How to create a numericinput widget in Shiny app to add new observations to existing data frame? - shiny

sorry if this is repetitive and so simple it is annoying, but I am new to Shiny.
I need help with a shiny app I am trying to create for my golf game. I have loaded a CSV file with previous distance and accuracy observations to Rstudio and completed a script file with what will generally be done: data preprocessing and then visualizations.
I am now struggling with converting that to the app.R file, specifically, how to create a widget where I can add new numeric observations to the current data frame. The end goal is to use the app to log data as I play (practice or an actual round), which updates in real time for quick insight into the average distance and accuracy for each club.
Here is the very basic shiny code I have got to work for the numeric input:
# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Numeric Add Test"),
h3("Numeric input"),
value = 1,
min = 50,
max = 400,
step = 25))
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output) {
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)`
I have found ways to include an 'add' button to a list, but what I am hoping to do is have the new numeric input be added to the specified variable (club, distance, accuracy) in the referenced dataset. This action would change the existing data, but add to it and grow the dataset over time.
Not sure if this helps for context at all, but below is the script file for preprocessing and visuals I described above:
`######### Golf Data Practice for App #############
## Read in Data set and address the column names starting with a number
Golfdata <- data.frame(read_csv("Shiny Apps/Golf Dataset .csv"))
Golfdata <-
#Drop the last two columns for only clubs. Then create shot bias DF as well.
Clubs <- Golfdata %>% select(-c(11,12))
ShotBias <- Golfdata %>% select(c(11,12))
#Visualize the Average club distance
##Convert the club df by summarizing each variable by its average,
## then use the gather() to convert to long instead of wide to finally
## prepare the df for visualizing.
ClubAverage <- Clubs %>% summarise_all(mean) %>% gather(ClubAverage) %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, round, digits = 0)
value <- ClubAverage$value
ggplot(ClubAverage) +
aes(x = fct_reorder(ClubAverage, value, .desc = TRUE), y = value, label = value,
color = ClubAverage) +
geom_col( show.legend = FALSE, fill = "white") +
geom_text(nudge_y = 10, color = "black", size=4, fontface = "bold") +
labs(x = "Club",
y = "Yards", title = "Average Club Distance") +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill="forestgreen"),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "yellow"),
panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = "yellow1")) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 24L,
face = "bold", hjust = 0.5), axis.title.y = element_text(size = 18L, face = "bold"), axis.title.x =
element_text(size = 18L,
face = "bold"))
## Visualize the Average Accuracy ##
## This time, summarize the columns by their mean,
## but keep as wide -- no gather() function needed.
AverageShotBias <- ShotBias %>% summarise_all(mean)
ggplot(AverageShotBias) +
aes(x = Accuracy.Bias, y = Distance.Bias) +
geom_point(shape = "circle filled",
size = 18L, fill = "yellow") +
labs(x = "Accuracy", y = "Distance", title = "Average Shot Bias") +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill="forestgreen")) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 24L, face = "bold", hjust = 0.5), axis.title.y =
element_text(size = 14L,
face = "bold"), axis.title.x = element_text(size = 14L, face = "bold")) +
xlim(-1, 1) +
ylim(-1, 1) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, size=1) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, size=1)`
Something I have found regarding the add button is the code here:
` ,actionButton('add','add')
This does create an add button, which after updating the server code does create a list of added inputs, however I would like to be able to adjust the code for adding the observation to the variables in the data set.
I assume I would create an add button for each variable, just need to understand better how to do that.

The structure of your data used in the plot is not clear, but this is how to get the inputs or update dataset using eventReactive or observeEvent in the server. you can read this to learn the difference
server <- function(input, output) {
distance <- eventReactive(input$addButton, {
}, ignoreInit = T, ignoreNULL = F)
accbias <- eventReactive(input$accBiasButton, {
distbias <- eventReactive(input$DistBiasButton, {
}, ignoreNULL=F)
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
mydist <- distance()
# plot
output$plot2 <- renderPlot({
input$distInput # use the inputs here
mydist <- distance() # or the reactives
the two output plots in your code have the same outputId

Follow UP to my Question: I have written the code for the ui, now I am still trying to figure out how to code the server properly so the distance and accuracy numeric inputs can be added to a data frame. That data frame will then be used to create the two visuals.
