How to use the TranscribeStreamingClient in the browser with credentials - amazon-web-services

I want to be able to offer a RT transcription in my browser app using AWS transcribe. I see there is the TranscribeStreamingClient which can have credentials for AWS which are optional - I assume these credentials are required for access to the s3 bucket?
What I want to know is how to setup auth in my app so that I can make sure my users dont go overboard with the amount of minutes they transcribed?
For example:
I would be expecting to generate a pre-signed url that expires in X seconds/minutes on my Backend that I can pass to the web client which it then uses to handle the rest of the communication (similar like S3).
However I don't see such an option and the only solution that I keep circling back to is that I would need to be feeding the audio packets from to my backend which then handles all the auth and just forwards it to the service via the streaming client there. This would be okay but the documentation says that the TranscribeStreamingClient should be compatible for browser integrations. What am I missing?


Secure Cloud Run service to accept requests from a Domain in Browser only (and not Postman / shell script)

We have gone through the authentication overview but it doesn't answer our question so reaching out to the experts here.
Our web application once loaded on the browser for a user makes requests to our service on Cloud Run. We would like to secure our backend service so only our Domain can access this and not some user using Postman, or a shell script to access / update data.
end-user-access auth
Because the user doesn't have to be always signed in, we would like Cloud Run to respond to the requests, even if there's no auth token present. This eliminates the end-user access to service option for us.
service-to-service auth:
Because it is the browser, and not another service in our GCP platform that's making the request, even this option doesn't work for us.
The user data in our backend is secure, because those end points require Auth tokens, however, pages that don't need auth token are insecure, and could be vulnerable to DDOS or bot/scraping attacks.
How can we secure our Cloud Run service so only calls from our Web Application are responded to and not others?
You can't be sure that the web application is the sender of the request. Indeed, in the web environment, you send your code on the client side. From here, the users (good or bad) can go into your code and understand how it works, what are the header of the request, how these headers are built,...
Complex, and inefficient things can be imagined... Maybe, the best way is to plug an API Gateway and to perform rate limit for the users. Like this, even if the user uses an automated thing, they will be limited. I wrote an article on the Cloud Endpoint Rate limit. Not sure that is the best product for this, maybe Apigee can fit better your requirements.
What I would like to say in the first paragraph is "it's not possible with Cloud Run and with any other web technology".

django-rest-framework-social-auth requires a client secret for convert token

I am making an Android application with a Django based backend.
The Django server has a REST API to serve user data which I want to protect. I only want my users to log in via Google (or FB which I'm going to implement in the future).
I am using django-rest-framework-social-auth to implement the authorization in the backend.
So the flow as I understand is like this:
The client (my android application), does the whole Google OAuth2.0
flow and obtains the access token
The the client then wants to
convert the Google access token with one with which it can access my
backend server API endpoints. To do this it calls the convert-token
API endpoint implemented in django-rest-framework-social-auth
Now that it has the API access token, it can include that in the header of all further API calls and receive the private data.
Now my concern is, the django-rest-framework-social-auth convert-token endpoint also needs the client-id and client-secret generated by django-oauth for the application. So I will have to store the client-secret somewhere in my mobile app, which entirely defeats the purpose of authenticating whether the request came from the app or not, because someone can decompile the apk and get the app and make token exchange requests on my app's behalf.
Is there any way around this? Is there a "standard" way to implement this which I don't know?

How to get app config data from a file in s3 bucket before user logged in to the app for a multi-tenant application?

I am using s3-bucket to store app config data for multi tenant application. I need tenant info saved in public file(.json) in s3-bucket before client is logged in to the application. For example, app config data might be client logo and some custom title/sub-title for each tenant and etc. I am trying to fetch file content based on sub-domain.
So, I need to fetch the client data, while rendering the login component itself. I am using aws-sdk tool in client side, but am facing 'missing credentials` error.
I am not getting, How to achieve this??
thanks and regards
The AWS SDK for Javascript uses the S3 rest API in such a way that it requires a GET request to be authorized. This is because it uses request parameters to override response header values and for these the rest API documentation for GET says:
Note - You must sign the request, either using an Authorization header or a pre-signed URL, when using these parameters. They cannot be used with an unsigned (anonymous) request.
However, you don't need to use S3 to get a public file, you can make a standard http request using XMLHttpRequest or suchlike.

