What's the difference between Bundler tools? (vite, rollup) - build

I just make my own npm library, and I have to build this now.
So I find build tool, like vite, rollup, and so on...
And I wonder what is the best build tool of them.
I usually use vite(for website), cause it is simple for me, but the libraries I've found mostly use rollup (and webpack).
I find that vite use rollup to bundle. then, what is the difference of them? why library mostly use rollup than vite?
what are the best build tools to bundle into npm libraries?
what are the best build tools to bundle into website? (use React, Svelte...)
if 2,3 is different, why?


Build Tools vs Package Manager

I am very much confused between these two terms Build tools and Package Manager. According to my current knowledge, Package managers are the ones use to install dependencies required for the code to execute while Build tools are used to Package the code plus dependencies into single file i.e. building the code. Building our application will enable to make it production ready.
Am I right???
Short answer
Build systems/tools manage your compilation requirements.
Package managers/tools manager your library requirements.
A build tool may have integrated package management.
For example, in both C++ and Java you can directly call the compiler and provide all the include, source and library paths manually or you can use a build system (make/cmake... for c++, maven/gradle/ant... for java).
When you link external libraries with your build system it will do its best to find them in its search path, and will link with the first version that meets its requirements or tell you that it couldn't find it. Adding libraries manually is fairly easy, but sometimes each library you add will require another library with it.
A package manager would make sure that your libraries are downloaded, are the right version, and all the libraries they depend on are downloaded. some examples are maven and gradle which have integrated package managment for java, and conan is a fairly popular option to combine with cmake.
So ideally you would use both, but it can be more work setting them up than you save not doing things manually. It depends on your programming language, if you need multiple versions of something, and your OS.

Collaboration in a project with dependencies

I'm a DevOps engineer creating CI processes for projects. I was wondering what is the best way to deal with the following scenario: Let's say I have a C++ project (using CLion + CMake) with several developers working on it. Now in order to be built, the project has some libraries it depends on. That automatically reflects on the CMakeLists.txt file that should know where to look for those libraries.
Basically the problem is that we need to take care that every developer has these libraries in the correct paths on his machine, which is a big hassle.
One approach to handle this would be to keep those dependencies in the repository. That's great since all the developer has to do is to clone the repo and he got everything he needs in order to run compilation. But as we know, keeping binaries in SCM is not a good practice.
The question is, is there a good method to handle project dependencies in a C++ project?
I know that with C# for example, we could use NuGet packages to handle these kind of scenarios. So we'd have a NuGet repository in Artifactory that would host the dependency packages, and then in our project we'd keep a reference to the required packages, and in build time we would just download the dependecies and build the project.
Is there something alike in C++ (Running on Linux I mean)?
Hope the question is clear enough lol, had a hard time wording it..
It depends on how those dependencies are delivered and packaged. If whoever maintains your dependencies took CMake into account you can probably use find_package. If they didn't account for this, but they support pkg-config you can use FindPkgConfig. Now all you need to do is let the developers know what dependencies they need to install. This should work regardless of the OS used for development.
Other solutions may involve pulling and building the dependency code when you build your project (for example, by using git submodules if possible, or FetchContent, but this can become a nightmare if you have a lot of dependencies).
Additionally, you can try using a package manager like vcpkg, or conan (if all your dependencies are available there), or CPM.

How to include all 3rdparty runtime dependencies into cmake/cpack-generated package on linux?

I have a c++ project with a couple of executables set up with cmake. The usual workflow is to install all 3rdparty dependencies via package manager, build and install a package via cpack on that same machine. Now, I would like to include all runtime dependencies in that package to be able to install it on another machine without needing to install 3rdparty dependencies there like on the build machine.
I did lot's of research on the web - without much success. I found something called BundleUtilities for cmake but couldn't find any entry-friendly documentation about it. I don't even know if it does what I need.
I would like to use cmake's benefits and generate such a "bundled" package without any manual intervention or anything. I do not want to assemble and copy 3rdparty dependencies manually. Ideal would be a clean cmake/cpack solution for the problem.
To clarify: The target machine in question has no internet connection.
Are you really sure you want to do this? It probably won't turn out to be a great idea... packaging third party tools is effectively assuming responsibility for third party software, and as the upstream version inevitably gets out ahead of what people are finding in your tarballs that can become a real headache. Consider whether you're really ok with seeing version conflicts because your dependencies are installed.
Why not just have cmake call out to the system's package manager at config time? The exec_process() command will run console commands for you.

