Consider the following example:
int main()
std::string_view foo = "This is a test";
auto split_foo = foo |
std::views::split(' ') |
[]( const auto &word )
return std::string_view{std::begin(word),std::end(word)};
} );
auto it = std::begin(split_foo);
while (it != std::end(split_foo))
std::cout<< "-> " << *it <<std::endl;
it = std::next(it);
That produces the following output:
-> This
-> is
-> a
-> test
I would like to iterate until one-before-end, such that the output is:
-> This
-> is
-> a
According to the following reference from std::ranges::prev
... for some underlying ranges, ranges::transform_view::end doesn't have the same return type as ranges::transform_view::begin, and so --r.end() won't compile. This isn't something that ranges::prev can aid with, but there are workarounds.
Does anyone know a workaround to decrement the end iterator from std::ranges::views::transform?
ps. I have tried std::next(std::end(split_foo), -1), which compiles but crashes the program because the iterator is not bidirectional.
Just change the while-loop to:
auto it = split_foo.begin();
auto next = std::ranges::next(it);
while (next != split_foo.end()) {
std::cout<< "-> " << *it <<std::endl;
it = next;
next = std::ranges::next(next);
Do not use std::xxx to operate iterators when dealing with C++20 <ranges>, instead, you should use ranges::xxx, since the former is not compatible with the C++20 iterator system.
I am having issues with the following piece of code while using threads.
I read on the Microsoft site that appending to the concurrent_vector does not mess with iterators, so I did not provide and mutex for the duration of the find_if operation.
So the error I am receiving is an "Access violation"
I have 6 threads running concurrently. Should I wrap this in a mutex? Does it need one. I'm fairly new to C++.
std::stringstream key;
key << "SearchString " << ID << ", " << "Options" << ", " << Date;
auto &it = std::find_if(
m_spList.begin(), m_spList.end(),
[&key] (std::unique_ptr<IBaseObject>const &bo){
return bo->ID() == key.str();
if (it != m_spList.end()) {
while (it != m_spList.end()) {
ReplacePartResult* rpr = dynamic_cast<ReplacePartResult*>(it->get());
if (rpr) {
if (rpr->ReplaceItem) {
replaceBOMID = rpr->BOMID > 0 ? rpr->BOMID : 0;
if (_parentPart) {
_parentPart->TemplateBomID = rpr->BOMID;
_parentPart->Name = rpr->Name;
_parentPart->Description = rpr->Description;
it = std::find_if(
++it, m_spList.end(),
[&key](std::unique_ptr<IBaseObject>const &bo){
return bo->ID() == key.str();
Not 100% why, but i re-factored the find_if into a new function and explicitly defined my iterator type and it seems to be behaving. Maybe sening the stringstream into the lambda was the issue?
concurrency::concurrent_vector<std::unique_ptr<IBaseObject>>::iterator IBaseObject_FindKey(concurrency::concurrent_vector<std::unique_ptr<IBaseObject>>& mv, std::string const& _key)
return std::find_if(std::begin(mv), std::end(mv), [&_key](std::unique_ptr<IBaseObject>const &bo){return bo->ID() == _key; });
I need to get the smallest element in a std::map. I'm aware that there is plenty of documentation available; however, I can't seem to get any to work.
I have two maps, bid and ask, both of which are properties of the Book class. Each is a map of queues. Each of these queues hold Order objects (which have various properties like price, volume, etc.). I have a member function update which obtains the best bid, best ask, and the spread:
void update(void)
unsigned long long highest_bid, lowest_ask = 0;
for (std::map<unsigned long long, queue<Order>>::iterator it = this->bid.begin(); it != this->bid.end(); ++it)
highest_bid = it->first;
// best ask code here
this->bestBid = highest_bid;
this->bestAsk = lowest_ask;
this->spread = labs(this->bestAsk - this->bestBid);
Where the ask code is, I've tried the following:
lowest_ask = this->ask.begin()->first;
This compiles, but when I debug it throws an assertion failure (which I've read up on other questions here and can't seem to understand):
Expression: map/set iterator not dereferencable
I've tried reverse iteration:
for(std::map<unsigned long long, queue<Order>>::reverse_iterator rit = this->ask.rbegin(); rit != this->ask.rend(); ++rit)
lowest_ask = rit->first;
Which compiles and debugs fine, but lowest_ask is always 0, which is wrong. When I step through it in the debugger it doesn't stop until it reaches zero.
