I'm attempting to iterate on the results of a terraform module and build a set of AWS glue crawlers and IAM roles based on how many source S3 buckets are set in the terraform module
I'm specifically trying to use this line
for_each = {for key, value in setproduct(local.bucket-names, key=>value}
or this line
for_each = {for key, value in setproduct(local.bucket-names, module.crawler_source_buckets.*.id): key=>value}
or this line
for_each = {for key, value in setproduct(local.bucket-names, module.crawler_source_buckets.[*].id): key=>value}
but these all result in different errors such as
│ Error: Invalid function argument
│ on line 11, in resource "aws_glue_crawler" "bucket_crawlers":
│ 11: for_each = {for key, value in setproduct(local.bucket-names, key=>value}
│ ├────────────────
│ │ while calling setproduct(sets...)
│ │ is a object
│ Invalid value for "sets" parameter: a set or a list is required.
│ Error: Invalid template interpolation value
│ on line 14, in resource "aws_glue_crawler" "bucket_crawlers":
│ 14: path = "s3://${each.value[1]}"
│ ├────────────────
│ │ each.value[1] is object with 2 attributes
│ Cannot include the given value in a string template: string required.
which is making me question if the thing I want to do is even possible. Maybe the answer in this case is that I use the base variable declarations since AWS S3 Ids and ARNs follow a known standard pattern but I would like to know how to iterate on module outputs that are declared with a for_each pattern since that seems very useful.
locals {
bucket-names = [
module "crawler_source_buckets" {
source = "../../modules/s3-bucket-v2"
for_each = toset(local.bucket-names)
bucket_name = each.value
# There's more code but I'm choosing to leave it out for clairty
output "arn" {
description = "The ARN of the main bucket."
value = aws_s3_bucket.main.arn
output "id" {
description = "The ID (name) of the main bucket."
value =
# There's an extra 60 lines I'm choosing to leave out for clarity.
resource "aws_glue_catalog_database" "catalog_databases" {
name = each.value
for_each = toset(local.bucket-names)
resource "aws_glue_crawler" "bucket_crawlers" {
database_name = each.value[0]
name = "${each.value[0]}-crawler"
role = aws_iam_role.glue_crawler_role.arn
for_each = {for key, value in setproduct(local.bucket-names, key=>value}
s3_target {
path = "s3://${each.value[1]}"
schedule = "cron(*/15 * * * ? *)"
Since you are using for_each in the module you have to access it using key. For example, module.crawler_source_buckets["key"].id. To get all ids you have to use the following:
So it should be:
for_each = {for key, value in setproduct(local.bucket-names, values(module.crawler_source_buckets)[*].id): key=>value}
Looking to deploy a Fargate application where the invoking function runs the ECS container in two arbitrarily selected subnets from the default VPC.
So far my template looks like this:
data "aws_subnets" "subnets" {
filter {
name = "vpc-id"
values = [var.vpc_id]
data "aws_subnet" "subnet" {
for_each = toset(data.aws_subnets.subnets.ids)
id = each.value
resource "aws_lambda_function" "ecs_invoker" {
function_name = "ecs_invoker"
environment {
variables = {
SUBNET_PRIMARY = data.aws_subnet.subnet[0]
SUBNET_SECONDARY = data.aws_subnet.subnet[1]
However, this produces the following error:
│ Error: Invalid index
│ on line 16, in resource "aws_lambda_function" "ecs_invoker":
│ 16: SUBNET_PRIMARY = data.aws_subnet.subnet[0]
│ ├────────────────
│ │ data.aws_subnet.subnet is object with 6 attributes
│ The given key does not identify an element in this collection value. An object only supports looking up attributes by name, not by numeric index.
So how exactly should I grab two arbitrary subnet IDs from the default VPC?
Since you used for_each, data.aws_subnet.subnet will be a map, not a list. So to get two first subnet ids, you can do:
SUBNET_PRIMARY = values(data.aws_subnet.subnet)[0].id
SUBNET_SECONDARY = values(data.aws_subnet.subnet)[1].id
To get two random ids, you can do:
resource "random_shuffle" "subnets" {
input = values(data.aws_subnet.subnet)[*].id
result_count = 2
and then
SUBNET_PRIMARY = random_shuffle.subnets.result[0]
SUBNET_SECONDARY = random_shuffle.subnets.result[1]
I am trying to access a list inside a list of maps in terraform. The structure is as below:
"vpc_name" = "vpc1"
"acl_name" = "acl1"
"subnet_name" = ["sub1-az1","sub2-az2"]
"vpc_name" = "vpc2"
"acl_name" = "acl2"
"subnet_name" = ["sub1-az1","sub2-az2"]
I am trying to get "subnet_name"(a list) from the list of maps in my child module and it does not work. Below is the piece of code that i am using.
