Qt: How to render SVG properly to QLabel without scaling? - c++

I'm currently having a problem where I try to render an SVG file to a QLabel and it does not display correctly:
stop sign SVG displayed wrongly in main window
This is how the SVG actually looks like:
stop sign SVG
I want the SVG to be displayed without scaling (I mean, that's what SVG is all about, isn't it) in it's original square shape. The SVG has a size specified of 256x256, but I don't care about that as long as it fills the layout's cell and it's displayed in its correct aspect ratio.
This is the meaningful part of the header:
class LoginUnavailableWindow : public QWidget {
explicit LoginUnavailableWindow(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
~LoginUnavailableWindow() override;
QHBoxLayout errorLayout {this};
QLabel errorIconLabel {this};
QLabel errorTextLabel {this};
And this is the meaningful part of the main cpp:
LoginUnavailableWindow::LoginUnavailableWindow(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) {
/* set overall layout */
errorLayout.setStretch(0, 1);
errorLayout.setStretch(1, 3);
/* apply size constraints */
setMinimumSize(800, 200);
setMaximumSize(800, 200);
/* set text */
QFont font = errorTextLabel.font();
errorTextLabel.setText("Login is currently\nunavailable");
/* render SVG */
QSvgRenderer renderer(ERROR_SVG_PATH);
QPixmap pm(errorIconLabel.size());
QPainter painter(&pm);
renderer.render(&painter, pm.rect());
The actual SVG rendering code was taken from here. One of the problems that I can see is that errorIconLabel.size() is returning 100x30 which I find very confusing. How do I get the actual size of the layouts cell so that I can calculate at which resolution to render the SVG?
A lot of answers I found would use setScaledContents() which does cause the pixmap to be displayed at a more reasonable size, but then it's all blurry/pixelated since the SVG is still rendered at the wrong resolution. I would like to achieve this without introducing scaling artifacts.

Okay, I was able to solve this on my own. I've realized that the QLabel would only have the size 100x30 returned in the constructor. After the constructor finishes, a resizeEvent is issued directly and inside this resizeEvent the size of that label is returned correctly.
So my solution in the end was to implement void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) override in LoginUnavailableWindow and to always redraw the SVG when the size would change. In my case I force the window size fixed, but if someone else would do this, it would also solve display problems when the user would resize the window.


Qt: organizing my layout and QSizePolicy

The main window of my Qt/C++ program looks like this:
As you can see on the picture, the window consists essentially of:
a menu on the left
two "canvases"
What I want is straightforward to describe: I want that under resizing of the window, both canvases take as much space as possible, but still remain squares (width = height). I've been trying to achieve that unsuccessfully.
Let me quickly describe the objects:
The window is a class Window that I created deriving QWidget. It has a QGridLayout for a layout.
The window's layout has three widgets: the left menu LeftMenu *menu, and the canvases Canvas *leftCanvas, *rightCanvas. Both LeftMenu and Canvas are custom classes deriving QWidget.
(NB: the left menu actually consists of 3 different widgets (submenus), and the window also has a status bar and a top menu, but I don't think it matters for my question.)
I have been "playing" (not having fun the least bit) with QSizePolicy's etc to try to get the Canvases' sizes to behave like I want (be as large as possible inside the window, but keep height/width ratio = 1), unsuccessfully. Let me describe my latest attempt in case that is useful for you (if you already know a solution to my problem, you don't have to keep reading):
I overrode the methods heightForWidth(), sizeHint() and minimumSizeHint() for Canvas like so:
class Canvas : public QWidget
friend class Window;
explicit Canvas(Window* window);
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *resizeEvent) override;
int heightForWidth(int width) const override {return width;}
QSize sizeHint() const override
int size = std::min(width(), height());
return QSize(size, size);
QSize minimumSizeHint() const override {return QSize(200,200);}
And the constructor of my class Window looks like (a bit simplified):
Window::Window(ActionHandler *handler)
leftMenu = new LeftMenu(this);
leftMenu->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
leftCanvas = new Canvas(this);
rightCanvas = new Canvas(this);
QSizePolicy policy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Maximum);
layout = new QGridLayout;
layout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, menuWidth());
layout->addWidget(leftMenu, 0, 0);
layout->addWidget(leftCanvas, 0, 1);
layout->addWidget(rightCanvas, 0, 2);
My idea was that as long as the width of the canvases is the limiting factor, the sizePolicy of the canvases should be (QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Maximum). And as soon as the height of the canvases becomes the limiting factor, I would change the sizePolicy of the canvases (probably in Canvas::resizeEvent()) to the opposite: (QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Expanding). Does that sound too complicated?
Anyway, it already fails, and I don't understand why. If I shrink the window horizontally it gives me this:
So, the height of the canvases does not shrink. I do not understand this behavior. In the Qt documentation (http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qsizepolicy.html#Policy-enum), I read:
QSizePolicy::Maximum The sizeHint() is a maximum. The widget can be shrunk any amount without detriment if other widgets need the space (e.g. a separator line). It cannot be larger than the size provided by sizeHint().
The behavior of my canvases here seems to contradict this: their height is larger than the height provided by their sizeHint(). (I did make sure by std::couting "live": the canvas sizeHint, its height, its sizePolicy and its hasHeightForWidth parameters).

