Unable to load build.framework.js unity webgl - build

Trying to build a game for a WebGL, but it always (no matter what I tried) says
Unable to load file Build/build.framework.js! Check that the file exists on the remote server. (also check browser Console and Devtools Network tab to debug)
Unity WebGL Player page
Publishing Settings
Compression Settings
There is no Build/build.framework.js file in export directory.
I already tried to turn off the compression, optimization, engine stripping, nothing works.


expo dev client application doesn't open

I'm trying to use expo-dev-client to add react-native-sms-retriever library to my project because expo doesn't have a library that supports reading sms messages. In expo documentation, it's suggested that I should use expo-dev-client to add custom native code. You can see the documentation here: https://docs.expo.dev/workflow/customizing/#developing-apps-with-custom-native-code
I followed all of the steps in starting guide for expo-dev-client. https://docs.expo.dev/clients/getting-started/
But when I start my app using "expo start --dev-client" and run on android, a white screen is shown for a second and then I'm redirected to expo go application page.
in console, the following 2 lines are written:
› Opening on Android...
› Opening com.droppgroup.masterclean://expo-development-client/?url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8081 on LDN_L21
I tried this on real device and 2 other emulators but I got the same result. I reinstalled expo go application and it still doesn't work.
Any suggestions on what I can do to make this work?
The issue may be a problem with Expo config plugins, which configure native code for an Expo project, by configuring Info.plist for example. I am currently experiencing a similar issue, though after scanning the QR code, I am directed to a black screen in my Expo Dev Client which crashes and takes me back to the home page. The Dev Client worked perfected until I ran expo add react-native-bluetooth-classic, since I am trying to access iOS bluetooth APIs. I am currently working on this issue, but I just wanted to point you in the direction of config plugins since the examples Expo gives for customizing your runtime have config plugins registred in the "plugins" property of app.json.
It may be necessary to create your own plugin, though I am unsure.
Please let me know if you come up with any fixes, and so will I.

Unable to use gridsome website in offline mode

I've built a gridsome website, but when I try to use it offline (by directly loading index.html into my browser), it fails to load the files in the assets folder, and links to other pages fails
running in windows:
after installing gridsome, I did the following:
gridsome create sample
cd sample
gridsome build
then I went to file explorer and opened the sample/dist directory and double clicked on index.html (Chrome is my default browser, but IE behaves the same)
the result is a half-loaded webpage that is missing the style sheets, javascript, images, and links are broken.
For instance, the "about" link on the first page points to "D:/about" vs. ".\about.html".
Is there anyway to make gridsome work to create a truly off-line website?
A website needs a webserver. When you are running in dev mode Gridsome provides that for you, when you build out the site you need something to serve it to your browser.

Trouble keeping image path's consistent with WebStorm dev Vx production

I love using WebStorm for building html/css/JavaScript apps but one problem I have not been able to figure out is how to deal with paths to images on my src attribute of image tags.
I have (for example) a project path in WebStorm of /documents/myproj/index.html where I've opened the project at /documents/myproj. WebStorm sees the root of the project as /myproj but the URL created when I browse is localhost/myproj/index.html. When I publish the site it becomes localhost/index.html (on my public server).
Image src tags are a problem for me because in development, the WebStorm server wants src=/myproj/1.jpg and in production it wants src=/1.jpg.
Any suggestions for how to keep this straight between running in local mode with WebStorm's built-in simple web server and the published version?
You can edit the host accordingly to make WebStorm serve your files using a different URL. See https://devnet.jetbrains.com/message/5532366#5532366 for some hints