ui <- grid_page(
layout = c(
"title title title",
"h1 h2 h3 ",
"h4 h4 h5 "
row_sizes = c(
col_sizes = c(
gap_size = "1rem",
area = "title",
content = "My Golf Data",
alignment = "center",
is_title = FALSE
area = "h2",
title = "Distance Input",
inputId = "distInput",
label = "Distance",
value = 50L,
min = 50L,
max = 400L,
step = 15L
inputId = "addButton",
label = "Add",
width = "100%"
area = "h1",
title = "Club Select",
inputId = "clubRadiobuttons",
label = "",
choices = list(
Driver = "D",
`5Wood` = "5W",
`4H` = "4H",
`5I` = "5I",
`6I` = "6I",
`7I` = "7I",
`8I` = "8I",
`9I` = "9I",
PW = "PW",
SW = "SW"
width = "100%"
area = "h3",
title = "Accuracy",
inputId = "accslider",
label = "Accuracy Bias",
min = -1L,
max = 1L,
value = 0L,
width = "98%",
step = 1L
inputId = "accBiasButton",
label = "Add Acc Bias",
width = "100%"
inputId = "distslider",
label = "Distance Bias",
min = -1L,
max = 1L,
value = 0L,
width = "100%",
step = 1L
inputId = "DistBiasButton",
label = "Add Dist Bias",
width = "100%"
area = "h5",
title = "Average Club Distance",
outputId = "plot",
width = "100%",
height = "400px"
area = "h4",
title = "Accuracy Average",
outputId = "plot",
width = "100%",
height = "400px"
server <- function(input, output) {
shinyApp(ui, server)


R Shiny - uiOutput causes numericInput to deselect when user is still typing in

I'm trying to create a data collection tool on R Shiny where the user can select as many categories as apply to them and then enter values for each. I've used uiOutput to allow the user to add a new category choice after clicking an action button.
For some reason, the numericInput that is created after clicking the action button will deselect after a split-second when the user is typing in a number, so it only catches one digit and you have to click it repeatedly to type in a full number.
I've tried changing the numericInput to a textInput and the same thing happens, so it's something to do with how I'm generating the uiOutput in the server, does it continually refresh and is there any way to stop it?
Example code given below, click on the new row button then try typing in the numericInput and you'll see. I have been stuck on this for ages and can't find any other questions similar so any help massively appreciated, thanks
ui <- fluidPage(
fluidRow(wellPanel(h3("Category and quantity input"))),
wellPanel(fluidRow(column(width=4,selectInput("type0",label = h4("type"), choices= list("choice1" = 1,"choice2" = 2, "choice3"=3))),
column(width=4,numericInput("quantity0", label = h4("quantity"), value = 0, min=0)),
column(width=4,actionButton("New_row",label="Add new row"))),
server <- function(input, output) {
ids <<- NULL
if (is.null(ids)){
ids <<- 1
ids <<- c(ids, max(ids)+1)
output$new_row_added <- renderUI({
check_input_type <- paste0("type", ids[i])
check_input_quantity <- paste0("quantity", ids[i])
# Create a div that contains 3 new sub divs
div(selectInput(paste0("type",ids[i]),label = "", choices= list("choice1" = 1,"choice2" = 2, "choice3"=3)))),
column(width=4,div(numericInput(paste0("quantity",ids[i]), label = "", value = 00, min=0))))
} else {
# Create a div that contains 3 existing sub divs
div(selectInput(paste0("type",ids[i]),label = "", choices= list("choice1" = 1,"choice2" = 2, "choice3"=3), selected = input[[check_input_type]]))),
column(width=4,div(numericInput(paste0("quantity",ids[i]), label = "", min=0, value = input[[check_input_quantity]]))))
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
You need to isolate input[[check_input_type]]. By doing isolate(input[[check_input_type]]). If not, every time a new number is inserted inside that input, the ui will re render and cause the deselection.
