getting null pointer exception in Kotlin Project - unit-testing

fun should record partial Withdrawal() {
underTest.recordPartialWithdrawal(defaultUserId, Money.of(200.200, "EUR"),
val paymentRequestHistoryRequestCapture = argumentCaptor()
Consumer {
assertThat(it.amount).isEqualTo(Money.of(200.200, "EUR"))
underTest.recordPartialWithdrawal(defaultUserId, Money.of(200.200, "EUR"),
getting recordPartialWithdrawal ( can not be null error)
please tell me how to correct this


Verify that suspend function has not returned a value after simulating some time

I am trying to validate that a suspend function does not return anything at all in a certain test.
Consider the following situation:
val completionSignal = Channel<Unit>(capacity = 1, onBufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.DROP_LATEST)
suspend fun waitForCompletionSignal(): String {
return "Completion signal received"
I want to test this code with 2 unit tests, one that validates it returns the string when I provide the CompletionSignal with a value (thats the easy one).
And one that validates that it does not return anything when i don't give it anything. This is the hard one, since how long should I wait? And can i be sure the test fails if my code changes and suddenly the string is returned?
I got the following approach but I am missing some pieces:
fun `waitForCompletionSignal when completionSignal is provided assert result`() = runTest {
// Start waiting for result
val result = async { waitForCompletionSignal() }
// Provide completion signal
// Await result and verify its correct
assertThat(result.await() == "Completion signal received")
fun `waitForCompletionSignal when completionSignal is not provided assert no result`() = runTest {
// Start waiting for result
val result = async { waitForCompletionSignal() }
// TODO?? some validation that succeeds if the test is just like this, but fails when i do the following:
// A regular await would wait indefinately, and checking if the deferred result is completed does not work very well as well.
I hope the question is clear, thanks in advance.
I made an extension function on the deferred type to be able to wait for a max amount of time and after that it will return null. In my particular situation a delay time of 0 (so no delay whatsoever) is enough, but I can imagine that in some situations its useful to delay for a minimum amount of time.
suspend inline fun <reified T> Deferred<T>.awaitOrNull(
time: Long = 0,
crossinline actBlock: () -> Unit = { }
): T? = coroutineScope {
val timeoutJob = async<T?> {
return#coroutineScope select<T?> {
this#awaitOrNull.onAwait {
timeoutJob.onAwait {
Using this method i can write the following tests that fail / succeed as expected:
// Succeeds
fun `waitForCompletionSignal when completionSignal is provided assert result`() = runTest {
val result = async {
}.awaitOrNull {
assertThat(result == "Completion signal received")
// Succeeds
fun `waitForCompletionSignal when completionSignal is not provided assert no result`() = runTest {
val result = async {
assertThat(result == null)
// Fails (to prove that it works)
fun `waitForCompletionSignal when completionSignal is not provided assert no result`() = runTest {
val result = async {
}.awaitOrNull {
completionSignal.trySend(Unit) // This (obviously) causes the test to fail, as I wanted.
assertThat(result == null)

Testing Spring cloud stream with kafka stream binder: using TopologyTestDriver I get the error of "The class is not in the trusted packages"

