This is about
Up to now we used make verify to check if things are ok.
It works this way:
the dev needs to be sure git directory contains not uncommitted changes.
the dev runs make verify.
it runs the code generation
it checks via git if there are changes.
if there are changes, then make verify will fail.
I wanted to use this via, but failed.
There are always changes, because the pre-condition (be sure the git directory contains not uncommitted changes) is not given.
Any idea how to use a check like this via pre-commit?
We're currently building an internal apparatus to run unit tests on a large C++ codebase, using Catch2 for the framework and our in-house VS test adapter (using [ITestDiscoverer] and ITestExecutor) to attune them to our code practices. However, we've encountered issues with unit tests not always being discovered after a build.
There's a couple of things we're doing out of the norm that may be contributing. While we're using VS2019 for coding, we use FASTBuild and Sharpmake to build our solutions (which can contain countless projects). When we realised that VS would try to build the tests again using MSBuild before running them (even after a full rebuild), we disabled that behaviour in the VS options. Everything else seems to be running as expected, except that sometimes tests aren't picked up.
After doing some digging (namely outputting a verification message to VS's Tests Output the moment our TestDiscoverer is entered), it seems like a test discovery pass isn't always being invoked when we would expect it, sometimes even with a full solution rebuild. Beyond the usual expectation that building a project with new changes (or rebuilding outright) would cause a pass to start, the methodology VS uses to determine when to invoke all installed test adapters seems to be fairly blackbox in terms of what exact parameters/conditions trigger it.
An alternative seems to be to allow the user to manually execute a TD pass via some means that could be wrapped in a VSPackage. However, initial looks through the VSSDK API for anything that'd do the job has come up short.
Using the VSSDK, are there any means to invoke a Test Discovery pass independently from VS's normal means of detecting whether a pass is required?
You would want to use the ITestContainerDiscoverer.TestContainersUpdated event. The platform should then call into your Container Discoverer to get the latest set of containers (ITestContainerDiscoverer.TestContainers). As long as the containers returned from the discoverer are different(based on ITestContainer.CompareTo()) the platform should trigger a discovery for the changed containers. This blog has been quite helpful in the past:
I have a huge amount of test cases running during the TFS-build process.
Is there a way to rerun all those test cases on my local machine which fail on tfs? Maybe via configuration or an extension?
My problem is that it takes quite a while to run all the tests again, so I would like to run just those which fail.
The second problem is, that the tfs build sometimes failes tests which are working locally. So I'd like to figure out which I really broke.
I've never seen anything like this. I do think it would be possible to write a VS extension to pull the test results from TFS and create a test list file with all the failed tests and then load that in VS to rerun only the failed tests.
I wrote a simple extension and it wasn't that bad -
I've tried the exact same thing. However rerunning the tests locally didn't change anything, the tests still passed locally (even after >1000 tries) but failed sporadically on TFS. ( for that part I just put the tests in a for-loop ).
Check your log on TFS - or put it up here - the log should tell you what has failed in the tests and maybe a reconsideration/refactoring of the written failed tests should be made. Even though they pass locally doesn't mean they are right, if that makes sense. So check the log, rewrite tests and try again, would be my suggestion.
I'm having a hard time understanding how to properly install and uninstall custom actions, and what the purpose of rollback is. I have a custom action called CreateFSRegistryLink that creates a REG_LINK registry entry (which cannot be created by MSI/InstallShield directly AFAIK). I think I have this running properly for the most part because if the link is already there, it just returns ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_CALLED, which MSI seems to handle gracefully, proceeding with the rest of the install. This ensures that multiple instances of the product can be installed cleanly (we have a multi-instance product).
The problem comes during un-install. CreateFSRegistryLink appears to be running again in non-rollback mode. From the MSI log I can see that it's running as it should during an install and but it also runs during an uninstall:
I'm checking the mode with:
if (!MsiGetMode(hInstall, MSIRUNMODE_ROLLBACK))
When the condition is true I log a message, "CreateFSRegistryLink is running in non-rollback mode." When it is false, I log a message, "CreateFSRegistryLink is running in rollback mode, so was skipped." I have never seen the second message show up in the log.
I have CreateFSRegistryLink set up with In-Script execution of "Deferred Execution in System Context." I also have another custom action DeleteFSRegistryLink set up with In-Script execution of "Rollback Execution in System Context". I see it getting skipped during an install, but not during an un-install (I suspect it's running normally during an un-install, but have not added logging to confirm this).
