Evaluation order of let-in expressions with tuples - ocaml

My old notes on ML say that
let (𝑣₁, … , 𝑣ₙ) = (𝑑₁, … , 𝑑ₙ) in 𝑑′
is a syntactic sugar for
(Ξ» 𝑣ₙ. … (Ξ» 𝑣₁. 𝑑′)𝑑₁ … )𝑑ₙ
and that
let (𝑣₁, 𝑣₂) = 𝑑 𝑑′ in 𝑑″
is equivalent to
let 𝑣 = 𝑑 𝑑′ in
let 𝑣₂ = snd 𝑣 in
let 𝑣₁ = fst 𝑣 in
each 𝑣 (with or without a subscript) stands for a variable,
each 𝑑 (with or without a sub- or a superscript) stands for a term, and
fst and snd deliver the first and second component of a pair, respectively.
I'm wondering whether I got the evaluation order right because I didn't note the original reference. Could anyone ((confirm or reject) and (supply a reference))?

It shouldn't matter whether it's:
let 𝑣 = 𝑑 𝑑′ in
let 𝑣₂ = snd 𝑣 in
let 𝑣₁ = fst 𝑣 in
let 𝑣 = 𝑑 𝑑′ in
let 𝑣₁ = fst 𝑣 in
let 𝑣₂ = snd 𝑣 in
Since neither fst nor snd have any side-effects. Side-effects may exist in the evaluation of 𝑑 𝑑′ but that's done before the let binding takes place.
Additionally, as in:
let (𝑣₁, 𝑣₂) = 𝑑 𝑑′ in 𝑑″
Neither 𝑣₁ nor 𝑣₂ is reliant on the value bound to the other to determine its value, so the order in which they're bound is again seemingly irrelevant.
All of that said, there may be an authoritative answer from those with deeper knowledge of the SML standard or the inner workings of OCaml's implementation. I simply am uncertain of how knowing it will provide any practical benefit.
Practical test
As a practical test, running some code where we bind a tuple of multiple expressions with side-effects to observe order of evaluation. In OCaml (5.0.0) the order of evaluation is observed to be right-to-left. We observe tthe same when it comes to evaluating the contents of a list where those expressions have side-effects as well.
# let f () = print_endline "f"; 1 in
let g () = print_endline "g"; 2 in
let h () = print_endline "h"; 3 in
let (a, b, c) = (f (), g (), h ()) in a + b + c;;
- : int = 6
# let f () = print_endline "f"; 1 in
let g () = print_endline "g"; 2 in
let h () = print_endline "h"; 3 in
let (c, b, a) = (h (), g(), f ()) in a + b + c;;
- : int = 6
# let f _ = print_endline "f"; 1 in
let g () = print_endline "g"; 2 in
let h () = print_endline "h"; 3 in
let a () = print_endline "a" in
let b () = print_endline "b" in
let (c, d, e) = (f [a (); b ()], g (), h ()) in
c + d + e;;
- : int = 6
In SML (SML/NJ v110.99.3) we observe the opposite: left-to-right evaluation of expressions.
- let
= fun f() = (print "f\n"; 1)
= fun g() = (print "g\n"; 2)
= fun h() = (print "h\n"; 3)
= val (a, b, c) = (f(), g(), h())
= in
= a + b + c
= end;
val it = 6 : int
- let
= fun f() = (print "f\n"; 1)
= fun g() = (print "g\n"; 2)
= fun h() = (print "h\n"; 3)
= val (c, b, a) = (h(), g(), f())
= in
= a + b + c
= end;
val it = 6 : int
- let
= fun f _ = (print "f\n"; 1)
= fun g() = (print "g\n"; 2)
= fun h() = (print "h\n"; 3)
= fun a() = print "a\n"
= fun b() = print "b\n"
= val (c, d, e) = (f [a(), b()], g(), h())
= in
= c + d + e
= end;
val it = 6 : int

Be aware that, in OCaml, due to the (relaxation of the) value restriction, let a = b in c is not equivalent to (fun a -> c)b. A counterexample is
# let id = fun x -> x in id 5, id 'a';;
- : int * char = (5, 'a')
# (fun id -> id 5, id 'a')(fun x -> x)
Error: This expression has type char but an expression was expected of type int
This means that they are semantically not the same construction (the let ... = ... in ... is strictly more general that the other).
This happens because, in general, the type system of OCaml doesn't allow types of the form (βˆ€Ξ±.Ξ±β†’Ξ±) β†’ int * char (because allowing them would make typing undecidable, which is not very practical), which would be the type of fun id -> id 5, id 'a'. Instead, it resorts to having the less general type βˆ€Ξ±.(Ξ±β†’Ξ±) β†’ Ξ± * Ξ±, which doesn't make it typecheck, because you can't unify both Ξ± with char and with int.


