Antialiasing of existing texture - glsl

I have a lot of pre-generated images (same size) that consist of curved lines and a colorful fill. The problem is that these lines are not smooth:
Questions: using a shader, how to make all curves more smoother in a given texture?
Sorry for not offering my own solution, I'm very new to shaders and haven't been able to solve this problem yet. I import pictures (textures) into the shader from p5.js.
let img, theShader, pg;
function preload() {
img = loadImage('texture.jpg');
function setup() {
pg = createGraphics(600, 800);
theShader = pg.createShader(vert, frag);
function draw() {
theShader.setUniform('u_resolution', [pg.width, pg.height]);
theShader.setUniform('u_texture', pg);
pg.rect(0, 0, pg.width, pg.height);
image(pg, 0,0, width, height);

You can try to apply some FXAA to reduce jagged edges but you can't just change arbitrary features (like line width) in a pregenerated image without writing some rather sophisticated custom filtering. This is basically the worst step in the pipeline to try to increase image quality, if at all possible you should try to get better source material: a higher resolution render, vector image format (svg) or straight up recreate the output.


SDL putting lots of pixel data onto the screen

I am creating a program that allows you to view fractals like the Mandelbrot or Julia set. I would like to render them as quickly as possible. I would love a way to put an array of uint8_t pixel values onto the screen. The array is formatted like this...
(A one dimensional array or RGB color values)
I know I have the proper data because before I just set individual points and it worked...
for(int i = 0;i < height * width;++i) {
//setStroke and point are functions that I made that together just draw a colored point
r.point(i % r.window.w,i / r.window.w);
This is a pretty slow operation especially if the screen is big (which I would like it to be)
Is there any faster way to just put all the data onto the screen.
I tried doing something like this
void* pixels;
int pitch;
SDL_Texture* img = SDL_CreateTexture(ren,
SDL_LockTexture(img, NULL, &pixels, &pitch);
memcpy(pixels, data, window.w * 3 * window.h);
I have no idea what I'm doing so please have mercy
Edit (thank you for comments :))
So here is what I do now
SDL_Texture* img = SDL_CreateTexture(ren, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888,SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING,window.w,window.h);
SDL_UpdateTexture(img,NULL,&data[0],window.w * 3);
But I get this Image... which is not what it should look like
I am thinking that my data is just formatted wrong, right now it is formatted as an array of uint8_t in RGB order. Is there another way I should be formatting it (note I do not need an alpha channel)

How can I achieve noSmooth() with the P3D renderer?

I'd like to render basic 3D shapes without any aliasing/smoothing with a PGraphics instance using the P3D renderer, but noSmooth() doesn't seem to work.
In OF I remember calling setTextureMinMagFilter(GL_NEAREST,GL_NEAREST); on a texture.
What would be the equivalent in Processing ?
I tried to use PGL:
but I get a black image as the result.
If I comment PGL.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER = PGL.NEAREST; I can see the render, but it's interpolated, not sharp.
Here'a basic test sketch with a few things I've tried:
PGraphics buffer;
PGraphicsOpenGL pgl;
void setup() {
size(320, 240, P3D);
//PGL pgl = beginPGL();
buffer=createGraphics(width/8, height/8, P3D);
PGL bpgl = buffer.beginPGL();
//PGL.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER = PGL.NEAREST;//commenting this back in results in a blank buffer
buffer.line(0, 0, buffer.width, buffer.height);
void draw() {
image(buffer, 0, 0, width, height);
(I've also posted on the Processing Forum, but no luck so far)
You were actually on the right track. You were just passing the wrong value to textureSampling().
Since the documentation on PGraphicsOpenGL::textureSampling()
is a bit scarce to say the least.
I decided to peak into it using a decompiler, which lead me to
There I was able to see the values and what they reflected (in the decompiled code).
Where PGraphicsOpenGL's default textureSampling is 5 (TRILINEAR).
I also later found this old comment on an issue equally confirming it.
So to get point/nearest filtering you only need to call noSmooth() on the application itself, and call textureSampling() on your PGraphics.
size(320, 240, P3D);
buffer = createGraphics(width/8, height/8, P3D);
((PGraphicsOpenGL) buffer).textureSampling(2);
So considering the above, and only including the code you used to draw the line and drawing buffer to the application. Then that gives the following desired result.
I needed to combine both GL_LINEAR and GL_NEAREST with one shader so the ((PGraphicsOpenGL) buffer).textureSampling(2); was no option.
It was some digging, but this works for me:
PGL pgl = beginPGL();
Texture ascii_map_tex = ((PGraphicsOpenGL)g).getTexture(ascii_map);
pgl.bindTexture(PGL.TEXTURE_2D, ascii_map_tex.glName);
pgl.bindTexture(PGL.TEXTURE_2D, 0);

How pick geometries in OpenGL with multisample framebuffer?

