Pass list of one of two structures to the function - list

New in Go, couldn't find any intuitive way of doing that.
I have such piece of code
tx = getTx()
for _, record := range tx.a {
// do a lot with record.Important
for _, record := range tx.b {
// do a lot with record.Important
for _, record := range tx.c {
// do a lot with record.Important
And the following structs:
type Record1 struct {
// fields of Record1
Important string
type Record2 struct {
// fields of Record1
Important string
type TX struct {
a []Record1
b []Record1
c []Record2
Now the logical is to extract every for logic into the function:
func helper(records) { // Here is the problem
// do a lot with record.Important
records is a []Record1 or []Record2 type. But it looks like Union types doesn't exists in Golang. So I thought I could pass []string into the helper, but cannot even find an elegant way to get something equivalent to map(lambda r: r.Important, tx.a). There is no high order map function, no list comprehesion. I am not convinced to use raw for loop to solve that.

One approach to do the loop across multiple types is to use interfaces together with generics. Have each Record type implement a getter method for the important field. Then declare an interface that includes that getter method in its method set. Then you can make your helper generic by declaring the interface as its type parameter.
func (r Record1) GetImportant() string { return r.Important }
func (r Record2) GetImportant() string { return r.Important }
type ImportantGetter interface {
GetImporant() string
func helper[T ImportantGetter](s []T) {
for _, v := range s {
_ = v.GetImportant()

Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, it seems like you want to extract all the values in column X from a set of records and then pass those values in as a slice to some function - I'm basing my assumption on your wish that go had something like map().
If what you're after is type-agnosticism, you could certainly use an interface approach like that suggested by mkopriva, but you aren't going to get out of using a for loop - iteration over list types is core to idiomatic go. If you need a mapping function, you're going to have to write one that performs the mapping you want.
I'd note that you do not need generics to do what mkopriva suggests, you can just use an interface without muddying the waters with generics go playground:
package main
import "fmt"
type Record1 struct {
Important string
type Record2 struct {
Important string
func (r Record1) GetImportant() string { return r.Important }
func (r Record2) GetImportant() string { return r.Important }
type ImportantGetter interface {
GetImportant() string
func helper(s []ImportantGetter) {
for _, v := range s {
func main() {
records := []ImportantGetter{Record1{Important: "foo"}, Record2{Important: "bar"}}
Another approach to the type-agnosticism, and one that's a bit more (IMHO) idiomatic for "I expect all of these types to have a common property," is to use struct embedding and type assertions to build your own Map() function up go playground:
type CommonFields struct {
Important string
type Record1 struct {
FieldSpecificToRecord1 string
type Record2 struct {
FieldSpecificToRecord2 int
func main() {
r1 := Record1{
CommonFields{Important: "I'm r1!"},
r2 := Record2{
CommonFields{Important: "I'm r2!"},
records := []interface{}{r1, r2, "this is not a valid record type"}
func Map(source []interface{}) []string {
destination := make([]string, len(source))
for i, sourceRecord := range source {
if rr, ok := sourceRecord.(Record1); ok {
destination[i] = rr.Important
} else if rr, ok := sourceRecord.(Record2); ok {
destination[i] = rr.Important
} else {
destination[i] = "undefined"
return destination
You'd likely want to make your implementation of Map() accept an argument specifying the field to extract to conform to what you have in other languages, or possibly even just pass in a helper function which does most of the type-specific value extraction.


