Cuda Multi-GPU Latency - c++

I'm new to CUDA and I'm trying to analyse the performance of two GPUs (RTX 3090; 48GB vRAM) in parallel. The issue I face is that for the simple block of code shown below, I would expect this overall block to complete at the same time regardless of the presence of Device 2 code, as they are running Asynchronously on different streams.
// aHost, bHost, cHost, dHost are pinned memory. All arrays are of same length.
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){
// ---------- Device 1 code -----------
cudaMemcpyAsync(aDest, aHost, N* sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream1);
cudaMemcpyAsync(bDest, bHost, N* sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream1);
// ---------- Device 2 code -----------
cudaMemcpyAsync(cDest, cHost, N* sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice,stream2);
But alas, when I do end up running the block, running Device 1 code alone takes 80ms but adding Device 2 code to the above block adds 20ms, thus reaching 100ms as execution time for the block. I tried profiling the above code and observed the following:
Device 1 + Device 2 Concurrently (image)
When I run Device 1 alone though, I get the below profile:
Device 1 alone (image)
I can see that the initial HtoD process of Device 1 is extended in duration when I add Device 2, and I'm not sure why this is happening cause as far as I'm concerned, these processes are running independently, on different GPUs.
I realise that I haven't created any seperate CPU threads to handle seperate devices but I'm not sure if that would help. Could someone please help me understand why this elongation of duration happens when I add Device 2 code?
Tried profiling the code, and expected the execution durations to be independent of GPU, although I realise MemCpyAsync involves the host as well and perhaps the addition of Device 2 gives rise to more stress on the CPU as it now has to handle additional transfers...?


Very long D2H time vs. H2D (CUDA)

I have an application that uses CUDA to processes data. The basic flow is:
Transfer data H2D (this is around 1.5k integers)
invoke several kernels that transform and reduce data to a single int value
Copy result D2H
Profiling with NSight shows that the H2D and D2H transfers average around 13 uS and 70 uS respectively. This is weird to me as the D2H is moving a tiny amount of data compared to H2D.
Both input and output memory locations are pinned.
Is this this difference in transfer duration expected or am I doing something wrong?
//allocating the memory locations for IO
cudaMallocHost((void**)&gpu_permutation_data, size_t(rowsPerThread) * size_t(permutation_size) * sizeof(keyEntry));
cudaMallocHost((void**)&gpu_constant_maxima, sizeof(keyEntry));
cudaMemcpy(gpu_permutation_data,, size_t(permutation_size) * size_t(rowsPerThread) * sizeof(keyEntry), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
// kernels go here
cudaMemcpy(&result, gpu_constant_maxima, sizeof(keyEntry), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
As Robert pointed out, NSight displays the time from API start to finish, so the time between when the copy API is called and when it actually starts (after previous kernels are done) is included.

Windows shared memory access time slow

I am currently using shared memory with two mapped files (1.9 GBytes for the first one and 600 MBytes for the second) in a software.
I am using a process that read data from the first file, process the data and write the results to the second file.
I have noticed a strong delay sometimes (the reason is out of my knowledge) when reading or writing to the mapping view with memcpy function.
Mapped files are created this way :
m_hFile = ::CreateFileW(SensorFileName,
m_hMappedFile = CreateFileMapping(m_hFile,
And memory mapping is done this way :
m_lpMapView = MapViewOfFile(m_hMappedFile,
The dwOffsetHigh/dwOffsetLow are "matching" granularity from the system info.
The process is reading about 300KB * N times, storing that in a buffer, processing and then writing 300KB * N times the processed contents of the previous buffer to the second file.
I have two different memory views (created/moved with MapViewOfFile function) with a size of 10 MBytes as default size.
For memory view size, I tested 10kBytes, 100kB, 1MB, 10MB and 100MB. Statistically no difference, 80% of the time reading process is as described below (~200ms) but writing process is really slow.
Normally :
1/ Reading is done in ~200ms.
2/ Process done in 2.9 seconds.
3/ Writing is done in ~200ms.
I can see that 80% of the time, either reading or writing (in the worst case both are slow) will take between 2 and 10 seconds.
Example : For writing, I am using the below code
for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++) // N = 500~3k
// Check the position of the memory view for ponderation
if (###)
if (m_lpMapView)
memcpy((BYTE*)m_lpMapView + iOffset, pANNHeader, uiANNStatus);
// uiSize = ~300 kBytes
memcpy((BYTE*)m_lpMapView + iTemp, pLine[i], uiSize);
return uiANNStatus;
After using GetTickCount function to pinpoint where is the delay, I am seeing that the second memcpy call is always the one taking most of the time.
So, so far I am seeing N (for test, I used N = 500) calls to memcpy taking 10 seconds at the worst time when using those shared memories.
I made a temporary software that was doing the same quantity of memcpy calls, same amount of data and couldn't see the problem.
For tests, I used the following conditions, they all show the same delay :
1/ I can see this on various computers, 32 or 64 bits from windows 7 to windows 10.
2/ Using the main thread or multi-threads (up to 8 with critical sections for synchronization purpose) for reading/writing.
3/ OS on SATA or SSD, memory mapped files of the software physically on a SATA or SSD hard-disk, and if on external hard-disk, tests were done through USB1, USB2 or USB3.
I am kindly asking you what you would think my mistake is for memcpy to go slow.
Best regards.
I found a solution that works for me but not might be the case for others.
Following Thomas Matthews comments, I checked the MSDN and found two interesting functions FlushViewOfFile and FlushFileBuffers (but couldn't find anything interesting about locking memory).
Calling both after the for loop force update of the mapped file.
I am having no more "random" delay, but instead of the expected 200ms, I have an average of 400ms which is enough for my application.
After doing some tests I saw that calling those too often will cause heavy hard-disk access and will make the delay worse (10 seconds for every for loop) so the flush should be use carefully.

