I'm trying to add my own custom Input Context Mapping in my C++ code, but it doesn't appear.
Do any of you know how to get it in code without having to declare it in blueprints?
void ARobotCharacter::BeginPlay()
if (APlayerController* PlayerController = Cast<APlayerController>(Controller))
if (UEnhancedInputLocalPlayerSubsystem* Subsystem = ULocalPlayer::GetSubsystem<UEnhancedInputLocalPlayerSubsystem>(PlayerController->GetLocalPlayer()))
Subsystem->AddMappingContext(InputMappingContext, 0);
In this case, the InputMappingContext is a custom asset made in the engine, but when I try to call it from code it doesn't appear.
I haven't tried anything through code, the only thing that I've done to work around this is to add all the assets through the blueprint.
I created a SkeletalMesh object in the scene, and in the Editor I added a C++ component, but once I attached it to the SkeletalMesh I can't find out where it is in the Unreal panel. I know it's working, because after I attached the script to the object it prints some simple debug output.
The main reason I want to know where to find my script component is because I want to able to reference the SkeletalMesh the script is attached through the C++ in the same way you can in Unity with C#.
Is there a way I can reference the object my C++ script is attached to and access the SkeletalMesh values through C++?
My code is just a shell right now, but here I commented the places I want to create a reference to the SkeletalMesh and where I want to animate it:
#include "Glove.h"
// Sets default values for this component's properties
PrimaryComponentTick.bCanEverTick = true;
// Called when the game starts
void UGlove::BeginPlay()
// Called every frame
void UGlove::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction* ThisTickFunction)
Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);
To Referece SkeltaMesh to your script ,there is no way to do it like unity when you attach a script , however there is a way around.
Select your SkeltaMesh in the scene
Go to detail panel and add your c++ component.
Check your detail panel to know where your script live in the tree and who is its parent , if the sketalmesh directly is its parent, this will be too easy, all you need to get the parent component or actor and cast to it , then return value is the thing you looking for if the cast is successful
in this example I did for a static mesh .
But you have to make your variable in the Script public and editable inside blueprint to be able to set them at run time .
I had the same issue but was with blueprint only .
To access your variable from c++ inside blueprint , you have two ways
void SetStaticMesh(your input variable type);
Then you call this function at your main blueprint to assign the static mesh or skeltaMesh, or whatever type you want.
Other way , you can put UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite) before declaring your variable , and then you should be able to set it directly at blueprint .
This should be in another thread, but I keep the answer here for now.
Creating Variables in C++ For Use In BP
I have a function who's job is to generate a list of checkboxes based upon the contents of an enum.
void Controller::createCheckBoxes()
const QMetaObject &mo = LicenseManager::staticMetaObject;
int index = mo.indexOfEnumerator("Packages");
QMetaEnum metaPackeges = mo.enumerator(index);
for (int i=0; i != metaPackeges.keyCount(); ++i)
QString name = (metaPackeges.key(i));
QCheckBox* box = new QCheckBox;
box->setText(name); box->setCheckable(true);
packageCheckBoxes.insert(name, box);
Where "Packages" is the enum containing the packages, and "packageCheckBoxes" is the QMap that is holding the checkboxes for other functions to operate on them, and "layoutCheckBoxes" is a Qt form layout that the checkboxes visually reside in.
Now, the checkboxes appear on screen looking correct, exactly how I intend them too, and inside the layout. However, clicking on them, or asking the code to do anything to them, instantly results in a crash and I can't figure out why. There's no explanation given by "Application Output" other than "The program has finished unexpectedly." which amazingly I figured out on my own without this notice /s
I had checkboxes in "layoutCheckBoxes" before, but they were manually generated from Design, and those worked perfectly. The reason I'm going through this hassle is to allow packages to be easily added through the enum, with various functions performing the operations necessary to generate the required checkboxes and hook them up to their appropriate functions.
The function that calls "createCheckboxes" is in the same source file, as well as the other functions that operate on the check boxes.
I don't have control over the enum, it is what it is, and it's what I need to work with.
I'm making a board game in Qt/C++ using qml. All the important game data is represented in a single class. My intention is to have the qml sheets access this one object and draw the game board depending on the data.
What is the simplest approach to exposing the C++ data members to QML?
Now I know the question has been asked, I've seen the answers and the Qt Documentation. I am, however, not satisfied. What I've seen, the way to do this seems to be to make Q_PROPERTY out of every single variable I want to access from QML. This looks to me tedious and unnecessary, not to mention it will stretch the code to 3x it's original length, making it significantly worse to read. Also, in most cases I won't need write function to the data members, for example.
