AWS Cognito end user sessions on all devices - amazon-web-services

I have an application and I use Cognito + Identity provider to use google accounts as my users. In Cognito, I have several groups, and in my application itself admin users can add users to groups, remove them from groups, and so on. The thing is, for these changes in the user to be reflected, the affected user needs to logout and in again in the application.
Having a new token fetched on every page load/request does not seem like a good practice. Therefore, I was looking for a Cognito function that would allow me to log a certain user from all it's active sessions. I looked for functions such as logout and revoke, but they require that I have the affected user's access token - which I obviously don't. After that I started playing around with other functions that could have the same effect, such as AdminForgetDevice - I thought that by forgetting a device maybe Cognito would log you out, but that is just used for 2FA, which my application doesn't support.
Seems to me a pretty basic thing what I'm trying to do, and kind of impossible to think that Cognito doesn't support it. Am I asking the wrong question? Is there an endpoint to accomplish this, or a different token-retrieval approach that I should use? I just want to make sure that if a user's groups were changed, those changes reflect immediately. My approach right now is forcing all that user's sessions to end.

I reached out to AWS support asking about this, and their official answer is that Cognito has no action to end all sessions of a specific user immediately. But I came to a solution on my own. You have two options:
1. User global signout and wait 1 hour until the user session is expired.
Not a fan of this solution. If you removed access from a user, makes no sense that the user can still use their old permissions for an hour.
2. Make your interface aware that the user should be logged out and use the logout function
This is the approach I'm going with. The moment an administrator changes a user's permissions, I am creating a notification for that user. The interface, once the user accesses it, know that there have been changes to that user because of the notification. The interface, then, in possession of the user's accessToken, can simply call the logout function.


Google OAuth - How to check which users are connected, and manually disconnect them?

I'm struggling with a the new OAuth verification process that Google has introduced. Earlier, my OAuth app was using sensitive scopes, and I made changes to ensure that the sensitive scopes are no longer required, and removed them from the OAuth consent screen configuration.
However, my OAuth consent screen is still being forced to go through the verification process (which is a black box and never seems to complete!)
I noticed the following user-cap being breached. Could the forced verification be because of this? How do I check which users are connected to my app, and also manually disconnect them? I have never bothered about this user-cap in the past, so it is quite possible that a number of these are internal/test users when the app was under active development and was being tested in production. Btw, if app simply deletes a user's refreshToken from the DB, and the user is forced to re-connect, will that count as +2 or +1 while calculating users against this cap?
Possibly related to How can I confirm the user limit of my google cloud/API? -- but that doesn't answer this question in detail.
I noticed the following user-cap being breached. Could the forced verification be because of this?
probably but only google can really anwser that
How do I check which users are connected to my app, and also manually disconnect them?
You cant there is no way for you to know what users where connected to your app and disconnect them unless you have saved a refresh token for these users if you have then you could remove them using the revoke command.
However this is no guarantee that the number google is displaying is going to change as it could be just a running total of users who have consented to your application in the past and not the ones who have currently consented. There is no way of know ing this as google hasnt told use.
if app simply deletes a user's refreshToken from the DB, and the user is forced to re-connect, will that count as +2 or +1 while calculating users against this cap
This may be true but that doesn't mean that the user has revoked your access to their application though their account. The only way to remove access is for the user to remove it in their account or for you to use the revoke endpoint to revoke them by force. Your application not having a refresh token doesn't mean that the user hasn't granted your application access.
Long story short your going to have to go though the verification process and wait for google to remove it when they see that you are no longer using the scopes that would require it.
Update: I have pinged someone on the team to see if this is working as intended or if it could be a bug. I will update this when i know more.

Allowing user to skip multi-factor authentication for 30 days from a device

I've inherited an app at my company (ReactJS/Django), and they've asked me to implement multi-factor authentication. I've got it wired up with django-mfa, and the authentication works great. Now, they've requested that if a user logs in with MFA, they will not be asked for MFA again on THAT device for 30 days.
At first, I thought no problem. You can do it with a cookie or whatever as you would any persistent session, and instead of using that to keep the user logged in, you can use it to determine whether or not to ask for MFA verification.
The obvious oversight I made in my haste is that theoretically you could have multiple users logged in to that same device. User A could log in with MFA. If you store a cookie with session information that allows User A to skip MFA, what happens when User B logs in?
I don't really know any obvious way around this. Is there a straight-forward or conventional way to manage multiple user sessions in a browser, or an alternative approach to this problem I'm missing?

