How can I write a CMakeList.txt file for heavily nested project? - c++

Suppose my source code has the following directory structure:
├───apps {a.hh,, c.hh,}
│ └───biosimulations {main1.hh,, x.hh,}
└───core {, x.hh, y.hh,}
└───algorithms {p.hh,, q.hh,, s.hh,}
└───trees {r.hh,, main2.hh,}
Each folder has any number of header and source files with any name.
How can I write a CMakeList.txt file for this project?
This is scientific software.
I need to be able to use various parts of the same library to compile and build executables for multiple applications.
For example, in the above sample, main1.exe and main2.exe are supposed to be two different executable files.
Sometimes, I need to be able to switch off one or another executable from compiling.
Do you want the project to support testing, installation, and/or packaging?
No, I don't need them. I just need to be able to compile and execute the apps.
What is in core?
Model classes. e.g., Atom, Protein, Chain, etc.
Are the source files for core part of a single library or executable?
Part of executable. There is no static or dynamic library in the project.

Using add_subdirectory and add_library commands, recursively add all of the source files in the directory structure.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.x)
# Add subdirectories recursively
# Create the final executable
add_executable(my_app main.cpp)
# Link the libraries to the executable
target_link_libraries(my_app core simulations apps ui utils)
Then in each subdirectories(apps,core,simulations,ui, utils) you would need to add a new CMakeLists.txt that tells which source files are in that directory and create a library.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.x)
#for static libraries
add_library(core STATIC ${SRC_FILES})
#for dynamically linking libraries
add_library(core SHARED ${SRC_FILES})
# If you need executable here
# add_executable(core ${SRC_FILES})
This needs to be repeated for all subdirectories, untill all sources are covered. Above examples gives general structure, you need to define CMAKE flags as required.


Automatically only link source with included header in CMake (simple project structure)

I have the following simple c++ project structure:
include/ contains header files
src/ contains the source files
cli/ contains source files with a main method
Currently, I build the whole source into a single static library and then compile each file in cli/ individually and link that static library. I do this with just one CMakeLists.txt in the root directory that basically looks like this:
add_library(code STATIC ${SOURCE_FILES} ${HEADERS})
foreach (file ${EXECUTABLE_FILES})
get_filename_component(executable ${file} NAME_WE)
add_executable(${executable} ${file})
target_link_libraries(${executable} code)
endforeach ()
When I add a new file, I just add it to the appropriate list of files (headers, source, or executable).
Advantage: Simple work-flow with little overhead for maintaining the CMakeLists.txt.
Disadvantage: For each executable, the one big library is linked, even if the executable only uses the stuff in one of the source files (right now, there are about 15 executables using different subsets of the 25 source files).
My Question: Can I fix the disadvantage while keeping the advantage?
The only solution for fixing the disadvantage I could find is to manually specify for each executable which source files it needs. This is too tedious and error prone for my use case, as I will certainly forget to update the dependencies.
This is a bit unsatisfactory, as there is a very simple rule to which sources need to be linked: Every source file has a corresponding header file and I need to link src/file.cpp if and only if include/file.hpp is included. Is there any good way to tell CMake about this rule? Or do I need to write my own script that generates the CMakeLists.txt (which feels a bit like writing my own build system, which I would like to avoid)?