I've tried swapping the iterators around:
for(std::map<unsigned long long, queue<Order>>::reverse_iterator rit = this->ask.rend(); rit != this->ask.rbegin(); ++rit)
lowest_ask = rit->first;
This compiled fine, but once again threw the debug assertion failure.
I could continue on and on on what I've tried, but this question is already over-complicated. I just don't understand why I can't just do what I did at the start (lowest_ask = this->ask.begin()->first).
Thank you very much in advance.
Iterating through the map and always assigning the same variable seems like needlessly hard work.
If you need to access the first item in the map (or the last item in the map) then begin() (or rbegin()) is all you need.
std::map <int, int> themap;
themap[4] = 1;
themap[2] = 2;
themap[1] = 3;
themap[6] = 4;
themap[5] = 5;
themap[7] = 6;
if (!themap.empty())
std::cout << "item[" << themap.begin()->first << "] = " << themap.begin()->second << std::endl;
std::cout << "item[" << themap.rbegin()->first << "] = " << themap.rbegin()->second << std::endl;
the only time you need to be careful with begin and rbegin is when your map is empty
I think you may just need to check that your containers are not empty so that begin() and rbegin() return something meaningful (defined).
Try this:
void update(void)
if(bid.empty() || ask.empty())
// best ask code here
this->bestBid = bid.rbegin()->first;
this->bestAsk = ask.begin()->first;
this->spread = labs(this->bestAsk - this->bestBid);
This is not "complicated"; it simply takes some standard debugging measures
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
namespace mock {
using Order = std::string;
struct Book {
using key_type = unsigned long long;
using order_queue_type = std::queue<Order>;
using property_type = std::map<key_type, order_queue_type>;
property_type bids, asks;
void diagnose(const property_type& prop) {
for (auto it = prop.cbegin(); it != prop.cend(); ++it) {
std::clog << "\t" << it->first << '\n';
void diagnose() {
std::clog << "bids:" << '\n';
std::clog << "asks:" << '\n';
Book() {
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<key_type> ba_dist(0, 1000);
std::uniform_int_distribution<std::size_t> len_dist(0, 10);
auto prop_gen = [&] (property_type& prop) {
auto count = len_dist(gen);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
auto val = ba_dist(gen);
auto pair = prop.emplace(val, order_queue_type());
if (!pair.second) {
std::clog << val << " already present" << '\n';
int main() {
mock::Book book;
Instead of the generator in my Book ctor, use your init routines, of course, and your Order type.
Well I think the question pretty much sums it up. I have a forward_list of unique items, and want to remove a single item from it:
std::forward_list<T> mylist;
// fill with stuff
mylist.remove_if([](T const& value)
return value == condition;
I mean, this method works fine but it's inefficient because it continues to search once the item is found and deleted. Is there a better way or do I need to do it manually?