data "aws_vpc" "vpc_nacl" {
count = length(var.nacl[*])
filter {
name = "tag:Name"
values = [element(var.nacl[*]["vpc_name"],count.index)]
locals {
lcl_vpc_nacl = data.aws_vpc.vpc_nacl.*.id
data "aws_subnet_ids" "example" {
count = length(var.nacl[*]["subnet_name"])
vpc_id = element(local.lcl_vpc_nacl,count.index)
filter {
name = "tag:Name"
values = [element(var.nacl[*]["subnet_name"],count.index)]
I am getting the below error when terraform plan is executed.
│ Error: Incorrect attribute value type
│ on Modules\NACL\ line 28, in data "aws_subnet_ids" "example":
│ 28: values = [element(var.nacl[*]["subnet_name"],count.index)]
│ ├────────────────
│ │ count.index is 1
│ │ var.nacl is list of object with 5 elements
│ Inappropriate value for attribute "values": element 0: string required.
Any fixes or suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
From aws_subnet_ids data source documentation, I see values within filter expects a set.
Looking code you are almost there, but you are passing a list of lists to values which is why you have this error.
element((var.nacl[*]["subnet_name"]), count.index) extracts list of subnets in the format of list.
All you need is to convert into set and pass without square braces like below..
data "aws_subnet_ids" "example" {
count = length(var.nacl[*]["subnet_name"])
vpc_id = element(local.lcl_vpc_nacl,count.index)
filter {
name = "tag:Name"
values = toset(element((var.nacl[*]["subnet_name"]), count.index))
Give a try & let me know if this helps..
I am using terraform 1.0.11
I am trying to set an output of my secret manger.
resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "aws_secret" {
for_each = { for secret in var.secrets : secret.secret_name => secret}
name = each.value.secret_name
output "secret_arns" {
value = tolist(aws_secretsmanager_secret.aws_secret[*].arn)
However, it is throwing me this error.
│ Error: Unsupported attribute
│ on ../Resources/secrets/ line 2, in output "secret_arns":
│ 2: value = tolist(aws_secretsmanager_secret. aws_secret[*].arn)
│ This object does not have an attribute named "arn".
Is there anything that I did wrongly here?
Your aws_secretsmanager_secret.aws_secret is a map. So it should be:
output "secret_arns" {
value = values(aws_secretsmanager_secret.aws_secret)[*].arn
resource "aws_sqs_queue" "CloudTrail_SQS"{
for_each = var.sqs_queue_names
name = each.value
visibility_timeout_seconds = var.visibility_timeout_seconds
max_message_size = var.max_message_size
message_retention_seconds = var.message_retention_seconds
delay_seconds = var.delay_seconds
receive_wait_time_seconds = var.receive_wait_time_seconds
redrive_policy = jsonencode({
deadLetterTargetArn = aws_sqs_queue.CloudTrail_SQS_DLQ[each.key].arn
maxReceiveCount = var.max_receive_count
tags = var.default_tags
resource "aws_sqs_queue" "CloudTrail_SQS_DLQ"{
for_each = var.dead_queue_names
name = each.value
visibility_timeout_seconds = var.visibility_timeout_seconds
max_message_size = var.max_message_size
message_retention_seconds = var.message_retention_seconds
delay_seconds = var.delay_seconds
receive_wait_time_seconds = var.receive_wait_time_seconds
tags = var.default_tags
resource "aws_sqs_queue_policy" "Cloudtrail_SQS_Policy" {
queue_url = aws_sqs_queue.CloudTrail_SQS[each.key].id
My terragrunt plan returns this. it complains about for_each and when i try to fix that i get another errror, but unsure what to do with it:
1.....Error: Missing resource instance key
│ on line 2, in resource "aws_sqs_queue_policy" "Cloudtrail_SQS_Policy":
│ 2: queue_url =
│ Because aws_sqs_queue.CloudTrail_SQS has "for_each" set, its attributes
│ must be accessed on specific instances.
