accessing private videos on Vimeo, through Vimeo API - vimeo-api

I used, to get the private videos on Vimeo account. But now this api is deprecated, is there a way to get the private videos on Vimeo. I tried authorizing to Vimeo getting the access token and using api with authorization token, but I keep getting "Video not found" response. I am using this on iOS app, so I can't have whitelisted websites for a video to be displayed, the video is going to be showed in the app.
tried to use api but getting "Video not found" response.

To access private videos, you need to ensure your access token is authenticated to you and has private scope. See below for what this looks like in the token dashboard.

You will need to have both the "private" scope and also "video files" scope to access the playback and download links of the video.


How to get info of whitelisted Vimeo video via API?

Vimeo allows users (pro only feature?) to set the video to be "whitelisted": they will only play when embedded in certain website. Technically, it is implemented by checking the referer header.
I was wondering if it's possible to get info of such info via API (when referer whitelist is known).
Keep in mind I'm talking about video uploaded by others, not account which API is authorized in.
This data is not available in the API.

How can I get posts from public pages with Graph API?

I have Graph API Facebook. As shown as when I get my Posts that work. but when I get public page that not wok and get error (#100) Pages Public Content Access requires either app secret proof or an app token. I generate token with all permissions but not work.
My posts(worked):
JasonStatham posts(not work):
You can do this via official GraphQL QPI, in specific the /page-post endpoint.
There is also a good example here of how to do that with Python.
However, you need to keep in mind that in order to use this API you need to have a Facebook Application with 'Page Public Content Access'.
To get that permission your app must be a verified Business app.

API Gateway for playing media URLs?

I have a media file linked to a URL (like https://songexample.mp3 (not the real url)). I want my app to play that audio, using something like
audio = new Audio('https://songexample.mp3')
But I would like to make it so that users cannot view the underlying URL itself, and also so that only logged in users can play the URL.
I am wondering if I can use API Gateway for this purpose. Through tutorials like this one, it seems clear that you can link API Gateway to Cognito, so that only logged in Cognito users can access the API Gateway endpoint.
But, this example and the others I have seen assume you are using a REST endpoint, with a specific parameter (like id at the end), to get back information. In my case, the URL will not return text-based information, but will actually play media.
API Gateway seems to expect that the end of the URL will provide data for a {proxy} parameter--but my URL must end in mp3. Not surprisingly, when I've tried I've just gotten back 404 messages so far.
Is it possible to use API Gateway to limit access to this kind of URL?

Generating unauthenticated token with upload scope

I'm trying to get an unauthenticated token with upload scope making a request to with scope value of "public private upload".
In response token scope have value "public private" or "public private ".
My app has upload permissions, my account is PLUS. I can create token with upload scope in app control page and upload video via API using it.
I'm trying to make possible to upload a video directly from client's browser to my Vimeo account without oAuth2. The client making a request to the backend to get the unauthorized token. Backend authorizes the user in my system, create a token with API request, save it in my system for this user for reuse, return token to the client. Client upload video using Uppy via tus protocol directly to Vimeo. Everything except creating token is working. What I'm doing wrong? Maybe I need another account plan and/or check "Other people created these videos" at Request Upload Permissions page?
An unauthenticated token can only be used to interact with resources public on In other words, a token is used the same way as a user who is not logged into a Vimeo account. Upload requires a login.
If you want to upload to your account without going through the OAuth flow, you must generate a "Personal Access Token". To do so, go to your app management page at, select your app, and select the Authentication tab.
From there, scroll down to "Generate a personal access token", select the scopes you want that token to have (for upload I would recommend at minimum public private edit upload), and click Generate. Copy the token and save it somewhere secure. You can then use that token to authenticate your requests with the API.
I hope this information helps!

Media Builder Not Found Exception while Publishing into Instagram using Graph API

We are oftenly getting "Media Builder Not Found" Exception while publishing media using Instagram Graph API.Can anyone know how to fix it?
Triggered URL:
Url1 :<userId>/media?access_token=<token>&image_url=<imageUrl>
Url2 :<userId>/media_publish?creation_id=<creationId>&access_token=<token>
Yeah, this is tricky and sad - Facebook really has outdone itself here. The issue is that uploading to Instagram using Facebook API requires 2 types of access tokens.
When you call /media endpoint to upload an image, a user access token must be used.
When you use /media_publish to publish a previously created image - you must use page access token
Good luck!
I had the same issue, in my case, using the page token to create the media object and then using the user token to publish it, solved it.
What's strange though is that before I got the Instagram permissions approved, everything worked just by using the page token...but after I got the permissions approved it started failing and I had to use the user/page token combination to make it work.