Plot Contour with Gaps in GNUPlot C++? (C++ 14, VS 22) - c++

I'm attempting to plot a contour plot in the GNUPlot C++ library, however I want to be able to plot with holes in the data (without interpolation where there's no data).
I'm using C++ 14, with Visual Studio 2022.
I have the following example code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "gnuplot-iostream.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<vector<float>> data = {};
for (float x = -5; x <= 5; x += 0.1)
for (float y = -5; y <= 5; y += 0.1)
float dist = sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2));
float z = 1 / dist;
if ((dist > 0.1) && (z < 0.45))
data.push_back(vector<float>{x, y, z});
Gnuplot gp;
gp << "set title 'test'\n";
gp << "set dgrid3d 100,100\n";
gp << "splot" << gp.file1d(data) << "with pm3d title 'test'" << endl;
return 0;
Which produces the following contour plot:
However, in the plot above, the middle "crater" doesn't actually have any data in it:
The function automatically interpolates any areas without data to create the contour plot.
Is it possible in any way to stop that from happening with the contour functions? So the GNUPlot contour functions leave any areas without data empty, instead of interpolating?
Currently I'm using the dgrid3d function to create my contour grid, however it does not appear to be possible to achieve my goal with that. Is there a different graphing function that would be better suited to what I'm trying to accomplish?
Thanks for reading my post, any guidance is appreciated.

First a comment that "contour plot" means something else entirely to gnuplot. There are no contours in this plot.
The issue here is that by setting dgrid3d you reconstruct the full grid with no hole in it. Don't do that. You are generating the data as a grid anyhow, it's just that some of the grid points have a special status. Here are two ways to do it in gnuplot directly. Note that dgrid3d is not used for either method. I don't know anything about iostream so I leave that layer of coding to you.
Method 1 -
Write NaN ("not-a-number") for the points to be omitted.
set samples 101,101
set isosamples 101,101
set urange [-5:5]
set vrange [-5:5]
dist(x,y) = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
z(x,y) = 1/dist(x,y)
splot '++' using (dist($1,$2)>0.1 && z($1,$2)<0.45 ? $1 : NaN):2:(z($1,$2)) with pm3d
Method 2 -
Write the z value for all points but tell gnuplot to clip at z=0.45
set samples 101,101
set isosamples 101,101
set urange [-5:5]
set vrange [-5:5]
dist(x,y) = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
z(x,y) = 1/dist(x,y)
set zrange [*:0.45]
splot '++' using 1:2:(z($1,$2)) with pm3d


How to plot a best-fit curve found using gsl_multifit_linear function in C++?

I have a set of x and y values that I fit onto a polynomial using the gsl_multifit_linear function. I would like to plot the best-fit curve onto the scatterplot using gnuplot. Right now, I only figured out how to plot the points themselves:
FILE *gnuplot = popen("gnuplot", "w");
fprintf(gnuplot, "plot '-'\n");
for (int i = 0; i < num_points; i++)
fprintf(gnuplot, "%g %g\n", xvals[i], yvals[i]);
printf(gnuplot, "e\n");
Plot the function first, then the data:
fprintf(gnuplot, "plot x*x, '-'\n");
Here I assumed the function is just x*x.
Alternatively, save the points to a temporary file and then plot it in a usual, gnuplot way in any order relative to the data.