ui <- fluidPage(
fluidRow(wellPanel(h3("Category and quantity input"))),
column(width = 4, selectInput("type0", label = h4("type"), choices = list("choice1" = 1, "choice2" = 2, "choice3" = 3))),
column(width = 4, numericInput("quantity0", label = h4("quantity"), value = 0, min = 0)),
column(width = 4, actionButton("New_row", label = "Add new row"))
server <- function(input, output) {
ids <<- NULL
observeEvent(input$New_row, {
if (is.null(ids)) {
ids <<- 1
} else {
ids <<- c(ids, max(ids) + 1)
output$new_row_added <- renderUI({
lapply(1:length(ids), function(i) {
check_input_type <- paste0("type", ids[i])
check_input_quantity <- paste0("quantity", ids[i])
if (is.null(isolate(input[[check_input_type]]))) {
# Create a div that contains 3 new sub divs
width = 4,
div(selectInput(paste0("type", ids[i]), label = "", choices = list("choice1" = 1, "choice2" = 2, "choice3" = 3)))
column(width = 4, div(numericInput(paste0("quantity", ids[i]), label = "", value = 00, min = 0)))
} else {
# Create a div that contains 3 existing sub divs
width = 4,
div(selectInput(paste0("type", ids[i]), label = "", choices = list("choice1" = 1, "choice2" = 2, "choice3" = 3), selected = isolate(input[[check_input_type]])))
column(width = 4, div(numericInput(paste0("quantity", ids[i]), label = "", min = 0, value = input[[check_input_quantity]])))
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Rmarkdown - interactive model

Whoever come across with JMP agrees that its model profiler is the best thing you can find on that software.
Simply is a series of interactive plots of the model (I don't think there is a better way to communicate an additive model - looks like the one below)
Now, I would like to have something similar in my html rmarkdown reports.
It seems that might be possible to add rshiny on rmarkdows so I've managed to get something like the below on RShiny.
inputData <- mtcars
lm1 <- lm(mpg ~ hp + I(hp^2) + wt * cyl, data = mtcars)
ui <- fluidPage(
helpText("Choose the level of each factor"),
sliderInput("var_1", label= paste(names(inputData)[2]),
min = min(inputData[,2]),
max = max(inputData[,2]),
value = mean(inputData[,2]),
step = diff(range(inputData[,2]))/50),
sliderInput("var_2", paste(names(inputData)[6]),
min = min(inputData[,6]),
max = max(inputData[,6]),
value = mean(inputData[,6]),
step = diff(range(inputData[,6]))/50),
sliderInput("var_3", paste(names(inputData)[4]),
min = min(inputData[,4]),
max = max(inputData[,4]),
value = mean(inputData[,4]),
step = diff(range(inputData[,4]))/50)
server <- function(input, output) {
# Data declaration
data <- reactive({
req(input$var_1, input$var_2,input$var_3)
data.frame(cyl = input$var_1, wt = input$var_2, hp = input$var_3)
# The new predicted value for the specific input
pred <- reactive({
predict(lm1, data(), se = T, interval="confidence", level=0.95)$fit %>% as_tibble() %>%
rename(Prediction = fit, `Lower limit` = lwr, `Upper limit` = upr)
# Present as table the outcome of specific inputs
output$table_pred <- renderTable({
# Prepare the plots
# Create the continuum space for the predictors
hp_space <- reactive({
seq(min(mtcars$hp), max(mtcars$hp), length.out = 1e3)
cyl_space <- reactive({
seq(min(mtcars$cyl), max(mtcars$cyl), length.out = 1e3)
wt_space <- reactive({
seq(min(mtcars$wt), max(mtcars$wt), length.out = 1e3)
# Perform predictions for each point
new_pred_hp <- reactive({
temp <- tibble(hp = hp_space(), cyl = input$var_1, wt = input$var_2 )
temp %>%
bind_cols(predict(lm1, newdata = temp,
se = T, interval="confidence", level=0.95)$fit %>% as_tibble)%>%
mutate(Predictor = 'hp')
new_pred_cyl <- reactive({
temp <- tibble(hp = input$var_3, cyl = cyl_space(), wt = input$var_2 )
temp %>%
bind_cols(predict(lm1, newdata = temp,
se = T, interval="confidence", level=0.95)$fit %>% as_tibble)%>%
mutate(Predictor = 'cyl')
new_pred_wt <- reactive({
temp <- tibble(hp = input$var_3, cyl = input$var_1, wt = wt_space())
temp %>%
bind_cols(predict(lm1, newdata = temp,
se = T, interval="confidence", level=0.95)$fit %>% as_tibble) %>%
mutate(Predictor = 'wt')
# Make one plot per predictor
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
ggplot(new_pred_hp(), aes( x = hp, y = fit)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lwr, ymax = upr), alpha = 0.1, fill = 'red') +
geom_line(size = 1, color = 'black')+
geom_vline(xintercept = input$var_3, colour = 'red', linetype = 'dashed')
output$plot2 <- renderPlot({
ggplot(new_pred_cyl(), aes( x = cyl, y = fit)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lwr, ymax = upr), alpha = 0.1, fill = 'red') +
geom_line(size = 1, color = 'black')+
geom_vline(xintercept = input$var_1, colour = 'red', linetype = 'dashed')
output$plot3 <- renderPlot({
ggplot(new_pred_wt(), aes( x = wt, y = fit)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lwr, ymax = upr), alpha = 0.1, fill = 'red') +
geom_line(size = 1, color = 'black')+
geom_vline(xintercept = input$var_2, colour = 'red', linetype = 'dashed')
shinyApp(ui, server)
Which looks like that,
Is there a more elegant way to get these results on html rmarkdown? (maybe with HTML widgets so as to avoid rshiny?)
