Function of Class in an Array [duplicate] - c++

I have a class A which contains member functions foo() and bar() which both return a pointer to class B. How can I declare an array containing the functions foo and bar as a member variable in class A? And how do I call the functions through the array?

The member function pointer syntax is ReturnType (Class::*)(ParameterTypes...), so e.g.:
typedef B* (A::*MemFuncPtr)(); // readability
MemFuncPtr mfs[] = { &A::foo, &A::bar }; // declaring and initializing the array
B* bptr1 = (pointerToA->*mfs[0])(); // call A::foo() through pointer to A
B* bptr2 = (instanceOfA.*mfs[0])(); // call A::foo() through instance of A
See e.g. this InformIT article for more details on pointers to members.
You might also want to look into Boost.Bind and Boost.Function (or their TR1 equivalents) which allow you to opaquely bind the member-function-pointers to an instance:
typedef boost::function<B* ()> BoundMemFunc;
A instanceOfA;
BoundMemFunc mfs[] = {
boost::bind(&A::foo, &instanceOfA),
boost::bind(&A::bar, &instanceOfA)
B* bptr = mfs[0](); // call A::foo() on instanceOfA
To use such an array as a member, note that you can't initialize arrays using the member initializer list. Thus you can either assign to it in the constructor body:
A::A {
mfs[0] = &A::foo;
... or you use a type that can actually be initialized there like std::vector or boost::array:
struct A {
const std::vector<MemFuncPtr> mfs;
// ...
namespace {
std::vector<MemFuncPtr> init_mfs() {
std::vector<MemFuncPtr> mfs;
return mfs;
A::A() : mfs(init_mfs()) {}

What you're looking for are pointers to member functions. Here is a short sample that shows their declaration and use:
#include <iostream>
class B {
B(int foo): foo_(foo) {
std::cout << "Making a B with foo_ = " << foo_ << std::endl;
~B(void) {
std::cout << "Deleting a B with foo_ = " << foo_ << std::endl;
int foo_;
class A {
A(void) {
funcs_[0] = &A::foo;
funcs_[1] = &A::bar;
B* foo(void) {
return new B(3);
B* bar(void) {
return new B(5);
// Typedef for the member function pointer, for everyone's sanity.
typedef B* (A::*BMemFun)(void);
BMemFun funcs_[2];
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
A a;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
A::BMemFun func = a.funcs_[i];
// Call through the member function pointer (the .* operator).
B* b = (a.*func)();
delete b;
return 0;
The C++ FAQ section on pointers to member functions is where I found all this information.

C++ that's not ancient (read: C++11 and later) makes this all easier. In modern C++, you can do
#include <vector>
class B;
class A {
B* foo() {
// return something;
return nullptr;
B* bar() {
// return something;
return nullptr;
//C++ 11: functional brings std::function, which has zero overhead
//but is actually a useful type with which one can work
std::vector<std::function<B*()>> container;
/* [=]() { return foo(); }
* that's a lambda. In practice it "compiles away", i.e. calling
* the lambda function is the same as calling foo or bar directly
* Note how [=] means we're passing in "this", so that we can
* actually call foo().
A() : container{{[=]() { return foo(); }}, {[=]() { return bar(); }}} {}
(Try on godbolt compiler explorer)
Here's a more complete example showcasing what to do with these.
An architectural remark: Be careful with pointers to non-static member functions. What happens if your instance of A gets destroyed, but you still have a function handle to a member function? Right, hell freezes over: There's no object anymore to which this method belongs, so results are catastrophic.


