Custom Filtering using Microsoft Dynamics 365 - microsoft-dynamics

And for my very first Stack overflow question I have an issue where I need to create a dashboard where the only thing that is shown on the dashboard is where a 'case' has been moved from one queue to another. In my instance, this is doing using an 'event' called Assign.
But when looking for this event in my standard list of filtering options 'event' is not there.
I'll give you some background. We receive emails and these go through some automatic record creation rules but sometimes we get this wrong. I need to know how many of these cases are then passed to a different queue.
I'd prefer not to have to create another process to be able to do this for me so any help would be appreciated.
I've tried creating a filter using the standard filter options but these do not give me what I need


Creating a relationship between Salesforce object "Lead" and "Opportunity" in PowerBI?

I am preparing a report on Leads that I am extracting from Salesforce, using PowerBI. I have the Salesforce Objects, and am trying to create a relationship between the Lead and Opportunity objects.
Issue is I can't find a single unique value that connects the two. I thought it would be something like "Lead ID" that would relate to both fields but no such luck. Does anyone have experience with this?
Out of the box on Lead you should see ConvertedOpportunityId. It'll be populated only sometimes, depending if your organisation uses lead conversion. There may be more links (maybe custom lookup between the two, maybe something indirect like Lead -> Conversion to Account and Oppty appearing later. Or maybe something with Campaigns and Campaign Members which can be contacts or leads)
Hard to say without knowing more about your business. Go back to the person that asked for report and ask for more details.
You can try bruteforcing it by looking at "describe" information, using Schema Builder in SF setup or looking at pretty diagrams but the result might not be what your client expects.

Trying to add link on d365 model driven app to show all items in a specific queue

I am working in Dynamics 365 online and working inside a model driven app, I'm adding a link on the left side navigation that takes them to a page displaying all items within a specific queue.
However I can only seem to take them to a page that shows All Items I Am Working on, and under that Queues I'm a member of.
No one is a member of any queue since they are public. I just want a simple way to show them all of the queue items inside a specific queue once they click "Physical Mail".
I tried creating a specific view, but since the queue item filter defaults to "Queues I'm a member of" this doesn't work for me.
Is what I am wanting to do possible?
It's very straightforward: when looking at the specific view that you want, copy the URL from the address bar and put it in the Sitemap as "URL" instead of "Entity".
(If the view that you want does not exist, you'll have to first of all create it, of course).

TFS Allow all states for a work item

Is it possible to open up all possible states for a work item - essentially removing the state transitions?
I am hoping to use a tool outside of TFS for managing work items and would like to know if it's possible to simply allow all states at any time?
If you want to remove the transitions between work item, you need to customize the work flow.
You change the workflow to accomplish the following objectives:
Add or remove a state, reason, or transition.
Specify a value for field to be applied during a change in state,
reason, or transition..
Specify a custom ACTION to automate field assignments based on a
change in state, reason, or transition.
Detail steps to customize the workflow and more info about it, please refer this Modify or add a custom work item type (WIT) from MSDN.
Moreover, here is a 3rd party extension called TFS Work Item Manager which is an innovative team workload coordination platform that helps you manage your TFS work items in a much more efficient and intuitive way. You can also take a look at it.

Sitecore item:setdefaultworkflow and item:resetdefaultworkflow commands

I am Using Sitecore 6.6
I believe item:setdefaultworkflow and item:resetdefaultworkflow commands are used to reset the workflow fields on an Item with values set on Standard values.
If not please correct me.
Here is the Path in Core:
/sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Ribbons/Chunks/Workflow/Set Default Workflow
commands are not shown on the Ribbon. How do I use these commands? what is their purpose. Any Help is greatly appreciated.
I am aware of Version >> Fields(Reset)>> then choose the fields to reset with multiple clicks.
I am trying to use these commands if they solve my purpose to reset the Workflow Fields to standard values with a command on Review Tab >> Workflow section with one Click.
As far as I'm aware, these buttons are only visible on __Standard Values items. They are used to assign the workflow that will be used for new versions of that template going forward, or to clear the workflow that has been set (note that items which are already part way through a workflow will still need to finish it before they are no longer associated with a workflow).
The idea is that you assign the workflow to the standard values of templates (or base templates) in your solution, and those settings then get carried through to your content items.
Although you are able to, I'd advise against fiddling with the workflow fields on individual items before you fully understand the purpose of the fields.
For more information, I'd suggest looking at the Sitecore workflow reference document:

How to accept user input with Sitecore DMS report/filter?

With the Sitecore OMS, it was possible to create custom report filters that used the Sitecore rules engine to accept user input. This was useful for filtering by ItemId, URL, IP Address, etc. Here is an example of a custom filter for the OMS.
How does one go about accepting user input with the Sitecore DMS? It appears that the old filter methodology has been scrapped in lieu of "Predefined Filters", which are hard-coded values that get injected into the SQL Statement's WHERE clause.
You are aware that every item in Sitecore has the Analyze tab in which there is a "Reports" option where the user can see reports specific to the item? I realize that these are really "canned" reports, but it's not too difficult to create new ones or adapt the existing ones to give you what you want to see. If the reports aren't specific enough, you can always create your own reports and then just simply drop them into the item reports folder here: /sitecore/system/Settings/Analytics/Reports/Item Reports/. Also, keep in mind that all the SQL queries are located in items here: /sitecore/system/Settings/Analytics/Reports SQL Queries and it's not difficult to add a parameter (i.e. the date parameter for example).
I know that it has a bit of a learning curve, but creating your own queries and reports capable of taking some user input isn't out of the question. Please let me know if you have something specific or if you need further help. I've spent a good amount of time doing custom reports and I'd be happy to answer any questions.