I also have a custom action CountOtherFSSystems that sets FS_SystemCount to the number of systems (instances) besides the current instance. I set DeleteFSRegisryLink to have a condition to only run when FS_SystemCount<1 in the Exec sequence. This is how I can tell that it is being skipped during an install because MSI reports that the condition wasn't met and so DeleteFSRegistryLink was skipped. I expect this to help ensure that it only runs when the last instance is being un-installed. I think this condition is working based on log output, but I don't know how to get this DeleteFSRegistryLink custom action to run properly during un-install without the CreateFSRegistryLink action re-installing the link. The last reference to DeleteFSRegistryLink I see in the log is:
MSI (s) (08:CC) [09:42:23:708]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=DeleteFSRegistryLink,ActionType=3329,Source=BinaryData,Target=DeleteFSRegistryLink,)
I haven't added logging to this function yet, so I don't know if it ran, but when the un-install is done, the link in the registry is still there. This is not entirely surprising because immediately after that I see that CreateFSRegistryLink ran again:
MSI (s) (08:CC) [09:42:23:708]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=CreateFSRegistryLink,,)
Action 9:42:23: CreateFSRegistryLink.
MSI (s) (08:CC) [09:42:23:708]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=CreateFSRegistryLink,ActionType=3073,Source=BinaryData,Target=CreateFSRegistryLink,)
MSI (s) (08:0C) [09:42:23:739]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\windows\Installer\MSI37E1.tmp, Entrypoint: CreateFSRegistryLink
MSI (s) (08:70) [09:42:23:739]: Generating random cookie.
MSI (s) (08:70) [09:42:23:739]: Created Custom Action Server with PID 7640 (0x1DD8).
MSI (s) (08:18) [09:42:23:786]: Running as a service.
MSI (s) (08:18) [09:42:23:786]: Hello, I'm your 32bit Elevated custom action server.
CreateFSRegistryLink is running in non-rollback mode.
I followed the rule at of "A rollback custom action must always precede the deferred custom action it rolls back in the action sequence" which is still really not making sense to me seeing this log output and results. I think I'm missing a few key points here.
This is on my 'required reading' list for MSI and a good place to start:
Installation Phases and In-Script Execution Options for Custom Actions in Windows Installer
The idea is that every change made by MSI should be transactional. You should be able to rollback the state change on failure during an install, upgrade, repair or uninstall.
Occasionally you'll come across an API where this is not possible. An example would be deleting a user account or interacting with the old IIS metabase API. If the API doesn't support a .commit() .rollback() ability then you have to just make the change in the commit phase execution. Considering that commit phase can be disabled by disabling rollback you have to do it early in those scenarios.
Read the white paper a few times, digest it a bit and then follow up with any other questions that you still have.
Edit: This is how I ended up setting up my custom actions:
CountOtherFSSystems runs with Immediate Execution after InstallInitialize under all circumstances to set FS_SystemCount to the number of other instances that are installed.
RollbackFSRegistryLink runs with Rollback Execution in System Context after CountOtherFSSystems under the condition FS_SystemCount<1 And $FSRegistry = 3 (When the FSRegistry component was being installed local). It calls the function to delete the registry link.
CreateFSRegistryLink runs with Deferred Execution in System Context after RollbackFSRegistryLink under the condition $FSRegistry=3. It calls the function to create the registry link.
A bunch of other functions in the sequence execute, and then we get to the standard action WriteRegistryValues.
RollbackDeleteFSRegistryLink runs with Rollback Execution in System Context after WriteRegistryValues under the condition $FSRegistry<>3 (when the FSRegistry component was being removed, but the rollback needs to put it back). It calls the function to create the registry link.
DeleteFSRegistryLink runs with Deferred Execution in System Context after RollbackDeleteFSRegistryLink under the condition FS_SystemCount<1 AND $FSRegistry <> 3. It calls the function to delete the registry link.
TestError runs with Deferred Execution in System Context after DeleteFSRegistryLink. It calls a test function that just returns an error condition if the user says it's OK (via MSIProcessMessage) to introduce an error for test purposes here. (This function will be disabled for the production builds.)
I tested the following cases:
Error during installation of first instance - no registry entries or links are created.
Error during installation of second instance - only the first instance's registry entries remain, and the link remains also.
Error during uninstall of second instance - both instances and the link remain in the registry.
