exclude specific css file on Google Cloud CDN - google-cloud-platform

Is a WordPress setup. I need to work on a css stylesheet but the changes do not reflect immediately. It will sometime reload the previous version too. How can I exclude a specific css file from caching while doing development work?
There is no caching enabled on the server.
Tried with versioning but it doesn't work.
wp_enqueue_style('child-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css', array(), filemtime(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/style.css'));

You can include a timestamp in the file name to prevent a particular CSS file from being cached while you are working on development. This will guarantee that the file is always up to date and that any modifications you make will immediately appear in your browser. You can, for instance, change the name of your CSS file from "style.css" to "style_[timestamp].css," where "timestamp" represents the current date and time. By doing this, you can get around any caching that might be in place and make sure that your changes show up right away. You can get assistance in resolving this problem by referring to SO1 and SO2.


How do I track down specifics for an opencart module that is rendering on my site but missing everything except the catalog template file?

I've inherited an opencart site and am completely new to the cms. From what I've been able to gather, it was built by a competent developer but then went through a hack-it-up development team, and then on to me. So, I really don't know what all to expect from it.
I currently have a module that is rendering in the left sidebar and I don't know why it's rendering there. The only file I can find in the file stack related at all to this "module" is a single template file within the catalog directory structure called:
All of the other installed modules on the site seem to have lots of other files associated with them, whose locations are verified by the research I've done on creating opencart modules: ie, module files in the following directories:
From what I've been able to find though, this single file (affiliate_profile_select.tpl) is the only file in the file stack that is associated with this module.
I can't find anything related to this module, and/or file, inside any of the vqmod php or xml files.
I can't find anything related to this module in the admin area. I've tried searching through all of the installed modules for other generic identifiers (the section view is rendering at the very top of the left-sidebar on most non-logged-in pages, so I'm looking for layout locations of "Left Sidebar" and positions less than 2), but haven't found anything.
And yet, the section is obviously rendering on the site, so it has to be there somewhere. In fact, it's rendering in two places. It's also in the top-content section of the mobile view of the home page.
Right now it's almost feeling like it was a module that had been written, installed, and configured, and then someone deleted all but one of the files associated with the module. Could a situation like that happen?
Is there any way to track this issue down by querying the database? Or would the template inclusion obviously be inside a file somewhere and I just need to find it? To complicate matters, the hosting company doesn't allow remote login with a console (from what I can tell). Otherwise I'd just have run a grep for the filename in case someone had just thrown an "include()" statement in somewhere. The only place I've checked for something like that so far was in the left-sidebar template file:
but it's just a simple for-loop that echoes out the module views.
Any help or direction on how I might be able to track this problem down would be of significant help.
In Opencart, .tpl (template) files are always called by controllers which as you probably guessed are in catalog/controller/. An if it's a module (showing in left sidebar position, it's probably going to be in catalog/controller/module/. First order of business would be to find the controller that's calling the template you referred to. I'd probably start by getting into a shell and doing something like this from the site's docroot:
grep -r affiliate_profile_select .
From there you should be able to find the associated module controller and any other logic involved. Sometimes people use vQmod to add something on to a pre-existing module so that can possibly explain the lack of other similarly named files.

Django: Make JS source maps compatible with staticfiles filename hashing

In our Django project we are using Gulp to compile our assets, then UglifyJS to minify them. During this whole process we are generating sourcemaps, which appear to be working correctly.
The problem comes when we use the Django static template tag to include our minified files. Say we have a minified JS file called ourapp.min.js. In our template we would write:
<script src="{% static 'ourapp.min.js %}"></script>
which would be compiled into something like:
<script src="/ourstaticroot/ourapp.min.0123456789ab.js"></script>
(where 0123456789ab is a hash of the file contents)
The problem now is that, although the file has been renamed, our sourcemap still points to the old filename, so suddenly becomes invalid. If we then need to debug this page (say, using Sentry) it cannot find the source file and we are left to debug the uglified file instead, which becomes much more of a task.
Does anyone know of a good way to get around this? We would like to continue using Gulp for our assets, and also continue using the hashed filenames, as this prevents issues caused by caching of stale asset files.
it does not really matter, since the original files are being kept. So if your file points to a map without a hash it should be served by Django. Of course you need to be careful with long term expiration headers. Should you be using whitenoise are are fine, since they handle expiration properly and long term expiration headers are only set on hashed files.
I see two options available to you. It's not clear where exactly the cache busting suffix gets added to your files, but at that point you could:
Use some string processing, to manipulate the assets and set their sourceMapUrl with a url that is generated by your system and includes the expected suffix //# sourceMappingURL=/path/to/file.js.<suffix>.map. This could be a simple bash command in a gulp step (if that's where it happens)
Alternatively, browsers will also accept an http header SourceMap: /path/to/file.js.map which you could instruct your asset server to set for files with headers. This may be more difficult depending on your infrastructure.

