Why Qwt extension does not work in Qt Visual Studio? - c++

Im currently woking in Visual Studio 2022 with Qt extension with MSVC 2019 Qt version 5.12.2 x64. I succesfully executed qmake in Qt Creator 6.4.0 and obtained build (msvc2019 x64) release folder. Then I ran nmake and nmake install which got me Qwt-6.2.0 folder in my C drive with doc,features,include,lib and plugins folders. I also added qwt_designer_plugin.dll to plugins designer. After that I tried to add qwtPlot in Qt designer but when I ran programme I get this error message:
Error message
I tried to add libs and include files via project properties but nothing worked at all. Any suggestions please?

I figure it out myself. Note that Qt (as least up to the 5 releases) have a consistent naming of their files, modules and libraries: With or without a d suffix. If a DLL have a d suffix (like Qt5Cored.dll) then it's a library for debug builds, make sure you build with the debug libraries for your debug build.
So you just add qwtd.lib for debug and qwt.lib for release in Additional Dependencies.


Compiling GDCM dlls 2.8.4 for Windows with Visual Studio 2013

I am trying to compile GDCM 2.8.4 for Windows. Can anybody describe how to compile it with Visual Studio 2013 Professional? The GDCM wiki is out of date. Thanks a lot.
First of all, you will have to install CMake. Then
Start CMake GUI.
I guess you already have the gdcm-2.8.4 directory (in a directory X:\XXXXX\ ) containing
and other subdirs. So set the in the CMake GUI "source dir" to X:\XXXXX\gdcm-2.8.4 . (NOT to its Source subdir!).
Then you create a new directory, where CMake will create the VS projects, let's call it X:\XXXXXX\GDCM-VSProjects. In the CMake GUI set "Where to build the binaries" to X:\XXXXXX\GDCM-VSProjects.
Then, in the CMake GUI press "Configure".
After configuring CMake offers you some options; choose at least GDCM_BUILD_APPLICATIONS, GDCM_BUILD_EXAMPLES, GDCM_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS. For documentation you will need doxygen, latex and possibly more.
Then, in the CMake GUI press "Generate". Now a lengthy calculation is performed and finally VS solution and VS subprojects are generated into your new X:\XXXXXX\GDCM-VSProjects subdirectory.
Now you can open GDCM.sln in VisualStudio and BuildAll in 64 bit Release mode.
After the build, you will find libs, dlls and exes in the bin/Release subdirectory of your X:\XXXXXX\GDCM-VSProjects.
Thats it.

Build release version of shared *.so library with Android Studio

I am making a C++ share library for Android. I created new project with Android Studio and enabled C++.
I also enabled C++ 11 ans Exception support.
New project was created and the build.gradle and CMakeLists.text files were generated. The problem is that Adnroid Studio is only generating a Debug version of the *.so library. I need the release version to be generated too.
The debug library is being generated at
I noticed there is another directory at
but it is empty. It does not have the release version of the library.
How can I force Android Studio to build/compile the release version of the *.so library. I put those images up to make sure that I didn't miss any step.
Using Android Studio 2.3.
Played around with Android Studio and discovered that this can be changed by selecting the Root of your project (app) going to Build --> Select Build Variant... then change the Build Variant from Debug to Release.
You can also use the gradle target assembleRelease in the commandline. This will automatically build for all architectures. gradlew should be in the root of the Android Studio project.
./gradlew assembleRelease

How to use Qt Creator with Visual C++ compiler on windows?

I installed Visual Studio 2008, Qt 4.8 libraries for vs2008 and Qt add in. I can build Qt projects in VS2008. But it's very inconvenient for me. When I open Qt project in Qt creator it can't compile because can't find qmake.
So, how to build projects using Qt Creator on windows.
Use CMake to build your software. With CMake you can:
-Build your project on a continuous integration server
Compile with different compilers (Microsoft, gcc, clang) to get additional static checking.
Open the top level CMakeLists.txt with creator as a project file.
Have CMake create Visual Studio project files.
If you want to fix Creator only:
Qt Creator needs to know where your Qt installation is. Choose the green Qt symbol in the settings menu, klick Qt Version and enter the path to qmake. Then Qt Creator should be ready to go.
hope this will help its having easy steps with some solution of errors that one may encounter during installation http://qtitkvtkhelp.blogspot.in/2012/11/qt-installation-prerequisite-1.html

Qt Creator with Visual C++ 11

I want to use Qt Creator with MS VC++ 11 but it says there is no toolchain to build Qt.
I installed Qt with the full SDK installer.
What to do now?
Isn't MSVC++ 11 comes with Visual Studio 11? If so then Qt hasn't supported makespec file for that version AFAIK (correct me if I am wrong). But following are the (rough) steps for running Qt Creator with MSVC 2010 nmake/cl tool-chain..
Download Qt SDK 4.8.2 compiled using msvc-2010 toolchain from this site (second page).
Install MS VC++ 2010 free development tools (or full SDK), which comprises of nmake/cl/cdb executables.
Restart PC so as to initialize environment variable and all.
Start Qt Creator, by now you will notice msvc-2010 tool-chain has been identified by Qt Creator (Tools -> Options Dialog). If not then manually add it.
Also confirm that Qt version 4.8.2 of msvc-2010 has been identified in Qt Versions tab. If not then manually add it by giving path of qmake in bin of Qt SDK folder. It will also select msvc-2010 tool-chain automatically.
Here you go, now go to Projects and in Build Settings, select msvc-2010 tool-chain and compile. Make sure win32-msvc2010 is selected as makespec file.
Hope this helps.
try building using the makespec of Visual Studio 2010.
SET QMAKESPEC=win32-msvc2010
before running configure and qmake should do the job

Qt 4.7.1, Qt Creator and VS 2010 installation problems

On my computer (Win7 32, VS2010 Ultimate) I would like to use Qt Creator and Qt Visual Studio add in, both LGPL versions.
There are minGW and VS2008 versions of Qt frameworks on the Nokia websites, I did not find VS 2010 version.
So I have installed Qt 2010.05 SDK and in the VS 2010 Command prompt the following steps have been performed:
configure -static
nmake sub-src
I checked Qt Creator and it successfully runs. After the translation has been finished I installed VS 2010 add I tried to add new Qt version int the path
But the following error message has been appeared:
Qt in the given path was built using minGW
It do not understand why because the translation has been performed for the VS2010.
Where is the error? How to install it correctly?
I found out from a German Qt forum that, VS add-in looks for libqtmain.a and libqtmaind.a files to determine if it is built with MinGW. Guess what? Qt ships with those files.
Delete them, and you will be fine.
FWIW, The Vs2008 version works fine with VS2010. I didn't need to build it or anything. You can install that and then just run the latest version of the VS plug-in installer and you should see the Qt menu options in VS2010.
AFAIR your command line is incomplete: I remember one had to specify the build platform. It could be that it's using mingw to build Qt since you didn't specify the VS version in the parameters. The following post might be of interest to you: Building Qt 4.5 with Visual C++ 2010