Error during un-install of last remaining instance - While the error is still displayed (before rollback occurs) I can see that the registry entries and link are all gone, and after proceeding, I see the rollback has restored the registry entries and the link.
Successful un-install of second instance - link and first instance's registry entries remain.
Successful un-install of last remaining instance - link and all registry entries are removed.
Please comment if you see anything I missed here. It seems pretty comprehensive to me.
To throw in my 2 cents: The issue seems to be related to custom action conditions. Regarding your call to MsiGetMode to see if it's a rollback, why bother? You sequence a rollback custom action before your actual deferred CA, and by definition it will be called only if the original custom action was called, and it's defined as a rollback CA and it needs no conditions. It may be that your uninstall CA can be the same as the rollback CA, but strictly speaking an uninstall CA can assume that its counterpart install CA worked correctly if it is coded correctly and failure causes the install to fail, whereas a rollback CA may need to assume that the install CA may have only partially worked and needs to check more system state.
If CreateRegistryFSLink is being called on uninstall then your condfition on that CA is incorrect.
If your code did or did not do something then it's up to you to remember what it did and the rollback CA undoes it.
The rest of it appears to be about the conditions on your custom actions. If you want one to be called only on uninstall of the product, then use REMOVE="ALL". If you have CAs related specifically to feature or component uninstall then (as Chris says) use a component or feature condition, they are here:
If you want an uninstall CA to run as long as the product is not being upgraded, then REMOVE="ALL" and NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE will work.
So if you're still stuck, it may help to post your definitions of the CAs, in particular the conditions and types.
Basically I created a new test file in a particular package with some bare bones test structure - no actual tests...just an empty struct type that embeds suite.Suite, and a function that takes in a *testing.T object and calls suite.Run() on said struct. This immediately caused all our other tests to start failing indeterministically.
The nature of the failures were associated with database unique key integrity violations on inserts and deletes into a single Postgres DB. This is leading me to believe that the tests were being run concurrently without calling our setup methods to prepare the environment properly between tests.
Needless to say, the moment I move this test file to another package, everything magically works!
Has anyone else run into this problem before and can possibly provide some insights?
What I've found from my use, is that "go test" runs a single package's test cases sequentially (unless t.Parallel() is called), but if you supply multiple packages (go test ./foo ./bar ./baz), each package's tests are run parallel to other packages. Definitely caused similar headaches with database testing for me.
As it turns out, this is a problem rooted in how go test works, and has nothing to do with testify. Our tests were being ran on ./... This causes the underlining go test tool to run tests in each package in parallel, as justinas pointed out. After digging around more on StackOverflow (here and here) and reading through testify's active issue on this problem, it seems that the best immediate solution is to use the -p=1 flag to limit the number of packages to be run in parallel.
However, it is still unexplained why the tests consistently passed prior to adding these new packages. A hunch is perhaps the packages/test files were sorted and ran in such a manner that concurrency wasn't an issue prior to adding the new packages/files.
I've changed the file "handle.c" in winceos\COREOS\nk\kernel.. and need to build according to take the changes into the core.dll for nk.bin
is there any build order to follow to avoid to build the hole solution?
First, let me say that making that change where you did is a bad, bad idea. Never change the public or private trees directly. If Microsoft issues a QFE that changes that code, when you apply the QFE, your changes will be overwritten and without warning. Always clone the code and change the clone.
As far as making kernel changes without having to rebuild the entire project, the answer is no, you can't. Changes in the code potentially change addresses, and a vast amount of the OS is fixed up with those addresses during the build process. You'll have to rebuild the entire thing after a change like that (as opposed to, for example, drivers which you can build individually without rebuilding the entire OS).
thanks for your answer.
what I found now by trying myself is yes, it's possible by doing "build & sysgen" of "winceos" folder under PRIVATE.
The change execution on kernel code was just adding a RETAILMSG to see the HANDLE count.
The file handle.c create handle table and give handles. There is a number of commands creating/allocating handle. I do not really know, by which handle requests the kernel calls handle.c(??), but it "can" for some developers be usefull to be able to manuplate it??
But in summary, doing "build & sysgen"+"MakeRunTimeImage" makes the changes on kernel valid.
I did it on "PRIVATE/winceos", but perhaps it's also possible by doing iy more locally, for example on PRIVATE/winceos/COREOS/nk/kernel folder. I didn't tried it ;)