Nginx proxy pass is having 502/504 error and cannot reach the backend - amazon-web-services

I have a react project deployed inside an nginx docker container which is deployed on k8s which is on AWS.
I have a backend service which is deployed also on aws and I have a url to access it. It can be accessed directly on browser, on postman or my react app if I remove the proxy pass for this url, but I need the proxy pass to solve other issues.
It was working at the beginning and stopped working and I got 504, after trying every related solution from stack overflow, now I get 502 instead. And backend shows that nginx could never reach this backend.
There are many other backend Urls being used exactly the same way, and they are totally fine, it is just this one url which is not accessible.
I also have a local nginx running which never gives me issue on this backend Url, but even if I redeploy the react nginx server on aws and redeploy that backend service, it is still giving me 502. Any one have opinion on this weird issue?
Thank you for taking a look.
I tried every possible and related config for the locaton of this url in conf file. But none of them worked


How to solve ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECT when deploying django rest framework web app to Azure?

I deployed an web app which django restframework base on Heroku and Azure.
Same app on Heroku works fine.
But when I access to Azure, it causes ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECT error.
I googled and found that turn SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT off solved ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECT error.
However, it causes 403 CSRF error instead.
I need to find another way to fix ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECT or find a way to fix 403 CSRF error.
Can anyone help me to solve this issue?
If your app is on "Azure App Service", the HTTPS connection will be terminated before it reaches your web worker. Your app wil see an incoming HTTP request instead. In this case you need to set SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT = False indeed. If you want to enforce HTTPS (which is a good practice) you can do so in the Azure settings:
About the CSRF-related error: because Azure translates HTTPS to HTTP, you need to configure Django to allow POST requests from a different scheme (since Django 4.0) by adding this to
If this does not solve your problem, you can temporarily set DEBUG = True in production and try again. On the error page, you will see a "Reason given for failure" that you can post here.

The page at was not allowed to display insecure content from http://localhost:8000/auth/user

I've just finished creating a Django-React app and have pushed the changes to Heroku. The frontend (JS and CSS) appear on the website no problem, but requests to the backend result in the following error:
[blocked] The page at was not allowed to display insecure content from http://localhost:8000/auth/user
I've consulted the Internet but no one seems to be getting the same error message. Consulting a friend, it seems as if I have to https secure my backend, and futher researching the subject, it seems that there is no free way to upload a SSL/TSL certificate (reference: heroku: set SSL certificates on Free Plan?). Is there a solution to this?
Silly me, really. Turns out, localhost:8000 refers to the computer of the user. is the server for both the backend and frontend, so updating the backend end URL calls sufficed.

How can I get django to work on https using elastic beanstalk and apache?

I have my .config files set up using the information available on aws and I have my load balancer listening on 443. My website is being served correctly via https when I connect using my elastic beanstalk url. Of course that url is not what my ssl certificate lists so there's an error but none the less, it is displaying all the html and static files. Https seems to be working there.
When I attempt to visit my custom domain using http everything also displays correctly so my application seems fine, but when I attempt https using my custom domain nothing is loaded from my server. I just get the "Index of /" page. This is what I receive when my ALLOWED_HOSTS is incorrect so I assume it's something super simple in my settings file that is blocking django from allowing apache to serve the content over https to my custom domain. Or else theres one other place I'm missing that needs me to register my domain with my load balancer? Is that a thing? I feel like I've been scouring the internet for help here so any suggestions are very much appreciated.
One other note is that I have all my static files being served via s3. That bucket actually does get loaded correctly when I visit my website's custom url over https... Not sure if that's a clue or just even more confusing.
Serving my static files via s3 lead me to omit the below as I wasn't quite sure what to do with it....
Alias /static/ /opt/python/current/app/static/
from the example listed here
Again, everything seems to be working via the https://[...] with an expected
Not sure why I'm getting "Index of /" when visiting my custom domain over https. Http works fine too.
I kind of figured it out in asking that question...
No where in any tutorial had I read anything about creating a dns entry that aliased my load balancer to my domain name... This info solved it for me-
Check out this post about forcing HTTPS with django and elastic beanstalk. This solution only works if your elastic beanstalk environment has an application load balancer (as opposed to classic load balancer)

When I access Jenkins trough an EC2 I get an error

I got an issue. I created a Jenkins AMI that i snapshoted it and created an image from a running ec2 instance with an already configured Jenkins Master on port 8443 with an https certificate. But when I curl to the jenkins instance i get the following:
I checked Jenkins logs and everything was normal. And my Elatic Load balancer is healthy which means the security groups and other things are working just fine. Does anybody have a clue why is it giving a 403 Forbidden? Another point is that I can even access the GUI
By using curl you're making your life harder but look at some of what comes back:
<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=/login?from=%2F'/>
If you've done HTML programming, this is one way of having the browser execute a redirect. Why Jenkins doesn't do some sort of HTTP redirect I don't know but the code is telling you that, after 1 second, redirect to the url /login.
curl isn't going to interpret the HTML for you, unlike the browser. Jenkins is working fine - you just need to follow what the HTML and JavaScript code is telling you to do through curl.
The 403 error is the Jenkins application specifically saying your current user is not allowed access to the current action.
It appears you’re not logged in so your action is treated as an anonymous user. If the anonymous user should have the permissions to access this action you will need to add them.

When trying to deploy my nodejs code to gcloud, the url I am deploying to gives a 502 error

First, when trying to deploy my code to the target url in gcloud, the deployment process hangs.
The target url has the suffix
When I ping the target url, I get a request timeout. When I type the target url in my browser, I get a 502 error: server error.
When I deployed the same code to a different test environment in dialogflow, everything seemed to work fine. However when I try deploying again to this url (it is the correct url obtained from the webhook fulfilment url in dialogflow), I get this error:
Updating service [default] (this may take several minutes)...failed.
ERROR: ( Error Response: [4] Timed out waiting for
the app infrastructure to become healthy.
Everything else, including the node js code and the dialogflow configurations are the same between the two environments I am deploying to, except for the webhook fulfilment url.
Does anyone know what the issue can be narrowed down to? And please let me know if I can include any more useful information.
My guess is that the server is down for that specific URL. One thing to note is that I am using V1 dialogflow.
Resolved, it ended up being a firewall issue for that specific url.