How to add all this complicated rshiny code (for my intro level) into rmarkdown report?

SelectInput and Leaflet not connecting

I am trying to use shinyApp with the leaflet package. I have tried using the "SelectInput" function in the dashboard to create a reactive map based on the input selected(country).However, I am not able to make the leaflet and the SelectInput connect with each other.
Here is my code:
ui <- (fluidPage(
titlePanel(title = "Pig breeding countries in 2000 - Top 5"),
selectInput(inputId = "country",
label = "Select a country to view it's values (you can choose more than one):",
c("Brazil", "China", "Russia", "USA", "Vietnam"), multiple = TRUE
#mainPanel must be outside the sidebarLayout argument
mainPanel(leafletOutput("mymap", height = "500"),
server <- (function(input, output){
output$mymap <- renderLeaflet(input$country)
output$mymap <- renderLeaflet({
mymap = leaflet()
setView(mymap, lng = -16.882374406249937, lat = -1.7206857960062047, zoom = 0)
mymap = addProviderTiles(mymap, provider = "CartoDB.Positron")
mymap = addMarkers(mymap,lng = 101.901875, lat = 35.486703, popup = "China 35,500")
mymap = addMarkers(mymap,lng = -95.712891, lat = 37.090240, popup = "USA 6,267")
mymap = addMarkers(mymap,lng = 108.339537, lat = 14.315424, popup = "Vietnam 2,947")
mymap = addMarkers(mymap,lng = 37.618423, lat = 55.751244, popup = "Russia 3,070")
mymap = addMarkers(mymap,lng = -46.625290, lat = -23.533773, popup = "Brazil 3,020")}
shinyApp(ui, server)
Can someone advise how to link them?
There is no reactive environment between your drop-down selection and leaflet map in your code. Check in the below code to create reactive leaflet map.
df <- read.csv("leaflet.csv")
ui <- (fluidPage(
titlePanel(title = "Pig breeding countries in 2000 - Top 5"),
sidebarPanel( uiOutput("countrynames")
mainPanel(leafletOutput("mymap", height = "500")
server <- function(input, output){
output$countrynames <- renderUI({
selectInput(inputId = "country", label = "Select a country to view it's values (you can choose more than one):",
map_data <- reactive({
data <- data.frame(df[df$country == input$country,])
data$popup <- paste0(data$country, " ", data$number)
output$mymap <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet(data = map_data()) %>%
# setView( lng = -16.882374406249937, lat = -1.7206857960062047, zoom = 0) %>%
addProviderTiles( provider = "CartoDB.Positron") %>%
addMarkers(lng = ~lng, lat = ~lat, popup = ~popup)
# addCircles(lng = ~lng, lat = ~lat, popup = ~popup)
shinyApp(ui, server)
Below is the csv file i have imported in code.
structure(list(lng = c(101.901875, -95.712891, 108.339537, 37.618423
), lat = c(35.486703, 37.09024, 14.315424, 55.751244), country = structure(c(1L,
3L, 4L, 2L), .Label = c("China", "Russia", "USA", "Vietnam"), class = "factor"),
number = c(35500L, 6267L, 2947L, 3070L)), .Names = c("lng",
"lat", "country", "number"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

R Shiny App working locally but not on

I have seen that this problem has happened to other people, but their solutions have not worked for me. I have my app.R file and a .RData file with the required inputs in the same ECWA_Strategic_Planning_Tool directory. When I run:
I get the following error on the web page that opens up:
ERROR: An error has occurred. Check your logs or contact the app author for clarification.