Pixel values are partially readable

I took an image and I wanted to write the image as its corresponding pixel values and I have done the code and it compiled but the problem is that, I stored those values in a txt file and I copied those values to an excel sheet and what I see is that the pixel values that I got are only for half of the picture i.e when I see it as a whole picture the pixels show me the half the picture or less I dont know, but it isnt showing me the complete picture.
Help me.
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace cv;
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
Mat colorImage = imread("/home/bmit/display_image/CIRCLE.jpg");
// Open the file in write mode.
ofstream outputFile("name.txt");
// Iterate through pixels.
int r, c;
for (r = 1; colorImage.rows > r ;r++)
for (c = 1; colorImage.cols > c ; c++)
int pixel =<uchar>(r,c);
outputFile << pixel << '\t';
outputFile << endl;
// Close the file.
return 0;
There are a number of errors which I think are adding up to create this issue. The first is that for a colour image, there isn't really a single "pixel value" - there is a red component, a green component, a blue component (and possibly an alpha channel as well). I'm going to assume from this point onwards that you actually want the BGR values for each pixel sequentially.
cv::Mat is generally a wrapper around a pointer to a large singular block of continuous memory (it isn't always continuous but usually is). The<typename>() method is one of the ways of accessing this data, using the typename to interpret it and cast the data accessed.
The issue you are having is the total information stored in this matrix is more than row*cols of uchars. The matrix is storing row*cols*3 trios of blue,green, and red uchars. The line of code int pixel =<uchar>(r,c); is accessing some point in this data sequence based on the size of a uchar, the number of rows in the image, and the values of r & c.
For instance, at some point in the innerloop you will call int pixel =<uchar>(r,c); when r is equal to the number of rows and c equal to the number of columns. You want this value of pixel to be the "pixel value" of the lower right pixel, but what you are actually getting is the value of one of the channel values for a pixel about a 3rd of the width along and a 3rd of the height down the image.
To fix this you have a number of options. I think you'll find reading some of the tutorials on the OpenCV website (this one probably being the most relevant) useful. But if you replace the loop in your code with the following it should work, although I haven't tested it.
for (r=0;r<colorImage.rows; r++)
for (r=0; c<colorImage.cols; c++)
Point3_<uchar> pixel =<Point3_<uchar>>(r,c);
outputFile << pixel.x << '\t'<< pixel.y << '\t'<< pixel.z << '\t';
outputFile << endl;
Note that this will be in order BGR, if you require RGB just swap the order of pixel.x & pixel.z

Rogue line being drawn to window

I am making a graphing program in C++ using the SFML library. So far I have been able to draw a function to the screen. I have run into two problems along the way.
The first is a line which seems to return to the origin of my the plane, starting from the end of my function.
You can see it in this image:
As you can see this "rogue" line seems to change colour as it nears the origin. My first question is what is this line and how may I eradicate it from my window?
The second problem which is slightly unrelated and more mathematical can be seen in this image:
As you can see the asymptotes which are points where the graph is undefined or non continuous are being drawn. This leads me to my second question: is there a way ( in code ) to identify an asymptote and not draw it to the window.
My code for anything drawn to the window is:
VertexArray axis(Lines, 4);
VertexArray curve(PrimitiveType::LinesStrip, 1000);
axis[0].position = Vector2f(100000, 0);
axis[1].position = Vector2f(-100000, 0);
axis[2].position = Vector2f(0, -100000);
axis[3].position = Vector2f(0, 100000);
float x;
for (x = -pi; x < pi; x += .0005f)
curve.append(Vertex(Vector2f(x, -tan(x)), Color::Green));
I would very much appreciate any input : )
Thanks to the input of numerous people this code seems to work fine in fixing the asymptote problem:
for (x = -30*pi; x < 30*pi; x += .0005f)
x0 = x1; y0 = y1;
x1 = x; y1 = -1/sin(x);
a = 0;
a = fabs(atan2(y1 - y0, x1 - x0));
if (a > .499f*pi)
curve.append(Vertex(Vector2f(x1, y1), Color::Transparent));
curve.append(Vertex(Vector2f(x1, y1), Color::Green));
Update 2:
The following code gets rid of the rogue line:
VertexArray curve(Lines, 1000);
float x,y;
for (x = -30 * pi; x < 30 * pi; x += .0005f)
y = -asin(x);
curve.append(Vertex(Vector2f(x, y)));
for (x = -30 * pi + .0005f; x < 30 * pi; x += .0005f)
y = -asin(x);
curve.append(Vertex(Vector2f(x, y)));
The first problem looks like a wrong polyline/curve handling. Don't know what API are you using for rendering but some like GDI need to start the pen position properly. For example if you draw like this:
Then you should do this instead:
In case your API needs MoveTo command and you are not setting it then last position is used (or default (0,0)) which will connect start of your curve with straight line from last draw or default pen position.
Second problem
In continuous data you can threshold the asymptotes or discontinuities by checking the consequent y values. If your curve render looks like this:
for (i=1;i<n;i++) Canvas->LineTo(x[i],y[i]);
Then you can change it to something like this:
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
if (y[1]-y0>=threshold) Canvas->MoveTo(x[i],y[i]);
else Canvas->LineTo(x[i],y[i]);
The problem is selection of the threshold because it is dependent on x density of sampled points and on the first derivation of your y data by x (slope angles)
If you are stacking up more functions the curve append will create your unwanted line ... instead handle each data as separate draw or put MoveTo command in between them
I see it like this (fake split):
double x0,y0,x1,y1,a;
for (e=1,x = -pi; x < pi; x += .0005f)
// last point
x0=x1; y0=y1;
// your actual point
x1=x; y1=-tan(x);
// test discontinuity
if (e) { a=0; e=0; } else a=fabs(atan2(y1-y0,x1-x0));
if (a>0.499*M_PI) curve.append(Vertex(Vector2f(x1,y1), Color::Black));
else curve.append(Vertex(Vector2f(x1,y1), Color::Green));
the 0.499*M_PI is you threshold the more closer is to 0.5*M_PIthe bigger jumps it detects... I faked the curve split by black color (background) it will create gaps on axis intersections (unless transparency is used) ... but no need for list of curves ...
Those artifacts are due to the way sf::PrimitiveType::LinesStrip works (or more specific lines strips in general).
In your second example, visualizing y = -tan(x), you're jumping from positive infinity to negative infinity, which is the line you're seeing. You can't get rid of this, unless you're using a different primitive type or splitting your rendering into multiple draw calls.
Imagine a line strip as one long thread you're pinning with pushpins (representing your vertices). There's no (safe) way to go from positive infinity to negative infinity without those artifacts. Of course you could move outside the visible area, but then again that's really specific to this one function.

