Why does an 'Unable to process request due to missing initial state.' error occur and how to fix it? - google-cloud-platform

I have created an app to use Assistant on Desktop which is unmaintained by Google and needs an use of Google Console app. I have set up everything properly and had no issues until 'Unable to process request due to missing initial state.' error occured whilst giving the app access to my account. How can I fix this issue?
Going over cookies' and auth settings.


"Error: Forbidden" http console trigger doesn't work even though I am the project owner

I deployed a Cloud Function but when I manually click on the Trigger URL in the console trigger I get this error:
Error: Forbidden Your client does not have permission to get URL /entry-point from this server.
I don't understand why am I getting this because I am the project owner and I even added the cloudfunctions.invoker role to my user account. A comment from this post confirms that it should work.
Does anyone has an idea on how to fix this issue?
So apparently, the cause of the issue is that I didn't allow unauthenticated, and this is the only way to use the control trigger.
This link shows how to change this setting.

Azure web app and Azure ad http error 500.79 Internal server error

I created my azure web-app and created app registration. and connected Azure AD to my web app. I used express security and I also used advance security with client ID and client secret. I know there is a similar question about this error. but it is not clear answer.
Most likely causes:
IIS received the request; however, an internal error occurred during the processing of the request. The root cause of this error depends on which module handles the request and what was happening in the worker process when this error occurred.
IIS was not able to access the web.config file for the Web site or application. This can occur if the NTFS permissions are set incorrectly.
IIS was not able to process configuration for the Web site or application.
The authenticated user does not have permission to use this DLL.
The request is mapped to a managed handler but the .NET Extensibility Feature is not installed.
Things you can try:
Ensure that the NTFS permissions for the web.config file are correct and allow access to the Web server's machine account.
Check the event logs to see if any additional information was logged.
Verify the permissions for the DLL.
Install the .NET Extensibility feature if the request is mapped to a managed handler.
Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
From your description, I know that the problem is most likely due to the lack of web.config file.
It is recommended to ensure that your project can run normally locally.
Continuous deployment is recommended
At present, the reason for your problem is the lack of web.config, which will be automatically created when using git deployment. As shown below.
For more details, you can check my answer in another post.
Azure Web App getting “You do not have permission to view this directory or page.” when launch app

BigQuery API Error: "The project ___ has not enabled BigQuery."

I'm trying to use bigrquery from an interactive R session for the first time. I've installed the R bigrquery package and successfully established a connection. I've authenticated following a redirect from the interactive RStudio session to the web browser for login, so oauth seems to be working correctly. However, when I try to run a query, such as DBI::dbReadTable(con, "A549_raw_merged_TADs")[1:6, ], I get the error Error: The project variant-annotation has not enabled BigQuery. [invalid].
I am sure I need to enable something else in the project on the Google side, but I'm not sure what I need to enable, or how to do that from the web console interface.
Is this documented anywhere, or can anyone here give me instructions?
Note: I have confirmed that the BigQuery API has Activation status of Enabled via the console at https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/api/bigquery-json.googleapis.com/overview, so although my question is the same as Error processing job: Project has not enabled BigQuery, the issue appears to be different.
Additional information: when I check the BigQuery API status via the console link above, there's a notification that "To use this API, you may need credentials. Click 'Create credentials' to get started."
So it may be that my assumption that oauth seems to be working is not correct.
You can enable the BigQuery API with this command gcloud services enable bigquery.googleapis.com, but, since you mention it is already enabled, you may be pointing to a different project.
Feel free to ping me on a new thread if you require assistance on the new issue.

Get raw SAML response from omniauth-saml failure callback

I am using omniauth-saml 1.3.1 with omniauth 1.2.2 in rails 4.2. It works well with my test identity provider set up at openidp.feide.no (a nifty tool for those setting up a SAML service provider). It even works in production.
Now I am trying to get an IdP set up with a client of mine. When the user visits /auth/saml, they are directed to the client's IdP as expected. The user is able to use their email/pw to login.
The IdP then responds to my SP, but omniauth is redirecting to the failure callback.
As seen here, I get an error message "invalid_ticket". However, the error itself isn't getting passed to my failure controller action in env["omniauth.error"], as I read it should somewhere (unfortunately I can't find that documentation right now).
I'm hoping somebody will have some advice as to how I can figure out what is causing the "invalid_ticket" to happen. Is there perhaps a way to see the raw SAML response from the IdP?
I should note that I need to find this information in production because the client's IdP points to our production SP and I can't convince them to point it somewhere I can do some more extensive testing (like my localhost dev machine). I can, however, write in some more logging or Honeybadger exception reporting if that will help.
Currently, I am reporting to Honeybadger all env["omniauth.*"] values and params when omniauth redirects to the failure route, but I am not getting any information further than Omniauth message: invalid_ticket.
A big thank you to anyone who can help me go in the right direction here!
You might want to try adding other environments to failure_raise_out_environments:
OmniAuth.config.failure_raise_out_environments = ['development', 'staging', 'production']
to your initializer. You will get meaningful error messages in your log or Honeybadger.
These errors are by default raised only in development environment.

Facebook SDK 3.1 - Error: HTTP status code: 400

I am getting the following error ("Error: HTTP status code: 400") now that I have updated to facebook SDK 3.1 as of yesterday, 10/9. But everything is completely functional as far as connecting with facebook, I just see this error message every time I start a facebook session on my app. I have seen a few people commenting on this, but I can't determine from them if this is going to be a real problem or not. Does anyone know definitively if this is going to cause a problem? And if so, how to fix it? Thanks!
The original issue was resolved by Facebook just after the 3.1 SDK was released.
But some are still having issues, if you have this issue you should check the login flow, and look at facebooks examples, after that if you are still having issues this could be a hint to a solution.
I got the 400 error when I do not have authorization to get to my information. The strange thing is that I get an accessToken and even a valid login (this is because I structured my code, with the help according to Scrumptious example and did a valid login when the Session state is open).
The FBSessionState is only opened for like a second and then it changes to closed with an 400 Error.
With iOS6 native login you get the permission alert when you ask for it, and then the phone remember that choice for 24 hours. But if the user logs in to the facebook home-page and then deletes permission for the application the phone will not recognize that the user has deleted the permissions for 24 hours, since it remembers the that the phone has already asked it and approved it (in the 24-hour window), regardless if you re-install the app or not.
I found this out after some hours of debugging, since I allowed the application from the Settings in iOS, but I could not post, and since I deleted the permission from the facebook privacy, and the alert would not show again there was nothing I could do but to manually give me permissions via a debug tool or wait 24 hours so I could accept the facebook-permission alert again.