How to queue up methods to run until a limit is reached

So I have a bunch of objects (subclasses of a parent class) with various functions each having different names, I might not have the resources to run all of the functions for each object so I want to have them in a priority list to run over time.
The code bellow is I believe forbidden by c++.
I get "C++ forbids taking the address of an unqualified or parenthesized non-static member function to form a pointer to member function"
class A;
class Token;
list<Token> tokenList;
class Token{
A* a; //Could be A or a child of A
int* function;
class A {
A() {
Token token = Token();
token.a = this;
token.function = &A::hello;
int hello(){
cout << "hello" << endl;
return 0;
The code bellow should work but doesn't look elegant and also doesn't support subclasses having multiple functions they could pass to the list, is there a better way to do this I am missing?
class A;
list<A*> aList;
class A {
virtual int funct();
class B : public A{
virtual int funct(){
return 0;
int hello(){
cout << "hello" << endl;
return 0;
int main(){
//remove objects from list and run their functions in a loop until list is empty or max number of functions were run
Thanks Ted
Solution: Using the first example as mentioned I changed int* function; to int (A::*function)();. Then I can run the function with something like this
A tmp = A();
Token token = *tokenList.begin();
A *a = token.a;
The problem is that in your code int* function; is a pointer to an integer and not a pointer to a function.
If you would define it as int (*function)(); you could easily do what you want. But it would still not work with member functions.
So you need to define it as a pointer to a member function: int (A::*function)();
Here an example to make it work:
class Token{
A* a; //Could be A or a child of A
int (A::*function)(); // pointer to member function with no arg, returning int
class A {
A() {
Token token = Token();
token.a = this;
token.function = &A::hello; // Use the address of member function
int hello(){
cout << "hello (" << this <<")"<< endl; // added the address of a to see for which object
return 0;
int main() {
A a;
A b;
for (auto& token : tokenList )
(token.a->*token.function)(); // invoke the member function on the object pointer
Online demo
I didn't notice that your tokenList was a global variable. This is rather risky, as everything you create an A (including a temporary one), the tokenList will be updated. When you'll execute it, you'll therefore risk of having dangling pointers, i.e. pointing to an A instance that has already destroyed.

C++ - calling a member function of another class using a pointer

I'm testing, trying to call a member function being passed as a parameter,
the member function has to be one of another class.
this is an example, which gives an error:
"pointer-to-member selection class types are incompatible ("B" and
This is the code, what am I doing wrong?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A {
void fA(int x) {
cout << "hello" << endl;
void fB(int x) {
cout << "good bye" << endl;
A() {
class B {
void (A:: * f)(int) = NULL;
B(void (A:: * f)(int)) {
this->f = f;
void call() {
(this->*f)(10); //What's wrong here?
A a = A();
B b = B(&(a.fA));
B b2 = B(&(a.fB));
int main(void) {;;
&(a.fA) is not legal C++ syntax. &A::fA is. As you can see, there is no object of type A anywhere of this syntax. &A::fA is just a pointer to a member function, not a pointer-to-member-together-with-an-object combo.
Now in order to call that pointer-to-member, you need an object of class A. In class B, you don't have any. You need to get one in there somehow, and call the function this way:
where a is a pointer to that object of class A.

Adding a string-type class member causes base class function to be called instead of child

Why does the following code print 0, but if you comment out "std::string my_string" it prints 1?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
class A {
virtual int foo() {
return 0;
std::string my_string;
class B : public A {
int foo() {
return 1;
int main()
A* a;
if (true) {
B b;
a = &b;
std::cout << a->foo() << std::endl;
return 0;
I also understand that changing std::string to std:string* also causes the code to print 1, as does removing the if-statement, though I don't understand why any of that is true.
EDIT: This seems to be due to a dangling pointer. Then what's the standard pattern in C++ to do something like this in Java:
Animal animal;
boolean isDog = false;
// get user input to set isDog
if (isDog) {
animal = new Dog();
} else {
animal = new Cat();
animal.makeNoise(); // Should make a Dog/Cat noise depending on value of isDog.
The program has Undefined Behaviour. b is only in scope inside the body of the if. You can't count on logical results when accessing a dangling pointer.
int main()
A* a;
if (true) {
B b; // b is scoped by the body of the if.
a = &b;
} // b's dead, Jim.
std::cout << a->foo() << std::endl; // a points to the dead b, an invalid object
return 0;
TL;DR Solution
int main()
std::unique_ptr<A> a; // All hail the smart pointer overlords!
if (true) {
a = std::make_unique<B>();
std::cout << a->foo() << std::endl;
return 0;
} // a is destroyed here and takes the B with it.
You can point a at an object with a dynamic lifetime
int main()
A* a;
if (true) {
a = new B; // dynamic allocation
} // b's dead, Jim.
std::cout << a->foo() << std::endl;
delete a; // DaANGER! DANGER!
return 0;
Unfortunately delete a; is also undefined behaviour because A has a non-virtual destructor. Without a virtual destructor the object pointed at by a will be destroyed as an A, not as a B.
The fix for that is to give A a virtual destructor to allow it to destroy the correct instance.
class A {
virtual ~A() = default;
virtual int foo() {
return 0;
std::string my_string;
There is no need to modify B because once a function is declared virtual, it stays virtual for its children. Keep an eye out for final.
But it's best to avoid raw dynamic allocations, so there is one more improvement we can make: Use Smart pointers.
And that brings us back to the solution.
Documentation for std::unique_ptr
Documentation for std::make_unique

