Better logging with JdbcDatabaseTester - unit-testing

I'm using JdbcDatabaseTester to load some XML files during testing.
Something like:
JdbcDatabaseTester databaseTester = new
try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(name)) {
XmlDataSet dataSet = new XmlDataSet(fis);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Could not do it " + e.getMessage());
throw e;
Whenever there is a failure, I will see the SQL error, something like:
MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`my_table`, CONSTRAINT `my_constraint` FOREIGN KEY (`my_key`) REFERENCES `foreign_table` (`foreign_primary_key`)
Which is okish, but not ideal.
Is there a way for JDBCUnit to give me exactly the xml element that has failed?


Issue with Weka core DenseInstance

I'm building up an Instances object, adding Attributes, and then adding data in the form of Instance objects.
When I go to write it out, the toString() method is already throwing an OutOfBoundsException and unable to evaluate the data in the Instances. I receive the error when I try to print out the data and I can see the exception being thrown just in the Debugger as it shows it can't evaluate the toString() for the data object.
The only clue I have is that the error message seems to be using the first data element (StudentId) and using it as an index. I'm confused as to why.
The code:
// Set up the attributes for the Weka data model
ArrayList<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>();
attributes.add(new Attribute("StudentIdentifier", true));
attributes.add(new Attribute("CourseGrade", true));
attributes.add(new Attribute("CourseIdentifier"));
attributes.add(new Attribute("Term", true));
attributes.add(new Attribute("YearCourseTaken", true));
// Create the data model object - I'm not happy that capacity is required and fixed? But that's another issue
Instances dataSet = new Instances("Records", attributes, 500);
// Set the attribute that will be used for prediction purposes - that will be CourseIdentifier
// Pull back all the records in this term range, create Weka Instance objects for each and add to the data set
List<Record> records = recordsInTermRangeFindService.find(0, 10);
int count = 0;
for (Record r : records) {
Instance i = new DenseInstance(attributes.size());
i.setValue(attributes.get(0), r.studentIdentifier);
i.setValue(attributes.get(1), r.courseGrade);
i.setValue(attributes.get(2), r.courseIdentifier);
i.setValue(attributes.get(3), r.term);
i.setValue(attributes.get(4), r.yearCourseTaken);
BufferedWriter writer = null;
try {
writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("./test.arff"));
} catch (IOException e) {
The error message:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1010, Size: 0
I figured it out finally. I was setting the Attributes to strings with the 'true' second parameter in the Constructors, but they were integers coming out of the database table. I needed to change my lines to convert the integers to strings:
i.setValue(attributes.get(0), Integer.toString(r.studentIdentifier));
However, that created a different set of issues for me as things like the Apriori algorithm don't work on strings! I'm continuing to plug along learning Weka.

ORA-00947: not enough values when creating object in Oracle

I created a new TYPE in Oracle in order to have parity between my table and a local c++ object (I am using OCCI interface for C++).
In the code I use
void insertRowInTable ()
string sqlStmt = "INSERT INTO MY_TABLE_T VALUES (:x)";
stmt = con->createStatement (sqlStmt);
ObjectDefinition *o = new ObjectDefinition ();
stmt->setObject (1, o);
stmt->executeUpdate ();
cout << "Insert - Success" << endl;
delete (o);
}catch(SQLException ex)
//exception code
The code compiles, connects to db but throws the following exception
Exception thrown for insertRow Error number: 947 ORA-00947: not enough
Do I have a problematic "sqlStmt"? Is something wrong with the syntax or the binding?
Of course I have already setup an environment and connection
env = Environment::createEnvironment (Environment::OBJECT);
occiobjm (env);
con = env->createConnection (user, passwd, db);
How many columns are in the table? The error message indicates that you didn't provide enough values in the insert statement. If you only provide a VALUES clause, all columns in the table must be provided. Otherwise you need to list each of the columns you're providing values for:
string sqlStmt = "INSERT INTO MY_TABLE_T (x_col) VALUES (:x)";
The VALUES clause is listing placeholder arguments. I think you need to list one for each value passed, e.g.:
string sqlStmt = "INSERT INTO MY_TABLE_T (GAME_ID, VERSION) VALUES (:x1,:x2)"
Have a look at occidml.cpp in the Oracle OCCI docs for an example.


