How to update fillColor palette to selected input in shiny map? - shiny

I am having trouble transitioning my map from static to reactive so a user can select what data they want to look at. Somehow I'm not successfully connecting the input to the dataframe. My data is from a shapefile and looks roughly like this:
NAME Average Rate geometry
1 Alcona 119.7504 0.1421498 MULTIPOLYGON (((-83.88711 4...
2 Alger 120.9212 0.1204398 MULTIPOLYGON (((-87.11602 4...
3 Allegan 128.4523 0.1167062 MULTIPOLYGON (((-85.54342 4...
4 Alpena 114.1528 0.1410852 MULTIPOLYGON (((-83.3434 44...
5 Antrim 124.8554 0.1350004 MULTIPOLYGON (((-84.84877 4...
6 Arenac 127.8809 0.1413534 MULTIPOLYGON (((-83.7555 43...
In the server section below, you can see that I tried to use reactive to get the selected variable and when I write print(select) it does print the correct variable name, but when I try to put it into the colorNumeric() function it's clearly not being recognized. The map I get is all just the same shade of blue instead of different shades based on the value of the variable in that county.
ui <- fluidPage(
label="Select variable",
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Data sources
counties <- st_read("EITC_counties.shp") %>%
counties_clean <- select(counties, NAME, X2020_Avg., X2020_Takeu)
counties_clean <- counties_clean %>%
# Map
variable <- reactive({
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
select <- variable()
pal <- colorNumeric(palette = "Blues", domain = counties_clean$select, na.color = "black")
color_pal <- counties_clean$select
setView( -84.51, 44.18, zoom=5) %>%
addPolygons(data=counties_clean, layerId=~NAME,
weight = 1, smoothFactor=.5,
highlightOptions = highlightOptions(color = "white",
weight = 2,
bringToFront = TRUE)) %>%
shinyApp(ui, server)
I've tried making the reaction into an event and also using the observe function using a leaflet proxy but it only produced errors. I also tried to skip the reactive definition and just put input$var directly into the palette (counties_clean$input$var), but it similarly did not show any color variation.
When I previously created a static map setting the palette using counties_clean$Average it came out correctly, but replacing Average with a user input is where I appear to be going wrong. Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide and please let me know if I can share any additional clarification.

Unfortunately, your code is not reproducible without the data, but the mistake is most likely in this line
color_pal <- counties_clean$select
What this line does, is to extract a column named select from your data. This column is not existing, so it will return NULL.
What you want though, is to extract a column whose name is given by the content of select, so you want to try:
color_pal <- counties_clean[[select]]


How do I access the date from an rShiny dateInput?

I am trying to write an input page that takes the date of a section's last training, then calculates the currency of that training (how many days since), but I seem to be having a problem accessing the date from the dateInput element. I'm currently just trying to get it to print, but it is eluding me. Is there something I'm missing, or how can I get this to work? I've commented out the code to (hopefully) calculate the date gap, as I haven't had a date to work through that just yet. If you see an issue there, I'd appreciate that pointer as well.
Thank you!
ui <- fluidPage(
tags$h3("Section Training"),
"When was your last training course?",
daysofweekdisabled = c(0, 6),
max = Sys.Date()
server <- function(input, output, session) {
section_Last_Training <- reactive({
# dateGap = as.character(difftime(Sys.time(), input$section_Last_Training, units = "days"))
shinyApp(ui, server)
It is working, just make sure the last value in reactive is the value you want to assign to the reactive. You can do print, but do it before your gap calculation. Another thing is reactive is "lazily" evaluated. It means if there is no downstream reactivity requires it, it will not be calculated. So you need to add some events that require this reactive to make it work. See the code below.
ui <- fluidPage(
tags$h3("Section Training"),
"When was your last training course?",
daysofweekdisabled = c(0, 6),
max = Sys.Date()
server <- function(input, output, session) {
section_Last_Training <- reactive({
as.character(difftime(Sys.time(), input$section_Last_Training, units = "days"))
shinyApp(ui, server)

Click on marker to open plot / data table

I'm working on leaflet with shiny. The tools is basic, i have a map with some markers (coming from a table with LONG and LAT).
What I want to do is to open a table or a graph when i click on the marker.
Is there a simple way to do it?
Do you have a really simple example: you have a maker on a map, you click on the marker, and there is a plot or a table or jpeg that s opening?
Here is another example, taken from here and a little bit adapted. When you click on a marker, the table below will change accordingly.
Apart from that, a good resource is this manual here:
myData <- data.frame(
lat = c(54.406486, 53.406486),
lng = c(-2.925284, -1.925284),
id = c(1,2)
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
data <- reactiveValues(clickedMarker=NULL)
# produce the basic leaflet map with single marker
output$map <- renderLeaflet(
leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
addCircleMarkers(lat = myData$lat, lng = myData$lng, layerId = myData$id)
# observe the marker click info and print to console when it is changed.
print("observed map_marker_click")
data$clickedMarker <- input$map_marker_click
output$myTable <- renderTable({
subset(myData,id == data$clickedMarker$id)
shinyApp(ui, server)
There is a leaflet example file here:
# When map is clicked, show a popup with city info
leafletProxy("map") %>% clearPopups()
event <- input$map_shape_click
if (is.null(event))
showZipcodePopup(event$id, event$lat, event$lng)
Online demo (see what happens when you click on a bubble):
On the client side, whenever a click on a marker takes place, JavaScript takes this event and communicates with the Shiny server-side which can handle it as input$map_shape_click.