Rendering QImage on QGLWidget of QML plugin

I'm trying to write a QML plugin that reads frames from a video (using a custom widget to do that task, NOT QtMultimedia/Phonon), and each frame is converted to a QImage RGB888, and then displayed on a QGLWidget (for performance reasons). Right now nothing is draw to the screen and the screen stays white all the time.
It's important to state that I already have all of this working without QGLWidget, so I know the issue is setting up and drawing on QGLWidget.
The plugin is being registered with:
so Video is the main class of the plugin. On it's constructor we have:
Video::Video(QDeclarativeItem* parent)
: QDeclarativeItem(parent), d_ptr(new VideoPrivate(this))
setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemHasNoContents, false);
QDeclarativeView* view = new QDeclarativeView;
view->setViewport(&d->canvas()); // canvas() returns a reference to my custom OpenGL Widget
Before I jump to the canvas object, let me say that I overloaded Video::paint() so it calls canvas.paint() while passing QImage as parameter, I don't know if this is the right way to do it so I would like some advice on this:
void Video::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget)
// I know for sure at this point "d->image()" is valid, but I'm hiding the code for clarity
d->canvas().paint(painter, option, d->image());
The canvas object is declared as GLWidget canvas; and the header of this class is defined as:
class GLWidget : public QGLWidget
explicit GLWidget(QWidget* parent = NULL);
void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QImage* image);
Seems pretty simple. Now, the implementation of QGLWidget is the following:
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget* parent)
: QGLWidget(QGLFormat(QGL::SampleBuffers), parent)
// Should I do something here?
// Maybe setAutoFillBackground(false); ???
And finally:
void GLWidget::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QImage* image)
// I ignore painter because it comes from Video, so I create a new one:
QPainter gl_painter(this);
// Perform drawing as Qt::KeepAspectRatio
gl_painter.fillRect(QRectF(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(this->width(), this->height())), Qt::black);
QImage scaled_img = image->scaled(QSize(this->width(), this->height()), _ar, Qt::FastTransformation);
gl_painter.drawImage(qRound(this->width()/2) - qRound(scaled_img.size().width()/2),
qRound(this->height()/2) - qRound(scaled_img.size().height()/2),
What am I missing?
I originally asked this question on Qt Forum but got no replies.
Solved. The problem was that I was trying to create a new GL context within my plugin when I should be retrieving the GL context from the application that loaded it.
This code was very helpful to understand how to accomplish that.
By the way, I discovered that the stuff was being draw inside view. It's just that I needed to execute view->show(), but that created another window which was not what I was looking for. The link I shared above has the answer.
I think that you have to draw on your glwidget using the opengl functions.
One possible way is to override your paintGL() method in GLWidget
and then draw your image with glDrawPixels().
glDrawPixels(buffer.width(), buffer.height(), GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer.bits());
Where buffer is a QImage object that needs to be converted using QGLWidget::converrtToGLFormat() static method.
Look at this source for reference:

QGraphicsView size in a GridLayout

I have found this: Getting the size of a QGraphicsView
But I can't figure out what does it mean to "move my initialization code to showEvent" and I can't comment on that answer.
I am want to resize a QPixmap so it could fit my QGraphicsView. I've placed my graphicsview in Designer and set GridLayout for my main window. In a MainWindow constructor I have written the following code:
// Get GView size
g_sizeX = ui->mapView->width();
g_sizeY = ui->mapView->height();
// Init scene
scene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
// Init MAP pixmap and add it to scene
mapImage = new QPixmap(":/Map/europe.jpg");
QPixmap newmapImage = mapImage->scaled(g_sizeX, g_sizeY);
// Display scene in gview.
But I always get size of 100x30. If I break the gridLayout, I get the correct size.
So, how should I deal with this?
Thank you.
The QGraphicsView will be resized by the QGridLayout after the widget is shown, and can be also resized later when the window is itself resized.
So you should change the size of the pixmap as a result of a QResizeEvent, either by subclassing QGraphicsView to redefine resizeEvent(), and then promoting your view object to your new class in the designer to use it instead of QGraphicsView, or by installing your MainWindow object as an event filter for the view to handle to the resize event from the MainWindow::eventFilter function.
You probably don't want to change the pixmap size in the scene, but rather adjust the view matrix so that your QGraphicsPixmapItem fits perfectly inside the view, with QGraphicsView::fitInView.
For example:
/* QGraphicsPixmapItem *pixmapItem; as a MainWindow member */
pixmapItem = scene->addPixmap(newmapImage);
/* Either always disable or enable the scrollbars (see fitInView doc) */
bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *evt) {
if(obj == ui->mapView && evt->type() == QEvent::Resize) {
ui->mapView->fitInView(pixmapItem, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding);
// Call the base class implementation
return QMainWindow::eventFilter(obj, evt);
I believe that what is happening is that Qt only applies layouts and sets widget sizes when the widget is first displayed.
One way to work that is to override QWidget::showEvent(), and put your sizing code in there.
However, one simpler way, that often works in constructors, is to ask the widget for its sizeHint(), rather than for its not-yet-layed-out size.
In your case, that would mean changing two lines of code to:
g_sizeX = ui->mapView->sizeHint().width();
g_sizeY = ui->mapView->sizeHint().height();
If your layout isn't too complicated, and if you haven't overridden the default size policies, this may well fix things for you.