And why bother with Q_PROPERTY overhead when I could just write Q_INVOKABLE getters for just the situations I need?
Here's an example of how simple I hoped it would be when I read in the Qt Project documentation: "This enables C++ data and functions to be accessible directly from QML, often with little or no modification."
class game : public QObject
explicit game(QObject *parent = 0);
colors NPC[3]; // colors being an enum declared elsewhere
player players[4]; // player is a non-QObject class containing player stats
game gMain;
QDeclarativeContext *context = viewer.rootContext();
QML in my ideal world:
Image {
id : Image1
source: { if (Game.NPC[0] === 0) {
if (Game.players[1].LifeCount > 0) {
return "pics/FigG.png"
else {
return "pics/StoneG.png"
Now how close to that can I actually get with QML and how do I go about it?
I'm especially interested in handling simple C++ style arrays and enums (have a lot of those in the game) - would I need to write helper functions, e.g. int Game.GetNPCAt(int i) instead of using just Game.NPC[i] ?
I realize that the way I DON'T want to do it is the tried and trusted, and for good reason... however in my situation (small one-man project) it seems like using a cannon to kill a fly (although the GUI building part in qml is amazingly simple and quite a joy to use) - also having to wrap around every data member including the simplest like an int seems... ridiculously excessive.
Maybe I have missed something somewhere, In which case I humbly apologize. Thank you for any thoughts on the matter.
In order:
Q_PROPERTY: When you look at the page that you quoted, they discuss using the Q_PROPERTY method to expose properties to QML. If you don't use Q_PROPERTY, it is my understanding that your variables won't be registered by QMLViewer (or what have you). The Q_PROPERTY needs a Q_INVOKABLE to get/set your variables. If you don't use Q_PROPERTY, though, your class properties will not appear in QML.
Setting the image source: If you may remember, QML is a forge between CSS and JavaScript. If you're just looking to make the image's source change depending on a condition outside of your Image element, you can just create a JavaScript function to achieve what you have quoted:
Image {
id: Image1
function getImage()
if (Game.NPC[0] === 0)
if (Game.players[1].LifeCount > 0) {
else {
However, the function won't run by itself: you'll have to associate it with a signal, which I would create in your C++ class (put the function under a label named signals: (NOT within public -- see here on how to write signals)). Based on your example, I'm guessing that your C++ object is called Game.
Game {
id: gameKeeper //or whatever you want to name it
onUpdate: Image1.getImage() //replace onUpdate with your signal
Image {
id: Image1
function getImage()
if (gameKeeper.NPC[0] === 0)
if (gameKeeper.players[1].LifeCount > 0) {
else {
In theory, you should be able to reference arrays this way with JavaScript (I'm not all that familiar with JS myself).
Array handling: On the C++ side, it looks like the best way to do it is through a QList. Fortunately, a QList iterates very similar to a normal array. I found this, which should help -- just ignore the second dimension.
Hope this helps.
I have a solution and it has two projects in it. When I got the code they told one project handles the visual part and the other has the logic part. Now I added one button to the window. To do that i edited the project which handles the visual part. I am very new to this but creating and adding buttons is fairly straightforward in visual studio 2010. Now the problem is I want to detect if the button is pressed from the other project. I am sure that the projects are sharing some data, but I am not being able to capture it. For now I am changing a value in a file and reading the same data from the other project to check if the button is pressed. But I think there is a better way to do it. Can anyone help?
I don't think the two projects are sharing automatically. You will have to define the interface that the two projects communicates. For instance, in your solution above the "a value in a file" is the "interface" you have defined. What sounds like you are trying to achieve is to separate the controller (logic part) and view (visual part) separately, which seems to indicate that your project is using MVC model.
I would suggest defining an abstract class (interface) that defines the interaction you want between the two projects. All they have to share is a single header file.
For example:
// Solution A (Controller - logic part)
// MyUIHandler.h
class IMyUIHandler //You can also use microsoft's interface keyword for something similar.
HRESULT onButtonPressed() = 0; // Note that you can also add parameters to onButtonPressed.
