Getting a "Multiple root elements detected." error in Livewire when there's only one root element - laravel-livewire

I'm trying to create a way to dynamically load Livewire nested components by having a main conntainer component like this:
class ComponentContainer extends Component
public $component = 'active';
protected $listeners = [
public function switch(string $component)
$this->component = $component;
public function render()
return view('livewire.component-container', [
'component' => $this->component,
'key' => random_int(PHP_INT_MIN, PHP_INT_MAX),
<h1>Component Container</h1>
#livewire($component, key($key))
<button wire:click="$emit('switch', 'active')">
{{ __('Active') }}
<button wire:click="$emit('switch', 'expired')">
{{ __('Expired') }}
It's working insomuch as when I click "active" or "expired" it's loading one of these components:
class Active extends Component
public function render()
return view('');
class Expired extends Component
public function render()
return view('livewire.expired');
But it's giving the following error in the console log, and I don't understand why:
Livewire: Multiple root elements detected. This is not supported. See docs for more information <div wire:id=​"jdHgW7KzB3wWUCl7vMI4">​expired​</div>​
Doesn't seem to make sense as it's clearly just one root element. Interestingly it doesn't do it on the first load, regardless of whether I set $component to active or expired

The error is being caused by the final HTML comment (wire:end) being missing. For some reason, this only happens if the buttons are placed after the dynamic component call....
This displays the "multiple root elements detected" error
<h1>Component Container</h1>
#livewire($component, key($key))
<button wire:click="$emit('switch', 'active')">
{{ __('Active') }}
<button wire:click="$emit('switch', 'expired')">
{{ __('Expired') }}
But this works fine...
<h1>Component Container</h1>
<button wire:click="$emit('switch', 'active')">
{{ __('Active') }}
<button wire:click="$emit('switch', 'expired')">
{{ __('Expired') }}
#livewire($component, key($key))
I'm not sure if this is expected behaviour or if it's a bug, but this fixes the issue described.


Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0... in livewire

After choosing the file, this error will be displayed in the console :
Blade file :
<form wire:submit.prevent="Insert" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" wire:model.lazy="img" id="img" name="img"/>
#if ($img)
<img src="{{ $img->temporaryUrl() }}">
<div wire:loading wire:target="img">در حال آپلود ... </div>
<button type="submit"> Submit </button>
class livewire $img is model :
class Article extends Component
use WithFileUploads;
public $img;
public function Insert()
public function render()
return view('livewire.article');
My problem was solved by changing the value of upload_tmp_dir in php.ini

In listing of data form is rendered when any input edited?