(Edit) I made working geometry picking with framebuffer. My goal is draw huge scene in one draw call, but I need to draw to multisample color texture attachment (GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0) and draw to (eddited) non-multisample picking texture attachment (GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1). The problem is if I use multisample texture to pick, picking is corrupted because of multi-sampling.
I write geometry ID to fragment shader like this:
// Given geometry id
uniform int in_object_id;
// Drawed to screen (GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0)
out vec4 out_frag_color0;
// Drawed to pick texture (GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1)
out vec4 out_frag_color1;
// ...
void main() {
out_frag_color0 = ...; // Calculating lighting and other stuff
const int max_byte1 = 256;
const int max_byte2 = 65536;
const float fmax_byte = 255.0;
int a1 = in_object_id % max_byte1;
int a2 = (in_object_id / max_byte1) % max_byte1;
int a3 = (in_object_id / max_byte2) % max_byte1;
//out_frag_color0 = vec4(a3 / fmax_byte, a2 / fmax_byte, a1 / fmax_byte, 1);
out_frag_color1 = vec4(a3 / fmax_byte, a2 / fmax_byte, a1 / fmax_byte, 1);
(Point of that code is use RGB space for store geometry ID which is then read back a using for changing color of cube)
This happens when I move cursor by one pixel to left:
Because of alpha value of cube pixel:
Without multisample is works well. But multisampling multiplies my output color and geometry id is then corrupted, so it selects random cube with multiplied value.
(Edit) I can't attach one multisample texture target to color0 and non-multisample texture target to color1, it's not supported. How can I do this in one draw call?
Multisampling is not my friend I am not sure If I understand it well (whole framebuffering). Anyway, this way to pick geometries looks horrible for me (I meant calculating ID to color). Am I doing it well? How can I solve multisample problem? Is there better way?
PS: Sorry for low english. :)
You can't do multisampled and non-multisampled rendering in a single draw call.
As you already found, using two color targets in an FBO, with only one of them being multisampled, is not supported. From the "Framebuffer Completeness" section in the spec:
The value of RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES is the same for all attached renderbuffers; the value of TEXTURE_SAMPLES is the same for all attached textures; and, if the attached images are a mix of renderbuffers and textures, the value of RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES matches the value of TEXTURE_SAMPLES.
You also can't render to multiple framebuffers at the same time. There is always one single current framebuffer.
The only reasonable option I can think of is to do picking in a separate pass. Then you can easily switch the framebuffer/attachment to a non-multisampled renderbuffer, and avoid all these issues.
Using a separate pass for picking seems cleaner to me anyway. This also allows you to use a specialized shader for each case, instead of always producing two outputs even if one of them is mostly unused.
I think it is posible...
You have to set the picking texture to multisampled and after rendering the scene, you can render 2 triangles over the screen and inside another fragmentshader you can readout each sample... to do that you have to use the GLSL command:
texelFetch(sampler, pixelposition/*[0-texturesize]*/, /*important*/layernumber);
Then you can render it into a single-sampled texture and read the color via glReadPixel.
I haven't tested it now, but I think it works

Recolouring SDL2 textures

So I have a sprite image and a mask sprite:
(the mask is actually a paletted image, where each value is a different recolour area, 0 being the blue that isn't recoloured)
These areas would be recoloured into any arbitrary colour.
What's the best way to implement this, assuming the sprite image is being cached/preloaded as an SDL_Texture? I've been given some hints, e.g. rendering to texture, alpha blending, but none seem to fit with all the "requirements"
I can think in two ways to achieve this:
Easier way
You can separate each recolour area from the mask in multiple textures, in such way each mask texture having only two colors, one to be the transparent (alpha=0) and the other being white (255,255,255,255). Then for each time you need to recolour you set the color mod for each mask to the desired ones and the combine with the source texture, like this:
SDL_SetRenderTarget(r, destiny);
SDL_RenderCopy(r, source, destiny);
for(/* Each mask as m*/){ */
SDL_SetColorMod(m, c[i].r, c[i].g, c[i].b);
SDL_RenderCopy(r, source, destiny);
Other way is to do that combination by hand, which would avoid the previous separation, mapping the each color area to the final color in some array or hash map and going through the pixel of the mask and the image and recolouring if you need to. This way in easier to implement if you use surfaces and later convert to texture, but you can do both ways, so I will explain it in pseudo-code:
s: source;
d: destiny;
m: mask;
c: [0x00ff00: 0xff000000, 0x0000ff: 0xdeadbeef];
for(i=0; i< s.pixels.size(); ++i){
destiny = (c[m.pixels[i]]+s.pixels[i])/2;
} else {
destiny = s.pixels[i];
In both examples I used the common blend function to combine, but you can try others, I think add could be a good alternative too.