However, I cannot find anything wrong. I install all of my packages, I use relative pathways etc. I am pasting all of the code from my app below. If anyone can spot what I'm doing wrong, I would greatly appreciate it!
library(rstudioapi) # For working directory
library(rgeos) #Maybe use gSimplify to simplify polygon
library(DT) #To make interactive DataTable
library(plotly) #For pie chart
library(ggplot2) # for layout
# Set Working Directory
# Load R Workspace
# UI variables
neigh.names <- levels(merge.proj$View)
neigh.default <- c("Urban7")
'Pluvial_WtScore', 'Rest_WtScore', 'GI_WtScore', 'SC_WtScore',
'UNCWI_WtScore', 'Total_Score', 'View')
dt.default <- c('PARCEL_ID', 'Pluvial_WtScore', 'Rest_WtScore',
'GI_WtScore', 'SC_WtScore', 'UNCWI_WtScore', 'Total_Score', 'View')
# Build UI
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("ECWA Strategic Planning Tool"),
HTML("<p>1) Select weights for parameters and click 'Run' to
initiate tool.<br/><br/>
2) Use rightside panel to adjust Table and Map Settings.<br/>
3) Use search/sort functions of Table to identify parcels.
Select row to display Total Score Chart.<br/><br/>
4) Input View and Parcel ID from Table to Map settings to
identify parcel in Map.<br/><br/>
5) When satisfied with weights, click 'Export Shapefile' to
save shapefile of all parcels.<p/><br/>"),
HTML("<strong>Calculate Parcel Scores: </strong><br/>"),
helpText('The sum of the weights must equal to 1.'),
sliderInput(inputId = "weightPluvial", label = "Weight for Pluvial
value = 0.20, min = 0, max = 1),
sliderInput(inputId = "weightRest", label = "Weight for
value = 0.20, min = 0, max = 1),
sliderInput(inputId = "weightGI", label = "Weight for Green
value = 0.20, min = 0, max = 1),
sliderInput(inputId = "weightSC", label = "Weight for City
Stormwater Controls",
value = 0.20, min = 0, max = 1),
sliderInput(inputId = "weightUNCWI", label = "Weight for UNCWI",
value = 0.20, min = 0, max = 1),
actionButton("run", "Run"),
actionButton("export", "Export Shapefile")),
HTML("<h3><strong>Table Summary</strong></h3>"),
HTML("<h4>Table Settings:</h4>"),
checkboxGroupInput(inputId = 'show_vars', label = 'Select column(s)
to display in Table:', choices = dt.names, selected = dt.default),
HTML("<strong>Total Score Chart:</strong>"),
helpText("Please select Table row to display pie chart."),
column(8, offset = 2,
HTML("<h3><strong>Map Display</strong></h3>"),
leafletOutput("map", height = 800),
HTML("<h4>Map Settings:</h4>"),
checkboxGroupInput(inputId = 'show_neigh', label = 'Select
View(s) to display in Map:', choices = neigh.names,
selected = neigh.default),
sliderInput("range", "Select score range to display in Map:", min
= 0.0, max= 10.0, value = as.numeric(c("0.0", "10.0")), step = 0.1),
HTML("<strong>Parcel Zoom:</strong>"),
helpText("The View and Score Range must contain the parcel of
interest to execute zoom."),
numericInput('parcel','Enter Parcel ID',0)
server <- function(input, output) {
defaultData <-
eventReactive(input$run, {
# Multiply by Weights
merge.proj#data$Pluvial_WtScore <-
round(merge.proj#data$Pluvial_Score*input$weightPluvial, digits = 1)
merge.proj#data$Rest_WtScore <-
round(merge.proj#data$Rest_Score*input$weightRest, digits = 1)
merge.proj#data$GI_WtScore <-
round(merge.proj#data$GI_Score*input$weightGI, digits = 1)
merge.proj#data$SC_WtScore <-
round(merge.proj#data$SC_Score*input$weightSC, digits = 1)
merge.proj#data$UNCWI_WtScore <-
round(merge.proj#data$UNCWI_Score*input$weightUNCWI, digits = 1)
# Find Total Score
merge.proj#data$Total_Score <- merge.proj#data$Pluvial_WtScore +
merge.proj#data$Rest_WtScore + merge.proj#data$GI_WtScore +
merge.proj#data$SC_WtScore + merge.proj#data$UNCWI_WtScore
# Subset by neighborhood
neighData <- reactive ({
merge.proj <- defaultData()
# Plot with leaflet
# Palette for map
colorpal <- reactive({
merge.proj <- neighData()
colorNumeric(palette = "YlOrRd",
