.155, TO: September 3rd 2019, 21:28:23.524).
Now I need to know what was happening on the car so I open a new Chrome tab and I search on "elk-prod.myhost.com" for the CarID: "Tesla-45-OU" on the time range FROM: September 3rd 2019, 21:28:22.155, TO: September 3rd 2019, 21:28:23.524
Now I need to know why the server which calculate the matching rejected the booking so I open a new Chrome tab and I search for the word CalculationMatrix always on the time range FROM: September 3rd 2019, 21:28:22.155, TO: September 3rd 2019, 21:28:23.524
CONCLUSION: I want to stop to keep opening Chrome tabs by hand and automate the whole thing. I have no idea around what time the book was made so I first need to search for the BookingID "b2c729b5-6440-4829-8562-abd81991e2a0", then store the timestamp of first and last log and run a second and third query based on those timestamps.
There is no relation between the 3 logs I search so there is no way to filter from the Discover, I need to automate 3 different query.
Here is how I would do it. First of all, from what I understand, you have three different indexes:
one for "bookings"
one for "cars"
one for "matchings"
First, in Discover, I would create three Saved Searches, one per index pattern. Then in Visualize, I would create a Vertical bar chart on the bookings saved search (Bucket X-Axis by date_histogram on the timestamp field, leave the rest as is). You'll get a nice histogram of all your booking events bucketed by time.
Finally, I would create a dashboard and add the vertical bar chart + those three saved searches inside it.
When done, the way I would search according to the process you've described above is as follows:
Search for the booking ID b2c729b5-6440-4829-8562-abd81991e2a0 in the top filter bar. In the bar chart histogram (bookings), you will see all documents related to the selected booking. On that chart, you can select the exact period from when the very first booking document happened to the very last. This will adapt the main time picker at the top and the start/end time will be "remembered" by Kibana
Remove the booking ID from the top filter (since we now know the time range and Kibana stores it). Search for Tesla-45-OU in the top filter bar. The bar histogram + the booking saved search + the matchings saved search will be empty, but you'll have data inside the second list, the one for cars. Find whatever you need to find in there and go to the next step.
Remove the car ID from the top filter and search for ComputationMatrix. Now the third saved search is going to show you whatever documents you need to see within that time range.
I'm lacking realistic data to try this out, but I definitely think this is possible as I've laid out above, probably with some adaptations.
Kibana does work like this (any order is ok):
Select time filter: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/set-time-filter.html
Add additional criteria for search like for example field s is b2c729b5-6440-4829-8562-abd81991e2a0.
Add aditional criteria for search like for example field x is Fail.
Additionaly you can view surrounding documents https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/document-context.html#document-context
This is how Kibana works.
You can prepare some filters beforehands, save them and then use them if you want to automate the process of discovering somehow.
You can do that in Discover tab in Kibana using New/Save/Open options.
I do not think you can achieve what you need in Kibana. As I mentioned earlier one option is to change the data that is comming to Elasticsearch so you can search for it via discover in Kibana. Another option could be builiding for example Java application, that is using Elasticsearch - then you can write algorithm that returns the data that you want. But i think it's a big overhead and I recommend checking the data first.
Edit: To clarify - you can create external Java let's say SpringBoot application that uses Elasticsearch - all the data that you need is inside it.
But in this option you will not use Kibana at all.
You can export the result to csv or what you want in the code.
SpringBoot application can ask ElasticSearch for whatever it needs, then it would be easy to store these time variables inside of Java code.
EDIT: After OP edited question to change it dramatically:
#FrancescoMantovani Well the edited version is very different from where you first posted here How to automate the whole process without need of copy/paste and running a second query? and search for word fail in a single shot. In accepted answer you are still using a three filters one at a time so it is not one search, but three.
What's more if you would use one index, and send data from multiple hosts via filebeat you don't even to have to create this dashboard to do that. Then you can you can select the exact period from when the very first document happened to the very last regarding filter and then remove it and add another filter that you need - it's simple as that. Before you were writing about one query,
How to automate the whole process without need of copy/paste and
running a second query?
not three. And you don't need to open new tab in Chrome each time you want to change filter just organize the data by for example using filebeat as mentioned before.
There is no relation between the 3 logs
From what you wrote the realation exist and it is time.
If the data is in for example three diferent indicies (cause documents don't have much similiar data) you can do it like that:
You change them easily in dicover see:
You can go to discover select index 1 search, select time range that you need, when you change index the time range is still the one you selected, you only need to change filter - you will get what you need.