Cannot link local libraries in CMake

I'm developing a c++ program on visual studio that will be deployed on linux, and it is debugged on linux through an ssh. Currently, this is the structure of my folder:
Currently, all the .h, .cpp, .o, .cpp.o, .a files that I think I have to link to are kept within the three xs------- directories. I am quite new to cmake, and this linking to these libraries is giving me trouble; I am able to link correctly to the includes, but there are undefined references errors thrown when I don't do linking, and when I attempt linking, it throws errors. This is my current CMakeLists.txt file:
# CMakeList.txt : CMake project for ANT, include source and define
# project specific logic h"ere.
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.8)
project ("ANT")
link_directories(${ANT_SOURCE_DIR}/xscommon xscontroller xstypes)
target_include_directories(ANT PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
target_link_libraries(ANT PUBLIC xscommon_config)
When I run this, the builder says the following:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lxscommon_config
I need to look for these libraries in the directory that ANT.cpp is in, as this is where they are kept, however nothing I do (and I have messed around with configurations for hours now) will tell camke to look for these libraries in the src folder. it always goes to /usr/bin/ld.
I really just need to know what to tell CMake such that it will look in the correct place for each file, that is if I am telling it to look for the correct file (I am fairly sure I am).
So I have remade the CMakeLists.txt file to this:
# CMakeList.txt : CMake project for ANT, include source and define
# project specific logic here.
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.15)
project ("ANT")
add_library(xscommon SHARED IMPORTED)
add_library(xscontroller SHARED IMPORTED)
add_library(xstypes SHARED IMPORTED)
target_include_directories(ANT PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
And still get undefined references. I am going to try building the libraries instead. Additionally, I have contacted the manufacturer of the IMUs which use this SDK, as colleagues have not been able to fix this either.
The problem is you are linking to a library that has not been build.
# link to this directory
target_link_libraries(ANT PRIVATE xscommon)
tries to link to a library called xscommon to the target ANT but you have not build xscommon anywhere in your project.
If xscommon is a pre-build library and you just want to import it then add the library and set the IMPORTED target property:
add_library(xscommon [STATIC | SHARED | MODULE] IMPORTED)
If you want to build xscommon in your root CMakeLists.txt. Add xscommon as a library and include the location of the headers.
add_library(xscommon [STATIC | SHARED | MODULE]
xxx/xxx.cpp #list all source files that build the library - use relative path
target_include_directories(xscommon PRIVATE
xxx/xxx #path to the location of library header files
Also you don't need to add the header files when adding the executable. So this
can be simplified to
Suppose your dir is like this:
First add a CMakeLists.txt file to xscommon/:
Now in xscommon/CMakeLists.txt we will create a library, that will be imported and linked in the main CMakeLists.txt file:
#define another target, let's name it 'xscommon'
#more sources if you want
Now in the main CMakeLists.txt file:
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.8)
project ("ANT")
#remove this line
#link_directories(${ANT_SOURCE_DIR}/xscommon xscontroller xstypes)
# add the xscommon directory, this will make the library target defined there available here
# link to this directory
target_link_libraries(ANT PRIVATE xscommon)
# use PUBLIC if the xscommon library will be part of the public interface of your
# library. But since it is an executable, PRIVATE is better here.
target_include_directories(ANT PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
Use the above method, you can create more libraries and link to them.
Note that it is not necessary to create separate cmake files for each subdirectory but it is considered a good practice and modularizes your code. If you want to do this in the main cmake file instead of creating a subdirectory, add this to the main cmake:
#more sources if you want
Update according to the changes in question
Your current CMakeLists.txt:
These three lines below are not doing anything, definitely not what you think. add_library() command has the word "add" in it, I know, but it doesn't add any library, just like add_executable doesn't add any executable. It creates a library.
add_library(xscommon SHARED IMPORTED)
add_library(xscontroller SHARED IMPORTED)
add_library(xstypes SHARED IMPORTED)
How to create a library in cmake out of two file a.cpp and a.h:
add_library(myALib "a.cpp")
That's it. If you have more sources, you will include them accordingly of course. In your case you will have to add the sources of xscommon and others accordingly.
Once you have created the libraries, you need to link them to your executable. If you won't you will get undefined reference errors because compiler can locate the declarations in header files but not the definitions of your code which exists in .cpp files.
So, how do you link? Simple:
# TARGET_NAME: can be `executable` or `library`
# PUBLIC or PRIVATE (for exe, it is usually private)
# LIBRARY_NAME: Name of library you want to link to TARGET_NAME
# So if you wanted to link "myALib" which I created above to ANT, you would do:
target_link_libraries(ANT PRIVATE myALib)
# Note: You need to add this line **after** add_executable() because target "ANT" will be created after that. You can do the linking after the "target_include_directories" command.

CMake for Proto libraires

I have two Proto files across two different folders and am trying to use CMake for building the overall project.
protofile1 has protofile2 as it's dependency.
Library1 has protofile1 as it's dependency which I can generate using protobuf_generate_cpp.
But for generating protofile1, I have protofile2 as it's dependency. How do I do this using CMake?
How do I compile proto file and make it available as a library using CMake (in folder2)?
Folder Structure:
CMakeLists.txt for folder1
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)
find_package(Protobuf REQUIRED)
protobuf_generate_cpp(protofile1_cc protofile1_header protofile1.proto)
target_link_libraries(protofile1_cc INTERFACE protofile2_lib) # is this correct?
add_library(library1 INTERFACE)
target_sources(library1 INTERFACE
target_link_libraries(library1 INTERFACE protofile1_cc)
CMakeLists.txt for folder2
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)
find_package(Protobuf REQUIRED)
# don't know how to do this
add_library(protofile2_lib INTERFACE) # is this correct?
target_sources(protofile2_lib INTERFACE protofile2.proto) # is this correct?
The protobuf_generate_cpp command does not define targets, but it defines CMake variables referring to the auto-generated source files (.cc, .h). These variables should be used to define your targets via add_library(). You are on the right track, but your CMakeLists.txt file in folder2 should also call protobuf_generate_cpp to process protofile2.proto as well.
Also, if you're using CMake to build both, the top-level CMake (in the parent folder to folder1 and folder2) can find Protobuf so you don't have to find it twice. Something like this should get you closer to the desired solution:
CMakeLists.txt (top-level):
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)
find_package(Protobuf REQUIRED)
# Auto-generate the source files for protofile2.
protobuf_generate_cpp(protofile2_cc protofile2_header protofile2.proto)
# Use the CMake variables to add the generated source to the new library.
add_library(protofile2_lib SHARED ${protofile2_cc} ${protofile2_header})
# Link the protobuf libraries to this new library.
target_link_libraries(protofile2_lib PUBLIC ${Protobuf_LIBRARIES})
# Auto-generate the source files for protofile1.
protobuf_generate_cpp(protofile1_cc protofile1_header protofile1.proto)
# Use the CMake variables to add the generated source to the new library.
add_library(library1 SHARED ${protofile1_cc} ${protofile1_header})
# Link proto2 library to library1.
target_link_libraries(library1 INTERFACE protofile2_lib)