Clojure, Lein, JavaFx, native deps

I want to use JavaFx with clojure.
I am aware of http://nailthatbug.net/2011/06/clojure-javafx-2-0-simple-app/
Is there a way to make JavaFX work with Clojure using native-deps in lein instead?
I've created a simple Clojure and JavaFX example on Github. Testing on Ubuntu I had to install the JavaFX runtime into my local Maven repository, using the deploy:deploy-file target (install:install-file did not work for me).
mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=local.oracle -DartifactId=javafxrt -Dversion=2.2.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle-amd64/jre/lib/jfxrt.jar -Durl=file:/home/raju/.m2/repository
Make sure you have the following arguments set correctly:
-Dfile={full path to jfxrt.jar in jre/lib folder}
-Durl=file:{full path to Maven repository, e.g. $HOME/m2.repository}
In the project.clj, I added the dependency based on the -DgroupId and -DartifactId values when installing the JAR into the repository. If you use change these values, make sure to change the dependency accordingly:
[local.oracle/javafxrt "2.2.0"]
Java was able to load the binary libraries without any problems. If Java reports problems loading a binary library, e.g.
Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library:
check out these two question on SO:
What is LD_LIBRARY_PATH and how to use it?
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError no *****.dll in java.library.path
Because JavaFx has native dependencies your option are limited to, ]
shipping these dependencies with your project (including them),
creating a package that you can depend on which has them (providing them),
or having your package require the user to install them in some other way.
Because the tutorial you link to covers the case where the user of your package/program installs JavaFx on their own, by using robert.hook and depending on the end-user's package manager to provide the actual native dependencies. I'll cover how to have your package/program include the dependencies.
native-deps can be used to ship native dependencies with your package. You just need to add all the .so, .dll, .etc files in the appropriate directories. I think the projects github page does a better job than I of explaining the structure.
The link in the question is broken so I can't see your example, but with Java 8, JavaFX is now part of the standard JDK/JRE. I therefore expect the native dependency issue to be irrelevant at this point.
Not sure if this will work for others, but this appears (so far) to have worked for me:
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=javafx -DartifactId=javafx -Dversion=2.1.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.7.0.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jfxrt.jar
I have no idea why this works, but I believe jfxrt.jar has the files I need. Then, after this, I kindle it in project.clj as
[javafx "2.1.0"]
in the :dependencies (not :native-deps) section.
[Having written this, I really have no idea why this even appears to work.]

Release management system for Linux

What we need in our firm is a sort of release management tool for Linux/C++. Our products consist of multiple libraries and config files. Here I will list the basic features we want such system to have:
Ability to track dependencies, easily increase major versions of libraries whose dependencies got their major version increased. It should build some sort of dependency graph internally so it can know who is affected by an update.
Know how to build the products it handle. Either a specific build file or even better - ability to read and understand makefiles.
Work with SVN so it can check for new releases from there and does the build.
Generate some installers - in rpm or tar.gz format. For that purpose it should be able to understand the rpm spec file format.
Currently we are working on such tool which is already pretty usable. However I believe that our task is not unique and there should be some tool out there which does the job.
You should look into using a mix between Hudson, Maven (for build management), Ivy (for dependencies management) and Archiva (for artifacts archival).
Also, if you are looking into cross.compilation, take a look at Make Project Creator (MPC) and Bakefile.
Have fun!!
In the project I'm currently working on we use cmake and other Kitware tools to handle most of this issues for native code (C++). Answering point by point:
The cmake scripts handle the dependencies for our different projects. We have a dependency graph but I don't know if is a home-made script or it is a functionality that cmake provides.
Well cmake generates the makefiles regarding the platform. I generates projects for eclipse cdt and visual studio if it is asked to do so in case of developing.
Cmake has a couple of tools, ctest and cdash that we use to do the daily build and see how the test are doing.
In order to create the installer cmake has cpack. From just one script it can generate tar.gz, deb or rpm files in Linux or an automatically generated NSIS script to generate installers in windows.
For Java code we use maven and hudson that have been already mentioned here.
Take a look at this article from DDJ, in which a more robust build system concept (than make) is presented and implemented. Not sure it will fit well to your requirements, but it's the closest I've ever seen. I was looking for the same thing months ago, and then I discovered the article.
Maven has a native code plugin. I don't think it'll do everything you want, but it's good at tracking version numbers of dependencies, will build artefacts and it'll work with your VCS.
No idea
cmake/scons: I have used cmake but I don't exactly love it, but I have heard really good things about scons. But scons is python-based, so you need to have python installed on the build/dev machines.
I use Hudson, which has a plugin to fetch from svn. It performs intelligently in general, and in particular builds only if some file has changed in an svn update. Hudson is easy to get started with. Hudson is java-based and is pretty popular with the Java community. This means it is quite cross-platform, but you need to have JRE installed on the build machine.
Probably can call some rpm tool within hudson.