domain = merge.proj$Total_Score)
# Pop Up Option for map
# popup <- paste0("<strong>Parcel ID: </strong>",
# merge.proj#data$PARCEL_ID,
# "<br><strong>Total Score: </strong>",
# merge.proj#data$Total_Score)
# Label Option for map
labels <- reactive({
merge.proj <- neighData()
sprintf("<strong>Parcel ID: </strong>%s<br/><strong>Total Score:
merge.proj$Total_Score) %>% lapply(htmltools::HTML)
# Render Default Map
output$map <- renderLeaflet ({
merge.proj <- neighData()
pal <- colorpal()
lab <- labels()
leaflet() %>%
#addProviderTiles(provider='Esri.WorldImagery') %>%
# setView(zoom =) %>%
addTiles() %>%
#data = merge.proj[input$show_neigh,, drop = FALSE],
fillColor = ~pal(Total_Score),
weight = 1,
opacity = 1,
color = "white",
dashArray = "3",
fillOpacity = 0.7,
highlight = highlightOptions(
weight = 3,
color = "#666",
dashArray = "",
fillOpacity = 0.7,
bringToFront = TRUE),
# popup= popup) %>%
label = lab,
labelOptions = labelOptions(
style = list("font-weight" = "normal", padding = "3px 8px"),
textsize = "15px",
direction = "auto")) %>%
addLegend(position = "bottomleft",pal = pal, opacity = 0.7, values =
merge.proj$Total_Score, title = "<strong>Total Score</strong>")
# Build Data Table
output$table <- renderDataTable({
merge.proj <- defaultData()
table.dat <- merge.proj[, c('PARCEL_ID', 'PIN', 'OWNER_NAME',
'TOTAL_VALU', 'SALE_PRICE', 'Pluvial_WtScore', 'Rest_WtScore', 'GI_WtScore',
'SC_WtScore', 'UNCWI_WtScore', 'Total_Score', 'View')]
datatable(data = table.dat#data[, input$show_vars, drop = FALSE],
options = list(lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 20, 30), pageLength = 20), rownames =
# Plot-ly
output$pie <- renderPlotly({
merge.proj <- defaultData()
names <- c('Pluvial', 'Rest', 'GI', 'SC', 'UNCWI')
colors <- c('rgb(128,133,133)', 'rgb(211,94,96)', 'rgb(144,103,167)',
'rgb(114,147,203)', 'rgb(171,104,87)')
selectedrowindex <-
selectedrowindex <- as.numeric(selectedrowindex)
df <- data.frame(merge.proj[selectedrowindex, c('Pluvial_WtScore',
'Rest_WtScore', 'GI_WtScore', 'SC_WtScore', 'UNCWI_WtScore')])
vector <- unname(unlist(df[1,]))
if (!is.null(input$table_rows_selected)) {
par(mar = c(4, 4, 1, .1))
plot_ly(labels = names, values = vector, type = 'pie',
textposition = 'inside',
textinfo = 'label+percent',
insidetextfont = list(color = '#FFFFFF'),
hoverinfo = 'text',
text = ~paste('Score:', vector),
marker = list(colors = colors,
line = list(color = '#FFFFFF', width = 1)),
#The 'pull' attribute can also be used to create space between the sectors
showlegend = FALSE) %>%
layout(#title = '% Total Score',
xaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE),
yaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE))
else {return(NULL)}
# Update map to parcel score slider
# Subset data
filteredData <- reactive({
merge.proj <- neighData()
merge.proj[merge.proj#data$Total_Score >= input$range[1] &
merge.proj#data$Total_Score <= input$range[2],]
# New Palette
colorpal2 <- reactive({
merge.proj <- filteredData()
colorNumeric(palette = "YlOrRd",
domain = merge.proj$Total_Score)
# Pop Up Option
# popup <- paste0("<strong>Parcel ID: </strong>",
# merge.proj#data$PARCEL_ID,
# "<br><strong>Total Score: </strong>",
# merge.proj#data$Total_Score)
# Label Option
labels2 <- reactive({
merge.proj <- filteredData()
sprintf("<strong>Parcel ID: </strong>%s<br/><strong>Total Score:
merge.proj$Total_Score) %>% lapply(htmltools::HTML)
#Leaflet Proxy
merge.proj <- filteredData()
pal2 <- colorpal2()
lab2 <- labels2()
leaf <- leafletProxy("map", data = filteredData()) %>%
clearShapes() %>%
fillColor = ~pal2(Total_Score),
weight = 1,
opacity = 1,
color = "white",
dashArray = "3",
fillOpacity = 0.7,
highlight = highlightOptions(
weight = 3,
color = "#666",
dashArray = "",
fillOpacity = 0.7,
bringToFront = TRUE),
# popup= popup) %>%
label = lab2,
labelOptions = labelOptions(
style = list("font-weight" = "normal", padding = "3px 8px"),
