what is the layer and issuerLayer mean in webpack5? can show some examples? - webpack-5

I don't understand the webpack rule.layer options , in which scenarios these two options can be used? Can someone help me out?
I just configured this option in the rule, but nothing happend when I run build. what should i do?


what's the difference between using FLASK_ENV=development and app.run(debug=True)?

I have always been puzzled about this. I usually use both while working with a flask application which sometimes I feel is redundant. Can someone please clarify?
When you set the debug flag, it's internal to the flask app. When you set an environmental variable, other extensions and related modules can use it too. For me, one such use case was when I used sentry.

Starting a process with a shell, possible injection detected, security issue

Usingbandit for checking the code for vulnerability issues.
How to go about resolving this? Is there an alternative to using commands library( i.e commands.getoutput)? Please advise.
( python 2.7)
New to this security field, kindly update the tags if these aren't appropriate.
Here it says, https://github.com/openstack/bandit/blob/master/bandit/plugins/injection_shell.py#L62
commands.getoutput is vulnerable, but doesn't suggest a replacement! Ugh!
Could sombebody please recommend a solution to this. Thank you.
The only solution I have found is , marking tests which you know for sure to be false flags with the --no-sec flag. This will omit that particular test from bandit's checks/

How does ionic.config.js in ionic2 work

I need to know in detail, how does the ionic.config.js file (in ionic2) work.
Can I use Grunt instead of ionic.config.js ?
Yes you can use Grunt or Gulp for automating your builds.
Regarding your first question: Can you give us more details? Maybe tell us a bit more about what you are trying to achieve with the config file, or give us an overview of what tasks you want to accomplish?

Cloudfoundry- don't have python runtime

this website says cloudfoundry have already supproted python runtimes
but when I type vmc runtimes , it doesn't show python
Does anyone know what's going on?
It would be very appreciated if you can help
Note that I haven't done that in a while, and can't remember if I got python support at the time, but: There are different ways to install a custom CloudFoundry, thanks to the automated script called "dev_setup" ( https://github.com/cloudfoundry/vcap/tree/master/dev_setup).
This is what is explained here ( https://github.com/cloudfoundry/vcap) and I suspect this is what you have been following, given your previous comments.
Now, here is the thing: There are different options related to what should be deployed (the "-c" command line switch) so you may want to have a look at https://github.com/cloudfoundry/vcap/tree/master/dev_setup/deployments. In particular, there is a "all" deployment model that brings in the whole kitchen sink, so you can try this and confirm that you get python support. Also, have a look at the custom_runtimes thing in samples, this may be of interest to you.
As stated above, I haven't done this in a while, so I hope I'm on the right track here.

How to make templates of profiles in websphere?

I am aware that we can make templates of domains in weblogic very easily using config_builder script. Is there a similar thing in websphere?
I know nothing about WebLogic, but fix pack 9 for WebSphere added something you may find useful. The wsadmin command AdminTask.extractConfigProperties with GenerateTemplates and PortablePropertiesFile options set to true will generate a portable, editable file transferable to another cell. AdminTask.applyConfigProperties is used to read your edited output and apply the properties to a new cell, server, etc. I haven't tried this yet outside of a controlled sandbox environment; so, I'm not sure what pitfalls may await you. But if you have a ton of servers to build, it may be worth your time to do some experimentation.
Here's the IBM doc on the topic.
As far as i know i don't think there is such a capability.
You can use the default product shipped profiles to start with and create the servers and configure them the way you want.
These servers can then be used as a template to build other servers.
I am not sure if this helps you but i thought i would point this out.