If you only want to remove the first match, you can use std::adjacent_find followed by the member erase_after
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <forward_list>
#include <iostream>
#include <ios>
#include <iterator>
// returns an iterator before first element equal to value, or last if no such element is present
// pre-condition: before_first is incrementable and not equal to last
template<class FwdIt, class T>
FwdIt find_before(FwdIt before_first, FwdIt last, T const& value)
assert(before_first != last);
auto first = std::next(before_first);
if (first == last) return last;
if (*first == value) return before_first;
return std::adjacent_find(first, last, [&](auto const&, auto const& R) {
return R == value;
int main()
auto e = std::forward_list<int>{};
std::cout << std::boolalpha << (++e.before_begin() == end(e)) << "\n";
std::cout << (find_before(e.before_begin(), end(e), 0) == end(e)) << "\n";
auto s = std::forward_list<int>{ 0 };
std::cout << (find_before(s.before_begin(), end(s), 0) == s.before_begin()) << "\n";
auto d = std::forward_list<int>{ 0, 1 };
std::cout << (find_before(d.before_begin(), end(d), 0) == d.before_begin()) << "\n";
std::cout << (find_before(d.before_begin(), end(d), 1) == begin(d)) << "\n";
std::cout << (find_before(d.before_begin(), end(d), 2) == end(d)) << "\n";
// erase after
auto m = std::forward_list<int>{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 3, 5 };
auto it = find_before(m.before_begin(), end(m), 3);
if (it != end(m))
std::copy(begin(m), end(m), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, ","));
Live Example
This will stop as soon as a match is found. Note that the adjacent_find takes a binary predicate, and by comparing only the second argument, we get an iterator before the element we want to remove, so that erase_after can actually remove it. Complexity is O(N) so you won't get it more efficient than this.
FWIW, here's another short version
template< typename T, class Allocator, class Predicate >
bool remove_first_if( std::forward_list< T, Allocator >& list, Predicate pred )
auto oit = list.before_begin(), it = std::next( oit );
while( it != list.end() ) {
if( pred( *it ) ) { list.erase_after( oit ); return true; }
oit = it++;
return false;
Going to have to roll your own...
template <typename Container, typename Predicate>
void remove_first_of(Container& container, Predicate p)
auto it = container.before_begin();
for (auto nit = std::next(it); ; it = nit, nit = std::next(it))
if (nit == container.end())
if (p(*nit))
A more complete example...
There is nothing in the standard library which would be directly applicable. Actually, there is. See #TemplateRex's answer for that.
You can also write this yourself (especially if you want to combine the search with the erasure), something like this:
template <class T, class Allocator, class Predicate>
bool remove_first_if(std::forward_list<T, Allocator> &list, Predicate pred)
auto itErase = list.before_begin();
auto itFind = list.begin();
const auto itEnd = list.end();
while (itFind != itEnd) {
if (pred(*itFind)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
This kind of stuff used to be a standard exercise when I learned programming way back in the early '80s. It might be interesting to to recall the solution, and compare that with what one can do in C++. Actually that was in Algol 68, but I won't impose that on you and give the translation into C. Given
typedef ... T;
typedef struct node *link;
struct node { link next; T data; };
one could write, realising that one needs to pass the address of the list head pointer if is to be possible to unlink the first node:
void search_and_destroy(link *p_addr, T y)
while (*p_addr!=NULL && (*p_addr)->data!=y)
p_addr = &(*p_addr)->next;
if (*p_addr!=NULL)
link old = *p_addr;
*p_addr = old->next; /* unlink node */
free(old); /* and free memory */
There are a lot of occurrences of *p_addr there; it is the last one, where it is the LHS of an assignment, that is the reason one needs the address of a pointer here in the first place. Note that in spite of the apparent complication, the statement p_addr = &(*p_addr)->next; is just replacing a pointer by the value it points to, and then adding an offset (which is 0 here).
One could introduce an auxiliary pointer value to lighten the code a bit up, as follows
void search_and_destroy(link *p_addr, T y)
link p=*p_addr;
while (p!=NULL && p->data!=y)
p=*(p_addr = &p->next);
if (p!=NULL)
*p_addr = p->next;
but that is fundamentally the same code: any decent compiler should realise that the pointer value *p_addr is used multiple times in succession in the first example, and keep it in a register.
Now with std::forward_list<T>, we are not allowed access to the pointers that link the nodes, and get those awkward "iterators pointing one node before the real action" instead. Our solution becomes
void search_and_destroy(std::forward_list<T> list, T y)
std::forward_list<T>::iterator it = list.before_begin();
const std::forward_list<T>::iterator NIL = list.end();
while (std::next(it)!=NIL && *std::next(it)!=y)
if (std::next(it)!=NIL)
Again we could keep a second iterator variable to hold std::next(it) without having to spell it out each time (not forgetting to refresh its value when we increment it) and arrive at essentially the answer by Daniel Frey. (We could instead try to make that variable a pointer of type *T equal to &*std::next(it) instead, which suffices for the use we make of it, but it would actually be a bit of a hassle to ensure it becomes the null pointer when std::next(it)==NIL, as the standard will not let us take &*NIL).