Static casting between types for Generic nested records

Nested F# Record with generic type parameter, how do I statically cast between types in nested structure equivalent to traversing and performing 'T |> 'K, e.g. float |> int?
Currently I am Naively traversing the nested records and explicitly converting the type with from:float |> to:int or equivalently int(from). However, this is not very beautiful.
type Person<'T> = {Id : int; Value : 'T}
type Family<'T> = {Id : 'T; People : seq<Person<'T>>}
let fam1 = {Id = 1.0; People = [{Id = 1.1; Value = 2.9}; {Id = 1.2; Value = 4.4}]} : Family<float>
let fam2 = {Id = 2.0; People = [{Id = 2.1; Value = 3.9}; {Id = 2.2; Value = 5.4}]} : Family<float>
let partyFloat = seq{ yield fam1; yield fam2}
// In general, how to do this from a type T to a type K where conversion using T |> K will work
let partyInt : seq<Family<int>> = partyFloat
How to statically and/or
lazily convert to seq<Family<int>>?
In my real world case I have a DiffSharp D type that can be converted to a float with D |> float or float(D).
There is no magic way to cast the insides of types, you have to write your own.
It is idiomatic for F# and functional programming in general (and I personally recommend it, too) to write small functions for simple data transformations, and then assemble them together:
let mapPerson f p = { Id = p.Id; Value = f p.Value }
let mapFamily f fm = { Id = f fm.Id; People = Seq.map (mapPerson f) fm.People }
let mapParty f = Seq.map (mapFamily f)
let partyInt = mapParty int partyFloat
But of course you can do it in one big messy go:
let partyInt =
|> Seq.map (fun fm ->
{ Id = int fm.Id
People =
|> Seq.map (fun p ->
{ Id = p.Id; Value = int p.Value }
It seems like what you are asking for are covariance ie that this should compile
let vs : obj list = ["1"; "2"]
F# doesn't support covariance (or contravariance) and probably never will. C# does however so you could write something like this
using System.Collections.Generic;
interface IPerson<out T>
int Id { get; }
T Value { get; }
interface IFamily<out T>
int Id { get; }
IEnumerable<IPerson<T>> Members { get; }
static class Program
static IFamily<string> CreateFamily()
return null;
static void Main(string[] args)
IFamily<string> familyOfString = CreateFamily();
IFamily<object> familyOfObject = familyOfString;
However, there's a functional pattern that could help us called polymorphic lenses.
(Picture from reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/2qjnho/learning_curves_for_different_programming/)
I used to think that polymorphic lenses isn't possible in F# due to the lack of higher-rank types. However, there's a hidden gem out there: http://www.fssnip.net/7Pk
Vesa Karvonen (IIRC he is also behind hopac so he's pretty cool) implements polymorphic lenses in F# using some pretty interesting tricks.
We can then map the inner values of an immutable structure reasonably easy.
let input : Family<int> =
Id = 1
Members = [{ Id = 10; Value = 123}; { Id = 11; Value = 456}]
printfn "%A" input
let output : Family<string> =
|> over Family.membersL (overAll Person.valueL ((+) 1 >> string))
printfn "%A" output
Full source code
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The code below taken from: http://www.fssnip.net/7Pk
// by Vesa+Karvonen - http://www.fssnip.net/authors/Vesa+Karvonen
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
type LensFunctor<'a> =
| Over of 'a
| View
member t.map a2b =
match t with
| Over a -> Over (a2b a)
| View -> View
type Lens<'s,'t,'a,'b> = ('a -> LensFunctor<'b>) -> 's -> LensFunctor<'t>
module Lens =
let view l s =
let r = ref Unchecked.defaultof<_>
s |> l (fun a -> r := a; View) |> ignore
let over l f =
l (f >> Over) >> function Over t -> t | _ -> failwith "Impossible"
let set l b = over l <| fun _ -> b
let (>->) a b = a << b
let lens get set = fun f s ->
(get s |> f : LensFunctor<_>).map (fun f -> set f s)
let fstL f = lens fst (fun x (_, y) -> (x, y)) f
let sndL f = lens snd (fun y (x, _) -> (x, y)) f
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The code above taken from: http://www.fssnip.net/7Pk
// by Vesa+Karvonen - http://www.fssnip.net/authors/Vesa+Karvonen
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
let overAll l f = List.map (over l f)
open Lens
type Person<'T> = { Id : int; Value : 'T }
module Person =
let idS i p = { p with Id = i }
let valueS v { Id = i } = { Id = i; Value = v }
let idL f = lens (fun {Id = i } -> i) idS f
let valueL f = lens (fun {Value = v } -> v) valueS f
type Family<'T> = { Id : int; Members : Person<'T> list }
module Family =
let idS i f = { f with Id = i }
let membersS m { Id = i } = { Id = i; Members = m }
let idL f = lens (fun {Id = i } -> i) idS f
let membersL f = lens (fun {Members = m } -> m) membersS f
let main argv =
let input =
Id = 1
Members = [{ Id = 10; Value = 123}; { Id = 11; Value = 456}]
printfn "%A" input
let output =
|> over Family.membersL (overAll Person.valueL ((+) 1 >> string))
printfn "%A" output