Use Shiny to display bar graph by state

I'm trying to use shiny to create a bar graph for a state that is selected via drop-down box. I'm quite new to R and I've tried a variety of examples to no avail. I have three variables (state, claim #, total $) and for each state there are five values. So something like this:
state <- c("PA", "TX", "NY")
claim_num <- c(1:15)
total <- sample(1000:5000, 15)
df <- (state, claim_num, total)
I want to have something similar to but I don't know if I can format my data in that was since I would have a lot of NAs.
Do you mean something like this (you can download and run the example)?
ui <- shinyUI(
titlePanel("Sample Shiny App"),
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
state <- sample(, 3, replace = FALSE)
total <- sample(1000:5000, 15)
claimNumber <- 1:15
data <- data.frame(state, total, claimNumber)
output$stateInput <- renderUI({
inputId = "state",
label = "Select a State:",
choices = levels(data$state)
output$statePlot <- renderPlot({
hist(data$total[data$state == input$state])
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
What we're doing is taking the list of unique states available in our data frame and passing those to our selectInput that renders as a dropdown in the UI. From here, we can access whatever value the user has selected through the input$state object. More generally, we can access inputs based on whatever we define the inputId to be (in this particular case, we call it state).
Having grabbed the user input, we can then subset the data frame to only return values that correspond to the user-defined state and, in this case, pass those totals values to a plot that we render as output.

Can typeahead be implemented over a dynamically changing dataframe using shinysky?

I am trying to populate a Typeahead box in Shiny, using the ShinySky package in R.
I'm trying to extend the example, where the data used to prepopulate the Typeahead is hardcoded into the textInput.typeahead function:
,placeholder="type 'name' or '2'"
,local=data.frame(name=c("name1","name2"),info=c("info1","info2")) #<- LOOK!
,valueKey = "name"
,template = HTML("<p class='repo-language'>{{info}}</p> <p class='repo-name'>{{name}}</p> <p class='repo-description'>You need to learn more CSS to customize this further</p>")
Having a local dataframe defined in the middle of the function is not what I would like to do, as the example has done here:
I would like to supply an argument to local that is a reactive object, which is created elsewhere in Shiny.
So far I've been unable to do so.
Here's my strategy for attempting to populate the Lookhead options dynamically using reactivity:
1) Let the user subset a dataframe using a slider.
2) Set up the Lookahead to read in the subsetted dataframe, using something like ,local=subset(DF)
3) Hope that the Lookahead works as it's supposed to.
Seems simple enough? Here's a screenshot, where you can clearly see that the Lookhead doesn't appear underneath the user input of 111. Below is my code. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
options(shiny.trace = F) # change to T for trace
DF <- data.frame(ID=c("111", "222", "333", "444"), info=c("info1", "info2", "info3", "info4"))
runApp(list(ui = pageWithSidebar(
headerPanel("This is a test"),
helpText("I couldn't live without StackOverflow"),
label = "Pick how many rows you want in your dataframe:",
min = 2, max = 4, value = 2, step=1),
helpText("After subsetting the dataframe using the controls above, can we make the Lookahead work?"),
,placeholder="type ID and info"
,valueKey = "ID"
,template = HTML("<p class='repo-language'>{{info}}</p> <p class='repo-name'>{{ID}}</p> <p class='repo-description'></p>"))
server = function(input, output, session) {
subsetDF <- reactive({ DF <- DF[1:input$range, ]
output$text <- renderUI({
str <- paste("This is how many rows you've chosen for your dataframe:",
HTML(paste(str, sep = '<br/>'))
output$table <- renderTable(subsetDF())

Shiny renders a responsive rCharts leaflet map once, but is blank if you change the input variable

I am producing a Shiny App that produces a leaflet (rCharts) map depending on which bus route you pick. Everything renders perfectly at first glimpse, but if you change the route number, an empty map appears (not even a tilelayer). This isn't specific to the route number. For example, I can pick any route number to produce the first plot successfully, whereas the second plot, regardless of route number, is blank.
Has anyone come across this before? Is there a workaround?
Here is a simple example.
titlePanel("Responsive Leaflet Map using rCharts"),
sidebarPanel( "",
'route', 'Pick a bus route:',
choices = as.character(c("232","229"),
selectize = FALSE)
chartOutput('map', 'leaflet')
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
output$map <- renderMap({
filename <- paste('json/',input$route,'.geojson',sep='')
json <- fromJSON(file = filename)
map3 <- Leaflet$new()
map3$setView(c(49.2494,-122.9797), zoom = 10)
map3$set(dom = 'map')
style = "#!
{color: '#c93312'}!#")
Thanks so much for any help you are able to provide.
The trick is to remove map3$set(dom = 'map'). Problem solved!