How to add a conditional statement in markdown? - if-statement

I am trying to conditionally show a header depending whether any object is present in a list or not. I can't understand how to do it in markdown.
I want my code to show the Heading "Dancers" if and only if any dancers are present in dancers_list
{% include %}
{% include %}
How is something like this possible?


How to get value from "object_list" returned by listview

I want to check the particular value from "object_list" returned by ListView in a template.
So I wrote code this way.
{% object_list.<primary key>.<column> %}
{% if object_list.ABCD1234.item_name == "myitem" %}
do something
{% endif %}
In this example, ID(primarykey) is "ABCD1234" Column name is "item_name" and value in "item_name" is "myitem".
Maybe I wrote something wrong, it does not work at all.
Please teach me how to fix the code to get value from object_list to make the above conditional branching works well.
I just mentioned the above settings in this question but still if more code is required then tell me I'll update my question with that information. Thank you

How to assign value to a variable on Django template through jQuery

I have a Django template file working with a passed value like the below.
{% include 'boutique/rating.html' with score=[I want to put value here] %}
When I usually put value into the template, I could easily do it by doing like the below.
{% for store in stores %}
{% include 'boutique/rating.html' with score=store.review_score %}
{% endfor %}
However, as I get into more complex templates, I need to assign the value to the score parameter in the include section through jQuery. Is there a way that I can acheive this through jQuery?
What you need to understand is this: The part of the template between {% and %} is interpreted by Django. It is processed entirely on the server. In other words, it never shows up in the browser, but gets replaced by some sort of standard HTML.
On the other hand, jQuery is a Javascript library and operates entirely in the browser -- it doesn't know anything about the server or Django.
So, to modify the included template with jQuery, you have to find out what HTML it renders to. You can probably do that by looking at the included template file. Then, treat that HTML the way you would any other part of the page for manipulation with jQuery.

what is difference between {{}} and {% %} in django templates

I am very new to django and working on it.. I visited a html file and dont know the difference between {{}} and {% %} in html files used
as here
{% load static %}
Thanks a lot
You can use
{% %} For sentences such as if and for or to call tags such as load, static, etc.
{{ }} To render variables in the template.
Read More about it at Django Docs
{% %} is for displaying code and {{}} is for displaying variables
There are three things in the template in Django
First is template variable and the second thing is template tag and third and last is template filter
so we write a template variable is {{}}
and write a template tag is {% %}
third and last is template filter {{variable |filter:arg}}
I'm new too for Django, so if i'm wrong, please someone correct me.
The difference between they are:
{{variable}} is used to use a variables. When the template encounters a variable, it evaluates that variable and replaces it with the result.
You also can use filters {{variable|filter}} like this:
{{name|length}} in this case you will use a variable "name" and return the length of that variable.
{%tag%} could use for loops or logic, or load external information into the template to be used by later variables. You can create block tags to help extend other html files parts. Also you can create custom tags.
A good place to see how to do it:
Tags like loops and block, need to be closed.
{{ }} for veriables that rendered from view function also used in FOR LOOP veriables like
`enter code here`
{% for obj in qs%}
{{ obj.veriable_name }}
{% endfor %}

Conditional include tag in Django

I've ran into very strange behavior of Django template system. I have a template file, namely test.html, which recursively includes itself:
{% include "test.html" %}
Of course, such template has no chance to be rendered, since there is no finishing condition. OK, let's try the following:
{% if test_false %}{% include "test.html" %}{% endif %},
where test_false is a variable passed to template and equal to False.
One expects that it just will not include anything, but it does:
RuntimeError at /test/
maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
I don't get it. Include tag can take arguments from current context, so I doubt it is executed before any other part of the page. Then why does it ignore condition tag?
Django has optimization that include templates that are given by constants at compilation.
Set name of template to variable and include it in that way:
{% include test_template %}
Django will not be able to use it's optimization and your code should work.
Like Thomasz says, Django can only make this optimization if the path is defined as a constant string in the including template - like so:
{% include "test.html" %}
But I would rather not have to put the template path in the context from Python code.
So here is a slightly more self contained way of achieving the same result - wrap the include in a with:
{% with "test.html" as path %}
{% include path %}
{% endwith %}

Django conditional template inheritance

I have template that displays object elements with hyperlinks to other parts of my site. I have another function that displays past versions of the same object. In this display, I don't want the hyperlinks.
I'm under the assumption that I can't dynamically switch off the hyperlinks, so I've included both versions in the same template. I use an if statement to either display the hyperlinked version or the plain text version. I prefer to keep them in the same template because if I need to change the format of one, it will be easy to apply it to the other right there.
The template extends framework.html. Framework has a breadcrumb system and it extends base.html. Base has a simple top menu system.
So here's my dilemma. When viewing the standard hyperlink data, I want to see the top menu and the breadcrumbs. But when viewing the past version plain text data, I only want the data, no menu, no breadcrumbs. I'm unsure if this is possible given my current design. I tried having framework inherit the primary template so that I could choose to call either framework (and display the breadcrumbs), or the template itself, thus skipping the breadcrumbs, but I want framework.html available for other templates as well. If framework.html extends a specific template, I lose the ability to display it in other templates.
I tried writing an if statement that would display a the top_menu block and the nav_menu block from base.html and framework.html respectively. This would overwrite their blocks and allow me to turn off those elements conditional on the if. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be conditional; if the block elements are in the template at all, surrounded by an if or not, I lose the menus.
I thought about using {% include %} to pick up the breadcrumbs and a split out top menu. In that case though, I'll have to include it all the time. No more inheritance. Is this the best option given my requirement?
You can put your hyperlinks inside a block that is overridden by the loading templates.
Let's say you have your framework.html like this:
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block hyperlinks %}
your hyperlinks here
{% endblock %}
rest of the code
You can then create something of a nolinks.html template and use it
{% extends "framework.html" %}
{# here you'll have everything from framework
but now we disable the breadcrumbs #}
{% block hyperlinks %}{% endblock %}
If you're getting the past data you can then use nolinks to render instead of framework.
I hope this helps.
From here: Any way to make {% extends '...' %} conditional? - Django
It can be done like this :
{% extends ajax|yesno:"ajax_base.html,main_base.html" %}
{% extends a_variable_containing_base_template_name %}
Which ever best suited for you.