Query to set a value for all items in Amazon SimpleDB

I am trying to to set a value for all items in a domain that do not already have a certain value and have an additional flag set.
Basically for all my items,
SET ValueA to 100 if ValueB is 0
But I am confused about how to achieve this. So far ive been setting the value for individual items by just using a PutRequest like this:
ArrayList<ReplaceableAttribute> newAttributes = new ArrayList<ReplaceableAttribute>();
newAttributes.add(new ReplaceableAttribute("ValueA",Integer.toString(100), true));
PutAttributesRequest newRequest = new PutAttributesRequest();
This works for an individual item and requires me to first get the item name (userID). Does this means that I have to "list" all of my items and do this 1 by 1?
I suppose that since I have around 19000+ items I would also have to use the token to get the next set after the 2000 limit right?
Isn't there a more efficient way? This might not be so heavy right now but I expect to eventually have over 100k items.
PD: I am using the AWS Java SDK for Eclipse.
If you are talking about how you can do it grammatically by writing your own code then Yes. First you have to know all item name i.e in your case UserID and then you need to set a value one by one. You can use BatchPUTAttribute in this case. Using Batch PUT you can update 25 items in one request. You can do 5 to 20 BatchPutAttribute requests in parallel threads. Know more to tune the performance.
If you need to do it somehow in tricky way then you can use SDBExplorer. Please Remember it will set 100 for all items because SDBExplorer does not support conditional PUT. If you would like to set it anyway then Follow these steps-
Download SDBExplorer zip version form download page.
Extract it and run the executable.
Download 30 days trial license.
Once license has been downloaded main UI will open.
Provide valid Access Key and Secret keys and click on "GO" button.
You will see list of domains in Left side tree.
Right click on the domain in which you would like to set value for all item.
Choose "Export to CSV" option.
Export the content of domain into CSV. http://www.sdbexplorer.com/documentation/simpledb--how-to-export-domain-in-csv-using-sdbexplorer.html
Go to path where your domain has exported.
Open CSV file.
Your first column is item name.
Delete all columns other then item Name and column "ValueA".
Set 100 for all item name under "ValueA" column.
Save the CSV.
Go to the SDBExplorer main UI.
Select the same domain.
Click on "Import" option from tool bar.
A panel will open.
Now Import the data into the Domain. http://www.sdbexplorer.com/documentation/simpledb--how-to-upload-csv-file-data-and-specifying-column-as-amazon-simple-db-item-name.html
Once import is done, explore the domain and you will find the value 100 set to all items for column ValueA.
Please try the steps first on any dummy domain.
What exactly I am trying to suggest you?
To know all item name in your domain, I am suggesting you to export all content of your domain into CSV file at local file system. Once you get all item name in CSV, keep only one column "ValueA". Set "100" for all the items in CSV file and upload/import the content back into domain.
Discloser: I am one of the developer of SDBExplorer.

Making a Row Read Only in a tabular form based on table value

I have a tabular form which is updated throughout the year and i wanted to prevent users from editing certain rows. Currently the 'row type' is hard coded however I want the application admin to control which 'row types' are readable / write at certain times. My answered question, click here.
Currently a dynamic action is fired which prevents the rows that contain the type 'manager figure' and 'sales_target' being edited.
I have created a table with the three row types against each customer. Each status is set by a number: 0 to 3 (These i will decode into something meaningful for users).
0 - Row with that row type is read only.
1 - Users can enter into the row with that row type.
2 - row is read only with that row type.
3 - row is complete and set to read only.
I have created a new form (new tab) for the admin user to maintain each status.
Currently for Customer 'Big Toy Store' rows should be set as follows:
Manager Figure row should be read only (since set to 2)
Sales should be readable (since set to 0)
Sales target should be writable (since set to 1)
Please can i be pointed in the right direction, ive looked into jquery but struggling to work out how to pass the output of an sql query to it, so it can be used to determine which rows should be read only.
workspace: apps2
user: developer.user
password: DynamicAction
application name: Application 71656 Read only Rows for Tabular Form
I'm not sure that a tabular form is a good format to work out this idea. As you can see, you require quite a bit of javascript to produce the results you want. Not only that, but this is all client side too, and thus there are some security risks to take into account. After all, I could just run some Firebug and disable or revert all things you did, and even change the numbers. Especially with sales figures, which is something you most definitely do want altered by everybody and is also the nature of your question, security is important.
There are more elegant ways here for you to control this, and not in the least to reduce the amount of highly customized javascript code. For example, you could do away with the tabular form, and instead implement a modal popup from an interactive report. Since the modal popup would be an iframe and thus a different page, you can create a form page. On a form page you have a lot more control over what happens to certain elements. You can specify conditions, read-only conditions, or use authorization schemes. All things you can not evidently use in a tabular form.
I'd think you'd do yourself a service by thinking this over again, and explore a different option. How much of a dealbreaker is using a tabular form actually?
You need the user. You need to know what group he belongs to, and then this has to be checked against the different statusses and rows have to be en/disabled. Do you really want this to happen on the client side?
I'm not saying it can't be done in a tabular form and javascript. It can, I'm just really doubting this is the correct approach!