I'm using Apache Calcite to parse a simple SQL statement and return its relational tree. I obtain a database schema using a JDBC connection to a simple SQLite database. The schema is then added using FrameworkConfig. The parser configuration is then modified to handle identifier quoting and case (not sensitive). However the SQL validator is unable to find the quoted table identifier in the SQL statement. Somehow the parser ignore the configuration settings and converts the table to UPPER CASE. A SqlValidatorException is raised, stating the the table name is not found. I suspect, the configuration is not being updated correctly? I have already validated that the table name is correctly included in the schema's meta-data.
public class ParseSQL {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
// register the JDBC driver
String sDriverName = "org.sqlite.JDBC";
JsonObjectBuilder builder = Json.createObjectBuilder();
builder.add("jdbcDriver", "org.sqlite.JDBC")
.add("jdbcUser", "root")
.add("jdbcPassword", "root");
Map<String, JsonValue> JsonObject =;
//argument for JdbcSchema.Factory().create(....)
Map<String, Object> operand = new HashMap<String, Object>();
//explicitly extract JsonString(s) and load into operand map
for(String key : JsonObject.keySet()) {
JsonString value = (JsonString) JsonObject.get(key);
operand.put(key, value.getString());
final SchemaPlus rootSchema = Frameworks.createRootSchema(true);
Schema schema = new JdbcSchema.Factory().create(rootSchema, "students", operand);
rootSchema.add("students", schema);
//build a FrameworkConfig using defaults where values aren't required
Frameworks.ConfigBuilder configBuilder = Frameworks.newConfigBuilder();
//set defaultSchema
//build configuration
FrameworkConfig frameworkdConfig =;
//use SQL parser config builder to ignore case of quoted identifier
//use SQL parser config builder to set SQL case sensitive = false
//get planner
Planner planner = Frameworks.getPlanner(frameworkdConfig);
//parse SQL statement
SqlNode sql_node = planner.parse("SELECT * FROM \"Students\" WHERE age > 15.0");
System.out.println("\n" + sql_node.toString());
//validate SQL
SqlNode sql_validated = planner.validate(sql_node);
//get associated relational expression
RelRoot relationalExpression = planner.rel(sql_validated);
} catch (SqlParseException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (RelConversionException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (ValidationException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} // end main
} // end class
***** ERROR MESSAGE ******
Jan 20, 2016 8:54:51 PM org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlValidatorException
SEVERE: org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlValidatorException: Table 'Students' not found
This is a case-sensitivity issue, similar to table not found with apache calcite. Because you enclosed the table name in quotes in your SQL statement, the validator is looking for a table called "Students", and the error message attests to this. If your table is called "Students", I am surprised that Calcite can't find it.
There is a problem with how you are using the SqlParser.ConfigBuilder. When you call build(), you are not using the SqlParser.Config object that it creates. If you passed that object to Frameworks.ConfigBuilder.parserConfig, I think you would get the behavior you want.

How can I add an attribute to an item in SimpleDB only if the item already exists?

I'd like to add an attribute only if the Item I'm adding it to doesn't already exist.
From what I can tell, the UpdateCondition construct only allows you to update based on whether specific attributes of an item exist with specified values.
Here is the help link for performing a Conditional Put.
Help link for using conditional puts to only put an attribute if it does not exist.
You can not check the existence of an item without running Amazon SimpleDB Query. You can query for an item and if amazon simpledb does not return that item in request, means that item does not exist.
Check the sample code -
try {
BasicAWSCredentials basicAWSCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials("<accessKey>", "<secretkey>");
AmazonSimpleDBClient amazonSimpleDBClient = new AmazonSimpleDBClient(basicAWSCredentials);
SelectRequest selectRequest = new SelectRequest("select * from `<domainName>` where itemName()='<itemName>'");
SelectResult selectResult =;
List<Item> itemList = selectResult.getItems();
if (itemList.size() == 0) {
System.out.println("Specified item does not exist.");
List<ReplaceableAttribute> list = new ArrayList<ReplaceableAttribute>();
ReplaceableAttribute replaceableAttribute = new ReplaceableAttribute("<attribute>", "<value>", Boolean.TRUE);
PutAttributesRequest attributesRequest = new PutAttributesRequest("<domainName>", "<itemName>", list);
} else {
System.out.println("Specified item exist. Do Nothing.");
} catch (Exception ex) {