Polymorphic unique_ptr class member

I would like to have a unique_ptr class member that points to the base class, but later in the constructor through polymorphism can be changed to point to a sister class that also derives from the same base class.
While I don't get any errors in the constructor setting this polymorphism, it does not seem to work correctly, since I get error messages that my polymorphic pointer can't find a member of the sister class to which I thought the pointer was now pointing.
How do I correctly achieve polymorphism here?
class A {
int bar;
class B : public A {
int foo;
class C: public A {
std::unique_ptr<A> _ptr; // changing to std::unique_ptr<B> _ptr removes the "class A has no member 'foo'" error
C::C() : A()
_ptr = std::make_unique<B>(); // no errors here
int w = _ptr->foo; // class A has no member 'foo'
When you assign
_ptr = std::make_unique<B>();
This works because B is a derived class of A, however _ptr is still a unique_ptr to the base class. You can't change the type of a variable after it's declared.
So what are your options?
Because you know that _ptr stores a pointer to the derived class B, you can do a cast after dereferencing it:
_ptr = std::make_unique<B>();
// derefence the pointer, and cast the reference to `B&`.
B& reference_to_sister = (B&)(*_ptr);
int w =;
If you take this approach, you'll have to somehow keep track of which derived class is in _ptr, or you'll run the risk of running into bugs.
Alternatively, if you're using C++17, you can use std::variant:
class C : public A {
void initialize(A& a) {
// Do stuff if it's the base class
void initialize(B& b) {
// Do different stuff if it's derived
int w =;
C() {
_ptr = std::make_unique<B>(); // This works
// This takes the pointer, and calls 'initialize'
auto initialize_func = [&](auto& ptr) { initialize(*ptr); };
// This will call 'initialize(A&)' if it contains A,
// and it'll call 'initialize(B&)' if it contains B
std::visit(initialize_func, _ptr);
std::variant<std::unique_ptr<A>, std::unique_ptr<B>> _ptr;
In fact, if you use std::variant this will work even if A and B are completely unrelated classes.
Here's another short variant example
#include <variant>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
void print(std::string& s) {
std::cout << "String: " << s << '\n';
void print(int i) {
std::cout << "Int: " << i << '\n';
void print_either(std::variant<std::string, int>& v) {
// This calls `print(std::string&) if v contained a string
// And it calls `print(int)` if v contained an int
std::visit([](auto& val) { print(val); }, v);
int main() {
// v is empty right now
std::variant<std::string, int> v;
// Put a string in v:
v = std::string("Hello, world");
print_either(v); //Prints "String: Hello, world"
// Put an int in v:
v = 13;
print_either(v); //Prints "Int: 13"

Access a private virtual member-function through pointers

class foo{
int n;
virtual void sayHi(){
cout<<"Hi there!";
How do I get the address of sayHi()??
foo f;
typedef void(*fptr)();
fptr func = reinterpret_cast<fptr>((&f)[0]);
The code above didn't work.
I know that the first 8 bytes of "f" object is a pointer to a virtual table where it contains the pointers to the functions, I'm using 64-bits machine. I'm basically trying to call the sayHi() through its pointer rather than calling it directly from f, since sayHi() is private anyway! How would I do this? Am I apportioning it right??
You cannot simply have a pointer to a non-static member function and call it without an object. The most straight-forward way to interpret your question would be using a pointer-to-member as in:
auto fptr = &foo::sayHi;
foo f;
Now, you say you want to call it without having to go through f. It's not clear exactly what this means. Using a lambda is probably good enough to create a callable that works as you want
auto func = [] { return foo{}.sayHi(); };
func(); // call
or using a specific object and capturing it by reference (shown) or by value
foo f;
auto func = [&f] { return f.sayHi(); };
sayHi() is a non-static method of a class. You need to use a pointer-to-method instead of a raw pointer (the implementation of a method pointer is compiler-specific, so assuming the internal layout of the pointer-to-method is not portable).
Also, sayHi() is private to foo, so main() cannot access it directly. You need to either:
declare sayHi() as public:
class foo
int n;
virtual void sayHi(){
cout << "Hi there!";
int main()
typedef void (foo::*fptr)();
fptr func = &foo::sayHi;
foo f;
return 0;
make main() be a friend of foo:
class foo
int n;
virtual void sayHi(){
cout << "Hi there!";
friend int main();
int main()
typedef void (foo::*fptr)();
fptr func = &foo::sayHi;
foo f;
return 0;
Well, ISO C++ forbids taking the address of a bound member function to form a pointer to member function. However, you can do something like this, if it helps. You may check the result here.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class foo{
int n;
virtual void sayHi(){
cout<<"Hi there!";
typedef void(*fptr)();
int main() {
auto func = reinterpret_cast<fptr>(&foo::sayHi);
return 0;