with livewire 1.3 / alpinejs 2.x.x I make listing of data with filter text
and selection inputs and clicking on “Search” button I need to run search when
“Search” button is clicked.
But search is run when text/selection input lose focus without clicking on “Search” button.
I see it by form's wire:loading block and 1 line in log file, which I trigger in render method
That is not what I need : I need to run render method only clicking on “Search” button.
I tried to use alpinejs, but failed...
In component app/Http/Livewire/Admin/AppNews.php I have:
namespace App\Http\Livewire\Admin;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Livewire\Component;
use App\News;
use Livewire\WithPagination;
use Livewire\WithFileUploads;
class AppNews extends Component
use WithPagination;
use WithFileUploads;
public $filters = [
'title' => '',
'published' => '',
public $uploaded_file_name;
public $uploadedImageFilenameData;
public $uploadedNewsImage;
protected $listeners = ['fileUpload' => 'handleFileUpload'];
public $current_news_id;
public $updateMode = 'browse';
public function render()
\Log::info('-1 NewsRENDER $this->filters ::' . print_r($this->filters, true));
$news_rows_count = News
::getByTitle($this->filters['title'], true)
->getByPublished($this->filters['published'], true)
$backend_per_page = Settings::getValue('backend_per_page', CheckValueType::cvtInteger, 20);
$this->emit('app_news_opened', ['mode' => 'browse', 'id' => null]);
$newsPublishedValueArray = SetArrayHeader([['key' => '', 'label' => ' -Select published- ']], News::getNewsPublishedValueArray(true));
$newsDataRows = News
::getByTitle($this->filters['title'], true)
->getByPublished($this->filters['published'], true)
->orderBy('news.created_at', 'desc')
$newsDataIds = [];
foreach ($newsDataRows as $nextNews) {
$newsDataIds[] = $nextNews->id;
return view('', [
'newsDataRows' => $newsDataRows,
'newsDataIds' => $newsDataIds,
'form' => $this->form,
'news_rows_count' => $news_rows_count,
'newsPublishedValueArray' => $newsPublishedValueArray,
and in the template resources/views/livewire/admin/app-news/container.blade.php :
<article class="admin_page_container">
<div class="card form-admin-news">
<div class="card-body card-block">
<div class="spinner-border" role="status" wire:loading>
<span class="sr-only">Loading...</span>
<fieldset class="bordered text-muted p-2 m-2" x-data="{ title: '{{$filters['title']}}', published: '{{$filters['published']}}' ,
publishedItems: <?php print str_replace('"',"'",json_encode( $newsPublishedValueArray) ) ?> } ">
<div> $filters::{{ var_dump($filters) }}</div>
title::<div x-html="title"></div>
published::<div x-html="published"></div>
<legend class="bordered">Filters</legend>
<dl class="block_2columns_md m-0 p-2">
<dt class="key_values_rows_label_13">
<label class="col-form-label" for="temp_filter_title">
By title
<dd class="key_values_rows_value_13" >
<div class="content_with_right_button">
class="form-control admin_control_input"
x-on:blur="$dispatch('input', title)"
<div class="content_with_right_button_right_button pl-2">
<button class="btn btn-outline-secondary nowrap_block" wire:click="makeSearch( )">
{!! $viewFuncs->showAppIcon('filter') !!}Search
<dl class="block_2columns_md m-0 p-2">
<dt class="key_values_rows_label_13">
<label class="col-form-label" for="temp_filter_published">
By published
x-on:blur="$dispatch('select', published)"
class="form-control editable_field admin_control_input"
<template x-for="nextPublishedItem in publishedItems">
<option :value="nextPublishedItem.key" x-text="nextPublishedItem.label"></option>
<div class="validation_error">{{ clearValidationError($message,['form.'=>'']) }}</div> #enderror
</fieldset> <!-- Filters -->
#endif {{-- #if($updateMode=='browse')--}}
#endif {{-- #if($updateMode=='browse')--}}
#if(count($newsDataRows) > 0)
<div class="table-responsive table-wrapper-for-data-listing" x-data="selectedNewsIdsBoxXData()">
</div> <!-- <div class="table-responsive table-wrapper-for-data-listing"> -->
#endif {{-- #if(count($newsDataRows) > 0) --}}
#endif {{-- #if($updateMode=='browse') --}}
</div> <!-- <div class="card-body card-block"> -->
</div> <!-- <div class="card"> -->
</article> <!-- page_content_container -->
Which is the valid way?
Modified BLOCK 2:
I try another way with using of alpinejs2 : I try to use it in this case, as when public var of component is changed:
with dispatch methid when button “Search” is clicked
<div class="card form-admin-facilities" x-data="adminFacilitiesComponent()">
filter_name: {{$filter_name}}<br>
temp_filter_name: <span x-html="temp_filter_name"></span><br>
<fieldset class="bordered text-muted p-2 m-2">
<legend class="bordered">Filters</legend>
<div class="content_with_right_button" wire:model.lazy="filter_name">
<div class="content_with_right_button_left_content" >
class="form-control admin_filter_input"
<div class="content_with_right_button_right_button pl-2" >
<button class="btn btn-outline-secondary" #click="$dispatch('input', temp_filter_name)" type="button">Search
<!-- In more complicated form can be several filter fields : text and select inputs -->
</fieldset> <!-- Filters -->
function adminFacilitiesComponent() {
return {
and in the component I defined public $filter_name var, which is used in render method :
class Facilities extends Component
public $form= [
'descr'=> '',
'created_at'=> '',
'is_reopen' => false,
public $current_facility_id;
public $filter_name= '';
public $updateMode = 'browse';
public function render()
\Log::info( '-1 render Facilities $this->filter_name ::' . print_r( $this->filter_name, true ) );
$this->facility_rows_count = Facility
::getByName($this->filter_name, true)
$backend_per_page = Settings::getValue('backend_per_page', CheckValueType::cvtInteger, 20);
return view('livewire.admin.facilities.container', [
'facilityDataRows' => Facility
::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')
->getByName($this->filter_name, true)
'facility_rows_count'=> $this->facility_rows_count
But it does not work as I expect : entering value in text input when this input lose focus
form is rendered again. I expected form to be rendered only when I click on “Search” button
and form will be rendered with new entered value. I do not use blur event for text input and
do not understand why the form is rendered when this input lose focus?
Modified BLOCK 3:
Using x-ref= I do :
<div class="content_with_right_button" wire:model.lazy="filter_name">
<div class="content_with_right_button_left_content" >
class="form-control admin_filter_input"
> 1111111
<div class="content_with_right_button_right_button pl-2" >
<button class="btn btn-outline-secondary nowrap_block" wire:click="makeSearch(this.$refs.searched)" type="button">
But I got error clicking on search button:
VM1983:6 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'searched' of undefined
at eval (eval at parseOutMethodAndParams (directive.js:55), <anonymous>:6:27)
at _default.parseOutMethodAndParams (directive.js:55)
Looks like it is impossible to use this.$refs. value in
wire:click="makeSearch .
I need to trigger component method
public function makeSearch($search_value='')
and send entered value into it.
Looks like the way I tried was invalid.
If there is a valid way?
In your modified block 2, you should use wire:ignore in base div of your AlpineJS component. This will make livewire ignore the component.
<div class="card form-admin-facilities" wire:ignore x-data="adminFacilitiesComponent()">
Your $dispatch() should handle setting the value when you click the button.
In order to make livewire ignore the component just add wire:ignore to your component's div in modified block 2 and then in your dispatch method you can write the logic that happens after clicking the button.

