MS Lists links displayed in the Comments - list

Within MS Lists (Office 365), is there a way to display a link within the Comments? Currently When I add a URL, it is displayed as text only and not as link.
I know I can create a Comments column within the List itself, and apply the to Rich Text formatting on it, however, I wanted to try make use of the inbuilt comments function itself to able to add links to it.


Is it possible to hyperlink text output using c++?

I want to output some hyperlinked text to a file using C++. I want the text to be "clickable" so that when a user clicks the "text" it'll take him to a specified, linked webpage. I was trying to make sense of libcurl, but from what I understand it doesn't allow you to output the links in the way i'm describing. For example, I want to output a list of separate links,
that all go to different webpages. If i'm wrong, i'll do some more learning, but if not, i'd like to hear other suggestions.

playing with SharePoint 2013 Lists Views and Schema

need to know how to get SharePoint List specific View among my Custom List Views or to modify a SharePoint List Schema... I explain :
Before i start i need to tell you that my need here is to have a list exactly like Discussion Board List just i need to modify its New/Edit forms. So i have 2 important creterias that i need to have :
1/Ii need to be able to acess the schema.xml file to add my custom New/edit forms to the list
2/ Or i need to be able to get the default View of Discussion Board List (the one with reply button and like etc...)
So, here are my Problems:
If i create a custom list (from Visual Studio) and i make it based on Discussion Content Type, Condition 1 is satisfied e.g. i can have a schema.xml File in where i can modify to put my Custom Edit/New forms BUT my list is being displayed not the way i want to (like described in Point 2) it is diplayed in rows and columns (no reply button etc...)
If i create a custom list (from Visual Studio again) based on Discussion Board list template, it is displayed (its Default View) just like i want to (as described in point 2) but in Visual Studio i only have a list instance, i don't have access to its Schema.xml where i can put links to my custom New/Edit forms.
I tried too many things; I tried to provision the Views programmatically just like in this : Thread but none helped me.
The last thing i tried is to take the desired view from SharePoint Discussion Lists (found its schema.xml in 15 hive) and i tried to integrate in my custom List, but i No relevant results...
So, in summary i need either to be able to import View from List to List or to be able to modify Schema.xml of SharePoint Lists that are based on specific list template (in my case Discussion Board template)
Any help will be welcome

Announcement list web part

I would like to create an announcement list webpart that shows the information like in this image I found googling:
Information is being shown in a column style, date, title and body, instead of the regular table layout that comes out of the box (shown in the links webpart under News).
Is it possible to do this without development or SharePoint Designer?
Thank you.
Yes, it is definitely possible using SharePoint Designer 2010.
You need to understand How SharePoint renders the data of a list. It is all the magic of XSLT which transforms an XML data into an HTML document.
You can customize this XSLT to suit your needs and modify the render pattern of the list data.
You can start from here:
How to: Customize the Rendering of a Field on a List View

C++ HTML viewer for scanning?

I just need some help in pointing me in the right direction. I have no issue with research but I don't know where to start!!! I want to make a program that uses a websites search function, but doesn't display the page. It will save the page and scan the HTML for a specific string and display it.
Would it work better to display the page in the background and search it, this way I don't have to save anything??
Where do I start??
A web page is mostly simple text. You can download a page with cURL and search it pretty much like you would any other text. If you don't want to search the contents of the tags, you'd want to search after parsing.

List components in a wiki page - or displaying a report's output in a wiki page

I want to list all components we have in our trac system on a wiki page - any ideas? I have written a report that lists them (using distinct etc. so they only display once) - can I use this?
Part 2 - we have a custom field of "client", I then want to, on a client's wiki page, list just the components that have been used in tickets for that client - again I could do this in a report but how do I get that to display on a wiki page?
If you can do it in a report, you can do it in a wiki page. Use the [[TicketQuery]] macro to insert a report/query into a wiki page. For example the following macro
would display a list of tickets that were assigned to ClientA, grouped by component. See WikiMacros for more information about using this macro.
If you need to do more advanced queries, you can use plugins like the SqlQueryMacro or WikiTableMacro to allow you to write query the database directly (there are probably other plugins that do this sort of thing as well, these are just the ones that I can remember offhand).
To generate a list of your project's components, try the ComponentsProcessorMacro.
You can convert the report to a query and integrate that in the wiki page, see for example TracQuery - Customizing the table format