Is it safe to expose AWS Amplify like this? - amazon-web-services

In my react native app I use Amplify Datastore to query,create and update items. I want to know is it safe to expose these methods in my frontend ? and can someone reverse engineer and use these ? and what can I do to increase the security of these methods ?
const getOrder = async () => {
await DataStore.query(Order, c=>c.iD.eq(currentOrderId)
const createOrder = async () => {
await Order({
// }))


Why do we need deployments.fixture?

I have the following code below
const { deployments, ethers, getNamedAccounts } = require("hardhat")
describe("FundMe", async () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
const { deployer } = await getNamedAccounts()
await deployments.fixture(["all"])
fundMe = await ethers.getContract("FundMe")
console.log(fundMe, "fundMe")
it("test", () => {})
describe("constructor", async () => {})
I am running the mocks contract and the fundme contract before getting the fundme contract. However, I was wondering why we needed this? If these are my only two contracts it would work without deployments.fixture because it seems that hardhat runs all the contracts by default if no fixtures are specified?
I tried looking at the hardhat documentation.
fixture is used in testing to create a proper test environment. for example, if you write a smart contract which uses or interacts with some ERC20 tokens, in order to deploy the contract, you have to deploy those contracts. Or maybe some contracts inherits from interface and you need to provide those interfaces. that is what fixture is used to provide all necessary data in order to use your smart contract

How to test express + dynamodb using Jest?

I am new to Jest and unit testing, I have an express API deployed on serverless(Lambda) on AWS.Express api uses dynamodb for crud operations
Note:- my api is based out of express and not just plain node, because on jest website they are telling ways for plain nodejs
I am able to do unit test on express on the methods which doesnt use dynamodb.However it fails for the methods which are using dynamodb, as to my understanding this has something to do with dynamodb being remote, because the code present in app.js corresponds to dyanmo db which is hosted on aws using lambda.
How do I go about it?
Note:- my api is based out of express and not just plain node
const isUrl = require('is-url');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const { nanoid } = require('nanoid/async');
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
// URL from users'/', async (req, res, next) => {
// urlId contains converted short url characters generated by nanoid
const urlId = await nanoid(8);
const { longUrl } = req.body;
// Veryfying url Format using isUrl, this return a boolean
const checkUrl = isUrl(longUrl);
if (checkUrl === false) {
res.status(400).json({ error: 'Invalid URL, please try again!!!' });
const originalUrl = longUrl;
const userType = 'anonymous'; // user type for anonymous users
const tableName = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'; // table name for storing url's
const anonymousUrlCheckParams = {
TableName: tableName,
Key: {
userId: userType,
dynamoDb.get(anonymousUrlCheckParams, (err, data) => {
const paramsForTransaction = {
TransactItems: [
Put: {
TableName: tableName,
Item: {
userId: userType,
convertedUrl: `https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/${urlId}`,
Put: {
TableName: tableName,
Item: {
userId: urlId,
ConditionExpression: 'attribute_not_exists(userId)',
if (err) {
.json({ error: 'Unknown Server Error, Please Trimify Again!' });
} else if (Object.keys(data).length === 0 && data.constructor === Object) {
dynamoDb.transactWrite(paramsForTransaction, async (error) => {
if (error) {
// err means converted value as userId is repeated twice.
.json({ error: 'Unknown Server Error, Please trimify again. ' });
} else {
convertedUrl: `https://xxxxxxxxxxxx/${urlId}`,
} else {
convertedUrl: data.Item.convertedUrl,
module.exports = router;
my test.js
const request = require('supertest');
const app = require('../app');
test('Should convert url from anonymous user ', async () => {
await request(app)
longUrl: '',
First off, if you're wanting to do unit testing. It doesn't really matter much if you're using express js or not, hence, the examples and information on the jest website are very valid to get you on your way.
How easy it is to do unit testing, mostly depends on how you have structured your code. For example, you could keep all your express js specific code in separate files and then only instantiate the files holding your actual business logic (which some might call a services layer) during your unit tests. That's at least one way where you could make it easier on yourself. Using a functional approach also makes your code easier to test or at the very least using dependency injection, so you can swap out dependencies during testing in order to test some functionality in isolation.
When it comes to DynamoDB, you've got two options. Either mocking or running a local version.
You can either mock the specific functions you're calling either using the jest mocks or using a mocking library such as sinon. Whichever you choose is mostly personal preference.
The second option is running a local version of DynamoDB in a docker container. This has the upside of also verifying your actual calls to the DynamoDB service (which you could do by verifying the mocks, but it's easy to make a mistake in the verification), however, it is more cumbersome to set up and your tests will be slower, so this might skew your test to be more integration tests than unit tests (but that distinction is an evening worth or arguing in itself).
If you want to go towards end-to-end testing of the entire API, you can have a look at the SuperTest NPM package.
(Edit) Added small example using sinon
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const ddb = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
const getStub = sinon.stub(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.prototype, "get");
getStub.callsFake((params, cb) => {
cb(null, {result: []});
ddb.get({foo: 'bar'}, (err, val) => {
console.log(val); // => { "result": [] }