How does one determine the filetype on an AWS S3 hosted file without the extension?

As an example, I'm currently uploading items directly to an S3 bucket using a form. While I was testing, I didn't specify any expected filenames or extensions.
I uploaded a .png which produced this direct link:
When I place this inside an img tag, it displays on a web page properly.
My question is, without an extension, how would my browser know what type of file it's loading? Inside the bucket, the file's metadata isn't even filled out.
Is there any way to get that file extension, programmatically?
I'm ready to try any clientside methods available; my server-side language is ColdFusion which is somewhat limiting, but I'm open to suggestions for that as well.
Okay, so after some more extensive digging, I found a method of retrieving the file's type that was only added since CF10 was released; that would explain the lack of documentation.
The answer lies in the FileGetMimeType function.
<cfset someVar = "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/easyhighlighting2/2015-07-271438019663927upload94788">
<cfset FileType = FileGetMimeType(someVar)>
This code would output image/png - which is correct and has worked for every filetype I have tested thus far.
I'm surprised this kind of question hasn't popped up before, but this appears to be the best answer, at least for users of CFML.
ColdFusion accomplishes this by either reading the contents of a file, or by trusting its extension. An implicit attribute, 'strict', is used in this function. If true, it reads the file's contents. If false, it uses the provided extension.
True is the default.
Check the Content-Type HTTP response header returned by Amazon S3.
For example, curl -I https://s3.amazonaws.com/path/to/file fetches only the headers.

In Sitecore 7.2 file upload ,the path is coming as media\test\abc.pdf instead of media/test/abc.pdf

I am trying to add one file from file directory in directory.
While I am clicking on +(insert file) the and selecting a file from directory the path is formed as media\test\abc.pdf instead of media/test/abc.pdf.
Even though chrome is able to resolve the url Firefox is not.
I believe it's because you're using a physical file path that you're getting the backslash. One of the simplest things you can do is a string.Replace() expression to make every backslash a forward slash.
Not sure what your specific use case is, or how much work it would be, but if you're going to use the path on the web and your PDF is located in the MediaLibrary, it might be worth looking into using the URL property of the Sitecore.Data.Items.MediaItem object.

Is there any good reason to have Sitecore Media url's including tilde?

I could see blog post from 2011 recommending using "-" instead of "~".
What is the best practice to write media URL in Sitecore 6.5 on .NET 4.0/IIS7.5? Should I keep default /~/media/ or follow blog post advice using /-/media/ or while I am there, why not just use /media/?
I suspect the use of ~ is for legacy reasons. The current recommendation is to use -/media as you point out, but you could use whatever you wanted and it would work. The issue you have just using /media/ is if there is any other item with that as part of the name then it will trigger the media handler, rather than serving up your content for example.
For example, as request for /blah/blah/blah/-/media/images/logo.png will serve up the image correctly, /about/media/news/2013/12/20/sitecore.aspx should in fact serve up a page but will trigger the media handler and return a 404 just using /media/. So if you are going to use something else then make sure it is unique, you may need to enforce it since content editors can be a bit funny about remembering things like this.
Since you are currently using Sitecore 6.5 then I can assume you have existing content. Make sure you leave the existing ~/media trigger to allow your Rich Text fields to continue to work
If you update the Media.MediaLinkPrefix setting on a system that
already has some content in a database, Sitecore may not update the
values in all Rich Text Editor fields that contain values in the old
formats, including inline images and links to media items.
Sitecore Idiosyncrasies: Media URLs
I would probably go ahead and set Media.RequestExtension to an empty string so that image urls are served up with the correct media extension too.
I know this problem appear just when are you using .Net Framework 2.0
Please see next link .
If you run your website under .Net Framework 4.0 and IIS 7.5 you don't have this vulnerability.
Also this document explain a little bit about using of tilde.
Also you can check John West blog about /~/media
So the conclusion is use -/media for media files.
For projects using Sitecore 7.2, you may want to stick to using a tilde or apply the hot-fix mentioned in the following KB article.