【reCAPTHA v3】I get an error that does not exist in Error code reference. (browser-error) - recaptcha-enterprise

I used reCAPTCHA v3 and got an error code not listed in the official documentation.
success : false,
error-codes : [ "browser-error" ]
It's happening only in safari browser.
what is the cause?


How to create RESTful Service in Oracle Apex?

I'm trying to create a RESTful service in Oracle Apex 20.2 as follows :
RESTful Service Module : api
Module Base Path : /api/
URI Template : {command}
Full URL : http://localhost:8080/ords/useralias/api/{command}
Method(Value Required) : POST
Source Type : PL/SQL
Source :
htp.p('Hi !');
The service is created. However when calling it via Curl using the command :
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/ords/useralias/api/something
I'm getting the error :
"code": "UserDefinedResourceError",
"title": "User Defined Resource Error",
"message": "The request could not be processed due to an error in a user defined resource",
"o:errorCode": "ORDS-25001",
"cause": "An error occurred when evaluating the SQL statement associated with this resource. SQL Error Code 900, Error Message: ORA-00900: instruction SQL non valide\n",
"action": "Ask the user defined resource author to check the SQL statement is correctly formed and executes without error",
"type": "tag:oracle.com,2020:error/UserDefinedResourceError",
"instance": "tag:oracle.com,2020:ecid/3-WELoSC5oGNk1d3BuOh2A"
Using the exact same service with a "GET" handler and the same source (htp.p('Hi !');), the service works properly.
Does anyone know how to make it work please ?
The answer is stupidly simple :
the source should be :
htp.p('hi !');
instead of :
htp.p('hi !');

Sentry Error logging not working as expected in React Native app

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the purpose. I am looking for a solution to replace my console.log(errors) in my app as I get it ready for production. I went through the steps to add Sentry functionality to my expo managed work flow project. It seemed to work, it connects, it runs Sentry.init() just fine. But when I try to use Sentry.captureException('some exception') in place of a console.log, the app crashes and I get "Sentry.captureException is not a function". It logs THAT error in my sentry console. So the error is being passed to my sentry project. But from the documentation I'm following, Sentry.captureException should be a valid function? What am i missing? I have also tried Sentry.captureMessage with the same result.
import * as Sentry from 'sentry-expo';
dsn: 'xxxx',
enableInExpoDevelopment: true,
debug: true, // Sentry will try to print out useful debugging information if something goes wrong with sending an event. Set this to `false` in production.
export default function App() {
return (
<AuthNavigator />
app.json expo hooks
"hooks": {
"postPublish": [
"file": "sentry-expo/upload-sourcemaps",
"config": {
"organization": "myorganization",
"project": "myproject",
"authToken": "xxxx"
You should use Sentry.Native.captureException('message') - as per these docs.
Also note that sentry-expo supports TypeScript, so if you were to use TypeScript for your project you would get autocompletion and an error when calling the wrong method.

Upload REST API shows 400 bad request

I have an ESB webservice client which upload document to Alfresco using following RestAPI .
I understand , API to be called as multipart / form data , with file and mandatory fields . When i executed , i got the following error ersponse back .
"status": {
"code": 400,
"name": "Bad Request",
"description": "Request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect."
"message": "Required parameters are missing",
"exception": "",
"callstack": [],
"server": "Enterprise v5.2.3 (r852994b1-b12) schema 10,065",
"time": "10-Jul-2020 12:26:47"
I use WSO2 ESB client , ESB code looks all good . The only place where i can debug is through wirelog .
wirelog shows alll good( please scee screen shot below) . Error message has confilicting information like
"description": "Request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect."
"message": "Required parameters are missing",
Is there a log i can get from Alfresco server side to identify what actually is the issue , which syntax is incorrect ?
what parameter is missing ?
Screen shot for wire log as below
please click this link to see image of wiretap
You can use api-explorer rest api to upload document.
Which documentation are you following? By having a quick look here, I'd say you're not sending everything you should be:
This is the condition you're seeing getting triggered, so I'd look more closely in what you're actually sending. Maybe use Fiddler or some similar software to record your request and inspect it.
// Ensure mandatory file attributes have been located. Need either destination, or site + container or updateNodeRef
if ((filename === null || content === null) || (destination === null && (siteId === null || containerId === null) && updateNodeRef === null))
exitUpload(400, "Required parameters are missing");
Also, the web script in question can be found here, it's implemented in JS so it would be relatively easy to add additional (temporary) logging.

django-rest-social-auth login with give me error 400 bad request

guys im working on django-rest-social-auth that is here in github
and trying to add google login to my django rest framwork app
first i get code from this url
i send needed parameter like clientId,redirect_uri,provider and code to
with postman and browser form but :
i get HTTP 400 Bad Request error also i see this in my server console :
raise AuthForbidden(args[0])
social_core.exceptions.AuthForbidden: Your credentials aren't allowed
this is the data that i post :
"clientId": "61235520-pn78ds5sds5d21d21jmn1e9.apps.googleusercontent.com",
"redirect_uri": "http://localhost:4200/",
"provider": "google-oauth2",
"code": "4%2Fto7CCGznNFgE-rsssPlEQzV3lY9yjUWW_85YmPWF4OU"
why ???

Why WSO2 IS SAML2SSOAuthenticationService is returning false? (SAML2 SSO)

Scenario: I've deployed a Jaggery App at WSO2 AS 5.2.1 and I have WSO2 IS 5.0.0 (service pack activated) running two Service Providers with SSO config, one pointing to AS and the other to my Jaggery App.
My acs.jag is a copy o Dashboard application running at IS and configuration is similar too:
"saml_config" : {
"SAML.IdPUrl" : "samlsso",
"SAML.IssuerID" : "my.jag.app",
"SAML.LogoutUrl" : "logout",
"SAML.EnableResponseSigning" : "true",
"SAML.EnableAssertionSigning" : "true",
"SAML.EnableRequestSigning" : "true",
"SAML.SSOAgentCredentialImplClass" : "org.wso2.carbon.identity.sso.agent.saml.SSOAgentKeyStoreCredential",
"SAML.KeyStorePassword" : "wso2carbon",
"SAML.IdPCertAlias" : "wso2carbon",
"SAML.PrivateKeyAlias": "wso2carbon",
"SAML.PrivateKeyPassword" : "wso2carbon",
"SAML.KeyStore" : "{carbon.home}/repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks"
Problem: After IDP response, the payload is submited to SAML2SSOAuthenticationService and it always return false.
<ns:loginResponse xmlns:ns="http://sso.saml2.authenticator.identity.carbon.wso2.org">
Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks to #Asela I've noticed this at IS log:
ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.identity.authenticator.saml2.sso.SAML2SSOAuthenticator}
Authentication Request is rejected. SAMLResponse AudienceRestriction validation failed.
In SAML2SSOAuthenticator class, the error is set by Assertion object equals null, but Assertion object isn't null before jaggery call SAML2SSOAuthenticationService.
I've found what's missing.
Changed the Claim in the Jaggery App Service Provider to /role && /emailaddress, and now it's working just fine.