Build a sequence from a function

I wrote these function to build a sequence from a function i am having a stack overflow error while testing it
let rec from_fun f ()=
match f () with
| None -> Nil
| Some e -> Cons(e, from_fun f)
from_fun (fun () -> let x = 0 in if x<10 then Some (x+1) else None)
Your function always returns Some 1. It never returns None. So the sequence is infinitely long and the stack overflows while building it.
If you want a function to return different values when you call it, you can do two things. First, you can pass it different parameters. This isn't possible for your design of from_fun--the parameter to the function is always (). Second, your function can be impure. I.e., the function can maintain some mutable state.
Here is an example of a generator:
let range_generator from below step =
let counter = ref from
in fun () ->
if (!counter < below)
then (let result = (Some !counter) in
counter := !counter + step;
else None
For example, a call to range_generator 0 10 2 returns a closure over an internal counter mutable variable which generates all natural even numbers below 10:
# let gen = range_generator 0 10 2;;
val gen : unit -> int option = <fun>
Each call to gen possibly mutates the internal counter:
# gen();;
- : int option = Some 0
# gen();;
- : int option = Some 2
# gen();;
- : int option = Some 4
# gen();;
- : int option = Some 6
# gen();;
- : int option = Some 8
# gen();;
- : int option = None
# gen();;
- : int option = None
With your function:
# from_fun (range_generator 0 5 1);;
- : int list = [0; 1; 2; 3; 4]
The variable x you are using is local to the anonymous function you are using. As a result the function always return Some 1.
What you probably wanted to do is for the function to take an argument:
let rec from_fun f n =
match f n with
| None -> Nil
| Some e -> Cons(e, from_fun f e)
let seq = from_fun (fun x -> if x<10 then Some (x+1) else None) 0
Here is a solution with the appropriate type signature:
let rec from_fun f () =
match f () with
| None -> Nil
| Some e -> Cons(e, from_fun f ())
let x = ref 0
let seq = from_fun
(fun () ->
let v = !x in
if v < 10
then begin
x := v + 1;
Some v
else None)
It is worth noting that because of the side effects, you would have to reinitialise x before building a new sequence. The unit argument passed in parameter to from_fun is unnecessary, you could remove it.

Error: This expression has type cache list but is here used with type cache list

Locked. There are disputes about this question’s content being resolved at this time. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
I have a problem on my program, when I call on the Ocaml terminal "#matrix81 cache;;" it gives me the error: "This expression has type cache list but is here used with type cache list"
This is my code. Any help?
let rec makeLine w =
let y = w - 1 in
if w <> 0 then 0::(makeLine y)
else []
let rec makeMatrix w h =
let y = h - 1 in
if h <> 0 then (makeLine w)::(makeMatrix w y)
else []
let rec checkCache lc d t =
match lc with
[] -> 0
|x::xs -> if (x.difficulty = d) && (x.terrain = t) then (checkCache xs d t) + 1
else (checkCache xs d t)
let rec checkLine lc d t line =
match line with
|x::xs -> let nt = t +. 0.5 in
let v = 5.0 in
if (nt < v) then
let nx = (checkCache lc d t) in
(nx)::(checkLine lc d nt xs)
else []
let rec matrix81Aux m d lc =
match m with
[] -> []
|x::xs -> let nd = d +. 0.5 in
let v = 5.0 in
if (nd < v) then
(checkLine lc d 1.0 x)::(matrix81Aux xs nd lc)
else []
let matrix81 lc =
let m = makeMatrix 9 9 in
matrix81Aux m 1.0 lc
You don't show the definition of the type cache (or give the line number for the error).
The most common cause of this strange type of error message is that you have defined the same type name twice. This often happens when working from the toplevel and loading files with #use.
It's also possible you're defining the name cache twice some other way.
Recent versions of OCaml add an integer to the type name, to (try to) clarify that two different types are involved:
# type cache = A | B;;
type cache = A | B
# let f = function A -> 3 | B -> 4;;
val f : cache -> int = <fun>
# type cache = C | D;;
type cache = C | D
# let g x = match x with C -> f x | D -> 14;;
Error: This expression has type cache/1023
but an expression was expected of type cache/1018

What does function return when "function times zero" in functional programming?