Qt Painter outside paintEvent - impossible - workaround?

So it appears that Qt4 doesn't let you draw on windows outside of a paint event. I have a lot of code that expects to be able to in order to draw rubber band lines (generic drawing code for a particular, proprietary interface that I then implement in the given UI). I've read about the pixmap method, it would be a lot of work and I don't think it's really what I want.
Is there a workaround that allows me to do what I want anyway? I just need to draw XOR bands on the screen.
Tried the WA_PaintOutsidePaintEvent flag. Then I saw the bit that says it doesn't work on Windows.
In modern compositing desktops window painting needs to be synchronized by the window manager so that the alpha blending and other effects can be applied, in order, to the correct back buffers - the result of which is then flipped onto the screen to allow tear-free window animations.
Invoking painting operations out-of-band of this process - while supported for legacy reasons on the underlying platforms - would subvert this process and cause a number of very non optimal code paths to be executed.
Basically, when you have painting to do on a window: Call the invalidate function to schedule the painting soon, and paint during the paint event.
Just paint to a QPixmap, and copy it to the real widget in the paintEvent. This is the only standard way. You shouldn't try to workaround it.
Seems like if you could get access to the Hwnd of the window in question, you could paint on that surface. Otherwise, I'm not sure. If by pixmap method you mean something like this, I don't think it's a bad solution:
m_composed_image = QImage(size, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
//paint all image data onto new image
QPainter painter(&m_composed_image);
painter.drawImage(QPoint(0, 0), m_alignment_image);
As it's mentioned in one of the answers, The best way to do it will be to make a pixmap buffer. The painting works will be done in the buffer and when it's done, repaint() will be scheduled. And the paintEvent() function just paints the widget by copying the pixel buffer
I was trying to draw a circle on a widget area after user inputs values and pushes a button. This was my solution. connecting the drawCircle() slot to the clicked() signal.
class PaintHelper : public QWidget
QPixmap *buffer;
explicit PaintHelper(QWidget *parent = 0) : QWidget(parent)
buffer=new QPixmap(350,250);// this is the fixe width of this widget so
public slots:
void drawCircle(int cx, int cy, int r){
QPainter painter(buffer);
// A part of mid-point algorithm to draw 1/8 pacrt of circle
int x1=0,y1=r;
int p=1-r;
for(int i=0;y1>=x1;i++){
// QWidget interface
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
QPainter painter(this);

QRubberBand like feature - Static selection area

I'm trying to draw a selection area on top of the desktop/opened windows, which works well by using QRubberBand, but seeing as it does not have a stylesheet command, how would I be able to change the color and width of the border and making the inside of it completely transparent?
Edit: Is there a similar method to use than QRubberBand in Qt? Changing the painter methods gives a lot of problems (border is one pixel larger on the left and top than right and bottom, the marked area seems not to be able to be completely transparent).
Edit2: The area it will cover is static, not something that is dragged by the user.
class CustomRubberBand : public QRubberBand
CustomRubberBand(Shape s, QWidget * p = 0) : QRubberBand(s, p)
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pe)
QPainter painter;
QPen pen(Qt::red, 6);
This gives me the border around it that I want, but I haven't found anything about removing the background (completely transparent) that works... Seems like there is a problem with Vista and Qt with this.
Any tips on how to remove the background? Right now with no painting method for it it is a semi-transparent white background instead of the default blue one.
This shows the problem: Visible background error notice how the background, with the border, is a semi transparent white. The paint method I'm using does not draw this but only the border. I want it to be completely invisible, and setting the opacity for the object will also make the border transparent, which it should not be.
You can use a transparent QPalette in the paintEvent function to achieve what you are trying to do.
class ScreenViewport : public QRubberBand
ScreenViewport(Shape shape, QWidget *parent = 0) : QRubberBand(shape,parent){
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pe){
pal = new QPalette(Qt::transparent);
QPainter painter;
QPen pen(Qt::red, 6);
QPalette *pal;
QRubberBand inherits from QWidget which in turn supports setStyleSheet function, see the QRubberBand member functions listing.
If this is not working right for you just override ::paintEvent , see this example.