Why is my sendgrid template showing differently in outlook versus gmail, etc? - templates

I kept it simple with images and added my tracking links. I did not use the coding version. It's very basic but still shows differently in my outlook vs gmail.
I have tried using code in certain modules vs images but the result is the same. View gendgrid preview, outlook & gmail

The email that SendGrid sends to Outlook is the same as the email that SendGrid sends to Gmail.
However, every email client renders email differently. What's allowed and supported in one inbox provider isn't the same as the others.
Make sure to test your emails in multiple inboxes and fix any inconsistencies, before sending it out to real customers.
Besides that, I can't answer your question without more information. Can you share your template and add screenshots of the email in gmail vs outlook?


Creating a 'View in Browser' link in Mailgun

I've managed to create an email template and sending out email via the Mailgun API along with using the standard variables like the recipient details and the unsubscribe links.
But one thing we would like to offer to the user is the ability to view the email in their browser instead of in the email client. Does anyone know if this is possible out of the box? I've checked all the documentation and I cant see any way of achieving this.
Thanks in advance.

Track emails to clients within web application

I am developing a Django-based system. It is kind of client-tracking tool.
Some users can work with different client accounts.
I would like to track the emails among users and clients within the application.
The company uses MS Outlook Server as a mail server and users are sending emails from their workstations.
The goal is to have the list of emails to/from users/client on the web page.
I see some possible ways how to do this.
Make the email form on the web page and send all emails from this page. Thus we can store the email sent.
While sending the email - manually add a CC field with the address of robot who will have access to this mail thread and can fetch messages from the inbox sorting them by the sender/recipients.
Automatically fetch messages from user mailboxes (don't want to store their passwords though)
Probably use some mail filter on the mail server to forward messages from/to specified address (don't know how to do this)
But maybe someone can give some advices? Any ideas, guys?
I had done something similar a couple years ago (with Postfix, however, not with MS Exchange).
The best approach IMO is to setup a mailserver to blind-copy each email to your script. In Postfix this called a "custom transport". This way your clients will be able to send emails using any program, not necessary through a web form. AFAIK, nearly all production email archiving solutions work that way.
Sounds like you are looking for something like the journaling feature in microsoft exchange-server. It allows you to define a special mailbox that will recieve a copy of all mails. You can find more information about this here, here and here
Once all the messages are in one mailbox you can access it from your application.

Django 1.8: Is there a User-to-User messaging app that works both via the website and email?

I'm looking for a way for users to message each other via the website, with their own inbox, sent, etc folders, and to receive and reply to these messages via email as well. The email addresses used for replying are generated by the app to hide user's real emails. The app sits in the middle of the two users via the site and via email.
Both django-messages and django-postman give very little information about what email-related features they have. Can either do this, or is there an alternative?
django-messages includes pretty much all you asked for including inbox, outbox, trash and many more goodies
django-postman seems even better and is in active development
try out these packages they both include documentation.

Send email once to multiple recipients using django-post_office

I want to send a email to a group of user in django app.
I am using django post office as I will be sending email asynchronously.
So I got to know about the send many function of it but that also create separate email object for different recipient.
Is sending email using bcc field is possible with post_office.
After downloading and reviewing the source from GitHub, it does not look like django-post_office supports bcc out of the box. The good news is that the Email model (models.py) creates the email message using Django's EmailMultiAlternatives, which supports bcc. So with some minor tweaking of the source on your part, it can be quickly supported.

Send email with attachment using client's email application

I need my locally-installed, thick-client application (Qt / C++) to generate a ready-to-be-sent email message on the client's machine:
This message must contain the contents of a relatively small (15K - 200K) binary file.
Many of my users will be disconnected at the time this message is generated, so it is possible the email will need to sit in the outbox until a later time.
This application will run on Windows, Mac OS X, and various Linux distros (official support for Ubuntu/Debian and Fedora), and there is no requirement that specific email clients need to be installed.
I have already tried:
Opening a mailto: link using QDesktopServices::openUrl() with the attach (or attachment) parameter. But those parameters are not officially part of the protocol, and some clients (notably Outlook) ignore them.
Encoding the file using Base64 and adding it as part of the body parameter of a mailto: link. But the length of the mailto link is truncated by some email clients (again, notably Outlook) so this will not work.
Google Picasa achieves this (at least, on Windows; haven't checked other OS's) when you send pictures from within the application. It creates a message with the attachments and some pre-filled text. You can then edit the message and send at your convenience. Any ideas how they are doing this?
You could create an .eml file and open it which should give you the effect you want as long as there is any email client registered in the system to handle files with this extension. I'm sure this is not as universal as the mailto: scheme but if mailto: does not work for you I think this could be the second best option to try.
From http://www.coolutils.com/Formats/EML
Since EML files are created to comply
with the industry RFC 822 standard,
they can be used with most e-mail
clients, servers and applications.
Besides the Microsoft Outlook Express,
EML files can be opened using most
e-mail clients, such as Microsoft
Outlook, Microsoft Entourage, Mozilla
Thunderbird, Apple Mail, and
Side note
When I click 'E-mail' in Picasa I get dialog where I can choose which application (Thunderbird or Google Mail) I want to send email with. This means Picasa knows specific email client being used to send email and can use custom method, specific to chosen email client, to send email. This is of course just speculation but it might be that Picasa makes user to choose email client because there's no generic way to do what you ask about.
I dont think you are using the correct approach ; use MAPI / C++. I have done this several times both in Outlook / Thunderbird using MAPI/ C++ . You can choose the default email client by querying the registry ; I think thats what all applications do.
Also see the link here http://lists.trolltech.com/qt-interest/2006-02/thread00861-0.html
Some time ago I've began to write a small library for opening the 'default email client' in a platform independent way. It still may need some work, but you can use it as a base if you want: https://github.com/picaschaf/qt-email