Containerfile entrypoint /bin/sh - dockerfile

I would like to create a container that runs only one shell. For this I have tried the following:
FROM alpine:latest
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh"]
Unfortunately I don't get a shell when I start the container.
podman build -t $IMAGENAME .
podman run --name foobar $IMAGENAME
podman start -ai foobar
But if I start the container as follows it works
podman run --name foobar2 -ti $IMAGENAME /bin/sh
/ #
podman start -ai foobar2
/ #
I had assumed that the entrypoint "/bin/sh" would directly execute a shell that you can work with.

Your Containerfile is fine.
The problem is because your main command is a shell /bin/sh, a shell needs a pseudo-TTY or it will fail to start.
You can pass a pseudo-TTY with the --tty or -t option. Also, a good option is to use --interactive or -i to allow the main process to receive input.
All the commands below will work for you:
podman build -t $IMAGENAME .
# run (use CTRL + P + Q to exit)
podman run --name foobar -ti $IMAGENAME
# create + start
podman create --name foobar -ti $IMAGENAME
podman start foobar
This is not the case if the main command is something different than a shell like a webserver, as apache, for example.

The entrypoint needs to be a long lasting process. Using /bin/sh as the entrypoint, would cause the container to exit as soon as it starts.
Try using:
FROM alpine:latest
ENTRYPOINT ["sleep", "9999"]
Then you can exec into the container and run your commands.


ENTRYPOINT just refuses to exec or even shell run

This is my 3rd day of tear-your-hair-out since the weekend and I just cannot get ENTRYPOINT to work via gitlab runner 13.3.1, this for something that previously worked with a simple ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"] but that was using local docker desktop and using docker run followed by docker exec commands which worked like a synch. Essentially, at the end of it all I previously got a WAR file built.
Currently I build my container in gitlab runner 13.3.1 and push to s3 bucket and then use the IMAGE:localhost:500/my-recently-builtcontainer and then try and do whatever it is I want with the container but I cannot even get ENTRYPOINT to work, in it's exec form or in shell form - atleast in the shell form I get to see something. In the exec form it just gave "OCI runtime create failed" opaque errors so I shifted to the shell form just to see where I could get to.
I keep getting
sh: 1: sh: echo HOME=/home/nonroot-user params=#$ pwd=/ whoami=nonroot-user script=sh ENTRYPOINT reached which_sh=/bin/sh which_bash=/bin/bash PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin; ls -alrth /bin/bash; ls -alrth /bin/sh; /usr/local/bin/ ;: not found
In my Dockerfile I distinctly have
COPY /usr/local/bin/
RUN bash -c "ls -larth /usr/local/bin/"
ENTRYPOINT "echo HOME=${HOME} params=#$ pwd=`pwd` whoami=`whoami` script=${0} ENTRYPOINT reached which_sh=`which sh` which_bash=`which bash` PATH=${PATH}; ls -alrth `which bash`; ls -alrth `which sh`; /usr/local/bin/ ;"
The output after I build the container in gitlab is - and I made sure anyone has rights to see this file and use it - just so that I can proceed with my work
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 512 Apr 11 17:40 /usr/local/bin/
So, I know it is there and all the chmod flags indicate anybody can look at it - so I am so perplexed why it is saying NOT FOUND
/usr/local/bin/ ;: not found is ...
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/
echo Script is $0
echo numOfArgs is $#
echo paramtrsPassd is $#
echo whoami is `whoami`
bash --version
echo "About to exec ....."
exec "$#"
It does not even reach inside this file.

Dockerfile Entrypoint - still exiting with exec $#?

I'm working on a container to use megacmd (CLI syncing utility from, storage provider).
Relatively new to Dockerfiles, I've successfully made a dockerfile that will install MegaCMD, and login, but once it does that, it stops the container.
In my compose file I have set tty: true, thinking that would keep it alive, but it does not.
FROM ubuntu:groovy
ENV password=notyourpassword
RUN apt-get update \
....more stuff here
COPY /usr/bin/local/
ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "/usr/bin/local/"]
####Works up to here but the container still stops when finished the login script
mega-login ${email} ${password}
What do I need to do to make this thing to stay running?
I have tried the exec "$#" at the end of the script but that didnt make any difference.
When you run your container append the tail -f /dev/null to the docker run command e.g.
docker run -d [container-name] tail -f /dev/null
You should then be able to exec into the running container using docker exec [container-name] /bin/bash
So not the exact best solution, but in the compose file I put:
And it worked.
tty: true
stdin_open: true

