How to extract usage metrics data from Power Bi workspace? - powerbi

I would like to extract automatically the data that is living in usage metrics section from power bi workspace in order to follow up the usage of the users in the company where I work for a change management initiative:
Is there any idea on how can I extract the data? maybe with and API or Power Automate? I'm not pretty sure if there is another reliable method to get the data from workspace and after storage it into a SQL data base to analyze it.


Power BI and Shared datasets how to allow users to create new measures and reports and publish

We are having difficulty finding a method of sharing a dataset and allowing users to use that dataset to create and publish their own reports. This would include ability to create new measures (Dax) and then publish themselves. Using the "service" live connection does not seem to allow that and if not using that there seems to be an issue of refreshing the data once that dataset is downloaded and modified with new columns/measures etc. 
Greatly appreciate any help on this. So far I have seen nothing that shows how to do any of this so I have to assume it may not be possible? Thank you. 
Live Connect to a Power BI Dataset allows for local measures.
If you need more modeling changes when working with a remote Data Set, the DirectQuery for Power BI Datasets and AAS feature (currently in preview) enables you to mash-up remote Data Set tables, with local tables, and allows for adding calculated columns to remote tables.
But you should use this with some care, as the query processing is split between the local model and the remote model(s), which can cause performance issues.

Can I freeze the data I have in a PowerBI Dataset to use it offline?

I have a power BI dataset that takes its data from a software made by the IT team in my organization.
I was wondering if it was possible for me to "freeze" all the data in the PBI dataset (like, taking a picture of the data for exemple today) and use this dataset for further analysis (I have another power BI file linked to that Power BI dataset). I know the data won't refresh, but it's not important for what I need to do, as I only need to have the past info.
The reason why I need to know if that's possible is that I'm going oversea for one month and won't have access to the original dataset. Downloading all the data into one excel is impossible as it is way to big.
It sounds like you're after some sort of snapshotting functionality
If you just wanted to keep the file as is, then you can download the pbix and just not refresh it provided its in import mode.
However one approach you could take if you want to continue doing development without worrying about accidentally refreshing is to use a power bi dataflow
You could copy your power query queries to a dataflow. Refresh them all as at today. Then don't refresh the dataflow anymore
You can then point your power bi dataset to your dataflow
That way if you wanted to do further transformation of data, you wouldnt be getting new data from the data source (so long as you dont refresh the dataflow)

How to deploy Power BI reports and connect them to a single Power BI Dataset

As far as I know, deploying a Power BI report from Power BI Desktop results in two items, the report itself and the dataset. When deploying a new report using the same dataset, will deploy the new report and a second copy of the same dataset in Power BI Service. That is not what I wanted. To not confuse end users and other, I want only an unique dataset deployed.
I want to make use of Azure Devops deploying to Power BI Service in a Dev, Test and Prod way. The dataset will be an azure analysis services data model, but the principle should be the same. I need to reduce the dataset to be exactly one and all reports must relate to that data model. I have heard of a Rest API or powershell scripting that can come to a rescue here.
So if any of you have done this or know of a good article that describes how to do this, I would be grateful.
Regards Geir
The best option is to separate the Power BI report in the frontend and the backend. You create a file purely for the dataset if you are importing, no reports created on it. You can then create the reports, using the service connection to the dataset, or with Power BI desktop, in the connection to Power BI Dataset option. Both will use 'Live Connection' mode, so you cannot add any other data sources to the model, for example bring in a CSV file or SQL database.
If you are connecting to an Azure Analysis Service data model, you can use this approach, however as it is only a connection only, not a full fat dataset, it should not be an issue to have copies of the dataset, as it is just the connection. Having copies of the dataset is only an issue if you are importing data, then it is best to move things to data flows, and use the same front/back end method, and the planning around the scheduling of the dataflows then datasets
You can use the REST API to move reports and the datasets that they connect to, and move items to new workspaces. If you have Power BI Premium that has a life cycle tool to move items between dev/test/live workspaces
If you create a report in desktop and choose 'Power BI Dataset' as live connection to work over it - when you upload the report to the same workspace, it will only upload the report and connect to the same dataset,tenant%20in%20Power%20BI%20environment.

How to access single tenant Azure Analsysis Server with Power BI Embedded

So, currently I'm having difficulty understanding how Power BI Embedded can be setup so that each customer can access data from their own separate Azure Analysis Service, this is an App Owns Data situation. Analysis Services will be running in In-Memory mode and it will be accessed from Power BI via Live Connect.
Ideally I would like the Power BI Report to be ignorant of the data set/data source until the embedded report is provided with a parameter (e.g. connection string) which the report interprets so that it knows which server to connect to. So, ideally have: one Workspace, one Report, and zero (or a fake) Dataset.
The following is roughly what I'm looking to do (note the Red and Blue flow access a different server):
It looks like if I created both a Report and Dataset per customer I can achieve my goal but this seems like a poor approach since if the Report needs to be updated this involves updating, potentially, hundreds of reports. Also creating hundreds of Reports seems like unnecessary overhead when all Power BI needs to change for each request is the connection string pointing to the data source.
So is it possible to share the Workspace and Report across all customers but having completely separate data sources? Or is my approach in conflict with the way Power BI expects to function?
To date, I've tried using Query Parameters when configuring the data source in Power BI Desktop but I get the following error:
The connect live option for this file is disabled because it already contains data from another data source. You cannot explore live data and connect to another type of data source in the same file.
Please note,
Every report in Power BI can be connected to only one Dataset.
There is NO ability to dynamically change a connection string on the fly.
Currently, and in the foreseeable future, you'd have to clone the report & dataset per customer (or per connection setup) and modify the new dataset's connection string to match.
You can then dynamically choose which report to display based on your customer's needs.
Cloning a report can be done using:
Changing the connection string would be done using:
(similar API for groups)
using the C#.NET library provided by Power BI team, you'd use
Reports.CloneReport(string reportKey, CloneReportRequest requestParameters)
Datasets.SetAllDatasetConnections(string datasetKey, ConnectionDetails parameters)

Power BI and Azure Document DB

I have connected to Azure Document DB by Power BI ,but it is taking too much time for data to load and even more time to apply the queries ...Is there any way to reduce this data loading time??
This is more of a generic question around Power BI and even broadly BI tools. But, in general, you have to specify more filters to the queries (yes, they can be edited even in plain SQL). Azure Cosmos DB is super-fast, it all depends on how much data you're trying to query. Also, make sure data is in the region from which users are accessing it in Power BI.