I am stuck with this SML assignment. I am trying to create a compound function (fun compound n f). It's supposed to apply the function f on itself for n times for example, compound 3 f will equal to f(f(f(x))). I got it to work except for case where n is zero. I asked the professor but he won't tell me a direct answer. He tried to give me an hint that "what's function times zero?" I still can't figure that out either. Can stackoverflow figure it out?
My code:
fun compound n f =
if n < 2 then
if n = 0 then fn x => f x else fn x => f x
else fn x => f(compound (n-1) f(x));
val fnc = fn x => x + 1; (* example function to be used *)
compound 5 fnc(10); (* will return 15 which is correct*)
compound 0 fnc(10); (* returns 11, should be 10 *)
fun compound n f =
if n < 2 then
if n = 0 then fn x => x else fn x => f x
else fn x => f(compound (n-1) f(x));
I won't give you the final answer because I don't like to upset teachers ;) However, I'll try a derivation that I believe you'll find easy to complete.
Let's start from a very simple case. Let's "reimplement" function application, i.e., let's write a function that takes a function and an argument and apply the first param to the second one:
fun apply f a = f a
Let's use a contrived function, that increments integers, for testing:
- fun inc n = n + 1;
val inc = fn : int -> int
- inc 1;
val it = 2 : int
- apply inc 1;
val it = 2 : int
Now, let's write apply2, a function which takes a function and an argument and applies the param function two times to the argument:
fun apply2 f a = f (f a)
Let's test it with inc:
- apply2 inc 1;
val it = 3 : int
Seems to be working. As you might expect, we'd now implement apply3, apply4 and so on. Let's see some of them at once:
fun apply f a = f a
fun apply2 f a = f (f a)
fun apply3 f a = f (f (f a))
fun apply4 f a = f (f (f (f a)))
It looks like we can rewrite later ones in terms of the earlier ones:
fun apply2 f a = f (apply f a)
fun apply3 f a = f (apply2 f a)
fun apply4 f a = f (apply3 f a)
We can even rewrite apply:
fun apply f a = f (apply0 f a)
Remember the previous definition of apply, they're equivalent:
fun apply f a = f a
So, what should apply0 be?
fun apply0 f a = ...
What is the base case for this algorithm? i.e. at what value of n does the recursion terminate? When it terminated what do you return? Think about what you would want to return if f is not applied to x. In the context of your example, if fnc is applied to 10 zero times, what should be returned?
fun compound n f =
(* If n equals the termination value, then return the base case*)
if n = ?
else fn x => f(compound (n-1) f(x));
There is a pattern here that exists in the base case for recursive algorithms. For example, what is the sum of a list with no elements? Or, what is the length of a list with no elements?

OCaml's let polymorphism implementation

I'm confused about let polymorphism in OCaml.
Consider the following code:
let f = (fun v -> v) in
((f 3), (f true))
let f = (fun v -> v) in
((fun g ->
let f = g in
f) f)
let f = (fun v -> v) in
((fun g ->
let f = g in
((f 3), (f true))) f)
For A and B, there is no problem. But for C, OCaml reports error:
Error: This expression has type bool but an expression was expected of type
So for A, when evaluating ((f 3), (f true)), f's type is 'a -> 'a,
for B, when evaluating let f = g in f, f's type is 'a -> 'a.
But for C, when evaluating ((f 3), (f true)), f's type is int -> int.
Why C's f doesn't have type 'a -> 'a?
I have difficulty in understanding the implementation of OCaml's
let polymorphism, I'll appreciate it a lot if anyone can give a concise
description of it with respect to the question.
Your code is unnecessarily confusing because you're using the same name f for two different things in B and also two different things in C.
Inside C you have this function:
fun g -> let f = g in (f 3, f true)
Again this is unnecessarily complicated; it's the same as:
fun g -> (g 3, g true)
The reason this isn't allowed is that it only works if g is a polymorphic function. This requires rank 2 polymorphism, i.e., it requires the ability to define function parameters that are polymorphic.
I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do, but you can have a record type whose field is a polymorphic function. You can then use this record type to define something like your function:
# type r = { f : 'a . 'a -> 'a };;
type r = { f : 'a. 'a -> 'a; }
# (fun { f = g } -> (g 3, g true)) { f = fun x -> x };;
- : int * bool = (3, true)
# let myfun { f = g } = (g 3, g true);;
val myfun : r -> int * bool = <fun>
# myfun { f = fun x -> x };;
- : int * bool = (3, true)
The downside is that you need to pack and unpack your polymorphic function.
As a side comment, your example doesn't seem very compelling, because the number of functions of type 'a -> 'a is quite limited.