Creating Selenium network run via docker for firefox node in AWS

I am trying to run a docker image (E.g: webwhatsapi) over Selenium network.
I followed below commands:
docker network create selenium
docker run -d -p 4444:4444 -p 5900:5900 --name firefox --network selenium -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm selenium/standalone-firefox-debug
docker build -t webwhatsapi .
docker run --network selenium -it -e SELENIUM='http://firefox:4444/wd/hub' -v $(pwd):/app webwhatsapi /bin/bash -c "pip install ./;pip list;python sample/"
On AWS, I have following configuration in security group.
I am trying to open the http://{public ip}:4444 in firefox browser. It shows error. (This site can't be reached). I think, I should change my last command in a way which makes it work in browser url.
Last command:
docker run --network selenium -it -e SELENIUM='http://firefox:4444/wd/hub' -v $(pwd):/app webwhatsapi /bin/bash -c "pip install ./;pip list;python sample/"
Please let me know, where am I going wrong ?

Not able to start 2 tasks using Dockerfile CMD

I have a question about Dockerfile with CMD command. I am trying to setup a server that needs to run 2 commands in the docker container at startup. I am able to run either 1 or the other service just fine on their own but if I try to script it to run 2 services at the same time, it fails. I have tried all sorts of variations of nohup, &, linux task backgrounding but I haven't been able to solve it.
Here is my project where I am trying to achieve this:
nohup /bin/bash -c "http-server -p 80 /ui" &
nohup /bin/bash -c "mb --port 2525 --configfile /mb/imposters.ejs --allowInjection" &
jobs -l
Displays this output but the ports are not listening:
djangofan#MACPRO ~/workspace/mountebank-container (master)*$ ./
f5c50afd848e46df93989fcc471b4c0c163d2f5ad845a889013d59d951170878 djangofan/mountebank-example "/bin/bash -c /scripts/" Less than a second ago Up Less than a second>2525/tcp,>4546/tcp,>5555/tcp, 2424/tcp,>9000/tcp,>80/tcp nervous_lalande
[1]- 5 Running nohup /bin/bash -c "http-server -p 80 /ui" &
[2]+ 6 Running nohup /bin/bash -c "mb --port 2525 --configfile /mb/imposters.ejs --allowInjection" &
And here is my Dockerfile:
FROM node:8-alpine
RUN apk add --no-cache bash gawk sed grep bc coreutils
RUN npm install -g http-server
RUN npm install -g mountebank#${MOUNTEBANK_VERSION} --production
EXPOSE 2525 2424 4546 5555 9000
ADD imposters /mb/
ADD ui /ui/
ADD *.sh /scripts/
# these work when ran 1 or the other
#CMD ["http-server", "-p", "80", "/ui"]
#CMD ["mb", "--port", "2525", "--configfile", "/mb/imposters.ejs", "--allowInjection"]
# this doesnt yet work
CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "/scripts/"]
One process inside docker container has to run not in background mode, because docker container is running while main process inside it is running.
The /scripts/ should be:
nohup /bin/bash -c "http-server -p 80 /ui" &
nohup /bin/bash -c "mb --port 2525 --configfile /mb/imposters.ejs --allowInjection"
Everything else is fine in your Dockerfile.

Unable to connect to docker container

I setup two swarm manager nodes(mgr1, mgr2). But when I try to connect to the container it throws an error message .
[root#ip-10-3-2-24 ec2-user]# docker run --restart=unless-stopped -h mgr1 --name mgr1 -d -p 3375:2375 swarm manage --replication --advertise consul://
[root#ip-10-3-2-24 ec2-user]# docker exec -it mgr1 /bin/bash
rpc error: code = 2 desc = "oci runtime error: exec failed: exec: \"/bin/bash\": stat /bin/bash: no such file or directory"
It's happening in both the servers(mgr1, mgr2). I'm also running consul container on each node and able to connect to the consul containers.
/bin/bash might not be available there in the container. You may use sh as shown below
docker exec -it mgr1 sh or
docker exec -it mgr1 /bin/sh or
docker exec -it mgr1 bash or
docker attach mgr1
UPDATE: Based on the comments
busybox is very light weight linux based image and some of the above works perfectly fine:
bash $ sudo docker exec -it test1 bash
rpc error: code = 13 desc = invalid header field value "oci runtime error: exec failed: container_linux.go:247: starting container process caused \"exec: \\\"bash\\\": executable file not found in $PATH\"\n"
bash $ sudo docker exec -it test1 sh
/ # exit
bash $ sudo docker exec -it test1 /bin/sh
/ # exit
bash $ sudo docker attach test1
/ # exit
bash $