Power BI Real Time Scenario from Client - powerbi

I want to my whole report to show data on latest month once data get's added. How to do in Power BI?
I tried at report level filter, Also I am expecting whether it can do from DAX

You can use a filter to limit the data displayed in your report to the latest month.
First, create a calculated column that extracts the month from the
date column in your data.
Next, add a filter to your report and choose the option to "filter by a relative date".
Set the filter to only show data where the month equals the maximum month extracted in step 1.
Once you have set the filter, your report will automatically show data for the latest month as new data is added to your dataset.
To refresh the report, you can right click on the report and select the refresh button
It's basic method you can use to filter by latest month


Dynamic Column Values in Power BI

I have the below sample table and I want to make a filter where If I select Daily, to show the aggregated sales on a daily level with the days in the column headers, if I select monthly to show the months in columns and the aggregated sales for the month below and the same with week.
Is there any way using Dax or any other tool in PBI to allow me to have dynamic column values based on the filter?
Examples of same table and visuals below
Thank you
Sample Table
Monthly Filter
Weekly Filter
You can leverage time-intelligence hierarchy here. If your date field is datetime type, Power BI will auto-hierarchy this. Then you can drag the hierarchy date field into the visualization. By default it will include Year, Quarter, Month, Day.
You can remove the sections you don't need and then create bookmarks to snapshot certain filters.
This is one method to do this, let me know if it was helpful to get you going.

How to pull the latest records from sql table to POwer BI dashboard.?

I am a beginer to Power BI
I have loaded an sql table to power BI dataset. The table keeps udating with new records frequently. How can I always pull the data of the latest five records into the dashboard. There as id no which keeps growing with the no of rows.
another question, how can I show the dashboard specific to the current working day only? There is date stamp in the sql data. How can i use it? With filter I am able to select a particular date but to set it to current day or last week etc.
Thanks in advance.
If your data doesn't contain any field which would tell you, what then latest rows are, the there's not much you can do here. Apparently you have some sort of timestamp there, so a query something like this could work as the datasource for your report:
SELECT TOP 5 field1, field2... FROM Table ORDER BY Timestamp DESC
To your second question, you can add a reletive date filter: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/visuals/desktop-slicer-filter-date-range

How to use default and available filter in power bi?

I have a visual for daily upload count. in which i have to show today's upload count along with previous date in filter.
My manager has asked me that user should be able to see the today's count by default and he should be able to select previous dates in drop down slicer panel.
I have taken "slicer" visual for date filters as shown in below picture.
If i publish this report with select dropdown it doesn't change after refreshing the current data. i want it to select the latest date by default when we refresh the data. and also previous dates should be there in dropdown.
For you use case, I would create a calculated column in your dataset that returns a flag that can be filtered for the latest date
For example:
Column = IF([Date] = TODAY(), 1, 0)
You can then set a filter on the calculated column in the filter pane, on '1' and it will show the latest selected date. When the data refreshes it will update TODAY() based on the refresh day. You can also add on/offsets, for example TODAY() +1
Another method would be to calculate the MAX date in your data set and use that to drive the filter again use the IF Clause.
It is best practice to have some sort of defined calendar table, that can drive date, period and current days/month/etc. My example can be found here
If you want a default filter you have to select it at the filter pane.
Drag and drop your filter into it and select the value. Then publish your report. Now your selected filter is the default.

Power BI Filter on the report level

I have a big report that has 30+ pages
I have created a new page for filters
I added the Month filter in the filter page, this report is going to be filtered based on that month filter.
When I select a month, the filter works only for its page, does not apply filter for the whole report
How can I make filter apply for the whole report
PS : I have added the month to the report level filters, but this is not what I want.
This report is need filter control
If you have the same slicer across multiple pages, then I'd recommend syncing them as explained in slicer documentation page.
Image from that page:

Default filter selection issue in power BI service

We have developed power BI report and there are couple of filters has been added, among them two of it having issue which are Year and Month filters, for those filters default values has been assigned as Current FY and Current month, but during first load of report the both filter values indicating as 'All' and once we trigger the drop down action in filter it changes to Current FY.but if we view the report through Power BI Desktop every thing works as expected.
Could someone please provide comment on this issue.