I have this simple stream processor (not a consumer/producer) using kafka streams binder.
fun processFoo():Function<KStream<FooName, FooAddress>, KStream<FooName, FooAddressPlus>> {
return Function { input-> { key, value ->
println("\nPAYLOAD KEY: ${}\n");
println("\nPAYLOAD value: ${value.address}\n");
val output = FooAddressPlus()
output.address = value.address = = "$$value.address"
KeyValue(key, output)
I'm trying to test it using the TopologyTestDriver:
webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.NONE,
classes = [Application::class, FooProcessor::class]
class FooProcessorTests {
var testDriver: TopologyTestDriver? = null
val INPUT_TOPIC = "input"
val OUTPUT_TOPIC = "output"
val inputKeySerde: Serde<FooName> = JsonSerde<FooName>()
val inputValueSerde: Serde<FooAddress> = JsonSerde<FooAddress>()
val outputKeySerde: Serde<FooName> = JsonSerde<FooName>()
val outputValueSerde: Serde<FooAddressPlus> = JsonSerde<FooAddressPlus>()
fun getStreamsConfiguration(): Properties? {
val streamsConfiguration = Properties()
streamsConfiguration[StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG] = "TopologyTestDriver"
streamsConfiguration[StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG] = "dummy:1234"
streamsConfiguration[JsonDeserializer.TRUSTED_PACKAGES] = "*"
streamsConfiguration[""] = "*"
return streamsConfiguration
fun setup() {
val builder = StreamsBuilder()
val input: KStream<FooName, FooAddress> =, Consumed.with(inputKeySerde, inputValueSerde))
val processor = FooProcessor()
val output: KStream<FooName, FooAddressPlus> = processor.processFoo().apply(input), Produced.with(outputKeySerde, outputValueSerde))
testDriver = TopologyTestDriver(, getStreamsConfiguration())
fun tearDown() {
try {
} catch (e: RuntimeException) {
// causes exception when executed in Windows, ignoring it
// Logged stacktrace cannot be avoided
println("Ignoring exception, test failing in Windows due this exception:" + e.localizedMessage)
fun testOne() {
val inputTopic: TestInputTopic<FooName, FooAddress> =
testDriver!!.createInputTopic(INPUT_TOPIC, inputKeySerde.serializer(), inputValueSerde.serializer())
val key = FooName() = "sherlock"
val value = FooAddress() = "sherlock"
value.address = "Baker street"
inputTopic.pipeInput(key, value)
val outputTopic: TestOutputTopic<FooName, FooAddressPlus> =
testDriver!!.createOutputTopic(OUTPUT_TOPIC, outputKeySerde.deserializer(), outputValueSerde.deserializer())
val message = outputTopic.readValue()
When running it, I get this error in line inputTopic.pipeInput(key, value)
The class 'package.FooAddress' is not in the trusted packages: [java.util, java.lang]. If you believe this class is safe to deserialize, please provide its name. If the serialization is only done by a trusted source, you can also enable trust all ().*
Any ideas on how to solve this? Setting those properties in getStreamsConfiguration() is not helping. Please note that this is a stream processor, not a consumer/producer.
Thanks a lot!
When Kafka creates the Serde itself, it applies the properties by calling configure().
Since you are instantiating the Serde yourself, you need to call configure() on it passing in the map of properties.
That's how the trusted packages property gets propagated to the deserializer.
Or, you can call setTrustedPackages() on the deserializer.
So, for completeness, here's how the code looks when configuring the serde as #GaryRussell suggests:
private fun getStreamsConfiguration(): Properties? {
// Don't set the trusted packages here since topology test driver does not know about Spring
val streamsConfiguration = Properties()
streamsConfiguration[StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG] = "TopologyTestDriver"
streamsConfiguration[StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG] = "dummy:1234"
fun setup() {
val builder = StreamsBuilder()
// Set the trusted packages for all serdes
val config = mapOf<String, String>(JsonDeserializer.TRUSTED_PACKAGES to "*")
inputKeySerde.configure(config, true)
inputValueSerde.configure(config, false)
outputKeySerde.configure(config, true)
outputValueSerde.configure(config, false)
And the rest of the code remains as described in the question. All credit to #GaryRusell.

Having trouble writing unit test for Kotlin Object

With the logic of TDD in mind and trying to understand how to write unit test's, I am having trouble with Kotlin object. The test pass but I am unsure if this is actually the right test. I am trying to make sure that the Logger.i() method is called and that it saves into the database. But at the moment I am stuck at just its called part.
My Object
object Logger {
fun i(tag: String, msg: String, tr: Throwable? = null): Int {
insertIntoLogDatabase(createLogModel("i", tag, msg, tr))
return if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.i(tag, msg, tr) else 0
private fun insertIntoLogDatabase(log: LogModel) {
//Insert into Log DB
private fun createLogModel(type: String, tag: String, msg: String, tr: Throwable?) = LogModel(0, type, tag, msg, if (tr != null) tr.message + "\n" + tr?.stackTrace.contentToString() else null)
fun setLogRepo(logRepo: LogRepository) {
this.logRepo = logRepo
with this, I know that I have to call Logger.setLogRepo(logRemp) to give the Logger access to the repo (and this works)
Where I am stuck is I am trying to unit test the Log.i method call
I have this
lateinit var log: Logger
fun setUp() {
fun `log i failed`() {
// When
log.i("Test", "Test1")
// Then
verify(log, times(1)).i("Test", "Test1")
I mean this works but is it correct (my gut tells me that something is wrong that I am not actually testing the Logger.i() method
please advise.
As you mentioned, you have to test that when you log the data, it should get stored in the repo in the format you want, and you want to test basically that when you have given the work of sending log to the Logger, it is getting sent to the repository in the correct format and you will assert against that.
So you're test case will look like,
lateinit var logRepo: LogRepository
fun setUp() {
fun `when an item is logged, it gets stored in the repository`()
val expectedData= <valueThatShouldBeSentToRepo>
Logger.i("Test", "Test1")

How do I get the returning value of a function that can throw that I'm testing with XCTAssertNoThrow(...)