HRESULT getMyUIHandler(IMyUIHandler **ppHandler);
Then implement this interface:
// Solustion A (Controller - logic part)
// MyUIHandler.cpp
#include "MyUIHandler.h"
class CMyUIHandler : public IMyUIHandler
// Add your private parameter here for anything you need
HRESULT onButtonPressed();
HRESULT getMyUIHandler(IMyUIHandler **ppHandler)
// There are many ways to handle it here:
// 1. Define a singleton object CMyUIHandler in your project A. Just return a pointer
// to that object here. This way the client never releases the memory for this
// object.
// 2. Create an instance of this object and have the client release it. The client
// would be responsible for releasing the memory when it's done with the object.
// 3. Create an instance of this object and have a class/method in Solution A release
// the memory.
// 4. Reference count the object, for example, make IUnknown the parent class of
// IMyUIHandler, and implement the IUnknown interace (which is boiler plate code).
// Since I don't know your project it's hard for me to pick the most suitable one.
*ppHandler = myNewHandler;
return S_OK;
CMyUIHandler can simply be your existing class that already handles some of the logic.
In solution B you should will call getMyUIHandler in some initialize function, for example the controller of the UI class, save that as your member. Then "Button clicked" event handler that VS creates for you.
// Solution B (View - visual part)
// MyUIView.h
class MyUIView
IMyUIHandler *m_pHandler;
// MyUIView.cpp
hr = getMyUIHandler(&m_pHandler);
// error handler, etc...
// In the function that is created for you when button is clicked (I'm not sure if I get the signature right below.
void OnClick(EventArgs^ e)
hr = m_pHandler->onButtonPressed();
Then you can pass any parameter you define for the function onButtonPressed as soon as the button is clicked.
Language: C++
Development Environment: Microsoft Visual C++
Libraries Used: MFC
Background: So I've created an application that is basically a large preference dialog where the user can configure a number of pages, each with a bunch of different settings. When the user is finished, he/she has three options for saving the preferences (as XML): Save Current [page], Save These, and Save All.
I'm working with the Save These function right now. When the user chooses this option, a dialog appears with check boxes for each page, allowing them to choose which pages they wish to output. Once they choose the directory into which they wish the files to be saved, the magic happens and the XML files are written.
Problem: I have a function (UpdatePageData) that will detect which page is being displayed and update the current page's data by calling UpdateData. I have put in a break point to watch to make sure the variables are being filled with the user's inputted values, and everything is dandy and working correctly. However, when the program jumps from the checkbox dialog (where I call UpdatePageData) to the classes for the pages I'm saving, suddenly all of the values are wrong.
Below I've included some code that will help you guys understand the program flow.
NOTE: In SaveThese, I am currently just working on saving a single page...I will have it update all pages selected once I figure out the problem I'm having.
Location: Main Dialog
void CSAPrefsDialog::OnSaveThese()
int msgboxID = ::MessageBox(
(LPCSTR)"Are you sure you want to save?",
(LPCSTR)"Save These",
switch (msgboxID)
case IDOK:
CSaveThese m_sT;
Location: Main Dialog
void CSAPrefsDialog::UpdatePageData()
if ((m_iCurPage >= 0) && (m_iCurPage < m_pages.GetSize()))
pageStruct *pPS = (pageStruct *)m_pages.GetAt(m_iCurPage);
if (pPS)
if (pPS->pDlg)
if (!pPS->pDlg->UpdateData()) // THIS WORKS. THE DATA IS UPDATED.
AfxMessageBox("Did not update data.");
Location: SaveThese Class
void CSaveThese::OnBnClickedOk()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
UpdateData(TRUE); // figures out which boxes are checked for saving
CDirDialog dir;
CSAPrefsDialog prefsDialog;
prefsDialog.m_strDirectorySavePath = dir.m_strPath;
// [ other if-statements like the one below to check the check boxes ]
FSC_Main m_FS;
Location: FSC_Main Class
void FSC_Main::Save(CString dirPath)
dirPath += "\\FS_Config.xml";
FILE *fp = fopen(dirPath, "w+");
By the time it gets to WriteXML, the values have either reverted back to their initialized values (empty strings and -1 for all combo boxes), or have strange values (empty for strings, and large numbers for combo boxes).
I imagine I just have something in the wrong place. I'm just not sure why this is happening, and it's really the biggest hurdle between me and really getting this project rolling.
Jon, Very hard to understand your code. What i understood is you have a member variable m_pages in CSAPrefsDialog dialog class which you are updating by calling UpdateData. And then you are creating a local variable CSaveThese m_sT and calling DoModal. Do you expect CSaveThese class should hold the values of m_Pages?