Security concern in direct browser uploads to S3

The main security concern in direct js browser uploads to S3 is that users will store their S3 credentials on the client side.
To mitigate this risk, the S3 documentation recommends using a short lived keys generated by an intermediate server:
A file is selected for upload by the user in their web browser.
The user’s browser makes a request to your server, which produces a temporary signature with which to sign the upload request.
The temporary signed request is returned to the browser in JSON format.
The browser then uploads the file directly to Amazon S3 using the signed request supplied by your server.
The problem with this flow is that I don't see how it helps in the case of public uploads.
Suppose my upload page is publicly available. That means the server API endpoint that generates the short lived key needs to be public as well. A malicious user could then just find the address of the api endpoint and hit it everytime they want to upload something. The server has no way of knowing if the request came from a real user on the upload page or from any other place.
Yeah, I could check the domain on the request coming in to the api, and validate it, but domain can be easily spoofed (when the request is not coming from a browser client).
Is this whole thing even a concern ? The main risk is someone abusing my S3 account and uploading stuff to it. Are there other concerns that I need to know about ? Can this be mitigated somehow?
Suppose my upload page is publicly available. That means the server
API endpoint that generates the short lived key needs to be public as
well. A malicious user could then just find the address of the api
endpoint and hit it everytime they want to upload something. The
server has no way of knowing if the request came from a real user on
the upload page or from any other place.
If that concerns you, you would require your users to login to your website somehow, and serve the API endpoint behind the same server-side authentication service that handles your login process. Then only authenticated users would be able to upload files.
You might also want to look into S3 pre-signed URLs.

Improvements on cookie based session management

"Instead of using cookies for authorization, server operators might
wish to consider entangling designation and authorization by treating
URLs as capabilities. Instead of storing secrets in cookies, this
approach stores secrets in URLs, requiring the remote entity to
supply the secret itself. Although this approach is not a panacea,
judicious application of these principles can lead to more robust
security." A. Barth
What is meant by storing secrets in URLs? How would this be done in practice?
One technique that I believe fits this description is requiring clients to request URLs that are signed with HMAC. Amazon Web Services offers this technique for some operations, and I have seen it implemented in internal APIs of web companies as well. It would be possible to sign URLs server side with this or a similar technique and deliver them securely to the client (over HTTPS) embedded in HTML or in responses to XMLHttpRequests against an API.
As an alternative to session cookies, I'm not sure what advantage such a technique would offer. However, in some situations, it is convenient or often the best way to solve a problem. For example, I've used similar techniques when:
Cross Domain
You need to give the browser access to a URL that is on another domain, so cookies are not useful, and you have the capability to sign a URL server side to give access, either on a redirect or with a long enough expiration that the browser has time to load the URL.
Examples: Downloading files from S3. Progressive playback of video from CloudFront.
Closed Source Limitations
You can't control what the browser or other client is sending, aside from the URL, because you are working with a closed source plugin of some kind and can't change its behavior. Again you sign the URL server side so that all the client has to do is GET the URL.
Examples: Loading video captioning and/or sprite files via WEBVTT, into a closed-source Flash video player. Sending a payload along with a federated single sign-on callback URL, when you need to ensure that the payload can't be changed in transit.
Credential-less Task Worker
You are sending a URL to something other than a browser, and that something needs to access the resource at that URL, and on top of that you don't want to give it actual credentials.
Example: You are running a queue consumer or task-based worker daemon or maybe an AWS Lambda function, which needs to download a file, process it, and send an email. Simply pre-sign all the URLs it will use, with a reasonable expiration, so that it can perform all the requests it needs to without any additional credentials.