I want to get the return value of a function that I'm testing for a subsequent test. The function if defined like this:
func apple(banana: Banana) throws -> Cherry { ... }
I can test that it throws when it should:
XCTAssertThrowsError(try apple(banana: badBanana), "Didn't throw")
I can test it doesn't throw when it shouldn't:
XCTAssertNoThrow(try apple(banana: goodBanana), "Did throw")
I was hoping to do this:
XCTAssertNoThrow(let cherry = try apple(banana: goodBanana), "Did throw")
and then check cherry is what I would expect, but I get the following error: Consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'...
How can I get the returned value (an object of type Cherry in this case) from the XCTAssertNoThrow test? Or is there a better approach that I'm missing?
Many thanks
Simply call the function, and assert against the return value:
func test_apple_withGoodBanana_shouldReturnBingCherry() throws {
let result = try apple(banana: goodBanana)
XCTAssertEqual(result, .bing)
By marking the test method itself as throws we can call the try without ? or !. If it throws, the test will fail.
I'm using this static function:
func XCTAssertSuccessReturn<T>(
_ expression: #autoclosure () throws -> T,
in file: StaticString = #file,
line: UInt = #line
) -> T {
do {
return try expression()
} catch {
file: file,
line: line
let encryptedData = XCTAssertSuccessReturn(try encrypter.encrypt(data))
Here's one I like better; it doesn't cause testing to halt just because an unexpected error gets thrown. And it lets you add a message:
func CheckNoThrow<T>(
_ expression: #autoclosure () throws -> T,
_ message: #autoclosure () -> String = "",
file: StaticString = (#filePath),
line: UInt = #line
) -> T? {
var r: T?
try { r = try expression() }(), message(), file: file, line: line)
return r
Every solution on here is nice with its own pros and cons. After trying them all out I like combining the error reporting of Dave and Vitali's answers with the simplicity of Jon's.
This gives information on the error thrown without a fatal error, returning an optional or executing subsequent XCTAssert statements after an error has been thrown.
func testApple() throws {
let result = XCTNoThrow(try apple(banana: goodBanana)
let result = try apple(banana: goodBanana)
XCTAssertEqual(result, .bing)

How to verify for counter signed XML document?

How to verify the use library Xades4j for counter signed xml document.
Iam getting the following error when verifying with Xades4j :
Verification failed for property 'CounterSignature': the counter
signature doesn't reference the SignatureValue element of the
countersigned signature at
My validation function :
static void checkSigned(File file) {
InputStream inputStream = null;
try {
inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
XadesVerifyOperation verifyOperation = new XadesVerifyOperation();
ArrayList<XadesVerificationResults> results = verifyOperation.verifySignature(inputStream);
System.out.println("results size: " + results.size());
for (XadesVerificationResults result : results) {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
My counter signed function :
public void CounterSign() throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError, Exception {
Document doc = SignatureServicesBase.getDocument(_inputStream);
Element sigElem = (Element) doc.getElementsByTagNameNS(Constants.SignatureSpecNS, Constants._TAG_SIGNATURE).item(0);
XMLSignature xmlSig = new XMLSignature(sigElem, doc.getBaseURI());
//Create counter signer
XadesBesSigningProfile signingProfile = new XadesBesSigningProfile(new Pkcs11KeyingDataProvider(_certInfo));
signingProfile.withBasicSignatureOptionsProvider(new MyBasicSignatureOptionsProvider(true, true, false));
final XadesSigner counterSigner = signingProfile.newSigner();
//Extend with counter signature
XadesFormatExtenderProfile extenderProfile = new XadesFormatExtenderProfile();
XadesSignatureFormatExtender extender = extenderProfile.getFormatExtender();
List unsignedProps = Arrays.asList(new CounterSignatureProperty(counterSigner));
extender.enrichSignature(xmlSig, new UnsignedProperties(unsignedProps));
SignatureServicesBase.outputDocument(doc, _outStream);
if (!_isStream) {
I'm not sure I completely understood your question. If you're asking how to verify a counter signature property, it is already done as part of the verification of the "main" signature. Please note:
The same XadesVerifier is used for both the main signature and the counter signature.
If the validation succeeds, a property of type CounterSignatureProperty is added to the result.
You can access the property through the verification result of the main signature
XAdESVerificationResult res = ...;
CounterSignatureProperty p = res.getPropertiesFilter().getOfType(CounterSignatureProperty.class);
The message says everything: the counter signature is probably invalid. By definition, a counter signature must include a reference to the countersigned SignatureValue element.
Can you lookup the CounterSignature element on the original XML document and post it here?