I cannot help feel that since the old days the solution to this problem has not become more elegant.
I am trying to setup a map of map structure in C++ but can't make it work as expected. I put together this sample program to illustrate the issue. Please excuse the mess if it seems convoluted but I want to preserve the case as much as I can.
So the current print out is: L1, size = 0
and what I was expecting is something like:
L1, size 1
L2, 4
It seems like the second level map is not established properly, maybe a scoping issue, but I can't quite figure it out. The program is as the following:
// So the map is
// AKEY -> { BKEY -> [ SegPair, SegPair .... ] }
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
typedef std::string AKEY;
typedef std::string BKEY;
typedef std::pair<int,int> SegPair;
typedef std::vector<SegPair> SegVec;
typedef std::map<BKEY, SegVec> Ensemble;
typedef std::map<AKEY, Ensemble> Oracle;
using std::string;
Oracle o = Oracle();
void setup(string akey, string bkey, int x, int y) {
auto pos = o.find(akey);
if (pos == o.end()) {
o[akey] = Ensemble();
Ensemble e = o[akey];
auto pos2 = e.find(bkey);
if (pos2 == e.end()) {
e[bkey] = SegVec();
SegPair p(x, y);
int main(void) {
setup("L1", "L2", 3, 4);
for (auto it = o.begin(); it != o.end(); it++) {
std::cout << it->first;
Ensemble e = it->second;
std::cout << ", size = " << e.size() << "\n";
for (auto it2 = e.begin(); it2 != e.end(); it2++) {
std::cout << "\t" << it2-> first << "\n";
SegVec v = it2->second;
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
std::cout<< v[i].second << " ";
I think your problem is with this line:
Ensemble e = o[akey];
You're creating a local, rather than capturing the lvalue in the map by reference, for mutation. Thus, any changes you make to e after that point will simply be discarded when e goes out of scope.
In setup, e is a copy of the object in o.
When you modify it, you're not modifying anything in o.
To fix, use a reference:
Ensemble& e = o[akey];
That will make e refer to the same thing as o[akey] instead of a copy.
Is it possible to access the std::for_each iterator, so I can erase the current element from an std::list using a lambda (as below)
typedef std::shared_ptr<IEvent> EventPtr;
std::list<EventPtr> EventQueue;
EventType evt;
EventQueue.begin(), EventQueue.end(),
[&]( EventPtr pEvent )
if( pEvent->EventType() == evt.EventType() )
EventQueue.erase( ???Iterator??? );
I've read about using [](typename T::value_type x){ delete x; } here on SO, but VS2010 doesn't seem to like this statement (underlines T as error source).
You are using the wrong algorithm. Use remove_if:
EventQueue.remove_if([&](EventPtr const& pEvent)
return pEvent->EventType() == evt.EventType();
The STL algorithms do not give you access to the iterator being used for iteration. This is in most cases a good thing.
(In addition, consider whether you really want to use std::list; it's unlikely that it is the right container for your use case. Consider std::vector, with which you would use the erase/remove idiom to remove elements that satisfy a particular predicate.)
no, use a regular for instead.
for( auto it = EventQueue.begin(); it != EventQueue.end(); ++it )
auto pEvent = *it;
if( pEvent->EventType() == evt.EventType() )
it = EventQueue.erase( it );
Erase is not the only time you may need to know iterator from lambda.
To do this in a more general way, I am using & operator (implicit conversion to iterator) like this :
int main (int argc, char* argv []) {
size_t tmp [6] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
std::list<size_t> ls ((size_t*)tmp, (size_t*) &tmp [6]);
//printing next element
std::for_each ((const size_t*)tmp, (const size_t*) &tmp [5], [] (const size_t& s) {
std::cout << s << "->";
std::cout << *(&s +1) << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;