Expression expected; found predicate in Community Z tool - z-notation

Can anyone help me with this problem, because I can't understand this problem? Which mistake have I made?:


Google sheets - Conditional Formatting "less than" not working properly when used on range

t Hey guys, im getting mad about something really simple. Why does this plain conditional formatting light up the values 15 and 12? When applied only for cell D1 or F1 it works properly, I'm really clueless. Thank you for your advice!
Also my greetings got deleted everytime after saving the edit, I had to put a random letter in front so it got through, whats up with that random behaviour lol
instead of your:

powermail and the special characters

I have this known issue with special characters < > " & and the powermail extension in Typo3. I already googled and found that it's related to double trigger of the htmlspecialchars in 2 files. I tried many suggestions but they just didn't help.
- removed htmlspecialchars from class.tx_powermail_html.php.
- removed it from class.tx_powermail_markers.php.
- ...
does somebody has an exact solution to this issue?
thanks in advance.
Ps: I am using v. 1.6.9 on typo3 4.5
well ,
I could find an answer in case somebody faces the same problem. Just comment out both appearances of "htmlspecialchars" in the function sec() in "lib\class.tx_powermail_functions_div.php".
That should fix it

HTMLEditFormat Syntax Issues - XSS

I'm attempting to work on some possible XSS flaws in my code and have ran into some issues.
This code doesn’t work (line 297) - Syntax error:
#iif(HTMLEditFormat (not url.excludeFinalized),de(" disabled"),de("")) )#
This code does work (line 298):
#iif(HTMLEditFormat(url.excludeFinalized),de(" checked"),de("")) )#
This ‘not’ is what's messing me up - How would I properly place HTMLEditFormat into the code above or below?
#iif(not subgroupExercisesDone and nodeIsRollup,de("disabled"),de(""))#
Thanks for any help. I would greatly appreciate it!
I believe you need this change:
#iif((not url.excludeFinalized),de(HTMLEditFormat(" disabled")),de("")) )#
Your original code wraps HTMLEditFormat around a condition. And there's no need to HEF() and empty string, so you still have just one usage of HTMLEditFormat. I don't think you need HTMLEditFormat at all, to be honest.
I think. Didn't test this myself.
You can't put the NOT inside the function call like that.
This is more in line with what you were trying to do.
#iif(NOT HTMLEditFormat(url.excludeFinalized),de(" disabled"),de("")))#
But if HTMLEditFormat(url.excludeFinalized) can't be resolved as a Boolean value, you're going to get a runtime error.

For the grammar given, provide 3 valid example strings

today I got a homework on my 'Programming Languages' class and I'm having trouble. Here is the full question;
For the grammars given below, draw transition diagram and transition
table. Provide 3 valid example strings.
And this is the one I'm having trouble with;
I don't really know what the question mark (?) stands for on this example, and I couldn't find an online paper. I don't want any help on diagram or the table, I could make them if I knew what '?' means. Please help me with this, thanks in advance.
Usually the question mark ? stands for 0 or 1 time
So 1? will match "" (empty) and "1"

More than one 'And' operator in ASP if statment?

Sorry I am new to ASP. I found a strange problem in the If statement
For example , I use this condition
if sear_type="4" and rs_search_news("search_field")="2" and show_str2<>1 then
And it is not work as expected . Is ASP not allow writing condition like this? Thanks
It should work just fine, probably something else is wrong.
Try this for start, and if still not working please explain exactly what's wrong.
If (sear_type="4") And (rs_search_news("search_field")="2") And (show_str2<>1) Then
End If