How to add(register) new plugin using python to Gstreamer? - gstreamer

how can I add(register) new plugin using python to Gstreamer?
Saw some tutorials online but they don’t seem to work anymore.


RTSP Server using ffmpeg code has wrong ffmpeg version?

I'm trying to reuse the sample code of next topic, but it does not run with ffmpeg-20190320.
Topic: FFMPEG to send RTSP encoded stream C++
I tried to change the include line to the right paths, but some files are simple gone.
All of the code can be found on the topic referring to.
I'm expecting the code from the referring topic to build and run as expected with the newer version of ffmpeg or to know what version was used so I can try to refactor it myself.
I've got the code building and running with
ffmpeg-2.0.1-win32-shared and
ffmpeg-2.0.1-win32-dev found on and, but I had to use the wayback machine.

blpapi Bloomberg - Python prog. vs. BBG Interaction

I'm quite new to Python (Got forced to use it since BBG don't support R), and i'm having difficulty installing blpapi. I'm currently using Spyder and Python 2.7 version.
Does anyone on this forum had already used python to send orders to Bloomberg and manipulate data provided by the terminal? If Positive, could you pls share how you've installed the API Libs and any other useful stuff. The idea is to feed a certain model with live data.
There's an .exe file in the Zip that you download from WAPI , but there's an error message appearing. I've already tried to speak with a BBG represent. but that does not helped.

Using Qt Media Player on Raspberry Pi 1

I have a project built using Qt5 which has to play a video. Just like in the videowidget sample code.
I've followed these instructions to build qt5 on my Pi. And it went just fine. But when I try to run any qt program that uses QMediaPlayer, I get the error message:
defaultServiceProvider::requestService(): no service found for - "org.qt-project.qt.mediaplayer"
Which means I don't have a backend to play the video, right? Is there any one that I can use which will with Qt, like ffmpeg? And how can I get it to work? Specially for h264 videos.
I've tried to install gstreamer as is told on this link, but it's not working. Will I have to rebuild the entire qt5 again?
P.S.: I have the raspberry pi 1 model B with raspbian installed.
Edit: As mentioned by Greenflow, I checked the ./configure log and saw that the GStreamer was compiled in, but the video apps are still not working...
The message on the log was like this:
GStreamer .............. yes (0.10)
And the message on Greenflow's log was like this:
GStreamer .............. yes (1.0)
Clearly it's another version of GStreamer, but is it the problem?
I've also found this post which says QtMultimedia on the Pi is rather useless, but the post is from 2013, so I'm not sure if it's really relevant. I'd like to have this app playing hardware accelerated videos on my Raspberry Pi, but I'm almost dropping the idea.
Anyways, thanks Greenflow for the head start.
Edit 2: Found this thread on the Qtcentre. Damn, this thing is not going to be easy to solve, I guess...
sudo apt-get install libqt5multimedia-plugins solved this for me.

Developing a plugin in Lighttpd

I'm using the web server Lighttpd and I'm absolutely new to it. I managed to install and get in running in CentOS 6.2. I now want to make a plugin for lighttpd using Cpp, but I couldn't find any helpful tutorial at all and totally confused now. Could anybody help me with clear info?
You won't be writing a plugin in C++, you'll be using straight C. There aren't any tutorials in the sense of building a Hello World application, but there is some documentation. is the place to start. Read the links there in order, especially and mod_skeleton.c in the lighttpd source.
Once you have those, the only thing to do is start experimenting!

Capture MacBook Pro iSight video with C++

I'd like to grab a frame from my MacBook Pro iSight in C++ and do some elaborations on it.
I already know how to do that in ObjC with QTKit, but is there any way to do the same thing in C++?
I tried to install OpenCV with macports, but the framework doesn't seem to support iSight cameras.
You could do that using OpenCV ( )
And here is a sample code you can copy/paste to try it : (article in french but code is in english)
You can also use the Integrating Vision Toolkit (, which supports Mac OS X and Quicktime.
Here are the steps:
Install the Quicktime SDK, if you haven't yet.
Download the current version of the IVT and unpack the archive.
Set the flag 'USE_QUICKTIME = 0' to 'USE_QUICKTIME = 1' in IVT/src/Makefile.base
Run 'make' in IVT/src
Run 'make' in IVT/examples/CaptureApp
Run '../../files/ CaptureApp captureapp' in IVT/examples/CaptureApp
Run the application, either by double clicking on the generated icon, or by typing 'open'.
If you have any questions, let me know (you can find my contact information on the IVT homepage). I also answer questions in the IVT Sourceforge forum usually quite fast.