textsize = "15px",
direction = "auto"))
sub.dat <- merge.proj[merge.proj$PARCEL_ID==input$parcel,]
zx <- mean(extent(sub.dat)[1:2])
zy <- mean(extent(sub.dat)[3:4])
leaf <- leaf %>%
#Update Legend
proxy <- leafletProxy("map", data = filteredData())
pal2 <- colorpal2()
proxy %>% clearControls()
proxy %>% addLegend(position = "bottomleft",pal = pal2, opacity = 0.7,
values = ~Total_Score, title = "<strong>Total Score</strong>")
# Export new shapefile
#make so that user can choose name and allow overwrite
observeEvent(input$export, {
merge.proj <- defaultData()
writeOGR(merge.proj, dsn = "Data", layer = "Strategies_Output", driver =
"ESRI Shapefile")
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Issue resolved! My initial suspicion was correct; it had to do with the .rdata file. It also relates to's servers which run on a Linux based server. From my reading, Linux only handles lowercase file paths and extensions. The reason why it worked for the .csv file is because it's pretty common to have the file extension saved in all lowercase. This was not the case for the .RData file. Using the RStudio IDE and the physical "Save Workspace" button, the default file extension is .RData (case sensitive). I couldn't rename the file extension (for some reason, I'm not the most tech-savvy person). Similar to the load() function, there's the save() function. Previously, I used the save() file as follows (note the capitalized .RData at the end):
save(df_training_separated_with_models, file = "sample_data_with_models.RData")
However, using the same function in all lowercase fixes the issue:
save(df_training_separated_with_models, file = "sample_data_with_models.rdata")
Hope this helps any other poor soul with the same issue that is scouring the internet and other forums.

Trying to subset in the Plotly call using Shiny input still plots on full data frame

The following code works to an extent - it plots a graph, but it is very clearly not subsetting the original data frame, but plotting based on all the indicators, years etc. Any thoughts on why? I have tried wrapping in reactive, using select(filter from dplyr, using "" around the input$indicator etc. I have spent about 4 hours looking through various suggestions on here, Plotly and Shiny sites, without a solution. Starting to doubt I'll ever get the hang of this.
# This is a Shiny web application. You can run the application by clicking
# the 'Run App' button above.
#Import QOF indicators
dat <- readRDS("data")
my.df <-
# Define UI for application that draws boxplot
ui <- fluidPage(
# Application title
titlePanel("FingerTips QOF Prevalences"),
# Input for year, area and indicator
selectInput(inputId = "indicator",
label = "Choose indicator:",
choices = levels(my.df$IndicatorName),
selected = "Hypertension: QOF prevalence (all ages)"),
selectInput(inputId = "areatype",
label = "Type of area:",
choices = levels(my.df$AreaType),
selected = "County & UA"),
selectInput(inputId = "year",
label = "Choose a year:",
choices = levels(my.df$Timeperiod),
selected = "2015/16")),
# Show a plot of the generated distribution
plotlyOutput("bPlot", height = 500, width = 1000)
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output) {
# draw the boxplot
output$bPlot <- renderPlotly({
plot_ly(data = subset(my.df, my.df$IndicatorName ==
input$indicator & my.df$AreaType == input$areatype &
my.df$Timeperiod == input$year), y = my.df$Value, color
= my.df$ParentName, type = "box",
colors = viridis_pal(alpha = 1, begin = 0, end = 1,
direction = -1, option = "D")(3)) %>%
layout(title = input$indicator, titlefont = list(family
= "Helvetica", size = 16),
xaxis = list(type = "category", tickfont = list(family =
"Helvetica", size = 8)),
yaxis = list(title = "Prevalence (%)", titlefont =
list(family = "Helvetica", size = 12)))})
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)