why my cookies doesn't set in next js app on vercel? - cookies

I set cookie after login by with node js and it works correctly on localhost but it doesn't work when I deploy my next js app on vecel.
I think it is because my cookie domain.
my domain on vercel is https://flight-six.vercel.app
I write https://flight-six.vercel.app
and .https://flight-six.vercel.app
in the domain of cookie but still it doesn't work.
what I have to do?please help.


Sandbox Cookies between environments

I have a production environment and a staging environment. I am wondering if I can sandbox cookies between the environments. My setup looks like
domain.com - frontend SPA
api.domain.com - backend Node
staging.domain.com - frontend SPA
api.staging.domain.com - backend Node
My staging cookies use the domain .staging.domain.com so everything is fine there. But my production cookies use the domain .domain.com so these cookies show up in the staging environment.
I've read one possible solution is to use a separate domain for staging like staging-domain.com but I would like to avoid this if possible. Are there any other solutions or am I missing something about how cookies work?
There are multiple alternatives:
Set your production domains to be www.domain.com and api.www.domain.com and set your cookie to .www.domain.com
This way, your production cookie will not be seen in the staging environment.
Use .domain.com , but have your backend behave differently depending on which environment they receive the cookie in.
One solution would be to change the pass phrase used on staging environment to encrypt cookies.
Doing so will render cookies coming from the production invalid.
The method to do so is web server dependent, for example on Apache HTTP server:
Text from above link:
SessionCryptoPassphrase secret
The session will be encrypted with the given key. Different servers can be configured to share sessions by ensuring the same encryption key is used on each server.
If the encryption key is changed, sessions will be invalidated automatically.
So find how o change the passphrase on your web server on staging environment, and all cookies coming from production, along with all cookies (issued in the past) from staging will be considered invalid on staging.
Alternative option if you don't want to use separate domain or www subdomain: you can append staging environment name to the cookie name.
But personally, I would put an API gateway/proxy in front of backend and spa to keep both services under a single domain (domain.com and domain.com/api).
For staging: staging.domain.com and staging.domain.com/api or completely separate domain to avoid exposing a staging address in SSL certificate.
And I would not allow cookie sharing by omitting domain while setting the cookie. Probably, I would set the cookie path to /api.

Redirects for Ember app on shared hosting (hostgator)

I have an ember app that I have been building. It has several routes including index (/) and authorization (/authorization). My trouble is that when the application is hosted on hostgator, loading the url myapp.com/authorization results in a 404. This makes sense since there is nothing at that actual url. I need hostgator to redirect all non-file-specific urls to my index.html file.
An example in psuedo code:
if url has extension (.jpg, .pdf, etc)
serve requested url
serve index.html but retain url in the address bar
I've done this sort of thing with local instances of node when using AngularJs with ui-router, but this is my first time using History-API based routing served from HostGator.
Any suggestions on where to start to set this up?
Not much of an answer but you can use locationType: 'hash' in environment.js as your configuration.
With locationType set to 'auto', refreshing on application hosted on Hostgator will produce a 404. I have encountered this before and not found any solution. So I switched to 'hash'.
If you find any solution, please tell me. Thanks!

How to make a cookie available to all paths in a domain?

I created a cookie in a java filter and added back to the response
before returning to the client node.js application. This web application is accessed using a localhost URL in the browser. After reading about cookie domain issue while using 'localhost', i did not set any domain or path in the cookie, while creating it.
Now the Chrome or Firefox browsers don't show-up the cookie in the browser. All my URLs are http://localhost but, each page having different path.
Step 1: During a request to http://localhost/app/login cookie is created and set in the response
Step 2: When the page loads after response, no cookies are shown in Chrome
Step 3: During the next request http://localhost/app/customer the previously created cookie is not recieved when trying request.getCookies().
Step 4: Before returning back to client application, a cookie is created
Step 5: Now the cookie created in Step 4 is shown in Chrome
Step 6: The next request is also sent to http://localhost/app/customer , now the cookie created in step 4 is recieved in the server as well
If cookie creation for localhost is an issue, how does it work for Steps 4-6 only ?
How can i make the created cookie available to all paths under the
localhost domain ? I tried using cookie.addPath("/") but, no change.
Note: Due to admin privilege issues in my development machine, i am not able to set-up a domain name to my localhost IP in etc/hosts file.
In your Java server, you should call cookie.setPath("/") before adding it to response.
Such cookie will match all request URIs. It's a pity that it is not the default behavior.
I have a more detailed explanation of cookie path here - http://bayou.io/release/0.9/javadoc/bayou/http/Cookie.html#path
Not sure path is the issue. Path does not affect whether a cookie is created; it only determines whether it is presented. If cookies aren't showing up in the browser's cookie jar they are being rejected for some reason other than path.
Chrome will not accept cookies for localhost because it does not accept cookies in the top level domain. The domain in the URL has to have a dot in it somewhere. So you could either add a hosts entry (recommended) or just trying using instead of localhost.
Also, none of this will work if the cookie is marked as secure or is being set with a domain attribute. If either of those is the case, you MUST use a hosts entry instead of localhost or

setting cookie from subdomain that includes main domain for google analytics

Main site - www.example.com
App site - app.example.com
The cookie is created on app.example.com, but should also work for www.example.com.
setcookie("gacookie", time(), time()+31536000, '/');
Is this possible? What would be the code?
The cookie is being used to create a filter for GA that will exclude all current members of my application. The cookie is set the first time they log in. Both the main domain and the subdomain use the same GA tracking code.
Also, if another site that I visit has a cookie with the string "gacookie", will that effect the Google Analytics filter, or will it only ready cookies from the domain and subdomain it is tracking...
Here are more details on how to integrate tracking across sub/domains.

When using sub-domains for a Django site, how can you share django logins across sub-domains on localhost?

I want to let the same user session span across:
I got this to work in production by setting SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN to ".site.com", but it doesn't work for me on localhost/dev servers. How do you get it to work for localhost sub-domains? When I change the SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN on the dev server to the production website domain or ".localhost", django auth logins completely stop working (I'm unable to ever login, no cookie is created on localhost).
I think I got a workaround solution, but couldn't use localhost. I could only get it working for a test ".com" domain that maps to
In my /etc/hosts file (on OSX:) test.com sub1.test.com sub2.test.com
Then on my development settings.py:
I could not get this working with plain "localhost", it seemed I needed the ".com" string in there to get it working. So then I could login and have cross subdomain auth cookies using sub1.test.com:8000 and sub2.test.com:8000 in my browser.