variable date option in opencart

1st I want to remove text field for date so the calendar will replace it.
2nd I want to make the status order.. I want to sell the service, so I need to make booking order by calendar. If the date is green client can make an order. If red the client can't book an order. If yellow there certain items can be ordered.
I hope someone can help..
You have to try something at least and ask only for advice then.
Anyway, few suggestions:
it cannot be done using that option field of type date, at least not with the default datepicker.
You will need to create Your own datepicker component that will search for free/partialy/fully ordered days in the database and color the table cells accordingly.
It is not very wise to hide the input - by this visible user could anytime check what date did he pick - if it is not visible he would need to always open the datepicker to check for it...
Disallowing to order some service based on some reservations is highly decreasing Your conversion rate - thus decreasing Your income. I would definitely go the way let the user buy/order anything at anytime while having separate reservation system. If user buys a service at thank You page I would recommend him to book a concrete date for the service to be drawn. Here You do not need to fight with product options which are meant totally for something different that You are trying to.
Keep that in mind (mainly the 4th point) and re-think Your problem.

Designing MySQL table for Achievements system

I am creating a database for an achievement system (like something you would see in a Blizzard game). I would like to have a GUI that displays the current progress of all achievements in the game which means I will need to query the progress of all achievements for a user in order to populate the GUI. I plan on having somewhere around 100 achievements.
This brings about a design question. What is the best way to design the database and querying code to query the progress of ~100 bit fields?
It seems like the brute force method would be to get the entire row of achievements and then for each field in the row do some hardcoded string comparison to determine which achievement we are dealing with.
Another possible solution may be to have a big switch statement based on the column index of the table and handle each achievement for each case (requires not modifying the table or you have to refactor a lot of C++ code).
I'm curious to hear any other designs you guys may have for this.
I suggest building a solution using 3 tables. These tables are users, achievements and user_achievements. A user would be identified with a u_id in the users table. An achievement would be identified with a a_id in the achievements table. You would then keep track of users achievements by inserting a row in the user_achievements table that includes a u_id to identify the user and a a_id to identify the achievement. The user_achievements table would also contain a column that would specify the % completion of that achievement for the given user.
Came across this question and even though it's 5 years old, perhaps someone would be interested in following approach.
Achievements are usually broken down to numbers (the rest, like Name, Description of each achievement can be put to site/app core to avoid bloating the DB).
lets be simple, we are not FB and don't need separate table for them, so in "users" table we add just 1 single column: "Achievements" it is a varchar(50). Number in brackets (50) will depend on your actual needs to this column (i.e. how much data it stores).
so you end up having in each cell of the Achievements column a numerical sequence: 10982039482084109384
Read this line of digits as follows, from left to right: user has reached "1098 profile views", received "2039 likes", etc. Optionally, add a separator for easier distinction + to instantly handle cases when as first user had 25 likes, then 125, then 2039 (2 digits, 3 digits, 4 digits - or another alternative is to use 0025 then 0125 then 2039 given you know max digits is 4 per achievement). But still lets say we decide to use separators, i.e. a comma:
Then once you need a data, just SELECT achievements belonging to specific userID and subsequently (if you added a separator)
explode (',', $array)
then your site php core knows that first 4 digits stand for "profile views" and lets say this means that he has a level 10 badge for profile views (1 badge for 100 views).
Thereon, you can easily do operations with no further need for SQL queries. Example, user wants to know his progress on achieving a level 20 badge, you display: he has a 1098/2000 (or 55%) progress.
At that, achievement Description, Name, level information is stored in site core, while percentage is calculated on the go.
Hope the logic is clear and may be useful to any1 in community out there.