Logistic regression for fault detection in an image

Basically, I want to detect a fault in an image using logistic regression. I'm hoping to get so feedback on my approach, which is as follows:
For training:
Take a small section of the image marked "bad" and "good"
Greyscale them, then break them up into a series of 5*5 pixel segments
Calculate the histogram of pixel intensities for each of these segments
Pass the histograms along with the labels to the Logistic Regression class for training
Break the whole image into 5*5 segments and predict "good"/"bad" for each segment.
Using the sigmod function the linear regression equation is:
1/ (1 - e^(xθ))
Where x is the input values and theta (θ) is the weights. I use gradient descent to train the network. My code for this is:
void LogisticRegression::Train(float **trainingSet,float *labels, int m)
float tempThetaValues[m_NumberOfWeights];
for (int iteration = 0; iteration < 10000; ++iteration)
// Reset the temp values for theta.
float error = 0.0f;
// For each training set in the example
for (int trainingExample = 0; trainingExample < m; ++trainingExample)
float * x = trainingSet[trainingExample];
float y = labels[trainingExample];
// Partial derivative of the cost function.
float h = Hypothesis(x) - y;
for (int i =0; i < m_NumberOfWeights; ++i)
tempThetaValues[i] += h*x[i];
float cost = h-y; //Actual J(theta), Cost(x,y), keeps giving NaN use MSE for now
error += cost*cost;
// Update the weights using batch gradient desent.
for (int theta = 0; theta < m_NumberOfWeights; ++theta)
m_pWeights[theta] = m_pWeights[theta] - 0.1f*tempThetaValues[theta];
printf("Cost on iteration[%d] = %f\n",iteration,error);
Where sigmoid and the hypothesis are calculated using:
float LogisticRegression::Sigmoid(float z) const
return 1.0f/(1.0f+exp(-z));
float LogisticRegression::Hypothesis(float *x) const
float z = 0.0f;
for (int index = 0; index < m_NumberOfWeights; ++index)
z += m_pWeights[index]*x[index];
return Sigmoid(z);
And the final prediction is given by:
int LogisticRegression::Predict(float *x)
return Hypothesis(x) > 0.5f;
As we are using a histogram of intensities the input and weight arrays are 255 elements. My hope is to use it on something like a picture of an apple with a bruise and use it to identify the brused parts. The (normalized) histograms for the whole brused and apple training sets look somthing like this:
For the "good" sections of the apple (y=0):
For the "bad" sections of the apple (y=1):
I'm not 100% convinced that using the intensites alone will produce the results I want but even so, using it on a clearly seperable data set isn't working either. To test it I passed it a, labeled, completely white and a completely black image. I then run it on the small image below:
Even on this image it fails to identify any segments as being black.
Using MSE I see that the cost is converging downwards to a point where it remains, for the black and white test it starts at about cost 250 and settles on 100. The apple chuncks start at about 4000 and settle on 1600.
What I can't tell is where the issues are.
Is, the approach sound but the implementation broken? Is logistic regression the wrong algorithm to use for this task? Is gradient decent not robust enough?
I forgot to answer this... Basically the problem was in my histograms which when generated weren't being memset to 0. As to the overall problem of whether or not logistic regression with greyscale images was a good solution, the answer is no. Greyscale just didn't provide enough information for good classification. Using all colour channels was a bit better but I think the complexity of the problem I was trying to solve (bruises in apples) was a bit much for simple logistic regression on its own. You can see the results on my blog here.