Testing NHibernate with SQLite "No Such Table" - schema is generated

I'm trying to use an in-memory SQLite database to test my data layer which is provided by NHibernate.
I've read a load of blogs and articles about getting this setup but I'm now very confused as to why it isn't working.
The problem - when I run a unit test I get the error 'no such table: Student'. The articles I've read suggest this is because the schema isn't getting generated, or, the connection is being closed between my SchemaExport and query. I've checked everywhere I can think of and can't see how either of these scenarios are occuring.
My test output log looks like this:
drop table if exists "Student"
drop table if exists "Tutor"
create table "Student" (
ID integer,
Name TEXT,
primary key (ID)
create table "Tutor" (
ID integer,
Name TEXT,
primary key (ID)
NHibernate: INSERT INTO "Student" (Name, DoB, TutorId) VALUES (#p0, #p1, #p2); select last_insert_rowid();#p0 = 'Text1', #p1 = 01/12/2010 14:55:05, #p2 = NULL
14:55:05,750 ERROR [TestRunnerThread] AbstractBatcher [(null)]- Could not execute query: INSERT INTO "Student" (Name, DoB, TutorId) VALUES (#p0, #p1, #p2); select last_insert_rowid()
System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException (0x80004005): SQLite error
no such table: Student
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Prepare(String strSql, SQLiteStatement previous, String& strRemain)
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.BuildNextCommand()
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.GetStatement(Int32 index)
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader.NextResult()
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader..ctor(SQLiteCommand cmd, CommandBehavior behave)
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader()
at NHibernate.AdoNet.AbstractBatcher.ExecuteReader(IDbCommand cmd)
14:55:05,781 ERROR [TestRunnerThread] ADOExceptionReporter [(null)]- SQLite error
no such table: Student
Originally I was using my own code for the connection/session management but have moved to the code in this blog post translated to C# and with a couple changes to the DBConfig method and some debug statements to show the state of the connection.
private FluentNHibernate.Cfg.Db.IPersistenceConfigurer GetDBConfig()
return SQLiteConfiguration.Standard
.ConnectionString((ConnectionStringBuilder cs) => cs.Is(CONNECTION_STRING))
.ProxyFactoryFactory("NHibernate.ByteCode.LinFu.ProxyFactoryFactory, NHibernate.ByteCode.LinFu")
.Raw("connection.release_mode", "on_close");
I added the on_close after reading this
My test code looks like this:
public void CanGetStudentById()
using (var scope = new SQLiteDatabaseScope<StudentMapping>())
using (ISession sess = scope.OpenSession())
// Arrange
var repo = new StudentRepository();
repo.Save(new Student() { Name = "Text1", DoB = DateTime.Now });
// Act
var student = repo.GetById(1);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual("Text1", student.Name);
What have I overlooked here?
Update: I created a copy of the class that connects to an SQLite file DB and it worked fine. So it has to be something to do with the connection being closed.
If you change your test method to the following, does it work?
public void CanGetStudentById()
using (var scope = new SQLiteDatabaseScope<StudentMapping>())
using (ISession sess = scope.OpenSession())
// Arrange
sess.Save(new Student() { Name = "Text1", DoB = DateTime.Now });
// Act
var student = sess.Get<Student>(1);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual("Text1", student.Name);
I would hazard to guess that your StudentRepository is opening its own session and hence doesn't see the table.