Django Multiple concurrent logged-in accounts

In the context of a e-health related service, the end-users (health operators, doctors and physiotherapists) working in the same physical environment and sharing just one client PC to interact with my backend, asked me to provide them with a mechanism to quickly switch among different accounts (security is not a concern most of the time because they are used to work within a LAN but, occasionally, they might work from remote clients, so I must keep an authentication/authorization backend in place). They would log in just once and then, before using the web application, would select their logged-in account from a combobox (sort-of).
The UI model might be the same as in GMail where it's possible to keep multiple logged-in user accounts and switch between them through the account selector in the top right corner.
I'm no django-authentication expert, so I am not able to even tell whether this is possible in the context of a django based app.
Does anyone know of any ready-made app/middleware to get this done? Or maybe point me in the right direction if I have to extend or modify existing code?
Thanks a lot.
I haven't looked for any existing solution for this, so this is how I would go about it from scratch.
You'd need to add storage to the user session to hold multiple users. Currently it looks much like:
{'_auth_user_backend': 'membership.auth_backends.MyCustomAuthenticationBackend',
'_auth_user_hash': 'e2c8ecf1e7ecdbd<snip>',
'_auth_user_id': '3806'}
and I would add an array to the session:
logged_in_users = [{'_auth_user_backend': ... }, {}, {}] # one auth dict per user
Then when you "switch users", edit the session object to move that user's auth details (id, hash and backend) into the top-level ones in the session.
You'll also have to write a custom login function that stores the login into the logged_in_users array, and takes out the bit in the current login function that flushes your session if the key is the same as the session of a different logged in user. Similarly, you'll need to think what happens when you logout.

Handling Multiple Accounts in Ember Simple Auth

I'm using Ember 2.3 with Ember Simple Auth 1.0 and am wondering if anyone had any suggestions on the best approach to handle the following situation:
With the particular industry my platform serves, most staff are actually independent contractors and therefore could belong to multiple businesses. With that said, I have some specific requirements that I'm trying to address:
Avoid having to create a separate account with separate credentials for each business the staff member belongs to.
Allow credentials to be revoked at any time for a particular account.
Allow for account-level permissions.
Make it simple to switch accounts from inside the application without having to fully-reauthenticate.
To achieve this, my initial implementation is based around issuing a single JWT (using ember-simple-auth-token) for each user account. The proposed authentication flow would be as follows:
User logs in with username and password
System authenticates and if credentials are valid, return a token for each account.
If the system returns no tokens, return an error.
If the system returns a single token, use that token by default and redirect to the authenticated area of the site.
If the system returns more than one token, display a list of the accounts associated with those tokens and allow the user to choose the one in which they will be assuming the role of at that point.
What to do when the system returns more than one token is where I have questions:
Is there a way to "intercept" to allow the user to choose which account/token to use before ESA commits the token to the session in local storage?
If I want the user to be able to switch accounts, is it just a matter of swapping out the token value in local storage?
If there's anything else I should consider, I'd appreciate the feedback. If you also happen to think this is a terrible approach and have some feedback, I'd absolutely love it.
From ESA's perspective the user would be authenticated when the backend responds with one or more tokens (you'll have to implement a custom authenticator and authorizer of course). The fact that the session actually contains multiple tokens for multiple accounts isn't relevant for ESA really - that would be sth. that you'd need to handle in your application code instead.
Once the session is authenticated with one or more tokens, you can access them via the session's data.authenticated property, e.g. this.get('') etc. You could store the currently active account the user wants to use in the session's non-authenticated area, e.g. this.get('').set('activeToken', 'whatever').

Tracking anonymous users in Angular app

I am working on SPA AngularJS application which allows users to collaborate on projects and stores history of edits for each user. The requirement is to allow unauthenticated users to manipulate data too. Once the user registers, I need to associate her history of edits with the newly created account. The backend is Django.
What is the best option to track actions of anonymous users?
I can create “anonymous” user at the firs visit, issue JWT, store it in the browser and use to track all the user’s activity. Later on when registering user, just update her profile.
The drawback is that there is a potential to get a lot of orphaned users that need to be periodically cleaned up.
This is similar to, but adapted to work with
Use JWT or cookie to track user session. Allow using session identifier instead of user key to track user’s activity. When creating real user update all references to the session with user’s pk.
Anything else?
From my experience go for solution 1. The orphan user is often not a problem because from business plan point of view it's user and the more is better.
Also having only a notion of user is really simpler. They are users who haven't fully completed their profile that's all.