CUDA streams not running in parallel

Given this code:
void foo(cv::gpu::GpuMat const &src, cv::gpu::GpuMat *dst[], cv::Size const dst_size[], size_t numImages)
cudaStream_t streams[numImages];
for (size_t image = 0; image < numImages; ++image)
cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&streams[image], cudaStreamNonBlocking);
dim3 Threads(32, 16);
dim3 Blocks((dst_size[image].width + Threads.x - 1)/Threads.x,
(dst_size[image].height + Threads.y - 1)/Threads.y);
myKernel<<<Blocks, Threads, 0, streams[image]>>>(src, dst[image], dst_size[image]);
for (size_t image = 0; image < numImages; ++image)
Looking at the output of nvvp, I see almost perfectly serial execution, even though the first stream is a lengthy process that the others should be able to overlap with.
Note that my kernel uses 30 registers, and all report an "Achieved Occupancy" of around 0.87. For the smallest image, Grid Size is [10,15,1] and Block Size [32, 16,1].
The conditions describing the limits for concurrent kernel execution are given in the CUDA programming guide (link), but the gist of it is that your GPU can potentially run multiple kernels from different streams only if your GPU has sufficient resources to do so.
In your usage case, you have said that you are running multiple launches of a kernel with 150 blocks of 512 threads each. Your GPU has 12 SMM (I think), and you could have up to 4 blocks per SMM running concurrently (4 * 512 = 2048 threads, which is the SMM limit). So your GPU can only run a maximum of 4 * 12 = 48 blocks concurrently. When multiple launches of 150 blocks sitting in the command pipeline, it would seem that there is little (perhaps even no) opportunity for concurrent kernel execution.
You might be able to encourage kernel execution overlap if you increase the scheduling granularity of you kernel by reducing the block size. Smaller blocks are more likely to find available resources and scheduling slots than larger blocks. Similarly, reducing the total block count per kernel launch (probably by increasing the parallel work per thread) might also help increase the potential for overlap or concurrent execution of multiple kernels.

Concurrent execution of two processes sharing a Tesla K20

I have been experiencing a strange behaviour when I launch 2 instances of a kernel in order to run at the same time while sharing the GPU resources.
I have developed a CUDA kernel which aims to run in a single SM (Multiprocessor) where the threads perform an operation several times (with a loop).
The kernel is prepared to create only a block, therefore to use only one SM.
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <helper_cuda.h>
using namespace std;
__global__ void increment(float *in, float *out)
int it=0, i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
float a=0.8525852f;
for(it=0; it<99999999; it++)
out[i] += (in[i]+a)*a-(in[i]+a);
int main( int argc, char* argv[])
int i;
int nBlocks = 1;
int threadsPerBlock = 1024;
float *A, *d_A, *d_B, *B;
size_t size=1024*13;
A = (float *) malloc(size * sizeof(float));
B = (float *) malloc(size * sizeof(float));
cudaMalloc((void **) &d_A, size * sizeof(float));
cudaMalloc((void **) &d_B, size * sizeof(float));
cudaMemcpy(d_A, A, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(d_B, B, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
increment<<<nBlocks,threadsPerBlock>>>(d_A, d_B);
cudaMemcpy(B, d_B, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
return (0);
So if I execute the kernel:
time ./simple
I get
real 0m36.659s
user 0m4.033s
sys 0m1.124s
Otherwise, If I execute two instances:
time ./simple & time ./simple
I get for each process:
real 1m12.417s
user 0m29.494s
sys 0m42.721s
real 1m12.440s
user 0m36.387s
sys 0m8.820s
As far as I know, the executions should run concurrently lasting as one (about 36 seconds). However, they last twice the base time. We know that the GPU has 13 SMs, each one should execute one block, thus the kernels only create 1 block.
Are they being executed in the same SM?
Shouldn’t they running concurrently in different SMs?
In order to make me clearer I will attach the profiles of the concurrent execution, obtained from nvprof:
Profile, first instance
Profile, second instance
Now, I would like to show you the behavior of the same scenario but executing concurrently two instances of matrixMul sample:
Profile, first instance
Profile, second instance
As you can see, in the first scenario, a kernel waits for the other to finish. While, in the second scenario (matrixMul), kernels from both contexts are running at the same time.
Thank you.
When you run two separate processes using the same GPU, they each have their own context. CUDA doesn't support having multiple contexts on the same device simultaneously. Instead, each context competes for the device in an undefined manner, with driver level context switching. That is why the execution behaves as if the processes are serialised -- effectively they are, but at a driver rather than GPU level.
There are technologies available (MPS, Hyper-Q) which can do what you want, but the way you are trying to do this won't work.
Edit to respond to the update in your question:
The example you have added using the MatrixMul sample doesn't show what you think it does. That application runs 300 short kernels and computes a performance number over the average of those 300 runs. Your profiling display has been set to a very coarse timescale resolution so that it looks like there is a single long running kernel launch, when in fact it is a series of very short running time kernels.
To illustrate this, consider the following:
This is a normal profiling run for a single MatrixMul process running on a Kepler device. Note that there are many individual kernels running directly after one another.
These are the profiling traces of two simultaneous MatrixMul processes running on the same Kepler device:
Note that there are gaps in the profile traces of each process, this is where context switching between the two processes is occurring. The behaviour is identical to your original example, just at a much finer time granularity. As has been repeated a number of times by several different people in the course of this discussion -- CUDA doesn't support multiple contexts on the sample device simultaneously using the standard runtime API. The MPS server does allow this by adding a daemon which reimplements the API with a large shared internal Hyper-Q pipeline, but you are not using this and it has no bearing on the results you have shown in this question.