How to compute 2D log-chromaticity?

My goal is to remove shadows from image. I use C++ and OpenCV. Sure I lack enough math background and not being native English speaker makes everything harder to understand.
After reading different approaches to remove shadows I found method which should work for me but it relies on something they call "2D chromaticity" and "2D log-chromaticity space" but even this term seems to be inconsistent in different sources. Many papers on topic, few are listed here:
I teared Google into strips by searching right words and explanations. Best I found is Illumination invariant image which did not help me much.
I tried to repeat formula log(G/R), log(B/R) described in first paper, page 3 to get figures similar to 2b.
As input I used
Output I get is
My source code:
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
Mat src;
src = imread( argv[1], 1 );
if( ! )
{ return -1; }
Mat image( 600, 600, CV_8UC3, Scalar(127,127,127) );
int cn = src.channels();
uint8_t* pixelPtr = (uint8_t*);
for(int i=0 ; i< src.rows;i++) {
for(int j=0 ; j< src.cols;j++) {
Scalar_<uint8_t> bgrPixel;
bgrPixel.val[0] = pixelPtr[i*src.cols*cn + j*cn + 0]; // B
bgrPixel.val[1] = pixelPtr[i*src.cols*cn + j*cn + 1]; // G
bgrPixel.val[2] = pixelPtr[i*src.cols*cn + j*cn + 2]; // R
if(bgrPixel.val[2] !=0 ) { // avoid division by zero
float a= image.cols/2+50*(log((float)bgrPixel.val[0] / (float)bgrPixel.val[2])) ;
float b= image.rows/2+50*(log((float)bgrPixel.val[1] / (float)bgrPixel.val[2])) ;
if(!isinf(a) && !isinf(b))<Vec3b>(a,b)=Vec3b(255,2,3);
imshow("log-chroma", image );
imwrite("log-chroma.png", image );
What I am missing or misunderstand?
By reading the paper Recovery of Chromaticity Image Free from Shadows via Illumination Invariance that you've posted, and your code, I guess the problem is that your coordinate system (X/Y axis) are linear while in the paper the coordinate system are log(R/G) by log(B/G).
This is the closest I can figure. Reading through this:
I came across the sentence:
"Fig. 2(a) shows log-chromaticities for the 24 surfaces of a Macbeth ColorChecker Chart, (the six neutral patches all belong to the same
cluster). If we now vary the lighting and plot median values
for each patch, we see the curves in Fig. 2(b)."
If you look closely at the log-chromaticity plot, you see 19 blobs, corresponding to each of the 18 colors in the Macbeth chart, plus the sum of all the 6 grayscale targets in the bottom row:
Explanation of Log Chromaticities
Explanation of Log Chromaticities
With 1 picture, we can only get 1 point of each blob: We take the median value inside each target and plot it. To get plot from the paper, we would have to create multiple images with different lighting. We might be able to do this by varying the temperature of the image in an image editor.
For now, I just looked at the color patches in the original image and plotted the points:
Color Patches Used
Log Chromaticity
The graph dots are not all in the same place as the paper, but I figure it's fairly close. Would someone please check my work to see if this makes sense?
In that OpenCV code I got a "undefined Identifier error" for the function ifinf() and I solved it by replacing it with _finite(). That might be the issue with the Visual studio version.
if(!isinf(a) && !isinf(b)) ----> if(_finite(a) && _finite(b))
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