Mask package name in test file only

In pursuit of 100% unit test coverage, we have several lines we're trying to test in one of our functions. The relevant function calls out to the runtime package:
// functionName returns a string representing the function name of the function n stack frames above the caller.
// if n = 0, the name of the function calling functionName() will be returned.
func functionName(n int) string {
pc, _, _, ok := runtime.Caller(n + 1)
if !ok {
return "unknown function"
me := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
if me == nil {
return "unknown function"
split := strings.Split(me.Name(), ".")
if len(split) == 0 {
return "unknown function"
return split[len(split)-1]
Specifically, the 3 if statements and their return values are currently untested, because the runtime functions don't appear to be easily manipulated to return the values we want. Our standard response in these cases is to mock out the items in question, but these calls are to package-level functions (rather than methods of an interface) within the runtime package itself.
My first thought was to mock out the runtime token itself by using a structure with Caller() and FuncForPC() methods, assigned to a variable named "runtime" in the test files (so it wouldn't affect the production code flow, since test files are omitted during normal builds). However, this triggers a build error about "runtime" being redeclared within the (global) block.
I know this would be possible if the "runtime" variable were declare in a non-global scope (example masking fmt), but I can't find an elegant way to do so such that it gets masked within the tests, but not within the production code itself. The only way I've thought of is by altering the source of the production code to declare such a variable and replacing it's value in the tests, but this is far from ideal, since it complicates the production code purely for the purposes of testing.
Any ideas?
One solution is to declare variables of those functions you want to mock.
var runtimeCaller = runtime.Caller
var runtimeFuncForPC = runtime.FuncForPC
func functionName(n int) string {
pc, _, _, ok := runtimeCaller(n + 1)
if !ok {
return "unknown function"
me := runtimeFuncForPC(pc)
if me == nil {
return "unknown function"
split := strings.Split(me.Name(), ".")
if len(split) == 0 {
return "unknown function"
return split[len(split)-1]
Or if you prefer the dot notation...
var _runtime = struct{
Caller func(skip int) (pc uintptr, file string, line int, ok bool)
FuncForPC func(pc uintptr) *runtime.Func
}{runtime.Caller, runtime.FuncForPC}
func functionName(n int) string {
pc, _, _, ok := _runtime.Caller(n + 1)
if !ok {
return "unknown function"
me := _runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
if me == nil {
return "unknown function"
split := strings.Split(me.Name(), ".")
if len(split) == 0 {
return "unknown function"
return split[len(split)-1]
And in your tests, before running functionName, you can set the variables/fields to mock implementations. And if other tests may cause the functionName to be called beware of concurrent access... I don't think there is much else you can do without changing the existing code significantly.
On the reliability of programs. Edsger W. Dijkstra
The first moral of the story is that program testing can be used very
effectively to show the presence of bugs but never to show their
Let's read your code. Go type int is a 32- or 64-bit signed integer. Therefore, consider,
package main
import (
// functionName returns a string representing the function name of the function n stack frames above the caller.
// if n = 0, the name of the function calling functionName() will be returned.
func functionName(n int) string {
pc, _, _, ok := runtime.Caller(n + 1)
if !ok {
return "unknown function"
me := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
if me == nil {
return "unknown function"
split := strings.Split(me.Name(), ".")
if len(split) == 0 {
return "unknown function"
return split[len(split)-1]
func main() {
for skip := -4; skip <= 4; skip++ {
fn := functionName(skip)
fmt.Println(functionName(0), skip, fn)
const (
sizeInt = 32 << (^uint(0) >> 63)
maxInt = 1<<(sizeInt-1) - 1
minInt = -1 << (sizeInt - 1)
for _, skip := range []int{minInt, maxInt} {
fn := functionName(skip)
fmt.Println(functionName(0), skip, fn)
$ go run funcname.go
main -4 skipPleaseUseCallersFrames
main -3 skipPleaseUseCallersFrames
main -2 skipPleaseUseCallersFrames
main -1 functionName
main 0 main
main 1 main
main 2 goexit
main 3 unknown function
main 4 unknown function
main -9223372036854775808 skipPleaseUseCallersFrames
main 9223372036854775807 skipPleaseUseCallersFrames
It looks like a bug in functionName to me. What did your coverage testing say about this?
Reading your code there appears to be no reliable way to detect the return of an error value. One way would be to return an empty string. If you want to use a special value such as "unknown function" then provide a value to check against. For example,
const functionUnknown = "unknown function"
func functionName(n int) string {
pc, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(n + 1)
if !ok {
return functionUnknown
// . . .
func main() {
fn := functionName(0)
if fn == functionUnknown {
// handle error
What did your coverage testing say about this?

Accessing different properties in a typescript union type

I'm creating a function that handles objects from the database. I have two different data structures where the same property has a different name. I can't change that, so I have to handle it in JavaScript.
The objects have other differences, but that's not important to this function.
I want to use the same function for two different types of objects. Here's sample code demonstrating my problem:
interface TypeA {
itemName: string;
interface TypeB {
itemTitle: string;
function getItemName(item: TypeA | TypeB): string {
let name = '';
if (item.hasOwnProperty('itemName')) {
name = item.itemName;
} else {
name = item.itemTitle;
return name;
Of course, this code runs. But the IDE marks both the lines name = item.itemName; and name = item.itemTitle; as errors ("Property does not exist on type"), because both types do not have both properties.
So, what's the proper typescript way to do this?
You need to create a User Defined Type Guard, then you can use an if statement and get the correct typing.
function isTypeA(value: TypeA | TypeB): value is TypeA {
return value.hasOwnProperty('itemName');
Then you can get the typing much cleaner:
function getItemName(item: TypeA | TypeB): string {
return isTypeA(item) ? item.itemName : item.itemTitle;
Check it out here. Item is correctly cast to either TypeA or TypeB.
I might be a little bit late, but you could give this a try inside your function:
if ('itemName' in item) {
name = item.itemName;
} else {
name = item.itemTitle;
you can make a type assertion if you don't do this too often :
if (item.hasOwnProperty('itemName')) {
name = (item as TypeA).itemName;
} else {
name = (item as TypeB).itemTitle;
if (item.hasOwnProperty('itemName')) {
name = (<TypeA>item).itemName;
} else {
name = (<TypeB>item).itemTitle;
if you need to make this check more than once or twice, you'd better writing a type guard as #Daryl suggests.
interface TypeA {
a: string
interface TypeB {
b: string
const testFunction = (x: TypeA | TypeB): string => {
return (x as TypeA).a || (x as TypeB).b;
testFunction({ a: 'Hello' }); // 'Hello'
testFunction({ b: 'World' }); // 'World'
Intellij accepts this syntax:
function getItemName(item: TypeA): string;
function getItemName(item: TypeB): string;
function getItemName(item): string {
return item.hasOwnProperty('itemName') ? item.itemName : item.itemTitle;
the official way according to the typescript docs is this:
I won't complicate things. If you're really sure that your object has either the one or the other property, a name = item['itemName'] || item['itemTitle'] or name = item.hasOwnProperty('itemName') ? item['itemName'] : item['itemTitle'] would be sufficient.
Note that TypeScript usually stops complaining if you access properties using the bracket notation instead of the dot notation. I would suggest adding a comment, though.
Use typeguards:
interface TypeA {
itemName: string;
interface TypeB {
itemTitle: string;
function isTypeA(val: any): val is TypeA
return val.hasOwnProperty('itemName');
function isTypeB(val: any): val is TypeB
return val.hasOwnProperty('itemTitle');
function getItemName(item: TypeA | TypeB): string
let name = '';
if (isTypeA(item))
name = item.itemName;
name = item.itemTitle;
return name;