OpenCL SHA1 Throughput Optimisation

Hoping someone more experienced in OpenCL usage may be able to help me here! I'm doing a project (to help me learn a bit more crypto and to try my hand at GPGPU programming) where I'm trying to implement my own SHA-1 algorighm.
Ultimately my question is about maximizing my throughput rates. At present I'm seeing something like 56.1 MH/sec, which compares very badly to open source programs I've looked at, such as John the Ripper and OCLHashcat, which are giving 1,000 and 1,500 MH/sec respectively (heck, I'd be well-chuffed with a 3rd of that!).
So, what I'm doing
I've written a SHA-1 implementation in an OpenCL kernel and a C++ host application to load data to the GPU (using CL 1.2 C++ wrapper). I'm generating blocks of candidate data to hash in a threaded fashion on the CPU and loading this data onto the global GPU memory using the CL C++ call to enqueueWriteBuffer (using uchars to represent the bytes to hash):
errorCode = dispatchQueue->enqueueWriteBuffer(
sizeof(cl_uchar) * inputBufferSize,
I'm en-queuing data using enqueueNDRangeKernel in the following manner (where global worksize is a user-defined variable, at present I've set this to my GPUs maximum flattened global worksize of 16.777 million per run):
errorCode = dispatchQueue->enqueueNDRangeKernel(
NDRange(globalWorkgroupSize, 1),
This means that (per dispatch) I load 16.777 million items in a 1D array and index from my kernel into this using get_global_offset(0).
My Kernel signature:
__kernel void sha1Crack(__global uchar* out, __global uchar* in,
__constant int* passLen, __constant int* targetHash,
__global bool* collisionFound)
//Kernel Instance Global GPU Mem IO Mapping:
__private int id = get_global_id(0);
__private int inputIndexStart = id * passwordLen;
//Select Password input key space:
#pragma unroll
for (i = 0; i < passwordLen; i++)
inputMem[i] = in[inputIndexStart + i];
//SHA1 Code omitted for brevity...
So, given all this: am I doing something fundamentally wrong in the way I'm loading data? I.e. 1 call to enqueueNDrange for 16.7 million kernel executions over a 1D input vector? Should I be using a 2-D space and sub-dividing into localworkgroup ranges? I tried playing with this but it didn't seem quicker.
Or, perhaps as likely is my algorithm itself the source of slowness? I've spent a good while optimizing it and manually unrolling all of the loop stages using pre-processor directives.
I've read about memory coalescing on the hardware. Could that be my issue? :S
Any advice at all appreciated! If I've missed anything important please let me know and I'll update.
Thanks in advance! ;)
Update: 16,777,216 is the device maximum reported workgroup size; 256**3. The global array of boolean values is one boolean. It's set to false at the start of the kernel enqueue, then a branching statement sets this to true if a collision is found only - will that force a convergence? passwordLen is the length of the current input value and target hash is an int[4] encoded hash to check against.
Your 'maximum flattened global worksize' should be multiplied by passwordLen. It is the number of kernels you can run, not the maximal length of an input array. You can most likely send much more data than this to the GPU.
Other potential issues: the 'generating blocks of candidate data to hash in a threaded fashion on the CPU', try doing this in advance of the kernel iterations to see whether the delay is in the generation of the data blocks or in the processing of the kernels; your sha1 algorithm is the other obvious potential issue. I'm not sure how much you've really optimised it by 'unrolling' the loops, usually the bigger optimisation issue is 'if' statements (if a single kernel instance within a workgroup tests to true then all of the lockstepped workgroup instances must follow that branch in parallel).
And DarkZeros is correct, you should manually play with the local workgroup size making it the highest common multiple of the global size and the number of kernels which can be run at once on the card. The easiest way to do this is to round up the global work group size to the next multiple of the card capacity and use an external if{} statement in the kernel only running the kernel for global_id less than the actual number of kernels you want to run.