│ For example, to correlate with indices of a referring resource, use:
│ aws_sqs_queue.CloudTrail_SQS[each.key]
2...Error: Missing resource instance key
│ on line 14, in resource "aws_sqs_queue_policy" "Cloudtrail_SQS_Policy":
│ 14: "Resource": "${aws_sqs_queue.CloudTrail_SQS.arn}",
│ Because aws_sqs_queue.CloudTrail_SQS has "for_each" set, its attributes
│ must be accessed on specific instances.
│ For example, to correlate with indices of a referring resource, use:
│ aws_sqs_queue.CloudTrail_SQS[each.key]
Error: Reference to "each" in context without for_each
│ on line 27, in resource "aws_sqs_queue_policy" "CloudTrail_SQS_DLQ":
│ 27: queue_url = aws_sqs_queue.CloudTrail_SQS_DLQ[each.key].id
│ The "each" object can be used only in "module" or "resource" blocks, and
│ only when the "for_each" argument is set.
There is no for_each in your Cloudtrail_SQS_Policy. Thus you can't use each.key.
Guess it should be:
resource "aws_sqs_queue_policy" "Cloudtrail_SQS_Policy" {
for_each = var.dead_queue_names
queue_url = aws_sqs_queue.CloudTrail_SQS[each.key].id
I have a module that creates a VPC with public and private subnets
module "vpc" {
count = var.vpc_enabled ? 1 : 0
source = "./vpc"
and as an output of that module I'm extracting the private subnets
output "private_subnets" {
value = aws_subnet.private.*.id
Then I want to use that subnets list as an input of another module:
module "eks" {
source = "./eks"
name =
private_subnets = var.vpc_enabled ? module.vpc.private_subnets : var.private_subnets_id
basically what I'm trying to achieve is that the user can choose if he want to create a new VPC or use as an input a list of subnets of their existing VPC.
The problem that I've right now is that I'm getting the following error in terraform plan:
on line 32, in module "eks":
32: private_subnets = var.vpc_enabled ? module.vpc.private_subnets : var.private_subnets_id
| module.vpc is tuple with 1 element
This value does not have any attributes.
Does anyone knows how to fix this?
You are defining your vpc module with count. Thus you need to refer to individual instances of the module, even if you have only 1.
private_subnets = var.vpc_enabled ? module.vpc[0].private_subnets : var.private_subnets_id
Just to add Marcin's answer
I had a similar issue when working with dynamic blocks and locals in Terraform.
I had a locals block like this:
locals {
subnet_suffix = "dev-subnet"
delegation_settings = [{
subnet_delegation_name = "app-service-delegation"
subnet_service_delegation_name = "Microsoft.Web/serverFarms"
And I was referencing the attributes this way:
module "subnet_public_1" {
source = "../../../modules/azure/subnet"
subnet_name = "${var.subnet_name}-public-1-${local.subnet_suffix}"
resource_group_name =
virtual_network_name =
subnet_address_prefixes = var.subnet_address_prefixes.public_1
enforce_private_link_endpoint_network_policies = var.enforce_private_link_endpoint_network_policies.public_1
delegation_settings = [
subnet_delegation_name = local.delegation_settings.subnet_delegation_name
subnet_service_delegation_name = local.delegation_settings.subnet_service_delegation_name
tag_environment = var.tag_environment
And when I run terraform plan I get the error below:
│ Error: Unsupported attribute
│ on line 68, in module "subnet_public_1":
│ 68: subnet_delegation_name = local.delegation_settings.subnet_delegation_name
│ ├────────────────
│ │ local.delegation_settings is tuple with 1 element
│ This value does not have any attributes.
│ Error: Unsupported attribute
│ on line 69, in module "subnet_public_1":
│ 69: subnet_service_delegation_name = local.delegation_settings.subnet_service_delegation_name
│ ├────────────────
│ │ local.delegation_settings is tuple with 1 element
│ This value does not have any attributes.
Here's how I solved it:
All I had to do was to add the index to the attributes, in this case it was 0:
module "subnet_public_1" {
source = "../../../modules/azure/subnet"
subnet_name = "${var.subnet_name}-public-1-${local.subnet_suffix}"
resource_group_name =
virtual_network_name =
subnet_address_prefixes = var.subnet_address_prefixes.public_1
enforce_private_link_endpoint_network_policies = var.enforce_private_link_endpoint_network_policies.public_1
delegation_settings = [
subnet_delegation_name = local.delegation_settings[0].subnet_delegation_name
subnet_service_delegation_name = local.delegation_settings[0].subnet_service_delegation_name
tag_environment = var.tag_environment
That's all