CMake - objects being built twice unnecessarily?

I have a list of files that need to be compiled for my main executable. My tests also need these files. When the test executable(s) are built, the object files are built again, even though earlier in the build they were built when the main executable was built.
Am I wrong in thinking this is not needed? If so is there a way to disable this?
set(MAIN ${SOURCE_DIR}/main.c)
add_executable(main_executable ${SOURCES} ${MAIN})
add_executable(test1_ex ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/test/ ${SOURCES})
Put the common code in a library and link the library to both your application and tests.
# The application's sources - except main
# build an application library
add_library(app_lib ${SOURCES})
# build an executable in terms of the application library
set(MAIN ${SOURCE_DIR}/main.c)
add_executable(main_executable ${MAIN})
target_link_libraries(main_executable PRIVATE app_lib)
# build a test executable in terms of the application library
add_executable(test1_ex ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/test/
target_link_libraries(test1_ex PRIVATE app_lib)
This could be due to the following scenario:
add_library(mylib1 file1.cpp common.cpp)
add_library(mylib2 file2.cpp common.cpp)
That created the same problem you're having for me, where common.cpp was being rebuilt for every library. My solution was this:
add_library(common_lib common.cpp)
add_library(mylib1 file1.cpp)
add_library(mylib2 file2.cpp)
target_link_libraries(mylib1 common_lib)
target_link_libraries(mylib2 common_lib)
That resolved the problem for me as the building (object creation) was done once, but it was linked to every other library.

How to work around CMake + XCode 4 paths dependencies?

I have projects structured like so:
In each folder is a CMakeLists.txt. I would like to generate a project file for each of the folders, and each AppsN references Libs. My method of doing that is by calling CMake's add_subdirectory(../Libs/Source/LibN) etc.
Now when I do this, CMake says add_subdirectory must specify a unique absolute path for the binary output folder.
See this post:
Xcode dependencies across different build directories?
XCode can not handle dependencies when the build output folder is unique per target. It needs one folder. And CMake does this by default, it just refuses to when the folder is not a subdir.
I tried altering and changing the output path after the target is created. This will build the objects to the output folder, XCode sees them, but all references to this target in the CMake script will use the unique path.
Proposed solutions are:
include project files in App1/Projects/Subdir and duplicate projects in an irrelevant location
reorganize my folders to a shared parent folder to avoid this CMake craziness, which presents some security problems for me (as some dirs are not public)
never refer to the target by its CMake name, instead using the shared path name. Not sure how to do this properly
try and get this patched on the CMake side somehow
switch to premake
Try to add the following to the root CMakeLists.txt:
PROJECT (ContainerProject)
"Single output directory for building all libraries.")
"Single output directory for building all executables.")
# for common headers (all project could include them, off topic)
# for add_subdirectory:
# 1) do not use relative paths (just as an addition to absolute path),
# 2) include your stuffs in build order, so your path structure should
# depend on build order,
# 3) you could use all variables what are already loaded in previous
# add_subdirectory commands.
# - inside here you should make CMakeLists.txt for all libs and for the
# container folders, too.
# you could use Libs inside Apps, because they have been in this point of
# the script
In Libs CMakeLists.txt:
In Source CMakeLists.txt:
# Lib2 could depend on Lib1
In this way all Apps could use all libraries. All binary will be made to your binary ${root}/bin.
An example lib:
ADD_LIBRARY(ExampleLib SHARED ${ExampleLibSrcs})
An example executable (with dependency):
# OSX gui style executable (Finder could use it)
Here is a stupid and working example.