How to mock Fastify plugin

I am trying to write unit testing for fastify application which also has custom fastify plugin.
Is there a way we can mock fastify plugin? I tried mocking using Jest and Sinon without much success.
Giorgios link to the file is broken, the mocks folder is now absent from the master branch. I dug the commit history to something around the time of his answer and I found a commit with the folder still there. I leave it here for those who will come in the future!
This is what works for me
Setup your plugin according to Fastify docs
// establishDbConnection.ts
import fp from 'fastify-plugin';
import {FastifyInstance, FastifyPluginAsync} from 'fastify';
import { initDbConnection } from './myDbImpl';
const establishDbConnection: FastifyPluginAsync = async (fastify: FastifyInstance, opts) => {
fastify.addHook('onReady', async () => {
await initDbConnection()
export default fp(establishDbConnection);
mock the plugin with jest, make sure you wrap the mock function in fp() so that Fastify recognizes it as a plugin.
// myTest.ts
import fp from 'fastify-plugin';
const mockPlugin = fp(async () => jest.fn());
jest.mock('../../../fastifyPlugin/establishDbConnection', (() => {
return mockPlugin;
Your question is a bit generic but if you are using Jest it must be enough for mocking a fastify plugin. You can take a look in this repo and more specifically this file . This is a mock file of fastify and you add the registered plugins and in the specific example addCustomHealthCheck and then in your test files you can just call jest.mock('fastify').
You do not give a specific use case and there are lot of reasons you might want to mock a plugin. The nature of the plugin to be mocked is important to giving a good answer. Because I don't know that specific information I will show how to mock a plugin that creates a decorator that stores data that can be retrieved with fastify.decorator-name. This is a common use case for plugins that connect to databases or store other widely needed variables.
In the below case, the goal is to test a query function that queries a db; a plugin stores the connection information via a fastify decorator. So, in order to unit test the query we specifically need to mock the client data for the connection.
First create an instance of fastify. Next, set up a mock to return the desired fake response. Then, instead of registering the component with fastify (which you could also do), simply decorate the required variables directly with mock information.
Here is the function to be tested. We need to mock a plugin for a database which creates a fastify decorator called db. Specifically, in the below case the function to be tested uses db.client:
const fastify = require("fastify")({ //this is here to gather logs
logger: {
level: "debug",
file: "./logs/combined.log"
const allDataQuery = `
FROM todo_items
WHERE a."LOAD_DATE" > current_date - interval $1 hour
const queryAll = async (db) => {
return await sendQuery(db, allDataQuery, [HOURS_FROM_LOADDATE]);
//send query to db and receive data
const sendQuery = async (db, query, queryParams) => {
var res = {};
try {
const todo_items = await db.client.any(query, queryParams);
res = todo_items;
} catch (e) {
return res;
module.exports = {
Following is the test case. We will mock db.client from the db plugin:
const { queryAll } = require("../src/query");
const any = {
any: jest.fn(() => {
return "mock response";
describe("should return db query", () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
// set up fastify for test instance
fastify_test = require("fastify")({
logger: {
level: "debug",
file: "./logs/combined.log",
prettyPrint: true
test("test Query All", async () => {
// mock client
const clientPromise = {
client: any
fastify_test.decorate("db", clientPromise);
const qAll = await queryAll(fastify_test.db);
expect(qAll).toEqual("mock response");

aws xray not monitoring dynamo dax client in nodejs

I recently started using dynamodb dax within my node lambda function, however with 'amazon-dax-client' framework, i cannot longer capture transparently with http requests made by the framework, like so;
const AWS = AWSXRay.captureAWS(require('aws-sdk'));
const dynamoDB = AWSXRay.captureAWSClient(new AWS.DynamoDB(defaults.db.config));
I know i could create an async capture. but i am wondering if there is a better way to do this, like in the previous way and if i someone managed to capture requests, made with dax-client in the same way as with the dynamo client from aws framework.
DAX doesn't currently support XRay, because DAX doesn't use the standard AWS SDK HTTP client (it doesn't use HTTP at all).
The team has received other requests for XRay support so it's certainly something we're considering.
While there is no official support for XRAY from DAX team. I wrote a little snippet as a workaround.
const db = new Proxy(documentClient, {
get: (target: any, prop: any) => {
if (typeof target[prop] === "function") {
return (...args: any) => {
const segment = xray
const request = target[prop](...args);
const promise = request
.then((response: any) => {
return response;
.catch((err: any) => {
return Promise.reject(err);
return {
promise: () => promise,
return target[prop];
const response await = db.query(...).promise();
Tested in AWS Lambda under VPC private subnet and AWS XRAY service endpoint.

Mock Firebase Admin Auth for Unit Testing Authenticated Routes

I'm using firebase-admin for authentication on my express backend. I have a middleware that checks if requests are authenticated.
public resolve(): (req, res, next) => void {
return async (req, res, next) => {
const header = req.header('Authorization');
if (!header || !header.split(' ')) {
throw new HttpException('Unauthorized', UNAUTHORIZED);
const token = header.split(' ')[1];
await admin.auth().verifyIdToken(token).then((decodedToken: any) => {
req.user = decodedToken;
}).catch((error: any) => {
throw new HttpException(error, UNAUTHORIZED);
So far, I can only unit test my routes to make sure that they respond UNAUTHORIZED instead of NOT_FOUND.
it('GET /api/menu should return 401 ', done => {
const NOT_FOUND = 404;
const UNAUTHORIZED = 401;
.end((error, response: superagent.Response) => {
But, I want to write more unit tests than this! I want to mock users so I can make AUTHORIZED requests! I want to use the type property I have on users to verify that users of a certain type can/cannot use certain routes. Does anyone have an idea of how I could do this with firebase-admin-node?
It looks like the firebase-admin-node repo generates tokens for unit tests here, but I'm not sure how I would apply that to my specific problem.