Chartboost sample app not showing Ads

I am trying to integrate a tool Chartboost into our game.
We are using following tools for development.
Xcode 5.0.2.
Latest ChartBoost Library.
Deployment target being iOS 6.1.
Base SDK being iOS 7.0.
Game Engine Cocos2d-x ( C++ ).
In order to use ChartBoost I followed these steps.
Created an account at Chartboost.
Added an app
Platform: iOS
Nick Name: Added
-Test Mode: Enabled
and Its showing the App Id and App signature.
Added a Campaign.
-Its On.
-CampaignStart and End are blank, so it will be effective as soon as possible.
-Filter By Bundle verion is Min 1.0 and Max blank .(already tried by keeping both blank.)
-Selected the App I added ,as the app where this campaign will run.
-Campaign Logic: Added test device with UUID.
-Rest of the options are untouched.
For test purpose I downloaded and used the sample iOS project provided at ChartBoost site. I replaced the App Id and App signature with my App's ID and Signature.On running the app, it does not display any ads. It logs messages like :
-failure to load interstitial at location Default
-failure to load interstitial at location Pause screen
-failure to load more apps
-failure to load interstitial at location After level 1
I am not able to conclude what wrong I have done! Please help on this issue.
1. I have already received a mail from ChartBoost mentioning I have successfully integrated the SDK, and in front of added app , the SDK and Frame icons are lit(green), which essentially shows , I have integrated the SDK correctly.
2.Our game is still under development and as we are using the Cocos2d-x which is c++ Game engine ,so we will be using some wrapper to call the ChartBoost library. Once we get the idea how it works on native platform.
In Chartboost sometimes it happens that you have set in the Chartboost dashboard that your game is in "Landscape" mode for example.
While your game is actually running in portrait mode.
In such cases you will get these errors.
Make both these same. Either change in the Chartboost dashboard for your app or change in the game's project file :)

Configure IIS 7.0 to enable webservices in classic mode

What are the configuration file settings to enable webservices on IIS 7.0 in classic mode?
The site has to be in a classic mode application pool because the Report Viewer controls crash when running in Integrated Mode. However in a classic mode application pool, webservices produce the following error message:
The requested content appears to be
script and will not be served by the
static file handler.
•If you want to serve this content as
a static file, add an explicit MIME
EDIT - Additional Error Message Info:
HTTP Error 404.17 - Not Found
Module: StaticFileModule
Notification: ExecuteRequestHandler
Handler: StaticFile
Error Code: 0x80070032
Note: This particular instance of the application will be running in a customers account on a shared hosting enviroment so access to IIS UI is not/will not be available. Specifically seeking configuration file adjustments.
In IIS Manager (Start -> Run -> inetmgr), select the website or virtual directory you want to set to classic mode.
In the right hand panel "Actions", click on "Basic Settings".
Next to application pool (that is defaulted to DefaultAppPool), click "Select" and change it to "Classic .Net AppPool".
Walkthrough is here.
Update: Sorry, I misread your question. There are a couple of things you can try:
The first is to double check the IIS installation features from the control panel (Programs and Features -> Turn Windows Features on and off -> Internet Information Services -> World Wide Web Services -> Application Development Features). I have everything bar CGI and Server-side includes checked).
Secondly, make sure that your site is correctly setup as an application (select website -> Actions -> View Applications). If it isn't there you'll need to add it.
Third thing to check is specifically the Handlers, which is accessed through IIS Manager -> Select website -> Handler Mappings -> Open Feature -> Make sure .asmx is there. I have it three times, WebServiceHandlerFactory-Integrated (handler System.Web.Handlers.WebAdminHandler), WebServiceHandlerFactory-ISAPI-2.0 (Isapi Module), and WebServiceHandlerFactory-ISAPI-2.0-64 (Isapi Module).
Finally you make sure you are using the correct .NET version for that application.
Again, apologies for the original duff answer.
Thanks Junto for the post! I tried so many things that other people were suggested but couldn't get my site to work. I followed your instructions and sure enough, my applications were listed under Sites in IIS, but were not shown in the Application Pools. I deleted the Applications and created them. Everything work as expected after that.
In case someone is interested of what I went through. I was migrating from IIS6 to IIS7. All the virtual directories and applications seem to be ported fine, but not all of them got into the Application Pools. So, if you're running into the same issue, "Error 400.17. If you want to serve this content as a static file, add an explicit MIME map", check your App Pool to make sure all your applications are shown.
This sounds like your HandlerMappings are a bit screwy. You can revert to known good a baseline (provided you haven't tinkered with the server wide Handler Mappings) by doing:
Open IIS Manager
Open the site in question
In the Features View for the site open the Handler Mappings feature
In the Actions pane (top right), click on "Revert To Parent"