How to make modals which have routes like Trello in Emberjs

I want to know how we can make modals which have routes.
In Trello, whenever you click on a card, the route changes from to and the card opens in a modal. Also, when you close the modal, you get redirected to the previous url (
I want to know how can we achieve this using Emberjs.
Here is my modal (using foundation) where we delete a record:
<div class="reveal" id="deleteLocationModal" data-reveal>
<div class="row">
<div class="columns">
Are you sure you want to delete this location?
<div class="row">
<div class="row">
<div class="columns">
<button id="cancelButton" class="secondary button" data-close type="button">Cancel</button>
<button id="deleteButton" class="button" {{action "deleteLocation" model}} data-close type="button">Delete</button>
The router has the falling in the actions hash:
actions: {
deleteLocation(model) {
Ember.assert("Params must be provided", model); /* response */ ) => {
this.transitionTo('locations'); //locations is my index page.
//flash message to inform the user of success.
}, (error) => {
//handle error.
// display flash message
// rollback any dirty attributes
I hope this helps,

How to set itemController for instance variable in ember.js indexController?

I have a Ember.js page that displays a table of items and shows details of one of the items when it is selected. The controller looks like this:
CV.IndexController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
itemController: "CurrVitae",
selectedCurrVitae: false,
actions: {
selectCurrVitae: function(currVitae) {
this.set('selectedCurrVitae', currVitae)
And the index controller is used in a template like this:
<div class="container">
<div class="curr-vitae-list">
{{#each curr_vitae in controller}}
<div class="curr-vitae-item row">
<div class="col-sm-2" {{action selectCurrVitae curr_vitae}}>
<div class="col-sm-2">
<!-- NOTE: This method is defined on the item
controller (not the model) so the itemController is
available at this point. -->
<div class="col-sm-7">
<div class="embedded-cell">
<div class="embedded-cell">
<div class="curr-vitae-view">
<!-- EDIT: I have tried setting this
as {{#if selectedCurrVitae itemController="currVitae" }}
to match the way the #each handles item controllers but that did
not seem to work -->
{{#if selectedCurrVitae }}
<!-- NOTE: Down here, however, the item controller is not available
so I can't use methods defined on the item controller for the
currently selected instance. -->
{{ partial "cv_index_details" }}
Question: The problem I'm running in to is that the itemController I've set in the index controller is not available when rendering the selectedCurrVitae in the cv_index_details.
More details:
Specifically, in the partial I want to reuse a editor component (taken from Noel Rappin's Ember.js book). So if the cv_index_details partial looks like this:
<h3 class="selected_cv">{{}}</h3>
<div class="row selected_cv_summary">
{{block-editor emberObject=selectedCurrVitae propName="summary" action="itemChanged"}}
<div class="row selected_cv_experiences">
{{#each experience in selectedCurrVitae.experiences itemController="experience"}}
{{ partial "experience_detail" }}
So in this template, the itemChanged action is not found for the selectedCurrVitae instance. However, I use the same block-editor component for the experience instance and that works correctly; the itemChanged action defined on the ExperienceController is found.
selectedCurrVitae is outside of the itemController, the itemController is only applied inside the each (on each item, hence the name).
Probably the easiest way to accomplish this will be to reuse the item controller and use render.
{{#if selectedCurrVitae }}
{{ render "cv_index_details" }}
CV.CvIndexDetailsController = CV.CurrVitaeController.extend();
{{#if selectedCurrVitae }}
{{ render "currVitae" }}
CV.CurrVitaeView = Ember.View.extend({
templateName: 'cv_index_details'

bindAttr reverse boolean

In my view I have a button which I want to be disabled when the data of the model is not dirty.
When I output: <button {{ action "update" }} {{bindAttr disabled="isDirty"}}>Save</button> it is enabled when the data is not dirty, and disabled when the data is dirty.
I want to reverse that so I tried this: <button {{ action "update" }} {{bindAttr disabled="!isDirty"}}>Save</button> but now is doesn't check the dirtyness at all. How do I reverse the boolean within a bindAttr helper?
Here is my code:
App.SiteController = Em.ObjectController.extend({
isNotDirty: function() {
return !this.get('isDirty');
App.SiteEditController = Em.ObjectController.extend({
needs : [ 'site' ]
<div>{{ isDirty }}</div>
<div>{{ isNotDirty }}</div>
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="name">Name</label>
<div class="controls">
{{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="name"}}
<div class="form-actions">
<button {{bindAttr disabled="isNotDirty"}} class="btn btn-primary">Save</button>
I outputted the isDirty an isNotDirty property so I could watch them change. But only the isDirty property changes when I change the value of the text-field,
The solution can be found in the API-docs of Ember. There is a list of all available shorthand computed helpers.
I used Ember.computed.not for this case:
App.SiteController = Em.ObjectController.extend({
isNotDirty: Ember.computed.not('isDirty')