DirectX using multiple Render Targets as input to each other

I have a fairly simple DirectX 11 framework setup that I want to use for various 2D simulations. I am currently trying to implement the 2D Wave Equation on the GPU. It requires I keep the grid state of the simulation at 2 previous timesteps in order to compute the new one.
How I went about it was this - I have a class called FrameBuffer, which has the following public methods:
bool Initialize(D3DGraphicsObject* graphicsObject, int width, int height);
void BeginRender(float clearRed, float clearGreen, float clearBlue, float clearAlpha) const;
void EndRender() const;
// Return a pointer to the underlying texture resource
const ID3D11ShaderResourceView* GetTextureResource() const;
In my main draw loop I have an array of 3 of these buffers. Every loop I use the textures from the previous 2 buffers as inputs to the next frame buffer and I also draw any user input to change the simulation state. I then draw the result.
int nextStep = simStep+1;
if (nextStep > 2)
nextStep = 0;
ID3D11ShaderResourceView* texArray[2] = { mFrameArray[simStep]->GetTextureResource(),
mFrameArray[prevStep]->GetTextureResource() };
result = mWaveShader->Render(d3dGraphicsObj, mQuad->GetRenderer()->GetIndexCount(), texArray);
if (!result)
return false;
// perform any extra input
I_InputSystem *inputSystem = ServiceProvider::Instance().GetInputSystem();
if (inputSystem->IsMouseLeftDown()) {
int x,y;
int width,height;
float xPos = MapValue((float)x,0.0f,(float)width,-1.0f,1.0f);
float yPos = MapValue((float)y,0.0f,(float)height,-1.0f,1.0f);
mColorQuad->mTransform.position = Vector3f(xPos,-yPos,0);
result = mColorQuad->Render(&viewMatrix,&orthoMatrix);
if (!result)
return false;
prevStep = simStep;
simStep = nextStep;
ID3D11ShaderResourceView* currTexture = mFrameArray[nextStep]->GetTextureResource();
// Render texture to screen
result = mQuad->Render(&viewMatrix,&orthoMatrix);
if (!result)
return false;
The problem is nothing is happening. Whatever I draw appears on the screen(I draw using a small quad) but no part of the simulation is actually ran. I can provide the shader code if required, but I am certain it works since I've implemented this before on the CPU using the same algorithm. I'm just not certain how well D3D render targets work and if I'm just drawing wrong every frame.
Here is the code for the begin and end render functions of the frame buffers:
void D3DFrameBuffer::BeginRender(float clearRed, float clearGreen, float clearBlue, float clearAlpha) const {
ID3D11DeviceContext *context = pD3dGraphicsObject->GetDeviceContext();
context->OMSetRenderTargets(1, &(mRenderTargetView._Myptr), pD3dGraphicsObject->GetDepthStencilView());
float color[4];
// Setup the color to clear the buffer to.
color[0] = clearRed;
color[1] = clearGreen;
color[2] = clearBlue;
color[3] = clearAlpha;
// Clear the back buffer.
context->ClearRenderTargetView(mRenderTargetView.get(), color);
// Clear the depth buffer.
context->ClearDepthStencilView(pD3dGraphicsObject->GetDepthStencilView(), D3D11_CLEAR_DEPTH, 1.0f, 0);
void D3DFrameBuffer::EndRender() const {
Edit 2 Ok, I after I set up the DirectX debug layer I saw that I was using an SRV as a render target while it was still bound to the Pixel stage in out of the shaders. I fixed that by setting shader resources to NULL after I render with the wave shader, but the problem still persists - nothing actually gets ran or updated. I took the render target code from here and slightly modified it, if its any help:
Okay, as I understand correct you need a multipass-rendering to texture.
Basiacally you do it like I've described here: link
You creating SRVs with both D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE and D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET bind flags.
You ctreating render targets from textures
You set first texture as input (*SetShaderResources()) and second texture as output (OMSetRenderTargets())
You Draw()*
then you bind second texture as input, and third as output
Additional advices:
If your target GPU capable to write to UAVs from non-compute shaders, you can use it. It is much more simple and less error prone.
If your target GPU suitable, consider using compute shader. It is a pleasure.
Don't forget to enable DirectX debug layer. Sometimes we make obvious errors and debug output can point to them.
Use graphics debugger to review your textures after each draw call.
Edit 1:
As I see, you call BeginRender and OMSetRenderTargets only once, so, all rendering goes into mRenderTargetView. But what you need is to interleave:
Also, we don't know what is mRenderTargetView yet.
so, before
result = mColorQuad->Render(&viewMatrix,&orthoMatrix);
somewhere must be OMSetRenderTargets .
Probably, it s better to review your Begin()/End() design, to make resource binding more clearly visible.
Happy coding! =)