Failing to List.PushBack

Take a look at the following source code:
import "container/list"
type Stream struct {
list list.List
func (s Stream) Append(value interface{}) {
This code will keep on printing 0 and 1 all the time. Am I doing it wrong?
You're copying your Stream and List values in the Append method.
Either make Append a pointer receiver
func (s *Stream) Append(value interface{}) {
or make Stream.list a *list.List
type Stream struct {
list *list.List

How to cast tuples in a "for in" enumeration in swift?

My enumeration is as follows:
for (i, poi) in enumerate(self.pois) {
I'd like to cast i and poi as (int, NSDictionary)
I tried many things, including:
for (i, poi) in enumerate(self.pois) as [(int, NSDictionary)]
Any idea?
this little package may be helpful for you:
let justAnArray: Array<(i: Int, poi: NSDictionary)> = Array()
// fill the array...
for temporaryTuple: (i: Int, poi: NSDictionary) in justAnArray {
// enumerate through elements...
with typealias:
typealias CustomTuple = (i: Int, poi: NSDictionary)
var justAnArray: Array<CustomTuple> = Array()
// fill the array ...
for temporaryTuple: CustomTuple in justAnArray {
// enumerate through elements...
What is the current type of poi? If poi is a Dictionary then the cast is simple.
for (i, poi) in enumerate( { $0 as NSDictionary }) {
println("\(i) : \(poi)")
Or you can do make the cast as the first line of the for loop.
for (i, poiDictionary) in enumerate(self.pois) {
let poi = poiDictionary as NSDictionary
println("\(i) : \(poi)")
If poi is an object, then you will need to call a method on poi to get the NSDictionary.
for (i, poi) in enumerate( { $0.toNSDictionary() }) {
println("\(i) : \(poi)")

Idiomatic way to do conversion/type assertion on multiple return values in Go

What is the idiomatic way to cast multiple return values in Go?
Can you do it in a single line, or do you need to use temporary variables such as I've done in my example below?
package main
import "fmt"
func oneRet() interface{} {
return "Hello"
func twoRet() (interface{}, error) {
return "Hejsan", nil
func main() {
// With one return value, you can simply do this
str1 := oneRet().(string)
fmt.Println("String 1: " + str1)
// It is not as easy with two return values
//str2, err := twoRet().(string) // Not possible
// Do I really have to use a temp variable instead?
temp, err := twoRet()
str2 := temp.(string)
fmt.Println("String 2: " + str2 )
if err != nil {
By the way, is it called casting when it comes to interfaces?
i := interface.(int)
You can't do it in a single line.
Your temporary variable approach is the way to go.
By the way, is it called casting when it comes to interfaces?
It is actually called a type assertion.
A type cast conversion is different:
var a int
var b int64
a = 5
b = int64(a)
func silly() (interface{}, error) {
return "silly", nil
v, err := silly()
if err != nil {
// handle error
s, ok := v.(string)
if !ok {
// the assertion failed.
but more likely what you actually want is to use a type switch, like-a-this:
switch t := v.(type) {
case string:
// t is a string
case int :
// t is an int
// t is some other type that we didn't name.
Go is really more about correctness than it is about terseness.
Or just in a single if:
if v, ok := value.(migrater); ok {
Go will take care of the cast inside the if clause and let you access the properties of the casted type.
template.Must is the standard library's approach for returning only the first return value in one statement. Could be done similarly for your case:
func must(v interface{}, err error) interface{} {
if err != nil {
return v
// Usage:
str2 := must(twoRet()).(string)
By using must you basically say that there should never be an error, and if there is, then the program can't (or at least shouldn't) keep operating, and will panic instead.