I have a task which requires me to pull files from a private sftp server outside my network using AWS Lambda. I am using the paramiko library and I was wondering if this is possible as the the ip provided are private i.e. 10.xxx.xxx.xxx. This private server belongs to another organization and they do not have a public ip for me to ssh into before ssh-ing into their private vpc.
I have vpc peering set up and I am able to ssh to the server via ec2 instance connect but cant seem to do so on lambda. Please advise thank you!
You can configure your lambda to run inside your VPC.
Check this out here:
I have an application hosted on AWS EC2 that will be called via a cron schedule and is not to be publicly accessible. It is only to be called by the cron schedule file and nothing and no one else. How do I ensure the application remains private?
Right now it has a public IP address to connect to which is accessible via SSH only from my ip address. Is that sufficient security in addition to correct file permissions? What would those file permissions be?
Right now it has a public IP address to connect to which is accessible via SSH only from my ip address.
Depends how strict are your security requirements. For maximum privacy, you would create a private VPC without any public subnets. So your EC2 instance would be in a private subnet without any inbound nor outbound access to the internet.
For such an instance, you wouldn't use ssh. Instead you could use SSM Session Manager to access it with strict IAM permissions regarding who can access the instance.
When you set up an EC2 instance in a private subnet to access the internet through a NAT gateway (with all the necessary routing and association through route table), how do you go about SSH'ing into the private EC2?
For example, EC2 in the NAT Gateway public subnet and making a connection through the public EC2 to the private EC2.
NAT Gateway is for outgoing traffic only.if you have to access the private EC2 instance then you need bastion on public subnet in same VPC.
OR VPN to connect or AWS system manager.
There are three options that are commonly used:
Use a bastion host in a public subnet. First you ssh to the bastion, and then ssh from the bastion to the private ec2. This usually requires copying private ssh key to the bastion so that you can use it there to ssh to the private subnet.
Use a SSM session manager. This probably would be the easiest option to setup as you already are using NAT and it requires special instance role.
Use a VPN. Probably the most complex solution but also used nevertheless.
As the instance is in a private subnet you will need to use a method to connect to this privately. There are many options to choose from, they will vary in cost and complexity so ensure you read each one first.
Site-to-site VPN - Using this method a managed VPN is added to your VPC and connected to your on-premise via hardware configuration. Your security groups will need to allow your on-premise CIDR range(s) to allow connection.
Client VPN - Using either AWS solution, or a third party from the marketplace (such as OpenVPN) you can establish a connection using either a local program or HTTPS in your browser.
SSM Sessions Manager - Access your EC2 instance via the AWS console or using the CLI, portrayed as a bash interface without using SSH to authenticate. Instead IAM is used to control permissions and access.
Bastion host - A public instance that you can connect to as an intermediary either using SSH to connect to before accessing your hsot, or as a proxy for your commands.
Is there a way to create AWS SFTP Transfer under a private subnet.
There are only two options Public and VPC.
VPC only allows for creating an endpoint that can be integrated with other AWS resources.
Can I create an AWS SFTP Transfer server in a private subnet and then connect it over the VPN etc to make sure it is secured and not exposed to the internet.
I hope I am clear with my question.
I don't think it's just possible. Because sftp on vpc requires a private vpc end point. That makes the sftp accessible from vpc or on-premise via direct connect.
But I'm imagining few possible ways (I haven't tried this)
Ssh tunneling may work through the public instance
Connect to a proxy that is accessible via vpn , the proxy can then route the traffic via vpc end point
I want to know if is possible that a lambda function access to an endpoint that is in my private network, and that is not exposed to internet.
I was thinking use AWS Direct Connect to make a VPN between my private network (on premise) and AWS region; but i can't find any example on how configure the VPN on the lambda function.
Thanks you very much
This is how I would solve,
Create a VPC in AWS. Configure the lambda to run in that configured VPC.
Create a VPN Connection to your VPC. Now your private resources will be available to your Lambda.
Documentation on running Lambda in your VPC:
VPC VPN Configuration:
Hope it helps.
I'm first time to use AWS, I follow the guideline to create the EC2 server.
and setup the FTP connection, which it is something call SSH, I don't know the server stuff, but I can connect it via my FileZilla and upload folder.
But I don't know what is the address to visit my website, and I added the rule already as below,
Your EC2 might not be in a public VPC.
Just assigning public DNS would not help if your EC2 is in a private VPC
Check the parent VPC details